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Python numpy.broadcast_to函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.broadcast_to函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python broadcast_to函数的具体用法?Python broadcast_to怎么用?Python broadcast_to使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: get_input_features

    def get_input_features(self, mol):
        """get input features

            mol (Mol):


        type_check_num_atoms(mol, self.max_atoms)
        num_atoms = mol.GetNumAtoms()

        # Construct the atom array and adjacency matrix.
        atom_array = construct_atomic_number_array(mol, out_size=self.out_size)
        adj_array = construct_adj_matrix(mol, out_size=self.out_size)

        # Adjust the adjacency matrix.
        degree_vec = numpy.sum(adj_array[:num_atoms], axis=1)
        degree_sqrt_inv = 1. / numpy.sqrt(degree_vec)

        adj_array[:num_atoms, :num_atoms] *= numpy.broadcast_to(
            degree_sqrt_inv[:, None], (num_atoms, num_atoms))
        adj_array[:num_atoms, :num_atoms] *= numpy.broadcast_to(
            degree_sqrt_inv[None, :], (num_atoms, num_atoms))
        super_node_x = construct_supernode_feature(mol, atom_array, adj_array, out_size=self.out_size_super)

        return atom_array, adj_array, super_node_x

示例2: texture_along_ray

def texture_along_ray(myradar, var, wind_size=7):
    Compute field texture along ray using a user specified
    window size.

    myradar : radar object
        The radar object where the field is
    var : str
        Name of the field which texture has to be computed
    wind_size : int
        Optional. Size of the rolling window used

    tex : radar field
        the texture of the specified field

    half_wind = int(wind_size/2)
    fld = myradar.fields[var]['data']
    tex = np.ma.zeros(fld.shape)
    tex[:] = np.ma.masked

    tex_aux = np.ma.std(rolling_window(fld, wind_size), -1)
    tex[:, half_wind:-half_wind] = tex_aux
    tex[:, 0:half_wind] = np.broadcast_to(
        tex_aux[:, 0].reshape(tex.shape[0], 1), (tex.shape[0], half_wind))
    tex[:, -half_wind:] = np.broadcast_to(
        tex_aux[:, -1].reshape(tex.shape[0], 1), (tex.shape[0], half_wind))

    return tex

示例3: _initialize_updated_shapes

  def _initialize_updated_shapes(self, session):
    shapes = array_ops.shape_n(self._vars)
    var_shapes = list(map(tuple, session.run(shapes)))

    if self._var_shapes is not None:
      new_old_shapes = zip(self._var_shapes, var_shapes)
      if all([old == new for old, new in new_old_shapes]):

    self._var_shapes = var_shapes
    vars_and_shapes = zip(self._vars, self._var_shapes)
    vars_and_shapes_dict = dict(vars_and_shapes)

    packed_bounds = None
    if self._var_to_bounds is not None:
      left_packed_bounds = []
      right_packed_bounds = []
      for var, var_shape in vars_and_shapes:
        shape = list(var_shape)
        bounds = (-np.infty, np.infty)
        if var in var_to_bounds:
          bounds = var_to_bounds[var]
        left_packed_bounds.extend(list(np.broadcast_to(bounds[0], shape).flat))
        right_packed_bounds.extend(list(np.broadcast_to(bounds[1], shape).flat))
      packed_bounds = list(zip(left_packed_bounds, right_packed_bounds))
    self._packed_bounds = packed_bounds

    self._update_placeholders = [
        array_ops.placeholder(var.dtype) for var in self._vars
    self._var_updates = [
        var.assign(array_ops.reshape(placeholder, vars_and_shapes_dict[var]))
        for var, placeholder in zip(self._vars, self._update_placeholders)

    loss_grads = _compute_gradients(self._loss, self._vars)
    equalities_grads = [
        _compute_gradients(equality, self._vars)
        for equality in self._equalities
    inequalities_grads = [
        _compute_gradients(inequality, self._vars)
        for inequality in self._inequalities

    self._packed_var = self._pack(self._vars)
    self._packed_loss_grad = self._pack(loss_grads)
    self._packed_equality_grads = [
        self._pack(equality_grads) for equality_grads in equalities_grads
    self._packed_inequality_grads = [
        self._pack(inequality_grads) for inequality_grads in inequalities_grads

    dims = [_prod(vars_and_shapes_dict[var]) for var in self._vars]
    accumulated_dims = list(_accumulate(dims))
    self._packing_slices = [
        slice(start, end)
        for start, end in zip(accumulated_dims[:-1], accumulated_dims[1:])

