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Python numpy.ediff1d函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.ediff1d函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ediff1d函数的具体用法?Python ediff1d怎么用?Python ediff1d使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: period

    def period(self, line, edge="rising"):
        Returns a dictionary with avg, min, max, and st of period for a line.
        bit = self._line_to_bit(line)

        if edge.lower() == "rising":
            edges = self.get_rising_edges(bit)
        elif edge.lower() == "falling":
            edges = self.get_falling_edges(bit)

        if len(edges) > 2:

            timebase_freq = self.meta_data['ni_daq']['counter_output_freq']
            avg_period = np.mean(np.ediff1d(edges[1:]))/timebase_freq
            max_period = np.max(np.ediff1d(edges[1:]))/timebase_freq
            min_period = np.min(np.ediff1d(edges[1:]))/timebase_freq
            period_sd = np.std(avg_period)

            raise IndexError("Not enough edges for period: %i" % len(edges))

        return {
            'avg': avg_period,
            'max': max_period,
            'min': min_period,
            'sd': period_sd,

示例2: turning_angle

    def turning_angle(self,consecutive=False):
        """ Returns collection of turning angles in the trace (in radians)
            If consecutive=True, only counts angles between consecutive flights
        if self.N_flights < 2:
            return [False]
            if not consecutive:
                dp = np.array([g for g in self.iter_flights('StartEnd')]) #(pairs of points)
                angs = np.ediff1d(tuple(geom.angle_vect(g[0][:-1],g[1][:-1]) for g in dp))
                angs = []
                angs_d = []
                for f in self.iter_all():
                    if not isinstance(f,Stop):
                        if len(angs_d)>1:
                        angs_d = []
                if len(angs_d)>1:
            for i,a in enumerate(angs):
                if a>np.pi:
                    angs[i] = - (2*np.pi-a)
                if a<-np.pi:
                    angs[i] = 2*np.pi+a
            return np.array(angs)

示例3: test_x2_in_x1

    def test_x2_in_x1(self):
        x2 only has one bin, and it is surrounded by x1 range
        # old size
        m = 4

        # new size
        n = 1

        # bin edges
        x_old = np.linspace(0., 1., m + 1)
        x_new = np.linspace(0.3, 0.65, n + 1)

        # some arbitrary distribution
        y_old = 1. + np.sin(x_old[:-1] * np.pi) / np.ediff1d(x_old)

        # rebin
        y_new = rebin.rebin(x_old, y_old, x_new,

        # compute answer here to check rebin
        y_old_ave  = y_old / np.ediff1d(x_old)
        y_new_here = (y_old_ave[1] * (x_old[2] - x_new[0])
                      + y_old_ave[2] * (x_new[1] - x_old[2]) )

        assert_allclose(y_new, y_new_here)

示例4: test_x2_surrounds_x1

    def test_x2_surrounds_x1(self):
        x2 range surrounds x1 range
        # old size
        m = 2

        # new size
        n = 3

        # bin edges
        x_old = np.linspace(0., 1., m + 1)
        x_new = np.linspace(-0.1, 1.2, n + 1)

        # some arbitrary distribution
        y_old = 1. + np.sin(x_old[:-1] * np.pi) / np.ediff1d(x_old)

        # rebin
        y_new = rebin.rebin(x_old, y_old, x_new,

        # compute answer here to check rebin
        y_old_ave  = y_old / np.ediff1d(x_old)
        y_new_here = [y_old_ave[0] * (x_new[1] - 0.),
                      y_old_ave[0] * (x_old[1]- x_new[1])
                      + y_old_ave[1] * (x_new[2] - x_old[1]),
                      y_old_ave[1] * (x_old[-1] - x_new[-2])]

        assert_allclose(y_new, y_new_here)
        assert_allclose(y_new.sum(), y_old.sum())

示例5: roc

def roc(x_vals, y_vals):
    speeds = []
    # x_diff = np.gradient(x_vals)
    x_diff = np.ediff1d(x_vals)
    # y_diff = np.gradient(y_vals)
    y_diff = np.ediff1d(y_vals)
    dy = y_diff / x_diff
    # dy_diff = np.gradient(dy)
    dy_diff = np.ediff1d(dy, to_begin=dy[1]-dy[0])
    d2y = dy_diff / x_diff
    R = np.power(1 + np.square(dy), 1.5) / d2y
    R[np.abs(R) > 32000] = 0
    print R
    for i in range(1,len(R)):
        if x_vals[i] - x_vals[i-1] < 0:
            if i == 1:
                R[i-1] = -R[i-1]
            R[i] = -R[i]
    for i in range(0, len(R)-1):
        dist = np.sqrt((x_vals[i+1] - x_vals[i])**2 + (y_vals[i+1] - y_vals[i])**2)
        theta = np.arccos(1 - dist**2 / (2*R[i]**2))
        if np.isnan(theta) or theta == 0:
            speeds.append(R[i]*theta / time_interval)
    R = R[:-1]
    return R, speeds

