本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.asarray_chkfinite函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python asarray_chkfinite函数的具体用法?Python asarray_chkfinite怎么用?Python asarray_chkfinite使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: __init__
def __init__(self, correct, student_ids=None, item_ids=None, student_idx=None,
item_idx=None, is_held_out=None, num_students=None, num_items=None,
:param np.ndarray[bool] correct: a 1D array of correctness values
:param np.ndarray|None student_ids: student identifiers for each interaction; if no student
indices provided, sort order of these ids determines theta indices.
:param np.ndarray|None item_ids: item identifiers for each interaction; if no item indices
are provided, sort order of these ids determines item indices.
:param np.ndarray[int]|None student_idx: a 1D array mapping `correct` to student index
:param np.ndarray[int]|None item_idx: a 1D array mapping `correct` to item index
:param np.ndarray[bool] is_held_out: a 1D array indicating whether the interaction should be
held out from training (if not all zeros, a held_out test node will be added to learner)
:param int|None num_students: optional number of students. Default is one plus
the maximum index.
:param int|None num_items: optional number of items. Default is one plus
the maximum index.
:param bn_learner_kwargs: arguments to be passed on to the BayesNetLearner init
# convert pandas Series to np.ndarray and check argument dimensions
correct = np.asarray_chkfinite(correct, dtype=bool)
student_ids, student_idx = check_and_set_idx(student_ids, student_idx, 'student')
item_ids, item_idx = check_and_set_idx(item_ids, item_idx, 'item')
if len(correct) != len(student_idx) or len(correct) != len(item_idx):
raise ValueError("number of elements in correct ({}), student_idx ({}), and item_idx"
"({}) must be the same".format(len(correct), len(student_idx),
if is_held_out is not None and (
len(is_held_out) != len(correct) or is_held_out.dtype != bool):
raise ValueError("held_out ({}) must be None or an array of bools the same length as "
"correct ({})".format(len(is_held_out), len(correct)))
self.num_students = set_or_check_min(num_students, np.max(student_idx) + 1, 'num_students')
self.num_items = set_or_check_min(num_items, np.max(item_idx) + 1, 'num_items')
theta_node = DefaultGaussianNode(THETAS_KEY, self.num_students, ids=student_ids)
offset_node = DefaultGaussianNode(OFFSET_COEFFS_KEY, self.num_items, ids=item_ids)
nodes = [theta_node, offset_node]
# add response nodes (train/test if there is held-out data; else just the train set)
if is_held_out is not None and np.sum(is_held_out):
if np.sum(is_held_out) == len(is_held_out):
raise ValueError("some interactions must be not held out")
is_held_out = np.asarray_chkfinite(is_held_out, dtype=bool)
response_idxs = (np.logical_not(is_held_out), is_held_out)
node_names = (TRAIN_RESPONSES_KEY,)
response_idxs = (np.ones_like(correct, dtype=bool),)
for node_name, response_idx in zip(node_names, response_idxs):
cpd = OnePOCPD(item_idx=item_idx[response_idx], theta_idx=student_idx[response_idx],
num_thetas=self.num_students, num_items=self.num_items)
param_nodes = {THETAS_KEY: theta_node, OFFSET_COEFFS_KEY: offset_node}
nodes.append(Node(name=node_name, data=correct[response_idx], cpd=cpd,
solver_pars=SolverPars(learn=False), param_nodes=param_nodes,
held_out=(node_name == TEST_RESPONSES_KEY)))
# store leaf nodes for learning
super(OnePOLearner, self).__init__(nodes=nodes, **bn_learner_kwargs)
示例2: check_and_set_idx
def check_and_set_idx(ids, idx, prefix):
""" Reconciles passed-in IDs and indices and returns indices, as well as unique IDs
in the order specified by the indices. If only IDs supplied, returns the sort-arg
as the index. If only indices supplied, returns None for IDs. If both supplied,
checks that the correspondence is unique and returns unique IDs in the sort order of
the associated index.
