本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.conj函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python conj函数的具体用法?Python conj怎么用?Python conj使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: minZerrKernSHG_naive
def minZerrKernSHG_naive(self):
Et0 = self.Et_cla.get()
Esig = self.Esig_t_tau_p_cla.get()
dZ = self.dZ_cla.get()
N = Esig.shape[0]
mx = 0.0
X = np.zeros(5)
for t in range(N):
for tau in range(N):
T = np.abs(Esig[tau, t]) ** 2
if mx < T:
mx = T
tp = t - (tau - N / 2)
if tp >= 0 and tp < N:
dZdZ = dZ[t] * dZ[tp]
dZE = dZ[t] * Et0[tp] + dZ[tp] * Et0[t]
DEsig = Et0[t] * Et0[tp] - Esig[tau, t]
X[0] += np.abs(dZdZ) ** 2
X[1] += 2.0 * np.real(dZE * np.conj(dZdZ))
X[2] += 2.0 * np.real(DEsig * np.conj(dZdZ)) + np.abs(dZE) ** 2
X[3] += 2.0 * np.real(DEsig * np.conj(dZE))
X[4] += np.abs(DEsig) ** 2
T = N * N * mx
X[0] = X[0] / T
X[1] = X[1] / T
X[2] = X[2] / T
X[3] = X[3] / T
X[4] = X[4] / T
root.debug("".join(("Esig_t_tau_p norm max: ", str(mx))))
return X
示例2: Dmat
def Dmat(alpha,xAve,pAve):
D = np.zeros((Nb,Nb),dtype=complex)
V0, V1, ak = Hessian(xAve)
# time derivative
dq = pAve / am
dp = - V1
da = (-1.0j/am * alpha**2 + 1.j * ak)
a = alpha.real
for k in range(Nb):
D[k,k] = - 1j*da.imag/2./a * (float(k) + 0.5) - 1j * pAve**2/am
for k in range(1,Nb):
D[k-1,k] = np.sqrt(float(k)/2./a) * ( - np.conj(alpha) * dq + 1j * dp)
D[k,k-1] = np.sqrt(float(k)/2./a) * ( alpha * dq + 1j * dp )
if Nb > 2:
for k in range(2,Nb):
D[k-2,k] = np.conj(da)/2./a * np.sqrt(float(k*(k-1)))/2.0
D[k,k-2] = - da/2./a * np.sqrt(float(k*(k-1)))/2.0
#D[0,0] = - 1j * pAve**2 / am
#D[1,1] = - 1j * pAve**2 / am
#D[0,1] = - (np.conj(alpha)*pAve/am + 1j * V1) / np.sqrt(2.*alpha.real)
#D[1,0] = (alpha * pAve / am - 1j * V1) / np.sqrt(2.*alpha.real)
return D
示例3: childGeneration
def childGeneration(N, particles, tree, i):
maxInCell = 3
p, t = noOfParticlesInside(particles, N[i])
N[i].particleIndex = t
if p > maxInCell:
t = len(N)
tree[i] = [t, t + 1, t + 2, t + 3]
c = N[i].center
v = N[i].vertex
N.append(Node((c - (v - c) / 2), c, t))
N.append(Node((c + (v - c) / 2), v, t + 1))
N.append(Node(c + (conj(v - c) / 2), real(v) + 1j * imag(c), t + 2))
N.append(Node(c - (conj(v - c) / 2), real(c) + 1j * imag(v), t + 3))
for ch in tree[i]:
childGeneration(N, particles, tree, ch)
N[i].aj = zeros(noOfTerms) * 1j
for j in range(1, noOfTerms + 1):
for k in range(1, j + 1):
for chi in tree[i]:
N[i].aj[j - 1] += (
N[chi].aj[k - 1] * combitorial(j - 1, k - 1) * pow((-N[i].center + N[chi].center), j - k)
N[i].aj = zeros(noOfTerms) * 1j
for j in range(1, noOfTerms + 1):
for tempIdx in t:
N[i].aj[j - 1] += particles[tempIdx].strength * pow((particles[tempIdx].xy - N[i].center), (j - 1))
示例4: mfunc
def mfunc(uv, p, d, f):
global curtime
crd,t,(i,j) = p
bl = a.miriad.ij2bl(i,j)
if bl in conj_bls: d = n.conj(d)
if is_run1(t):
#if i == 2 or j == 2: return p, None, None
d = n.conj(d)
i,j = rewire_run1[i], rewire_run1[j]
uvo['pol'] = a.miriad.str2pol['xx']
elif is_run2(t):
#if i == 2 or j == 2: return p, None, None
