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Python numpy.diff函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.diff函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python diff函数的具体用法?Python diff怎么用?Python diff使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: draw

    def draw(self, event):
        """Draw the widget

        event : instance of Event
            The draw event.
        super(Console, self).draw(event)
        if event is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Event cannot be None')
        xform = event.get_full_transform()
        tr = (event.document_to_framebuffer *
        logical_scale = np.diff(tr.map(([0, 1], [1, 0])), axis=0)[0, :2]
        tr = event.document_to_framebuffer
        log_to_phy = np.mean(np.diff(tr.map(([0, 1], [1, 0])), axis=0)[0, :2])
        n_pix = (self.font_size / 72.) * 92.  # num of pixels tall
        # The -2 here is because the char_height has a gap built in
        font_scale = max(n_pix / float((self._char_height-2)), 1)
        self._program['u_origin'] = xform.map((0, 0, 0, 1))
        self._program['u_logical_scale'] = font_scale * logical_scale
        self._program['u_color'] = self.text_color.rgba
        self._program['u_physical_scale'] = font_scale * log_to_phy
        self._program['a_position'] = self._position
        self._program['a_bytes_012'] = VertexBuffer(self._bytes_012)
        self._program['a_bytes_345'] = VertexBuffer(self._bytes_345)
        set_state(depth_test=False, blend=True,
                  blend_func=('src_alpha', 'one_minus_src_alpha'))

示例2: getOmega

def getOmega(dels):    
#    for k in range(1,dels.delta_d.shape[0])
    N = dels.delta_d.shape[1]
    delta_t = dels.delta_t
    delta_d = dels.delta_d
    a_t = np.diff(delta_t)
    a_t = a_t[:,0:-1]
    a_d = np.diff(delta_t[:,::-1])
    a_d = a_d[:,::-1]
    a_d = a_d[:,1::]
    b_t = np.diff(delta_d)
    b_t = b_t[:,0:-1]
    b_d = np.diff(delta_d[:,::-1])
    b_d = b_d[:,::-1]
    b_d = b_d[:,1::]    
    c_t = 0.25*(np.abs(a_t)+np.abs(b_t))*np.sign(a_t)*np.sign(b_t)*(np.sign(a_t)*np.sign(b_t)-1)
    c_d = 0.25*(np.abs(a_d)+np.abs(b_d))*np.sign(a_d)*np.sign(b_d)*(np.sign(a_d)*np.sign(b_d)-1)
    Omega = 1.0/(2*N)*(c_t.mean(axis=0) + c_d.mean(axis=0))

    return Omega

示例3: compute_metric

  def compute_metric(self):

    gfloprate = 0
    if self.ts.pmc_type == 'amd64' :
      gfloprate += self.arc(self.ts.data[0])
    if self.ts.pmc_type == 'intel_hsw':
      # print "Haswell chips do not have FLOP counters"

    if self.ts.pmc_type == 'intel_snb':
      schema = self.ts.j.get_schema('intel_snb')
      if 'ERROR' in schema: return
      data = self.ts.j.aggregate_stats('intel_snb')

        flops = numpy.diff(data[0][:,schema['SSE_DOUBLE_SCALAR'].index] + 2*data[0][:,schema['SSE_DOUBLE_PACKED'].index] + 
        flops = numpy.diff(data[0][:,schema['SSE_D_ALL'].index] + 4*data[0][:,schema['SIMD_D_256'].index])/numpy.diff(self.ts.t)

      flops = flops/data[1]

    self.metric = tmean(flops)/1.0e9


示例4: sample_line_segment_mm_s

 def sample_line_segment_mm_s(start_xy_mm, end_xy_mm, dt_s, mW=None, max_mm=5.0):
     """ Given a line segment in mm space, map it to galvo space.
         To make the line straight in mm space, samples may be added to 
         more-closely approximate a straight line.
         Returns: An array of shape nx3 (if mW is None) or nx4 (if mW is not None) 
                     of points time deltas in mm and seconds,
                     excluding start_xy_mm and including end_xy_mm,
                     possibly including samples along the way.
     import FLP
     from numpy.linalg import norm
     dist_mm = norm(np.asarray(end_xy_mm) - start_xy_mm)
     if dist_mm <= max_mm:
         if mW is None:
             return np.array((tuple(end_xy_mm) + (dt_s,),)) # Just the end sample.
             return np.array((tuple(end_xy_mm) + (dt_s, mW),)) # Just the end sample.
     samples_s = np.linspace(0, dt_s, np.ceil(dist_mm / max_mm) + 1)
     timeRange_s = (0, dt_s)
     if mW is None:
         return np.transpose([np.interp(samples_s[1:], timeRange_s, (start_xy_mm[0], end_xy_mm[0])),
                              np.interp(samples_s[1:], timeRange_s, (start_xy_mm[1], end_xy_mm[1])),
         return np.transpose([np.interp(samples_s[1:], timeRange_s, (start_xy_mm[0], end_xy_mm[0])),
                              np.interp(samples_s[1:], timeRange_s, (start_xy_mm[1], end_xy_mm[1])),
                              mW * np.ones_like(samples_s[1:])])

