本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.atleast_1d函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python atleast_1d函数的具体用法?Python atleast_1d怎么用?Python atleast_1d使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: _check
def _check(self, lblev=37.0,
blev=9596.3, brlev=9500.0, brsvd1=9800.0,
bhlev=0.35, bhrlev=0.31, brsvd2=0.39,
lbvc = 65
lbcode = _lbcode(0) # unused
stash = STASH(1, 1, 1) # unused
coords_and_dims, factories = _convert_vertical_coords(
lbcode=lbcode, lbvc=lbvc, blev=blev, lblev=lblev, stash=stash,
bhlev=bhlev, bhrlev=bhrlev, brsvd1=brsvd1, brsvd2=brsvd2,
brlev=brlev, dim=dim)
expect_coords_and_dims = [
attributes={'positive': 'up'}), dim)]
brlev = np.atleast_1d(brlev)
brsvd1 = np.atleast_1d(brsvd1)
long_name='level_height', units='m',
bounds=np.vstack((brlev, brsvd1)).T,
attributes={'positive': 'up'}), dim))
bhrlev = np.atleast_1d(bhrlev)
brsvd2 = np.atleast_1d(brsvd2)
bounds=np.vstack((bhrlev, brsvd2)).T), dim))
expect_factories = [(HybridHeightFactory,
[{'long_name': 'level_height'},
{'long_name': 'sigma'},
self.assertEqual(factories, expect_factories)
示例2: _make_segment
def _make_segment(self,x,y,threshold=None):
if threshold is None:
threshold = self._segment_threshold
d2 = np.sqrt((np.roll(x,1)-x)**2+(np.roll(y,1)-y)**2)
w=np.where(d2 > threshold)[0]
if len(w) == 1:
elif len(w) >= 2:
for i in xrange(len(w)-1):
return xx,yy
示例3: mm_to_galvo
def mm_to_galvo(self, x, y):
""" Given one or many points in mm space, map them to galvo space.
>>> Printer.mm_to_galvo(0, 0) # -> galvo ticks for middle of build area.
>>> Printer.mm_to_galvo([[0, 1, 2], [0, 0, 0]]) # -> A three-segment line along the x axis.
The returned array is 2xN, where N is the number of source points
xshape = np.shape(x)
if self._grid_table is None:
grid = np.array(self.read_grid_table())
assert grid.shape == (5, 5, 2)
pts_mm = np.linspace(-64, 64, 5) # Grid positions in mm
# Interpolators for X and Y values (mm to galvo ticks)
fit_x = scipy.interpolate.interp2d(pts_mm, pts_mm, grid[:,:,0])
fit_y = scipy.interpolate.interp2d(pts_mm, pts_mm, grid[:,:,1])
self._grid_table = (fit_x, fit_y)
if np.shape(x) != np.shape(y):
raise TypeError('x and y shapes must match. Got x.shape: {}, y.shape: {}'.format(np.shape(x), np.shape(y)))
x = np.atleast_1d(x)
y = np.atleast_1d(y)
x_ = [self._grid_table[0](a, b) for a, b in zip(x, y)]
y_ = [self._grid_table[1](a, b) for a, b in zip(x, y)]
result = np.hstack([x_, y_]).T
if xshape == (): # If it's called with scalars, return a flat result.
return result.flatten()
return result
示例4: record_values
def record_values(self, updateTimeOnly=False):
'''Records the current variable values of the space craft into a private list (to be plotted later)
# Saves variable values!
# Append the time variable:
# Set other variables if updateTimeOnly is false:
if updateTimeOnly == False:
for i in np.atleast_1d(self.__variables):
# Append the value at spacecraft's position:
self.__values[i].append(np.array(self.__vlsvfile.read_variable(i, self.__cellid)))
for i in np.atleast_1d(self.__variables):
# Append the value at spacecraft's position:
# Note: Appends the latest value again so if list is [[5,2], [0, 3]] then after appending it looks like this: [[5,2,2], [0,3,3]]
示例5: xy2lonlat
def xy2lonlat(self, x, y):
"""Calculate x,y in own projection from given lon,lat (scalars/arrays).
if self.projected is True:
if self.proj.is_latlong():
return x, y
if 'ob_tran' in self.proj4:
logging.info('NB: Converting degrees to radians ' +
'due to ob_tran srs')
x = np.radians(np.array(x))
y = np.radians(np.array(y))
return self.proj(x, y, inverse=True)
np.seterr(invalid='ignore') # Disable warnings for nan-values
y = np.atleast_1d(np.array(y))
x = np.atleast_1d(np.array(x))
# NB: mask coordinates outside domain
x[x < self.xmin] = np.nan
x[x > self.xmax] = np.nan
y[y < self.ymin] = np.nan
y[y < self.ymin] = np.nan
lon = map_coordinates(self.lon, [y, x], order=1,
cval=np.nan, mode='nearest')
lat = map_coordinates(self.lat, [y, x], order=1,
cval=np.nan, mode='nearest')
return (lon, lat)
示例6: logit
def logit(prop, max_events=None):
"""Convert proportion (expressed in the range [0, 1]) to logit.
prop : float | array-like
the occurrence proportion.
max_events : int | array-like | None
the number of events used to calculate ``prop``. Used in a correction
factor for cases when ``prop`` is 0 or 1, to prevent returning ``inf``.