d = n.conj(d)
i,j = rewire_run2[i], rewire_run2[j]
uvo['pol'] = a.miriad.str2pol['xx']
else: return p, None, None
if i > j: i,j,d = j,i,n.conj(d)
if curtime != t:
#if is_run1(t): print 'Processing as run 1'
#elif is_run2(t): print 'Processing as run 2'
curtime = t
uvo['lst'] = aa.sidereal_time()
uvo['ra'] = aa.sidereal_time()
uvo['obsra'] = aa.sidereal_time()
p = crd,t,(i,j)
return p,d,f
示例5: get_modal_volume
def get_modal_volume(sim, box=None, dft_cell=None, nf=0):
Exyz=[mp.Ex, mp.Ey, mp.Ez]
if dft_cell is None:
(Ex,Ey,Ez) = [sim.get_array(vol=box, component=c, cmplx=True) for c in Exyz]
(X,Y,Z,W) = sim.get_array_metadata(vol=box)
Eps = sim.get_array(vol=box, component=mp.Dielectric)
(Ex,Ey,Ez) = [sim.get_dft_array(dft_cell, c, nf) for c in Exyz]
(X,Y,Z,W) = sim.get_dft_array_metadata(dft_cell=dft_cell)
# slightly annoying: we need an epsilon array with empty dimensions collapsed,
# something not currently provided by any C++ function; for now just
# create it via brute-force python loop, although this could get slow.
for x in X:
for y in Y:
for z in Z:
EpsE2 = np.real(Eps*(np.conj(Ex)*Ex + np.conj(Ey)*Ey + np.conj(Ez)*Ez))
num = np.sum(W*EpsE2)
denom = np.max(EpsE2)
return num/denom if denom!=0.0 else 0.0
示例6: visualize_dft_flux
def visualize_dft_flux(sim, superpose=True, flux_cells=[],
options=None, nf=0):
if not mp.am_master():
options=options if options else def_flux_options
# first pass to get arrays of poynting flux strength for all cells
if len(flux_cells)==0:
flux_cells=[cell for cell in sim.dft_objects if is_flux_cell(cell)]
for cell in flux_cells: # first pass to compute flux data
flux_arrays.append( 0.25*np.real(w*(np.conj(EH[0])*EH[3] - np.conj(EH[1])*EH[2])) )
# second pass to plot
for n, cell in enumerate(flux_cells): # second pass to plot
if superpose==False:
if n==0:
plt.title('Poynting flux')
plt.gca().set_title('Flux cell {}'.format(n))
max_flux=np.amax([np.amax(fa) for fa in flux_arrays])
plot_data_curves(sim, center=cn, size=sz, data=[flux_arrays[n]],
superpose=superpose, options=options,
labels=['flux through cell {}'.format(n)],
示例7: alignShells
def alignShells(alm, blm, lmax, Lgrid):
L = lmax+1
euler = sampling_grid(Lgrid)
N = np.size(euler, 0)
Corr = np.zeros(N, dtype=complex)
for l in range(L):
for m in range(-l,l+1):
for n in range(-l,l+1):
dlmn = wignerD(l,m,n)(euler[:,0],euler[:,1],euler[:,2])
a = hp2lm(alm, l, m, lmax)
b = hp2lm(blm,l,n,lmax)
Corr+= a*np.conj(b)*np.conj(dlmn)
x = np.where(Corr==max(Corr))
x = x[0]
# now we rotate back blm
blmr = rotatealm(blm,lmax,euler[x,0][0],euler[x,1][0],euler[x,2][0])
hpblmr = stand2hp(blmr,lmax)
return hpblmr
示例8: bartlet
def bartlet(self, sv):
''' Bartlet's estimator for DOA. Use `argmax`. '''
V = self.signal_vector
G = sv.steering_vectors[self.site_id]
self.bearing = sv.bearings[self.site_id]
left_half = np.dot(V, np.conj(np.transpose(G)))
return np.real(left_half * np.conj(left_half))
示例9: test_adjoints
def test_adjoints(exp, freqs):
deltas = exp.m0.mesh.deltas
m1_ = exp.m1.asarray()
