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Python numpy.atleast_3d函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.atleast_3d函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python atleast_3d函数的具体用法?Python atleast_3d怎么用?Python atleast_3d使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: getAvgAmplitudes

def getAvgAmplitudes(event_array, trace_array, time_range=None):
    """This routine takes an event_array (time x cells) and
    corresponding trace array and returns the average amplitudes of
    events in each cell.

    :param: event_array - 2 or 3d numpy event array (time x cells, or time x cells x trials)
    :param: time_range - optional list of 2 numbers limiting the time range to count events
    :returns: 2d masked numpy array of event average amplitudes. size is cells x largest number of events.
              masked entries are account for variable number of events
    event_array = np.atleast_3d(event_array)
    trace_array= np.atleast_3d(trace_array)

    max_num_events = getCounts(event_array).max()
    time, cells, trials = event_array.shape

    amps = np.zeros((cells, trials, int(max_num_events)))
    amps[:] = np.nan

    for cell in range(cells):
        for trial in range(trials):
            event_ids = np.unique(event_array[:,cell,trial])[1:]
            for i, event_id in enumerate(event_ids):
                amps[cell, trial, i] = trace_array[event_array == event_id].mean()
    amps = np.ma.array(amps, mask=np.isnan(amps))
    amps = np.squeeze(amps)

    return np.ma.masked_array(amps, np.isnan(amps))

示例2: hausdorffnorm

def hausdorffnorm(A, B):
    Finds the hausdorff norm between two matrices A and B.
    A: numpy array
    B : numpy array
    Housdorff norm between matrices A and B
    # ensure matrices are 3 dimensional, and shaped conformably
    if len(A.shape) == 1:
        A = np.atleast_2d(A)

    if len(B.shape) == 1:
        B = np.atleast_2d(B)

    A = np.atleast_3d(A)
    B = np.atleast_3d(B)

    x, y, z = B.shape
    A = np.reshape(A, (z, x, y))
    B = np.reshape(B, (z, x, y))

    # find hausdorff norm: starting from A to B
    z, x, y = B.shape
    temp1 = np.tile(np.reshape(B.T, (y, z, x)), (max(A.shape), 1))
    temp2 = np.tile(np.reshape(A.T, (y, x, z)), (1, max(B.shape)))
    D1 = np.min(np.sqrt(np.sum((temp1-temp2)**2, 0)), axis=0)

    # starting from B to A
    temp1 = np.tile(np.reshape(A.T, (y, z, x)), (max(B.shape), 1))
    temp2 = np.tile(np.reshape(B.T, (y, x, z)), (1, max(A.shape)))
    D2 = np.min(np.sqrt(np.sum((temp1-temp2)**2, 0)), axis=0)

    return np.max([D1, D2])

示例3: _viewStatesNGL

    def _viewStatesNGL(self, states, statetype, protein, ligand, mols, numsamples):
        if states is None:
            states = range(self.macronum)
        if isinstance(states, int):
            states = [states]
        if mols is None:
            mols = self.getStates(states, statetype, numsamples=min(numsamples, 15))
        colors = [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9]
        if protein is None and ligand is None:
            raise NameError('Please provide either the "protein" or "ligand" parameter for viewStates.')
        if protein:
            mol = Molecule()
        if ligand:
            mol = mols[0].copy()
            mol.remove(ligand, _logger=False)
            mol.coords = np.atleast_3d(mol.coords[:, :, 0])
            mol.reps.add(sel='protein', style='NewCartoon', color='Secondary Structure')
        for i, s in enumerate(states):
            if protein:
                mol.reps.add(sel='segid ST{}'.format(s), style='NewCartoon', color='Index')
            if ligand:
                mol.reps.add(sel='segid ST{}'.format(s), style='Licorice', color=colors[np.mod(i, len(colors))])
                mols[i].filter(ligand, _logger=False)

            mols[i].set('segid', 'ST{}'.format(s))
            tmpcoo = mols[i].coords
            for j in range(mols[i].numFrames):
                mols[i].coords = np.atleast_3d(tmpcoo[:, :, j])

        w = mol.view(viewer='ngl')
        self._nglButtons(w, statetype, states)
        return w

示例4: convertRotMatToRisoeU

def convertRotMatToRisoeU(rMats, U0, symTag='Oh'):
    Makes GrainSpotter gff ouput