:param np.ndarray ids: array of IDs
:param np.ndarray[int] idx: array of indices
:param str prefix: variable name (for error logging)
:return: unique IDs and indices (passed in or derived from the IDs)
:rtype: np.ndarray, np.ndarray
if ids is None and idx is None:
raise ValueError('Both {}_ids and {}_idx cannot be None'.format(prefix, prefix))
if ids is None:
return None, np.asarray_chkfinite(idx)
if idx is None:
return np.unique(ids, return_inverse=True)
ids = np.asarray(ids)
idx = np.asarray_chkfinite(idx)
if len(idx) != len(ids):
raise ValueError('{}_ids ({}) and {}_idx ({}) must have the same length'.format(
prefix, len(ids), prefix, len(idx)))
uniq_idx, idx_sort_index = np.unique(idx, return_index=True)
# make sure each unique index corresponds to a unique id
if not all(len(set(ids[idx == i])) == 1 for i in uniq_idx):
raise ValueError("Each index must correspond to a unique {}_id".format(prefix))
return ids[idx_sort_index], idx
示例3: orthogonal_procrustes
def orthogonal_procrustes(A, B, check_finite=True):
Compute the matrix solution of the orthogonal Procrustes problem.
Given matrices A and B of equal shape, find an orthogonal matrix R
that most closely maps A to B [1]_.
Note that unlike higher level Procrustes analyses of spatial data,
this function only uses orthogonal transformations like rotations
and reflections, and it does not use scaling or translation.
A : (M, N) array_like
Matrix to be mapped.
B : (M, N) array_like
Target matrix.
check_finite : bool, optional
Whether to check that the input matrices contain only finite numbers.
Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems
(crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.
R : (N, N) ndarray
The matrix solution of the orthogonal Procrustes problem.
Minimizes the Frobenius norm of dot(A, R) - B, subject to
dot(R.T, R) == I.
scale : float
Sum of the singular values of ``dot(A.T, B)``.
If the input arrays are incompatibly shaped.
This may also be raised if matrix A or B contains an inf or nan
and check_finite is True, or if the matrix product AB contains
an inf or nan.
.. [1] Peter H. Schonemann, "A generalized solution of the orthogonal
Procrustes problem", Psychometrica -- Vol. 31, No. 1, March, 1996.
if check_finite:
A = np.asarray_chkfinite(A)
B = np.asarray_chkfinite(B)
A = np.asanyarray(A)
B = np.asanyarray(B)
if A.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError('expected ndim to be 2, but observed %s' % A.ndim)
if A.shape != B.shape:
raise ValueError('the shapes of A and B differ (%s vs %s)' % (
A.shape, B.shape))
# Be clever with transposes, with the intention to save memory.
u, w, vt = svd(B.T.dot(A).T)
R = u.dot(vt)
scale = w.sum()
return R, scale
示例4: __init__
def __init__( self, griddata, lo, hi, maps=None, copy=True, verbose=1,
order=1, prefilter=False ):
griddata = np.asanyarray( griddata )
dim = griddata.ndim # - (griddata.shape[-1] == 1) # ??