If ``None``, no correction is done, and ``inf`` or ``-inf`` may result.
lgt : ``numpy.ndarray``, with shape matching ``numpy.array(prop).shape``.
prop = np.atleast_1d(prop).astype(float)
if np.any([prop > 1, prop < 0]):
raise ValueError('Proportions must be in the range [0, 1].')
if max_events is not None:
# add equivalent of half an event to 0s, and subtract same from 1s
max_events = np.atleast_1d(max_events) * np.ones_like(prop)
corr_factor = 0.5 / max_events
for loc in zip(*np.where(prop == 0)):
prop[loc] = corr_factor[loc]
for loc in zip(*np.where(prop == 1)):
prop[loc] = 1 - corr_factor[loc]
return np.log(prop / (np.ones_like(prop) - prop))
示例7: __call__
def __call__(self,x,y,dx=0,dy=0):
"""Interpolate the function.
x : 1D array
x-coordinates of the mesh on which to interpolate.
y : 1D array
y-coordinates of the mesh on which to interpolate.
dx : int >= 0, < kx
Order of partial derivatives in x.
dy : int >= 0, < ky
Order of partial derivatives in y.
z : 2D array with shape (len(y), len(x))
The interpolated values.
x = atleast_1d(x)
y = atleast_1d(y)
z = fitpack.bisplev(x, y, self.tck, dx, dy)
z = atleast_2d(z)
z = transpose(z)
if len(z)==1:
z = z[0]
return array(z)
示例8: __init__
def __init__(self, wsize, tstep, n_coefs): # noqa: D102
self.wsize = np.atleast_1d(wsize)
self.tstep = np.atleast_1d(tstep)
self.n_coefs = np.atleast_1d(n_coefs)
self.n_dicts = len(tstep)
self.n_freqs = wsize // 2 + 1
self.n_steps = self.n_coefs // self.n_freqs
示例9: headalongline
def headalongline(self, x, y, t, layers=None):
"""Head along line or curve
x : array
x values of line
y : array
y values of line
t : list or array
times for which grid is returned
layers : integer, list or array, optional
layers for which grid is returned
h : array size `nlayers, ntimes, nx`
xg = np.atleast_1d(x)
yg = np.atleast_1d(y)
if layers is None:
Nlayers = self.aq.find_aquifer_data(xg[0], yg[0]).naq
Nlayers = len(np.atleast_1d(layers))
nx = len(xg)
if len(yg) == 1:
yg = yg * np.ones(nx)
t = np.atleast_1d(t)
h = np.zeros( (Nlayers,len(t),nx) )
for i in range(nx):
h[:,:,i] = self.head(xg[i], yg[i], t, layers)
return h
示例10: coord_transform
def coord_transform(x, y, z, affine):
""" Convert the x, y, z coordinates from one image space to another
x : number or ndarray
The x coordinates in the input space
y : number or ndarray
The y coordinates in the input space
z : number or ndarray
The z coordinates in the input space
affine : 2D 4x4 ndarray
affine that maps from input to output space.
x : number or ndarray
The x coordinates in the output space
y : number or ndarray
The y coordinates in the output space
z : number or ndarray
The z coordinates in the output space
Warning: The x, y and z have their Talairach ordering, not 3D
numy image ordering.
coords = np.c_[np.atleast_1d(x).flat,
x, y, z, _ = np.dot(affine, coords)
return x.squeeze(), y.squeeze(), z.squeeze()
示例11: _compute_model
def _compute_model(self, pset):
"""Computes a model and inserts results into the Mongo collection."""
nBands = fsps.driver.get_n_bands()
nLambda = fsps.driver.get_n_lambda()
nAges = fsps.driver.get_n_ages()
fsps.driver.comp_sp(pset['dust_type'], pset['zmet'], pset['sfh'],
pset['tau'], pset['const'], pset['fburst'], pset['tburst'],
pset['dust_tesc'], pset['dust1'], pset['dust2'],
pset['dust_clumps'], pset['frac_nodust'], pset['dust_index'],
pset['mwr'], pset['wgp1'], pset['wgp2'], pset['wgp3'],
pset['duste_gamma'], pset['duste_umin'], pset['duste_qpah'],
if pset['tage'] == 0.:
# SFH over all ages is returned
mags = fsps.driver.get_csp_mags(nBands, nAges)
specs = fsps.driver.get_csp_specs(nLambda, nAges)
age, mass, lbol, sfr, dust_mass = fsps.driver.get_csp_stats(nAges)