示例4: multinomial

def multinomial(n, p, size=None):

    plates_n = np.shape(n)
    plates_p = np.shape(p)[:-1]
    k = np.shape(p)[-1]

    if size is None:
        size = misc.broadcasted_shape(plates_n, plates_p)

    if not misc.is_shape_subset(plates_n, size):
        raise ValueError("Shape of n does not broadcast to the given size")

    if not misc.is_shape_subset(plates_p, size):
        raise ValueError("Shape of p does not broadcast to the given size")

    # This isn't a very efficient implementation. One could use NumPy's
    # multinomial once for all those plates for which n and p is the same.

    n = np.broadcast_to(n, size)
    p = np.broadcast_to(p, size + (k,))

    x = np.empty(size + (k,))

    for i in misc.nested_iterator(size):
        x[i] = np.random.multinomial(n[i], p[i])

    return x.astype(np.int)

示例5: roll_dist_1d

def roll_dist_1d(y, kernel):
    n = kernel.size
    samples = rolling_window_1d(y, n) 
    a = samples.sum(axis = 1).reshape((-1,1))
    samples = samples / np.broadcast_to(a, samples.shape)
    K = np.broadcast_to(kernel, samples.shape)
    return np.sum(np.square(samples - K), axis = 1)

示例6: test_integer_split_2D_rows_greater_max_int32

 def test_integer_split_2D_rows_greater_max_int32(self):
     a = np.broadcast_to([0], (1 << 32, 2))
     res = array_split(a, 4)
     chunk = np.broadcast_to([0], (1 << 30, 2))
     tgt = [chunk] * 4
     for i in range(len(tgt)):
         assert_equal(res[i].shape, tgt[i].shape)

示例7: _assign_to_class

def _assign_to_class(zh, zdr, kdp, rhohv, relh, mass_centers,
                    weights=np.array([1., 1., 1., 0.75, 0.5])):
    assigns an hydrometeor class to a radar range bin computing
    the distance between the radar variables an a centroid

    zh,zdr,kdp,rhohv,relh : radar field
        variables used for assigment normalized to [-1, 1] values

    mass_centers : matrix
        centroids normalized to [-1, 1] values

    weights : array
        optional. The weight given to each variable

    hydroclass : int array
        the index corresponding to the assigned class
    mind_dist : float array
        the minimum distance to the centroids
    # prepare data
    nrays = zh.shape[0]
    nbins = zdr.shape[1]
    nclasses = mass_centers.shape[0]
    nvariables = mass_centers.shape[1]

    data = np.ma.array([zh, zdr, kdp, rhohv, relh])
    weights_mat = np.broadcast_to(
        weights.reshape(nvariables, 1, 1),
        (nvariables, nrays, nbins))
    dist = np.ma.zeros((nclasses, nrays, nbins), dtype='float64')

    # compute distance: masked entries will not contribute to the distance
    for i in range(nclasses):
        centroids_class = mass_centers[i, :]
        centroids_class = np.broadcast_to(
            centroids_class.reshape(nvariables, 1, 1),
            (nvariables, nrays, nbins))
        dist[i, :, :] = np.ma.sqrt(np.ma.sum(
            ((centroids_class-data)**2.)*weights_mat, axis=0))

    # use very large fill_value so that masked entries will be sorted at the
    # end. There should not be any masked entry anyway
    class_vec = dist.argsort(axis=0, fill_value=10e40)

    # get minimum distance. Acts as a confidence value
    dist_sorted = dist.sort(axis=0, fill_value=10e40)
    min_dist = dist[0, :, :]