assert dim >= 2, griddata.shape
self.dim = dim
if np.isscalar(lo):
lo *= np.ones(dim)
if np.isscalar(hi):
hi *= np.ones(dim)
self.loclip = lo = np.asarray_chkfinite( lo ).copy()
self.hiclip = hi = np.asarray_chkfinite( hi ).copy()
assert lo.shape == (dim,), lo.shape
assert hi.shape == (dim,), hi.shape
self.copy = copy
self.verbose = verbose
self.order = order
if order > 1 and 0 < prefilter < 1: # 1/3: Mitchell-Netravali = 1/3 B + 2/3 fit
exactfit = spline_filter( griddata ) # see Unser
griddata += prefilter * (exactfit - griddata)
prefilter = False
self.griddata = griddata
self.prefilter = (prefilter == True)
if maps is None:
maps = [None,] * len(lo)
self.maps = maps
self.nmap = 0
if len(maps) > 0:
assert len(maps) == dim, "maps must have len %d, not %d" % (
dim, len(maps))
# linear maps (map None): Xcol -= lo *= scale -> [0, n-1]
# nonlinear: np.interp e.g. [50 52 62 63] -> [0 1 2 3]
self._lo = np.zeros(dim)
self._scale = np.ones(dim)
for j, (map, n, l, h) in enumerate( zip( maps, griddata.shape, lo, hi )):
## print "test: j map n l h:", j, map, n, l, h
if map is None or callable(map):
self._lo[j] = l
if h > l:
self._scale[j] = (n - 1) / (h - l) # _map lo -> 0, hi -> n - 1
self._scale[j] = 0 # h <= l: X[:,j] -> 0
self.maps[j] = map = np.asanyarray(map)
self.nmap += 1
assert len(map) == n, "maps[%d] must have len %d, not %d" % (
j, n, len(map) )
mlo, mhi = map.min(), map.max()
if not (l <= mlo <= mhi <= h):
print "Warning: Intergrid maps[%d] min %.3g max %.3g " \
"are outside lo %.3g hi %.3g" % (
j, mlo, mhi, l, h )
示例5: cho_solve
def cho_solve(c_and_lower, b, overwrite_b=False, check_finite=True):
"""Solve the linear equations A x = b, given the Cholesky factorization of A.
(c, lower) : tuple, (array, bool)
Cholesky factorization of a, as given by cho_factor
b : array
Right-hand side
overwrite_b : bool, optional
Whether to overwrite data in b (may improve performance)
check_finite : bool, optional
Whether to check that the input matrices contain only finite numbers.
Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems
(crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.
x : array
The solution to the system A x = b
See also
cho_factor : Cholesky factorization of a matrix
>>> from scipy.linalg import cho_factor, cho_solve
>>> A = np.array([[9, 3, 1, 5], [3, 7, 5, 1], [1, 5, 9, 2], [5, 1, 2, 6]])
>>> c, low = cho_factor(A)
>>> x = cho_solve((c, low), [1, 1, 1, 1])
>>> np.allclose(A @ x - [1, 1, 1, 1], np.zeros(4))
(c, lower) = c_and_lower
if check_finite:
b1 = asarray_chkfinite(b)
c = asarray_chkfinite(c)
b1 = asarray(b)
c = asarray(c)
if c.ndim != 2 or c.shape[0] != c.shape[1]:
raise ValueError("The factored matrix c is not square.")
if c.shape[1] != b1.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("incompatible dimensions.")
overwrite_b = overwrite_b or _datacopied(b1, b)
potrs, = get_lapack_funcs(('potrs',), (c, b1))
x, info = potrs(c, b1, lower=lower, overwrite_b=overwrite_b)
if info != 0:
raise ValueError('illegal value in %d-th argument of internal potrs'
% -info)
return x
示例6: cho_solve_banded
def cho_solve_banded(cb_and_lower, b, overwrite_b=False, check_finite=True):
"""Solve the linear equations A x = b, given the Cholesky factorization of A.
(cb, lower) : tuple, (array, bool)
`cb` is the Cholesky factorization of A, as given by cholesky_banded.
`lower` must be the same value that was given to cholesky_banded.
b : array
Right-hand side
overwrite_b : bool
If True, the function will overwrite the values in `b`.
check_finite : boolean, optional
Whether to check that the input matrices contain only finite numbers.
Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems
(crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.
x : array
The solution to the system A x = b
See also
cholesky_banded : Cholesky factorization of a banded matrix
.. versionadded:: 0.8.0
(cb, lower) = cb_and_lower
if check_finite:
cb = asarray_chkfinite(cb)
b = asarray_chkfinite(b)
cb = asarray(cb)
b = asarray(b)
# Validate shapes.
if cb.shape[-1] != b.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("shapes of cb and b are not compatible.")
pbtrs, = get_lapack_funcs(('pbtrs',), (cb, b))
x, info = pbtrs(cb, b, lower=lower, overwrite_b=overwrite_b)
if info > 0:
raise LinAlgError("%d-th leading minor not positive definite" % info)
if info < 0:
raise ValueError('illegal value in %d-th argument of internal pbtrs'
% -info)
return x
示例7: _cholesky
def _cholesky(a, lower=False, overwrite_a=False, clean=True,
"""Common code for cholesky() and cho_factor()."""