示例6: speeds_by_arc_length_to_speeds_by_time

def speeds_by_arc_length_to_speeds_by_time(speeds_by_arc_length,
                                    arc_lengths, time_step_size):
    times_by_arc_length = speeds_by_arc_length_to_times_by_arc_length(
                                        speeds_by_arc_length, arc_lengths)
    trip_time = times_by_arc_length[-1]
    time_differences = np.ediff1d(times_by_arc_length)
    speed_differences = np.ediff1d(speeds_by_arc_length)
    slopes = np.divide(speed_differences, time_differences)
    num_time_steps = int(trip_time / time_step_size)
    time_steps = np.empty(num_time_steps)
    cumulative_time_steps = np.cumsum(time_steps)
    cumulative_time_steps = np.append(cumulative_time_steps, trip_time)
    selected_indices = np.searchsorted(times_by_arc_length,
    selected_times_by_arc_length = times_by_arc_length[selected_indices]
    selected_speeds_by_arc_length = speeds_by_arc_length[
    selected_slopes = slopes[selected_indices - 1]
    excess_times = np.subtract(cumulative_time_steps,
    excess_speeds = np.multiply(excess_times, selected_slopes)
    speeds_by_time = np.add(excess_speeds, 
    return [speeds_by_time, cumulative_time_steps]

示例7: write_griddata_fits

def write_griddata_fits(x0, x1, y, name_or_obj):
    """Write a 2-d grid of data to a FITS file

    The grid coordinates are encoded in the FITS-WCS header keywords.

    x0 : numpy.ndarray
        1-d array.
    x1 : numpy.ndarray
        1-d array.
    y : numpy.ndarray
        2-d array of shape (len(x0), len(x1)).
    name_or_obj : str or file-like object
        Filename to write to or open file.

    d0, d1 = np.ediff1d(x0), np.ediff1d(x1)
    if not (np.allclose(d0, d0[0]) and np.allclose(d1, d1[0])):
        raise ValueError('grid must be regularly spaced in both x0 and x1')
    if not (len(x0), len(x1)) == y.shape:
        raise ValueError('length of x0 and x1 do not match shape of y')

    w = wcs.WCS(naxis=2)
    w.wcs.crpix = [1, 1]
    w.wcs.crval = [x1[0], x0[0]]
    w.wcs.cdelt = [d1[0], d0[0]]
    hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(y, header=w.to_header())

示例8: _jackknife_2d_random

def _jackknife_2d_random(rbins, box_size, jackknife_nside):
    def corner_area(x, y):
        a = math.sqrt(1.0-x*x)-y
        b = math.sqrt(1.0-y*y)-x
        theta = math.asin(math.sqrt(a*a+b*b)*0.5)*2.0
        return (a*b + theta - math.sin(theta))*0.5

    def segment_without_corner_area(x, r):
        half_chord = math.sqrt(1.0-x*x)
        return math.acos(x) - x*half_chord \
                - quad(corner_area, 0, min(half_chord, 1.0/r), (x,))[0]*r

    def overlapping_circular_areas(r):
        if r*r >= 2: return 1.0
        return (math.pi - quad(segment_without_corner_area, 0, min(1, 1.0/r), \

    overlapping_circular_areas_vec = np.vectorize(overlapping_circular_areas, \

    side_length = box_size/float(jackknife_nside)
    square_area = 1.0/float(jackknife_nside*jackknife_nside)
    rbins_norm = rbins/side_length
    annulus_areas = np.ediff1d(overlapping_circular_areas_vec(rbins_norm))
    annulus_areas /= np.ediff1d(rbins_norm*rbins_norm)*math.pi
    return 1.0 - square_area * (2.0 - annulus_areas)

示例9: findlevel

def findlevel(inwave, threshold, direction='both'):
    temp = inwave - threshold
    if (direction.find("up")+1):
        crossings = np.nonzero(np.ediff1d(np.sign(temp), to_begin=0)>0)
    elif (direction.find("down")+1):
        crossings = np.nonzero(np.ediff1d(np.sign(temp), to_begin=0)<0)
        crossings = np.nonzero(np.ediff1d(np.sign(temp), to_begin=0))
    return crossings[0][0]

示例10: velocity

def velocity(x, y):
	"""Returns array of velocity at each time step"""
	if isinstance(x, pd.Series):
		x = x.values
		y = y.values
	vx = np.ediff1d(x)
	vy = np.ediff1d(y)
	vel = np.sqrt( vx**2 + vy **2 ) # Pythagoras
	return vel

示例11: ediff1d

def ediff1d(ary, to_end=None, to_begin=None):
    if not isinstance(ary, Quantity):
        return np.ediff1d(ary, to_end, to_begin)

    return Quantity(
        np.ediff1d(ary.magnitude, to_end, to_begin),

示例12: rr_1_update

def rr_1_update(rr_1, NFound, Found):
    if np.logical_and(NFound <= 7, NFound > 0):
        rr_1[0:NFound - 1] = np.ediff1d(Found[0:NFound, 0])
    elif NFound > 7:
        rr_1 = np.ediff1d((Found[NFound - 7:NFound - 1, 0]))

    rr_average_1 = np.mean(rr_1)

    return rr_1, rr_average_1

示例13: check_sync

def check_sync(file_obj, wps, word_index, pattern_name):
    Check sync words in the array.