lindata = exp.lin_results["simdata"]
dhat = exp.dhat
adjmodel = exp.adj_results["imaging_condition"].asarray()
temp_data_prod = 0.0
for nu in freqs:
temp_data_prod += np.dot(lindata[nu].reshape(dhat[nu].shape), np.conj(dhat[nu]))
pt1 = temp_data_prod
pt2 = np.dot(m1_.T, np.conj(adjmodel)).squeeze() * np.prod(deltas)
print "{0}: ".format(exp.name)
print "<Fm1, d> = {0: .4e} ({1:.4e})".format(pt1, np.linalg.norm(pt1))
print "<m1, F*d> = {0: .4e} ({1:.4e})".format(pt2, np.linalg.norm(pt2))
print "<Fm1, d> - <m1, F*d> = {0: .4e} ({1:.4e})".format(pt1 - pt2, np.linalg.norm(pt1 - pt2))
print "Relative error = {0: .4e}\n".format(np.linalg.norm(pt1 - pt2) / np.linalg.norm(pt1))
示例10: test1
def test1():
print("*** MPS tests started ***")
(N,chi,d) = (7,10,2)
A = randomMPS(N,chi,d)
state = getState(A)
state = state/np.sqrt(np.dot(np.conj(state),state))
prod = np.dot(np.conj(state),state)
approxA = getMPS(state,2)
approxState = getState(approxA)
approxProd = np.dot(np.conj(approxState),approxState)
relErr = approxProd/prod - 1
S = entropy(state)
print("State total %d elements"%state.size)
print("MPS total %d elements"%A.size)
print("(N,chi,d) = (%d,%d,%d)"%(N,chi,d))
print("Expected: (%f,%f)"%polar(prod))
print("SVD: (%f,%f)"%polar(innerProduct(approxA,approxA)))
print("Product: (%f,%f)"%polar(approxProd))
print("Relative error: %f"%np.absolute(relErr))
print("Entropy: %f"%S)
# state = np.ones(d**N)/np.sqrt(2)**N
# state = np.zeros(2**10)
# state[0] = 1/np.sqrt(2)
# state[-1] = 1/np.sqrt(2)
state = np.random.rand(d**N)
state = state/np.linalg.norm(state)
mps = getMPS(state,4)
print("Expected: (%f,%f)"%polar(np.inner(state,state)))
print("MPS: (%f,%f)"%polar(innerProduct(mps,mps)))
print("*** MPS tests finished ***\n")
示例11: par_xstep
def par_xstep(i):
r"""Minimise Augmented Lagrangian with respect to
:math:`\mathbf{x}_{G_i}`, one of the disjoint problems of optimizing
i : int
Index of grouping to update
global mp_X
global mp_DX
YU0f = sl.rfftn(mp_Y0[[i]] - mp_U0[[i]], mp_Nv, mp_axisN)
YU1f = sl.rfftn(mp_Y1[mp_grp[i]:mp_grp[i+1]] -
1/mp_alpha*mp_U1[mp_grp[i]:mp_grp[i+1]], mp_Nv, mp_axisN)
if mp_Cd == 1:
b = np.conj(mp_Df[mp_grp[i]:mp_grp[i+1]]) * YU0f + mp_alpha**2*YU1f
Xf = sl.solvedbi_sm(mp_Df[mp_grp[i]:mp_grp[i+1]], mp_alpha**2, b,
mp_cache[i], axis=mp_axisM)
b = sl.inner(np.conj(mp_Df[mp_grp[i]:mp_grp[i+1]]), YU0f,
axis=mp_C) + mp_alpha**2*YU1f
Xf = sl.solvemdbi_ism(mp_Df[mp_grp[i]:mp_grp[i+1]], mp_alpha**2, b,
mp_axisM, mp_axisC)
mp_X[mp_grp[i]:mp_grp[i+1]] = sl.irfftn(Xf, mp_Nv,
mp_DX[i] = sl.irfftn(sl.inner(mp_Df[mp_grp[i]:mp_grp[i+1]], Xf,
mp_axisM), mp_Nv, mp_axisN)
示例12: test_solve_fredholm_reconstr_ac
def test_solve_fredholm_reconstr_ac():
here we see that the reconstruction quality is independent of the integration weights
differences occur when checking validity of the interpolated time continuous Fredholm equation
_WC_ = 2
def lac(t):
return np.exp(- np.abs(t) - 1j*_WC_*t)
t_max = 10
tol = 2e-10
for ng in range(11,500,30):
t, w = sp.method_kle.get_mid_point_weights_times(t_max, ng)