a1 = asarray_chkfinite(a) if check_finite else asarray(a)
a1 = atleast_2d(a1)
# Dimension check
if a1.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError('Input array needs to be 2 dimensional but received '
'a {}d-array.'.format(a1.ndim))
# Squareness check
if a1.shape[0] != a1.shape[1]:
raise ValueError('Input array is expected to be square but has '
'the shape: {}.'.format(a1.shape))
# Quick return for square empty array
if a1.size == 0:
return a1.copy(), lower
overwrite_a = overwrite_a or _datacopied(a1, a)
potrf, = get_lapack_funcs(('potrf',), (a1,))
c, info = potrf(a1, lower=lower, overwrite_a=overwrite_a, clean=clean)
if info > 0:
raise LinAlgError("%d-th leading minor of the array is not positive "
"definite" % info)
if info < 0:
raise ValueError('LAPACK reported an illegal value in {}-th argument'
'on entry to "POTRF".'.format(-info))
return c, lower
示例8: schur
def schur(a,output='real',lwork=None,overwrite_a=0):
"""Compute Schur decomposition of matrix a.
Return T, Z such that a = Z * T * (Z**H) where Z is a
unitary matrix and T is either upper-triangular or quasi-upper
triangular for output='real'
if not output in ['real','complex','r','c']:
raise ValueError, "argument must be 'real', or 'complex'"
a1 = asarray_chkfinite(a)
if len(a1.shape) != 2 or (a1.shape[0] != a1.shape[1]):
raise ValueError, 'expected square matrix'
typ = a1.dtype.char
if output in ['complex','c'] and typ not in ['F','D']:
if typ in _double_precision:
a1 = a1.astype('D')
typ = 'D'
a1 = a1.astype('F')
typ = 'F'
overwrite_a = overwrite_a or (_datanotshared(a1,a))
gees, = get_lapack_funcs(('gees',),(a1,))
if lwork is None or lwork == -1:
# get optimal work array
result = gees(lambda x: None,a,lwork=-1)
lwork = result[-2][0]
result = gees(lambda x: None,a,lwork=result[-2][0],overwrite_a=overwrite_a)
info = result[-1]
if info<0: raise ValueError,\
'illegal value in %-th argument of internal gees'%(-info)
elif info>0: raise LinAlgError, "Schur form not found. Possibly ill-conditioned."
return result[0], result[-3]
示例9: lu
def lu(a,permute_l=0,overwrite_a=0):
"""Return LU decompostion of a matrix.
a -- An M x N matrix.
permute_l -- Perform matrix multiplication p * l [disabled].
p,l,u -- LU decomposition matrices of a [permute_l=0]
pl,u -- LU decomposition matrices of a [permute_l=1]
a = p * l * u [permute_l=0]
a = pl * u [permute_l=1]
p - An M x M permutation matrix
l - An M x K lower triangular or trapezoidal matrix
with unit-diagonal
u - An K x N upper triangular or trapezoidal matrix
K = min(M,N)
a1 = asarray_chkfinite(a)
if len(a1.shape) != 2:
raise ValueError, 'expected matrix'
overwrite_a = overwrite_a or (_datanotshared(a1,a))
flu, = get_flinalg_funcs(('lu',),(a1,))
p,l,u,info = flu(a1,permute_l=permute_l,overwrite_a = overwrite_a)
if info<0: raise ValueError,\
'illegal value in %-th argument of internal lu.getrf'%(-info)
if permute_l:
return l,u
return p,l,u
示例10: rq
def rq(a, overwrite_a=False, lwork=None):
"""Compute RQ decomposition of a square real matrix.