    Performs analysis of sync words in the file to check if there are no
    sync problems.
    :param file_obj: File object containing byte-aligned data.
    :param wps: Expected words per second
    :type wps: int
    :param word_index: First index of a sync word within the data.
    :type word_index: int
    :param pattern_name: Sync word pattern name, either 'Standard or Reverse'.
    :type pattern_name: str
    array = np.fromfile(file_obj, dtype=np.short)

    array &= 0xFFF

    s1 = np.array(
        np.nonzero(array == SYNC_PATTERNS[pattern_name][0])).flatten()
    s2 = np.array(
        np.nonzero(array == SYNC_PATTERNS[pattern_name][1])).flatten()
    s3 = np.array(
        np.nonzero(array == SYNC_PATTERNS[pattern_name][2])).flatten()
    s4 = np.array(
        np.nonzero(array == SYNC_PATTERNS[pattern_name][3])).flatten()
    syncs = np.concatenate((s1, s2, s3, s4))
    syncs = np.sort(syncs)
    syncs_i = iter(syncs)
    # print 'Sync words\n', syncs
    prev_sync = next(syncs_i)
    ix = prev_sync
    while ix < array.size:
        next_sync = ix + wps
        found = syncs == next_sync
        if np.any(found):
            ix = next_sync
                last_ix = ix
                ix = next(syncs_i)
                while ix < next_sync:
                    ix = next(syncs_i)
                    'Sync lost at word %d, next sync not found at %d, '
                    'found at %d instead', last_ix, next_sync, ix)
            except StopIteration:

    syncs = np.ediff1d(syncs, to_begin=0, to_end=0)
    syncs[0] = syncs[1]
    syncs[-1] = syncs[-2]
    # print 'Distances\n', syncs
    syncs = np.ediff1d(syncs, to_begin=0, to_end=0)

示例14: distancesFromArrays

def distancesFromArrays(xData, yData):
    """Returns distances between each points

    :param numpy.ndarray xData: X coordinate of points
    :param numpy.ndarray yData: Y coordinate of points
    :rtype: numpy.ndarray
    deltas = numpy.dstack((
        numpy.ediff1d(xData, to_begin=numpy.float32(0.)),
        numpy.ediff1d(yData, to_begin=numpy.float32(0.))))[0]
    return numpy.cumsum(numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(deltas ** 2, axis=1)))

示例15: get_mids_and_lengths

def get_mids_and_lengths(x0, y0, x1, y1, gx, gy):
    """Return the midpoints and intersection lengths of a line and a grid.

    x0,y0,x1,y1 : float
        Two points which define the line. Points must be outside the grid
    gx,gy : :py:class:`np.array`
        Defines positions for the gridlines

    xm,ym : :py:class:`np.array`
        Coordinates along the line within each intersected grid pixel.
    dist : :py:class:`np.array`
        Lengths of the line segments crossing each pixel

    # avoid upper-right boundary errors
    if (x1 - x0) == 0:
        x0 += 1e-6
    if (y1 - y0) == 0:
        y0 += 1e-6

    # vector lengths (ax, ay)
    ax = (gx - x0) / (x1 - x0)
    ay = (gy - y0) / (y1 - y0)

    # edges of alpha (a0, a1)
    ax0 = min(ax[0], ax[-1])
    ax1 = max(ax[0], ax[-1])
    ay0 = min(ay[0], ay[-1])
    ay1 = max(ay[0], ay[-1])
    a0 = max(max(ax0, ay0), 0)
    a1 = min(min(ax1, ay1), 1)

    # sorted alpha vector
    cx = (ax >= a0) & (ax <= a1)
    cy = (ay >= a0) & (ay <= a1)
    alpha = np.sort(np.r_[ax[cx], ay[cy]])

    # lengths
    xv = x0 + alpha * (x1 - x0)
    yv = y0 + alpha * (y1 - y0)
    lx = np.ediff1d(xv)
    ly = np.ediff1d(yv)
    dist = np.sqrt(lx**2 + ly**2)

    # indexing
    mid = alpha[:-1] + np.ediff1d(alpha) / 2.
    xm = x0 + mid * (x1 - x0)
    ym = y0 + mid * (y1 - y0)

    return xm, ym, dist