# get only a single age, stored in first age bin
# arrays must be re-formated to appear like one-age versions of
# the outputs from get_csp_mags, etc.
mags = fsps.driver.get_csp_mags_at_age(1, nBands)
specs = fsps.driver.get_csp_specs_at_age(1, nLambda)
age, mass, lbol, sfr, dust_mass \
= fsps.driver.get_csp_stats_at_age(1)
age = np.atleast_1d(age)
mass = np.atleast_1d(mass)
lbol = np.atleast_1d(lbol)
sfr = np.atleast_1d(sfr)
dust_mass = np.atleast_1d(dust_mass)
mags = np.atleast_2d(mags)
specs = np.atleast_2d(specs)
dataArray = self._splice_mag_spec_arrays(age, mass, lbol, sfr,
dust_mass, mags, specs, nLambda)
self._insert_model(pset.name, dataArray)
示例12: dataqc_gradienttest_wrapper
def dataqc_gradienttest_wrapper(dat, x, ddatdx, mindx, startdat, toldat, strict_validation=False):
if is_none(ddatdx) or is_fill(ddatdx) or is_none(mindx) or is_fill(mindx) or is_none(startdat) or is_fill(startdat) or is_none(toldat) or is_fill(toldat):
out = np.empty(dat.shape, dtype=np.int8)
return out
outqc = dataqc_gradienttest(dat, x, [-np.atleast_1d(ddatdx)[-1], np.atleast_1d(ddatdx)[-1]], np.atleast_1d(mindx)[-1], np.atleast_1d(startdat)[-1], np.atleast_1d(toldat)[-1], strict_validation=strict_validation)
return outqc
示例13: _make_tuples
def _make_tuples(self, key):
print('Populating', key)
spikes = np.vstack([s.squeeze() for s in (preprocess.Spikes.RateTrace() & key).fetch('rate_trace')])
s = spikes.sum(axis=0)
nans = np.isnan(s)
key['leading_nans'] = int(nans[0])
key['trailing_nans'] = int(nans[1])
t = (preprocess.Sync() & key).fetch1('frame_times') # does not need to be unique
flip_first = (vis.Trial() * preprocess.Sync().proj('psy_id', trial_idx='first_trial') & key).fetch1('flip_times')
flip_last = (vis.Trial() * preprocess.Sync().proj('psy_id', trial_idx='last_trial') & key).fetch1('flip_times')
# (vis.Trial() * preprocess.Sync() & 'trial_idx between first_trial and last_trial')
fro = np.atleast_1d(flip_first.squeeze())[0]
to = np.atleast_1d(flip_last.squeeze())[
-1] # not necessarily where the stimulus stopped, just last presentation
idx_fro = np.argmin(np.abs(t - fro))
idx_to = np.argmin(np.abs(t - to)) + 1
key['stimulus_nans'] = int(np.any(nans[idx_fro:idx_to]))
if np.any(nans):
key['nan_idx'] = nans
key['stimulus_start'] = idx_fro + 1
key['stimulus_end'] = idx_to
示例14: __new__
def __new__(cls, val1, val2, scale, precision,
in_subfmt, out_subfmt, from_jd=False):
Use __new__ instead of __init__ to output a class instance that
is the same as the class of the first Time object in the list.
val1_0 = val1.flat[0]
if not (isinstance(val1_0, Time) and all(type(val) is type(val1_0)
for val in val1.flat)):
raise TypeError('Input values for {0} class must all be same '
'astropy Time type.'.format(cls.name))
if scale is None:
scale = val1_0.scale
if val1.shape:
vals = [getattr(val, scale)._time for val in val1]
jd1 = np.concatenate([np.atleast_1d(val.jd1) for val in vals])
jd2 = np.concatenate([np.atleast_1d(val.jd2) for val in vals])
val = getattr(val1_0, scale)._time
jd1, jd2 = val.jd1, val.jd2
OutTimeFormat = val1_0._time.__class__
self = OutTimeFormat(jd1, jd2, scale, precision, in_subfmt, out_subfmt,
return self
示例15: day_of_year_to_cal
def day_of_year_to_cal(year, N, gregorian=True):
"""Convert a day of year number to a month and day in the Julian or
Gregorian calendars.
- `year` : year
- `N` : day of year, 1..365 (or 366 for leap years)
- `gregorian` : If True, use Gregorian calendar, else use Julian calendar
(default: True)
- (month, day) : (tuple)
year = np.atleast_1d(year)
N = np.atleast_1d(N)
year, N = np.broadcast_arrays(year, N)
K = np.ones_like(N)
K[:] = 2
K[np.atleast_1d(is_leap_year(year, gregorian))] = 1
mon = (9 * (K + N) / 275.0 + 0.98).astype(np.int64)
mon[N < 32] = 1
day = (N - (275 * mon / 9.0).astype(np.int64) +
K * ((mon + 9) / 12.0).astype(np.int64) + 30).astype(np.int64)
return _scalar_if_one(mon), _scalar_if_one(day)