r = lac(t.reshape(-1,1)-t.reshape(1,-1))
_eig_val, _eig_vec = sp.method_kle.solve_hom_fredholm(r, w)
_eig_vec_ast = np.conj(_eig_vec) # (N_gp, N_ev)
tmp = _eig_val.reshape(1, -1) * _eig_vec # (N_gp, N_ev)
recs_bcf = np.tensordot(tmp, _eig_vec_ast, axes=([1], [1]))
rd = np.max(np.abs(recs_bcf - r) / np.abs(r))
assert rd < tol, "rd={} >= {}".format(rd, tol)
t, w = sp.method_kle.get_simpson_weights_times(t_max, ng)
r = lac(t.reshape(-1, 1) - t.reshape(1, -1))
_eig_val, _eig_vec = sp.method_kle.solve_hom_fredholm(r, w)
_eig_vec_ast = np.conj(_eig_vec) # (N_gp, N_ev)
tmp = _eig_val.reshape(1, -1) * _eig_vec # (N_gp, N_ev)
recs_bcf = np.tensordot(tmp, _eig_vec_ast, axes=([1], [1]))
rd = np.max(np.abs(recs_bcf - r) / np.abs(r))
assert rd < tol, "rd={} >= {}".format(rd, tol)
示例13: calc_stokes
def calc_stokes(Ex,Ey,s=None):
if len(Ex) != len(Ey):
raise ValueError('Ex and Ey dimentions do not match')
if s is None:
s = np.arange(len(Ex))
Ex_ = np.conj(Ex)
Ey_ = np.conj(Ey)
Jxx = Ex * Ex_
Jxy = Ex * Ey_
Jyx = Ey * Ex_
Jyy = Ey * Ey_
del (Ex_,Ey_)
S = StokesParameters()
S.sc = s
S.s0 = real(Jxx + Jyy)
S.s1 = real(Jxx - Jyy)
S.s2 = real(Jxy + Jyx)
S.s3 = real(1j * (Jyx - Jxy))
return S
示例14: deconstruct_single_qubit_matrix_into_angles
def deconstruct_single_qubit_matrix_into_angles(
mat: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
"""Breaks down a 2x2 unitary into more useful ZYZ angle parameters.
mat: The 2x2 unitary matrix to break down.
A tuple containing the amount to phase around Z, then rotate around Y,
then phase around Z (all in radians).
# Anti-cancel left-vs-right phase along top row.
right_phase = cmath.phase(mat[0, 1] * np.conj(mat[0, 0])) + math.pi
mat = np.dot(mat, _phase_matrix(-right_phase))
# Cancel top-vs-bottom phase along left column.
bottom_phase = cmath.phase(mat[1, 0] * np.conj(mat[0, 0]))
mat = np.dot(_phase_matrix(-bottom_phase), mat)
# Lined up for a rotation. Clear the off-diagonal cells with one.
rotation = math.atan2(abs(mat[1, 0]), abs(mat[0, 0]))
mat = np.dot(_rotation_matrix(-rotation), mat)
# Cancel top-left-vs-bottom-right phase.
diagonal_phase = cmath.phase(mat[1, 1] * np.conj(mat[0, 0]))
# Note: Ignoring global phase.
return right_phase + diagonal_phase, rotation * 2, bottom_phase
示例15: mouse_move
def mouse_move(self, event):
""" Handle mouse movement, redraw pzmap while drag/dropping """
if (self.move_zero != None and
event.xdata != None and
event.ydata != None):
if (self.index1 == self.index2):
# Real pole/zero
new = event.xdata
if (self.move_zero == True):
self.zeros[self.index1] = new
elif (self.move_zero == False):
self.poles[self.index1] = new
# Complex poles/zeros
new = event.xdata + 1.0j*event.ydata
if (self.move_zero == True):
self.zeros[self.index1] = new
self.zeros[self.index2] = conj(new)
elif (self.move_zero == False):
self.poles[self.index1] = new
self.poles[self.index2] = conj(new)
tfcn = None
if (self.move_zero == True):
tfcn = self.tfi.get_tf()
elif (self.move_zero == False):
tfcn = self.tfi.get_tf()
if (tfcn != None):