示例5: test_mean_std_12bit

    def test_mean_std_12bit(self):
        # Input 12-bit, with an 8-bit color target
        input_scene = np.tile(np.arange(4096)[:, None, None], (1, 1, 3))
        color_target = np.tile(np.arange(256)[:, None, None], (1, 1, 3))

        luts = hm.mean_std_luts(input_scene.astype(np.uint16),

        np.testing.assert_array_equal(luts[0], luts[1])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(luts[1], luts[2])

        lut = luts[0]
        assert np.all(lut[:8] == 0)
        assert np.all(lut[-8:] == 4096)
        assert np.diff(lut[8:-8]).min() == 1
        assert np.diff(lut[8:-8]).max() == 2

        # Input 12-bit, with a 12-bit color target
        input_scene = np.tile(np.arange(4096)[:, None, None], (1, 1, 3))
        color_target = np.tile(np.arange(4096)[:, None, None], (1, 1, 3))

        luts = hm.mean_std_luts(input_scene.astype(np.uint16),

        # Should be a 1 to 1 look-up-table...
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(luts[0], np.arange(4097))

示例6: __init__

 def __init__(self,turn,elem,single,name,s,x,xp,y,yp,pc,de,tau,**args):
     # structure
     self.s =np.array(s ,dtype=float)
     self.x =np.array(x ,dtype=float)
     self.y =np.array(y ,dtype=float)
     for nn,vv in self.__dict__.items():
         if hasattr(vv,'__len__') and len(vv)==d0*d1*d2:

示例7: get_resampling_matrix

def get_resampling_matrix(global_grid,local_grid):
    """Build the rectangular matrix that linearly resamples from the global grid to a local grid.

    The local grid range must be contained within the global grid range.

        global_grid(numpy.ndarray): Sorted array of n global grid wavelengths.
        local_grid(numpy.ndarray): Sorted array of m local grid wavelengths.

        numpy.ndarray: Array of (m,n) matrix elements that perform the linear resampling.
    assert np.all(np.diff(global_grid) > 0),'Global grid is not strictly increasing.'
    assert np.all(np.diff(local_grid) > 0),'Local grid is not strictly increasing.'
    # Locate each local wavelength in the global grid.
    global_index = np.searchsorted(global_grid,local_grid)
    assert local_grid[0] >= global_grid[0],'Local grid extends below global grid.'
    assert local_grid[-1] <= global_grid[-1],'Local grid extends above global grid.'
    # Lookup the global-grid bracketing interval (xlo,xhi) for each local grid point.
    # Note that this gives xlo = global_grid[-1] if local_grid[0] == global_grid[0]
    # but this is fine since the coefficient of xlo will be zero.
    global_xhi = global_grid[global_index]
    global_xlo = global_grid[global_index-1]
    # Create the rectangular interpolation matrix to return.
    alpha = (local_grid - global_xlo)/(global_xhi - global_xlo)
    local_index = np.arange(len(local_grid),dtype=int)
    matrix = np.zeros((len(local_grid),len(global_grid)))
    matrix[local_index,global_index] = alpha
    matrix[local_index,global_index-1] = 1 - alpha
    return matrix

示例8: create_grid_polygons

def create_grid_polygons(x,y):
    Creates a list of grid polygons (rectangles) in well-known text (WKT) format from evenly spaced x and y vectors.

        x (1d numpy array): vector of x-values
        y (1d numpy array): vector of y-values

        list: grid polygons in WKT format
    import numpy as np
    import pdb

    xdiff = np.diff(x)
    if np.std(xdiff)>1e-10:
        raise ValueError('Uneven longitude spacing.')
    dx = np.mean(xdiff)

    ydiff = np.diff(y)
    if np.std(ydiff)>1e-10:
        raise ValueError('Uneven latitude spacing.')
    dy = np.mean(ydiff)

    logger.debug('Spacing is ({},{})'.format(dx,dy))
    xmatr,ymatr = np.meshgrid(x,y)

    rows = []
    for (i,j),x_ij in np.ndenumerate(xmatr):
        y_ij = ymatr[i,j]
        x1,y1 = x_ij-dx/2.,y_ij-dy/2.
        x2,y2 = x_ij+dx/2.,y_ij+dy/2.
        rows.append((i,j,x_ij,y_ij,'POLYGON(({x1} {y1},{x1} {y2},{x2} {y2},{x2} {y1},{x1} {y1}))'.format(x1=x1,y1=y1,x2=x2,y2=y2)))

    return rows

示例9: test_power

def test_power():
    a = 5.  # shape
    samples = 10000
    s1 = np.random.power(a, samples)
    s2 = common.rand_pow_array(a, samples)

    plt.figure('power test')
    count1, bins1, ignored1 = plt.hist(s1,
    x = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
    y = a * x**(a - 1.0)
    normed_y1 = samples * np.diff(bins1)[0] * y
    plt.plot(x, normed_y1, label='numpy.random.power fit')

    count2, bins2, ignored2 = plt.hist(s2,
    normed_y2 = samples * np.diff(bins2)[0] * y
    plt.plot(x, normed_y2, label='common.rand_pow_array fit')
    plt.title('testing power distribution')
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')