Calculate the decomposition :lm:`A = R Q` where Q is unitary/orthogonal
and R upper triangular.
a : array, shape (M, M)
Square real matrix to be decomposed
overwrite_a : boolean
Whether data in a is overwritten (may improve performance)
lwork : integer
Work array size, lwork >= a.shape[1]. If None or -1, an optimal size
is computed.
econ : boolean
R : double array, shape (M, N) or (K, N) for econ==True
Size K = min(M, N)
Q : double or complex array, shape (M, M) or (M, K) for econ==True
Raises LinAlgError if decomposition fails
# TODO: implement support for non-square and complex arrays
a1 = asarray_chkfinite(a)
if len(a1.shape) != 2:
raise ValueError('expected matrix')
M,N = a1.shape
if M != N:
raise ValueError('expected square matrix')
if issubclass(a1.dtype.type, complexfloating):
raise ValueError('expected real (non-complex) matrix')
overwrite_a = overwrite_a or (_datanotshared(a1, a))
gerqf, = get_lapack_funcs(('gerqf',), (a1,))
if lwork is None or lwork == -1:
# get optimal work array
rq, tau, work, info = gerqf(a1, lwork=-1, overwrite_a=1)
lwork = work[0]
rq, tau, work, info = gerqf(a1, lwork=lwork, overwrite_a=overwrite_a)
if info < 0:
raise ValueError('illegal value in %d-th argument of internal geqrf'
% -info)
gemm, = get_blas_funcs(('gemm',), (rq,))
t = rq.dtype.char
R = special_matrices.triu(rq)
Q = numpy.identity(M, dtype=t)
ident = numpy.identity(M, dtype=t)
zeros = numpy.zeros
k = min(M, N)
for i in range(k):
v = zeros((M,), t)
v[N-k+i] = 1
v[0:N-k+i] = rq[M-k+i, 0:N-k+i]
H = gemm(-tau[i], v, v, 1+0j, ident, trans_b=2)
Q = gemm(1, Q, H)
return R, Q
示例11: __init__
def __init__(self, data, segment_iterator, uri=None):
# make sure data does not contain NaN nor inf
data = np.asarray_chkfinite(data)
# make sure segment_iterator is actually one of those
if not isinstance(segment_iterator, (SlidingWindow, Timeline)):
raise TypeError("segment_iterator must 'Timeline' or "
# make sure it iterates the correct number of segments
N = len(segment_iterator)
except Exception:
# an exception is raised by `len(sliding_window)`
# in case sliding window has infinite end.
# this is acceptable, no worry...
n = data.shape[0]
if n != N:
raise ValueError("mismatch between number of segments (%d) "
"and number of feature vectors (%d)." % (N, n))
super(BasePrecomputedSegmentFeature, self).__init__(uri=uri)
self.__data = data
self._segment_iterator = segment_iterator
示例12: find_disjoint_biclusters
def find_disjoint_biclusters(self, biclusters_number=50):
data = np.asarray_chkfinite(self.matrix)
data[data == 0] = 0.000001
coclustering = SpectralCoclustering(n_clusters=biclusters_number, random_state=0)
biclusters = set()
for i in range(biclusters_number):
rows, columns = coclustering.get_indices(i)
row_set = set(rows)
columns_set = set(columns)
if len(row_set) > 0 and len(columns_set) > 0:
density = self._calculate_box_cluster_density(row_set, columns_set)
odd_columns = set()
for column in columns_set:
col_density = self._calculate_column_density(column, row_set)
if col_density < density / 4:
if len(columns_set) == 0:
odd_rows = set()
for row in row_set:
row_density = self._calculate_row_density(row, columns_set)
if row_density < density / 4:
if len(row_set) > 0 and len(columns_set) > 0:
density = self._calculate_box_cluster_density(row_set, columns_set)
biclusters.add(Bicluster(row_set, columns_set, density))
return biclusters
示例13: det
def det(a, overwrite_a=False):
"""Compute the determinant of a matrix
a : array, shape (M, M)
det : float or complex
Determinant of a
The determinant is computed via LU factorization, LAPACK routine z/dgetrf.