    # Entries with non-valid reflectivity values are set to 0 (No class)
    mask = np.ma.getmaskarray(zh)
    hydroclass = class_vec[0, :, :]+1
    hydroclass[mask] = 0

    return hydroclass, min_dist

示例8: setup_node_coords

def setup_node_coords(shape, spacing=1., origin=0.):
    spacing = np.broadcast_to(spacing, 2)
    origin = np.broadcast_to(origin, 2)

    rows = np.arange(shape[0], dtype=float) * spacing[0] + origin[0]
    cols = np.arange(shape[1], dtype=float) * spacing[1] + origin[1]

    return setup_node_coords_rectilinear((rows, cols))

示例9: __init__

    def __init__(self, shape, spacing=(1., 1.), origin=(0., 0.)):
        spacing = np.broadcast_to(spacing, 2)
        origin = np.broadcast_to(origin, 2)

        node_y_and_x = (np.arange(shape[0]) * spacing[0] + origin[0],
                       np.arange(shape[1]) * spacing[1] + origin[1])

        super(DualUniformRectilinearGraph, self).__init__(node_y_and_x)

示例10: analytic_dipole_setup

def analytic_dipole_setup(nside, nfreq, sigma=0.4, z0_cza=None):
    def transform_basis(nside, jones, z0_cza, R_z0):

        npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
        hpxidx = np.arange(npix)
        cza, ra = hp.pix2ang(nside, hpxidx)

        fR = R_z0

        tb, pb = rotate_sphr_coords(fR, cza, ra)

        cza_v = t_hat_cart(cza, ra)
        ra_v = p_hat_cart(cza, ra)

        tb_v = t_hat_cart(tb, pb)

        fRcza_v = np.einsum('ab...,b...->a...', fR, cza_v)
        fRra_v = np.einsum('ab...,b...->a...', fR, ra_v)

        cosX = np.einsum('a...,a...', fRcza_v, tb_v)
        sinX = np.einsum('a...,a...', fRra_v, tb_v)

        basis_rot = np.array([[cosX, sinX],[-sinX, cosX]])
        basis_rot = np.transpose(basis_rot,(2,0,1))

        return np.einsum('...ab,...bc->...ac', jones, basis_rot)

    if z0_cza is None:
        z0_cza = np.radians(120.72)

    npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
    hpxidx = np.arange(npix)
    th, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, hpxidx)

    R_z0 = hp.rotator.Rotator(rot=[0,-np.degrees(z0_cza)])

    th_l, phi_l = R_z0(th, phi)
    phi_l[phi_l < 0] += 2. * np.pi

    ct,st = np.cos(th_l), np.sin(th_l)
    cp,sp = np.cos(phi_l), np.sin(phi_l)

    jones_dipole = np.array([
            [ct * cp, -sp],
            [ct * sp, cp]
        ], dtype=np.complex128).transpose(2,0,1)

    jones_c = transform_basis(nside, jones_dipole, z0_cza, np.array(R_z0.mat))

    G = np.exp(-(th_l/sigma)**2. /2.)

    G = np.broadcast_to(G, (2,2,npix)).T

    jones_c *= G
    jones_out = np.broadcast_to(jones_c, (nfreq, npix, 2,2))

    return jones_out

示例11: scalar_broadcast_match

def scalar_broadcast_match(a, b):
    """ Returns arguments as np.array, if one is a scalar it will broadcast the other one's shape.
    a, b = np.atleast_1d(a, b)
    if a.size == 1 and b.size != 1:
        a = np.broadcast_to(a, b.shape)
    elif b.size == 1 and a.size != 1:
        b = np.broadcast_to(b, a.shape)
    return a, b

示例12: dist2D

def dist2D(dist: pd.DataFrame,
           ranges: pd.DataFrame,
           nlevels: int=16,
           nx: int=2,
           size: int=6,
           colorbar: bool=True,
           name: str='dist') -> plt.Figure:
    Plot 2D probability distributions.

    dist : Multiindexed dataframe with force field as primary
        index and distributions as created by dist2D().
    ranges : Multiindexed dataframe with force field as primary
        index and edges as created by dist1D().
    nlevels : Number of contour levels to use.
    nx : Number of plots per row.
    size : Relative size of each plot.
    colorbar : If true, will plot a colorbar.
    name : Name of the distribution.

    fig : matplotlib figure.