示例10: xCoordinates

def xCoordinates(sobel_img):
    num_rows = float(len(sobel_img)) # get number of x values

    # sum along y axis
    vert_sum = np.sum(sobel_img,axis=0)
    # make it an average value (divide by # of x values)
    vert_sum = np.divide(vert_sum,num_rows)

    x = np.arange(0,len(vert_sum)) # for graphing
    xnew = np.arange(0,len(vert_sum),50) # for smoothing
    y_smooth = spline(x, vert_sum, xnew)

    #make a sin curve 1/3 of the width of image
    img_width, img_height = sobel_img.shape
    z = np.arange(0,int(img_width/3),1)
    def f(x):
        return np.sin(x/90)*-15 + 25

    f = [f(i) for i in z] # make sine into an array

    # convolve sine and the vertical sum
    y_conv = np.convolve(vert_sum, f,'same')

    # detect local minima
    mins = (np.diff(np.sign(np.diff(y_conv))) > 0).nonzero()[0] + 1

    return mins

示例11: yCoordinates

def yCoordinates(sobel_img):
    num_col = float(len(sobel_img[0])) #number of y values
    # sum along x axis
    horiz_sum = np.sum(sobel_img, axis=1)
    #average value
    horiz_sum = np.divide(horiz_sum, num_col)

    y = np.arange(0, len(horiz_sum))
    ynew = np.arange(0, len(horiz_sum))
    x_smooth = spline(y, horiz_sum, ynew)

    #make a sin curve 1/3 of the height
    img_width, img_height = sobel_img.shape
    z = np.arange(0,int(img_height/3),1)
    def f(x):
        return np.sin(x/90)*-15 + 25

    f = [f(i) for i in z] # make sine into an array

    # convolve sine and the vertical sum
    y_conv = np.convolve(horiz_sum, f,'same')

    # detect local minima
    mins = (np.diff(np.sign(np.diff(y_conv))) > 0).nonzero()[0] + 1

    return mins

示例12: check_obs_scheme

	def check_obs_scheme(self):
		" Checks the internal validity of provided observation schemes "

		# check sub_pops
		idx_union = np.sort(self._sub_pops[0])
		i = 1
		while idx_union.size < self._p and i < len(self._sub_pops):
			idx_union = np.union1d(idx_union, self._sub_pops[i]) 
			i += 1
		if idx_union.size != self._p or np.any(idx_union!=np.arange(self._p)):
			raise Exception(('all subpopulations together have to cover '
			'exactly all included observed varibles y_i in y.'
			'This is not the case. Change the difinition of '
			'subpopulations in variable sub_pops or reduce '
			'the number of observed variables p. '
			'The union of indices of all subpopulations is'),
			idx_union )

		# check obs_time
		if not self._obs_time[-1]==self._T:
			raise Exception(('Entries of obs_time give the respective ends of '
							'the periods of observation for any '
							'subpopulation. Hence the last entry of obs_time '
							'has to be the full recording length. The last '
							'entry of obs_time before is '), self._obs_time[-1])

		if np.any(np.diff(self._obs_time)<1):
			raise Exception(('lengths of observation have to be at least 1. '
							'Minimal observation time for a subpopulation: '),

		# check obs_pops
		if not self._obs_time.size == self._obs_pops.size:
			raise Exception(('each entry of obs_pops gives the index of the '
							'subpopulation observed up to the respective '
							'time given in obs_time. Thus the sizes of the '
							'two arrays have to match. They do not. '
							'no. of subpop. switch points and no. of '
							'subpopulations ovserved up to switch points '
							'are '), (self._obs_time.size, self._obs_pops.size))

		idx_pops = np.sort(np.unique(self._obs_pops))
		if not np.min(idx_pops)==0:
			raise Exception(('first subpopulation has to have index 0, but '
							'is given the index '), np.min(idx_pops))
		elif not idx_pops.size == len(self._sub_pops):
			raise Exception(('number of specified subpopulations in variable '
							'sub_pops does not meet the number of '
							'subpopulations indexed in variable obs_pops. '
							'Delete subpopulations that are never observed, '
							'or change the observed subpopulations in '
							'variable obs_pops accordingly. The number of '
							'indexed subpopulations is '),
		elif not np.all(np.diff(idx_pops)==1):
			raise Exception(('subpopulation indices have to be consecutive '
							'integers from 0 to the total number of '
							'subpopulations. This is not the case. '
							'Given subpopulation indices are '),