    U11 U12 U13 U21 U22 U23 U13 U23 U33

    and takes it into the LLNL/APS frame of reference

    Urows comes from grainspotter's gff output
    U0 comes from XRD.crystallography.latticeVectors.U0
    R = hexrd.XRD.Rotations # formerly import
    numU = num.shape(num.atleast_3d(rMats))[0]
    Rsamp = num.dot( R.rotMatOfExpMap(piby2*Zl), R.rotMatOfExpMap(piby2*Yl) )
    qin  = R.quatOfRotMat(num.atleast_3d(rMats))
    print "quaternions in (LLNL convention):"
    print qin.T
    qout = num.dot( R.quatProductMatrix( R.quatOfRotMat(Rsamp.T), mult='left' ), \
                    num.dot( R.quatProductMatrix( R.quatOfRotMat(U0), mult='right'),  \
                             qin ).squeeze() ).squeeze()
    if qout.ndim == 1:
        qout = toFundamentalRegion(qout.reshape(4, 1), crysSym=symTag, sampSym=None)
        qout = toFundamentalRegion(qout, crysSym=symTag, sampSym=None)
    print "quaternions out (Risoe convention, symmetrically reduced)"
    print qout.T
    Uout = R.rotMatOfQuat(qout)
    return Uout

示例5: depth_image

    def depth_image(self):

        gl = self.glb

        gl.PolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL)
        draw_noncolored_verts(gl, self.camera.v.r, self.f)
        result = np.asarray(deepcopy(gl.getDepth()), np.float64)

        if self.overdraw:
            gl.PolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE)
            draw_noncolored_verts(gl, self.camera.v.r, self.f)
            overdraw = np.asarray(deepcopy(gl.getDepth()), np.float64)
            gl.PolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL)
            boundarybool_image = self.boundarybool_image
            result = overdraw*boundarybool_image + result*(1-boundarybool_image)

        if hasattr(self, 'background_image'):
            if False: # has problems at boundaries, not sure why yet
                bg_px = self.visibility_image == 4294967295
                fg_px = 1 - bg_px
                result = bg_px * self.background_image + fg_px * result
                tmp = np.concatenate((np.atleast_3d(result), np.atleast_3d(self.background_image)), axis=2)
                result = np.min(tmp, axis=2)

        return result

示例6: GetPSF

 def GetPSF(self, vshint = None):
     psfKey = (self.psfType, self.psfFilename, self.lorentzianFWHM, self.beadDiameter)
     if not psfKey in self._psfCache.keys():
         if self.psfType == 'file':
             psf, vs = np.load(self.psfFilename)
             psf = np.atleast_3d(psf)
             self._psfCache[psfKey] = (psf, vs)        
         elif (self.psfType == 'Laplace'):
             from scipy import stats
             sc = self.lorentzianFWHM/2.0
             X, Y = np.mgrid[-30.:31., -30.:31.]
             R = np.sqrt(X*X + Y*Y)
             if not vshint is None:
                 vx = vshint[0]
                 vx = sc/2.
             vs = type('vs', (object,), dict(x=vx/1e3, y=vx/1e3))
             psf = np.atleast_3d(stats.cauchy.pdf(vx*R, scale=sc))
             self._psfCache[psfKey] = (psf/psf.sum(), vs)
         elif (self.psfType == 'bead'):
             from PYME.Deconv import beadGen
             psf = beadGen.genBeadImage(self.beadDiameter/2, vshint)
             vs = type('vs', (object,), dict(x=vshint[0]/1e3, y=vshint[1]/1e3))
             self._psfCache[psfKey] = (psf/psf.sum(), vs)
     return self._psfCache[psfKey]

示例7: convertRotMatToFableU

def convertRotMatToFableU(rMats, U0=num.eye(3), symTag='Oh', display=False):
    Makes GrainSpotter gff ouput

    U11 U12 U13 U21 U22 U23 U13 U23 U33

    and takes it into the hexrd/APS frame of reference

    Urows comes from grainspotter's gff output
    U0 comes from xrd.crystallography.latticeVectors.U0
    numU = num.shape(num.atleast_3d(rMats))[0]

    qin  = quatOfRotMat(num.atleast_3d(rMats))
    qout = num.dot( quatProductMatrix( quatOfRotMat(fableSampCOB.T), mult='left' ), \
                    num.dot( quatProductMatrix( quatOfRotMat(U0), mult='right'),  \
                             qin ).squeeze() ).squeeze()
    if qout.ndim == 1:
        qout = toFundamentalRegion(qout.reshape(4, 1), crysSym=symTag, sampSym=None)
        qout = toFundamentalRegion(qout, crysSym=symTag, sampSym=None)
    if display:
        print "quaternions in (hexrd convention):"
        print qin.T
        print "quaternions out (Fable convention, symmetrically reduced)"
        print qout.T
    Uout = rotMatOfQuat(qout)
    return Uout