    # Setup plotting parameters
    nplots = dist.shape[1]
    xsize, ysize = nx, (nplots // nx) + 1
    cmap = plt.get_cmap('viridis')
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(xsize * size, ysize * size))

    for i, k in enumerate(dist.keys()):

        # Get keys for both CVs
        kx, ky = k.split('.')

        # Prepare plotting grid (np.meshgrid doesn't work)
        X = np.broadcast_to(ranges[kx], dist[k].unstack().shape)
        Y = np.broadcast_to(ranges[ky], dist[k].unstack().shape).T
        Z = dist[k].unstack().values.T

        # Contour levels taking inf into account
        levels = np.linspace(np.amin(Z[~np.isinf(Z)]),
                             np.amax(Z[~np.isinf(Z)]), nlevels)
        ax = fig.add_subplot(ysize, xsize, i + 1)
        cm = ax.contourf(X, Y, Z, cmap=cmap, levels=levels)

    if colorbar:

    return fig

示例13: __init__

    def __init__(self, shape, spacing=(1., 1.), origin=(0., 0.)):

        spacing = np.broadcast_to(spacing, 2)
        origin = np.broadcast_to(origin, 2)

        rows = np.arange(shape[0], dtype=float) * spacing[0] + origin[0]
        cols = np.arange(shape[1], dtype=float) * spacing[1] + origin[1]

        super(UniformRectilinearGraph, self).__init__((rows, cols))

示例14: _get_merged_embeddings

def _get_merged_embeddings(data_dict, mapping_fn, out_prefix):
    region_names = data_dict['region_names']
    region_weights = data_dict['region_weights']

    squeezed = region_weights.ndim == 1
    if squeezed:
        region_weights = region_weights[:, np.newaxis]

    n_subsets = region_weights.shape[1]

    mapped_names = [mapping_fn(r) for r in region_names]
    m_names = sorted(set(mapped_names))
    m_names_lookup = {n: i for i, n in enumerate(m_names)}

    transform = np.zeros(
        (len(m_names), len(region_names), n_subsets))
    for r_i, (m, w) in enumerate(zip(mapped_names, region_weights)):
        transform[m_names_lookup[m], r_i, :] = w

    m_weights = transform.sum(axis=1)

    # normalize transform so that its sum along axis 1 is 1
    # this is kind of gross to allow for zero sums...maybe there's a better way
    nz = np.broadcast_to((m_weights != 0)[:, np.newaxis, :], transform.shape)
    transform[nz] /= \
        np.broadcast_to(m_weights[:, np.newaxis, :], transform.shape)[nz]

    ret = {'{}_names'.format(out_prefix): m_names,
           '{}_weights'.format(out_prefix): m_weights}
    for k in data_dict:
        if k.startswith('emb_'):
            print("Mapping {}...".format(k), end='', file=sys.stderr)
            emb = data_dict[k]
            if squeezed:
                emb = emb[:, :, np.newaxis]

            # need to do a matrix multiply for each subset:
            #  - np.einsum('grs,rfs->gfs') would do this, but doesn't call BLAS
            #  - rolling the subset axis to the front and calling np.matmul
            #    would do this, but it just calls einsum anyway:
            #    https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/7569

            out = np.empty((n_subsets, len(m_names), emb.shape[1]))
            for i in xrange(n_subsets):
                np.dot(transform[:, :, i], emb[:, :, i], out=out[i])
            ret[k] = np.rollaxis(out, 0, 3)

            if squeezed:
                ret[k] = ret[k][:, :, 0]
            print("done", file=sys.stderr)
        elif k in {'region_names', 'region_weights'}:
            ret[k] = data_dict[k]
    return ret

示例15: mfunc

 def mfunc(self, x):
     N, n = x.shape
     if n != self._n:
         raise Exception("Input dimension mismatch")           
     p = np.broadcast_to(self._p, (N, self._m, self._n))
     q = np.broadcast_to(self._q, (N, self._m, self._n))
     r = np.broadcast_to(self._r, (N, self._m, self._n))        
     X = np.broadcast_to(x, (self._m, N, self._n))
     X = np.swapaxes(X, 0, 1)       
     self._M = self._mfunc(X, p, q, r)
     return self._M