示例13: _buildInterp

    def _buildInterp(self, x, y, z, pot):
        """ Private function to build interpolation arrays using potential
        array `pot`. Assumes that only the positive part of z is in the array,
        so reflects the array in the (x, y) plane.
        self.xmin = x[0]
        self.xmax = x[-1]
        self.ymin = y[0]
        self.ymax = y[-1]
        self.zmin = -z[-1]
        self.zmax = z[-1]

        # Field in negative z direction. Reverse the order in this axis.
        potNeg = pot[...,-1:0:-1]
        # Concatenate positive and negative z direction arrays.
        _z = np.hstack((-z[-1:0:-1], z))
        _pot = np.dstack((potNeg, pot))

        self.bInterpolator = Interpolator((x, y, _z), _pot)

        # Build difference derivative arrays
        self.dx = x[1]-x[0]
        self.dy = y[1]-y[0]
        self.dz = z[1]-z[0]
        dbdx = np.diff(_pot, axis=0)/self.dx
        dbdy = np.diff(_pot, axis=1)/self.dy
        dbdz = np.diff(_pot, axis=2)/self.dz
        x_dbdx = x[:-1]+self.dx/2
        y_dbdy = y[:-1]+self.dy/2
        z_dbdz = _z[:-1]+self.dz/2

        self.dBdxInterp = Interpolator((x_dbdx, y, _z), dbdx)
        self.dBdyInterp = Interpolator((x, y_dbdy, _z), dbdy)
        self.dBdzInterp = Interpolator((x, y, z_dbdz), dbdz)

示例14: get_blotter_pnl

def get_blotter_pnl(order_qty, filled_qty, filled_price, cum_position, data, drawdown):
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    mid = midpoint(data)
    cash = np.sum(filled_qty * filled_price) * (-1.0)
    open_cash = cum_position[-1] * mid[-1]
    pnl = cash + open_cash
    pnl_t = np.cumsum(cum_position[:-1] * np.diff(mid))
    spread = np.cumsum((mid - filled_price) * filled_qty)
    pnl_t = spread[1:] + pnl_t
    assert abs(pnl - pnl_t[-1]) < 0.01

    running_max = np.maximum.accumulate(pnl_t)
    idx = np.where(pnl_t - running_max < drawdown)[0]
    if len(idx) > 0:
        stop_idx = np.min(idx)
        cum_position[(stop_idx+1):] = 0.0
        pnl_t = np.cumsum(cum_position[:-1] * np.diff(mid))
        order_qty[(stop_idx+1):] = 0.0
        filled_qty[(stop_idx+1):] = 0.0
        spread = np.cumsum((mid - filled_price) * filled_qty)
        pnl_t = spread[1:] + pnl_t

    order_volume = np.sum(np.abs(order_qty))
    trade_volume = np.sum(np.abs(filled_qty))

    result = np.array([(pnl_t[-1], np.min(pnl_t), np.max(pnl_t),
                        np.min(cum_position), np.max(cum_position), trade_volume,
                        order_volume, trade_volume * 1.0 / order_volume)],
                      dtype = [('total_pnl', 'f'), ('min_pnl', 'f'),
                               ('max_pnl', 'f'), ('min_position', int),
                               ('max_position', int), ('volume', int),
                               ('order_volume', int), ('fill_ratio', float)])
    return result

示例15: zero_crossings

def zero_crossings(y_axis, window = 11):
    Algorithm to find zero crossings. Smoothens the curve and finds the
    zero-crossings by looking for a sign change.

    keyword arguments:
    y_axis -- A list containg the signal over which to find zero-crossings
    window -- the dimension of the smoothing window; should be an odd integer
        (default: 11)

    return -- the index for each zero-crossing
    # smooth the curve
    length = len(y_axis)
    x_axis = np.asarray(range(length), int)

    # discard tail of smoothed signal
    y_axis = _smooth(y_axis, window)[:length]
    zero_crossings = np.where(np.diff(np.sign(y_axis)))[0]
    indices = [x_axis[index] for index in zero_crossings]

    # check if zero-crossings are valid
    diff = np.diff(indices)
    if diff.std() / diff.mean() > 0.2:
        print diff.std() / diff.mean()
        print np.diff(indices)
            "False zero-crossings found, indicates problem {0} or {1}".format(
            "with smoothing window", "problem with offset"))
    # check if any zero crossings were found
    if len(zero_crossings) < 1:
        raise(ValueError, "No zero crossings found")

    return indices