示例8: _raw_predict

    def _raw_predict(self, Xnew, full_cov=False, kern=None):
        Make a prediction for the latent function values

        if kern is None: kern = self.kern

        if not isinstance(Xnew, VariationalPosterior):
            Kx = kern.K(self.Z, Xnew)
            mu = np.dot(Kx.T, self.posterior.woodbury_vector)
            if full_cov:
                Kxx = kern.K(Xnew)
                if self.posterior.woodbury_inv.ndim == 2:
                    var = Kxx - np.dot(Kx.T, np.dot(self.posterior.woodbury_inv, Kx))
                elif self.posterior.woodbury_inv.ndim == 3:
                    var = Kxx[:,:,None] - np.tensordot(np.dot(np.atleast_3d(self.posterior.woodbury_inv).T, Kx).T, Kx, [1,0]).swapaxes(1,2)
                var = var
                Kxx = kern.Kdiag(Xnew)
                var = (Kxx - np.sum(np.dot(np.atleast_3d(self.posterior.woodbury_inv).T, Kx) * Kx[None,:,:], 1)).T
            Kx = kern.psi1(self.Z, Xnew)
            mu = np.dot(Kx, self.posterior.woodbury_vector)
            if full_cov:
                raise NotImplementedError, "TODO"
                Kxx = kern.psi0(self.Z, Xnew)
                psi2 = kern.psi2(self.Z, Xnew)
                var = Kxx - np.sum(np.sum(psi2 * Kmmi_LmiBLmi[None, :, :], 1), 1)
        return mu, var

示例9: Project

    def Project(self, projType):
        import numpy as np
        from PYME.DSView.image import ImageStack
        from PYME.DSView import ViewIm3D
        import os

        if projType == 'mean':        
            filt_ims = [np.atleast_3d(self.image.data[:,:,:,chanNum].mean(2)) for chanNum in range(self.image.data.shape[3])]
        elif projType == 'max':
            filt_ims = [np.atleast_3d(self.image.data[:,:,:,chanNum].max(2)) for chanNum in range(self.image.data.shape[3])]

        fns = os.path.split(self.image.filename)[1]        
        im = ImageStack(filt_ims, titleStub = '%s - %s' %(fns, projType))
        im.mdh['Parent'] = self.image.filename
        im.mdh['Processing.Projection'] = projType

        if self.dsviewer.mode == 'visGUI':
            mode = 'visGUI'
            mode = 'lite'

        dv = ViewIm3D(im, mode=mode, glCanvas=self.dsviewer.glCanvas)

        #set scaling to (0,1)
        for i in range(im.data.shape[3]):
            dv.do.Gains[i] = 1.0

示例10: getXYZ

    def getXYZ(self):
        """ Get XYZ values in world coordinates for each pixel.

        Usage: XYZ = self.getXYZ()


            XYZ - M-by-N-by-3 matrix of [X Y Z] world coordinates for each pixel

        if self.XY is not None:
            return np.c_[np.atleast_3d(self.XY), np.atleast_3d(self)]
            x = np.arange(0, self.width)
            y = np.arange(0, self.height)
            xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)

            XY = np.zeros((self.height, self.width, 2))

            # From depth map to Point Cloud --> use focal distance
            XY[:, :, 0] = (xx - self.K[0, 2]) / self.K[0, 0]
            XY[:, :, 1] = (yy - self.K[1, 2]) / self.K[1, 1]
            XY = XY * np.atleast_3d(self)
            return np.c_[np.atleast_3d(self.XY), np.atleast_3d(self)]

示例11: append

 def append(self, *args):
     if len(args)<1:
         print args
         for arg in args:
             #object parameters
             if mp.original_filename not in smp.original_files.keys():
                 # add the data to the aggregate array
                 if self.data==None:
                 print "File %s added to aggregate."%mp.original_filename
                 print "Data from file %s already in this aggregate. \n \
 Delete it first if you want to update it."%mp.original_filename
         # refresh the axes for the new sized data
         smp.original_filename="Aggregate Image: %s"%smp.original_files.keys()

示例12: GetPSF

 def GetPSF(self, vshint = None):
     import numpy as np
     from scipy import stats
     PSFMode = self.nb2.GetCurrentPage().PSFMode
     #get PSF from file
     if PSFMode == 'File':
         psf, vs = np.load(self.GetPSFFilename())
         psf = np.atleast_3d(psf)
         return (self.GetPSFFilename(), psf, vs)        
     elif (PSFMode == 'Laplace'):
         sc = float(self.tLaplaceFWHM.GetValue())/2.0
         X, Y = np.mgrid[-30.:31., -30.:31.]
         R = np.sqrt(X*X + Y*Y)
         if not vshint == None:
             vx = vshint*1e3
             vx = sc/2.
         vs = type('vs', (object,), dict(x=vx/1e3, y=vx/1e3))
         psf = np.atleast_3d(stats.cauchy.pdf(vx*R, scale=sc))
         return 'Generated Laplacian, FWHM=%f' % (2*sc), psf/psf.sum(), vs

示例13: __init__

    def __init__(self, root, noise, option):
        self.root = root
        self.nFeatures = 4
        self.kernelSize = 3
        self.poolLength = 2
        self.nLambda = 112
        self.batchSize = 64
        self.nClasses = [50] * 12
        self.noise = noise
        self.option = option

        self.labels = ['T0', 'T1', 'T2', 'vmic', 'B0', 'B1', 'v0', 'v1', 'thB0', 'thB1', 'chiB0', 'chiB1']

        self.n_pars = len(self.labels)

# BField, theta, chi, vmac, damping, B0, B1, doppler, kl
        self.lower = np.asarray([-3000.0, -1500.0, -3000.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -7.0, -7.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], dtype='float32')
        self.upper = np.asarray([3000.0, 3000.0, 5000.0, 4.0, 3000.0, 3000.0, 7.0, 7.0, 180.0, 180.0, 180.0, 180.0], dtype='float32')
        self.dataFile = "../database/database_sir.h5"

        f = h5py.File(self.dataFile, 'r')
        pars = f.get("parameters")
        stokes = f.get("stokes")
        self.nModels, _ = pars.shape
        self.nTraining = int(self.nModels * 0.9)
        self.nValidation = int(self.nModels * 0.1)

# Standardize Stokes parameters
        std_values = np.std(np.abs(stokes[0:self.nTraining,:,:]),axis=0)
        stokes /= std_values[None,:,:]

# Save normalization values
        np.save('{0}_normalization.npy'.format(self.root), std_values)
        print("Training set: {0}".format(self.nTraining))

        print("Validation set: {0}".format(self.nValidation))

        self.inTrain = []
        for i in range(4):            

        self.inTest = []
        for i in range(4):            

        self.outTrain = []
        for i in range(self.n_pars):
            outTrain = np.floor((pars[0:self.nTraining, i] - self.lower[i]) / (self.upper[i] - self.lower[i]) * self.nClasses[i]).astype('int32')            
            self.outTrain.append(np_utils.to_categorical(outTrain, self.nClasses[i]))

        self.outTest = []
        for i in range(self.n_pars):
            outTest = np.floor((pars[self.nTraining:, i] - self.lower[i]) / (self.upper[i] - self.lower[i]) * self.nClasses[i]).astype('int32')
            self.outTest.append(np_utils.to_categorical(outTest, self.nClasses[i]))


示例14: regression_plot

def regression_plot(Z,X,band_names=None,visible_only=True,figsize=(12,7)):
    Produce a figure with a plot for each image band that displays the
    relationship between depth and radiance and gives a visual representation
    of the regression carried out in the `slopes` and `regressions` methods.

    This method doesn't come directly from Lyzenga 1978 but the author of this
    code found it helpful.

    Z : np.ma.MaskedArray
        Array of depth values repeated for each band so that Z.shape==X.shape.
        The mask needs to be the same too so that Z.mask==X.mask for all the
    X : np.ma.MaskedArray
        The array of log transformed radiance values from equation B1 of
        Lyzenga 1978.

        A matplotlib figure.
    if band_names is None:
        band_names = ['Band'+str(i+1) for i in range(X.shape[-1])]
    nbands = X.shape[-1]
    if np.atleast_3d(Z).shape[-1] == 1:
        Z = np.repeat(np.atleast_3d(Z), nbands, 2)
    if visible_only:
        fig, axs = plt.subplots( 2, 3, figsize=figsize)
        fig, axs = plt.subplots( 2, 4, figsize=figsize )
    regs = regressions(Z,X)
    for i, ax in enumerate(axs.flatten()):
        if i > nbands-1:
        slp, incpt, rval = regs[:,i]
        # print X.shape, Z.shape
        x, y = equalize_array_masks(Z[...,i], X[...,i])
        if x.count() < 2:
        x, y = x.compressed(), y.compressed()
        # print "i = {}, x.shape = {}, y.shape = {}".format(i, x.shape, y.shape)
        ax.scatter( x, y, alpha=0.1, edgecolor='none', c='gold' )
        smth = lowess(y,x,frac=0.2)
        # ax.plot(smth.T[0],smth.T[1],c='black',alpha=0.5)
        reglabel = "m=%.2f, r=%.2f" % (slp,rval)
        f = lambda x: incpt + slp * x
        ax.plot( x, f(x), c='brown', label=reglabel, alpha=1.0 )
        ax.set_title( band_names[i] )
        ax.set_xlabel( r'Depth (m)' )
        ax.set_ylabel( r'$X_i$' )
        ax.legend(fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5)
    return fig

示例15: load_texture

 def load_texture(self, filename, gray=False, blur=False):
     print "Loading texture from " + filename
     self.pixels = np.atleast_3d(scipy.misc.imread(filename, flatten=gray))
     if blur:
         self.pixels = \
     print "Done loading texture"