a1 = asarray_chkfinite(a)
if len(a1.shape) != 2 or a1.shape[0] != a1.shape[1]:
raise ValueError('expected square matrix')
overwrite_a = overwrite_a or _datacopied(a1, a)
fdet, = get_flinalg_funcs(('det',), (a1,))
a_det, info = fdet(a1, overwrite_a=overwrite_a)
if info < 0:
raise ValueError('illegal value in %d-th argument of internal '
'det.getrf' % -info)
return a_det
示例14: orthogonal_procrustes
def orthogonal_procrustes(A, ref_matrix, reflection=False):
# Adaptation of scipy.linalg.orthogonal_procrustes -> https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/v0.16.0/scipy/linalg/_procrustes.py#L14
# Info here: http://compgroups.net/comp.soft-sys.matlab/procrustes-analysis-without-reflection/896635
# goal is to find unitary matrix R with det(R) > 0 such that ||A*R - ref_matrix||^2 is minimized
from scipy.linalg.decomp_svd import svd # Singular Value Decomposition, factors matrices
from scipy.linalg import det
import numpy as np
A = np.asarray_chkfinite(A)
ref_matrix = np.asarray_chkfinite(ref_matrix)
if A.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError('expected ndim to be 2, but observed %s' % A.ndim)
if A.shape != ref_matrix.shape:
raise ValueError('the shapes of A and ref_matrix differ (%s vs %s)' % (A.shape, ref_matrix.shape))
u, w, vt = svd(ref_matrix.T.dot(A).T)
# Goal: minimize ||A*R - ref||^2, switch to trace
# trace((A*R-ref).T*(A*R-ref)), now we distribute
# trace(R'*A'*A*R) + trace(ref.T*ref) - trace((A*R).T*ref) - trace(ref.T*(A*R)), trace doesn't care about order, so re-order
# trace(R*R.T*A.T*A) + trace(ref.T*ref) - trace(R.T*A.T*ref) - trace(ref.T*A*R), simplify
# trace(A.T*A) + trace(ref.T*ref) - 2*trace(ref.T*A*R)
# Thus, to minimize we want to maximize trace(ref.T * A * R)
# u*w*v.T = (ref.T*A).T
# ref.T * A = w * u.T * v
# trace(ref.T * A * R) = trace (w * u.T * v * R)
# differences minimized when trace(ref.T * A * R) is maximized, thus when trace(u.T * v * R) is maximized
# This occurs when u.T * v * R = I (as u, v and R are all unitary matrices so max is 1)
# R is a rotation matrix so R.T = R^-1
# u.T * v * I = R^-1 = R.T
# R = u * v.T
# Thus, R = u.dot(vt)
R = u.dot(vt) # Get the rotation matrix, including reflections
if not reflection and det(R) < 0: # If we don't want reflection
# To remove reflection, we change the sign of the rightmost column of u (or v) and the scalar associated
# with that column
u[:,-1] *= -1
w[-1] *= -1
R = u.dot(vt)
scale = w.sum() # Get the scaled difference
return R,scale
示例15: qr_old
def qr_old(a, overwrite_a=False, lwork=None, check_finite=True):
"""Compute QR decomposition of a matrix.
Calculate the decomposition :lm:`A = Q R` where Q is unitary/orthogonal
and R upper triangular.
a : array, shape (M, N)
Matrix to be decomposed
overwrite_a : boolean
Whether data in a is overwritten (may improve performance)
lwork : integer
Work array size, lwork >= a.shape[1]. If None or -1, an optimal size
is computed.
check_finite : boolean, optional
Whether to check that the input matrix contains only finite numbers.
Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems
(crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.
Q : float or complex array, shape (M, M)
R : float or complex array, shape (M, N)
Size K = min(M, N)
Raises LinAlgError if decomposition fails
if check_finite:
a1 = numpy.asarray_chkfinite(a)
a1 = numpy.asarray(a)
if len(a1.shape) != 2:
raise ValueError('expected matrix')
M,N = a1.shape
overwrite_a = overwrite_a or (_datacopied(a1, a))
geqrf, = get_lapack_funcs(('geqrf',), (a1,))
if lwork is None or lwork == -1:
# get optimal work array
qr, tau, work, info = geqrf(a1, lwork=-1, overwrite_a=1)
lwork = work[0]
qr, tau, work, info = geqrf(a1, lwork=lwork, overwrite_a=overwrite_a)
if info < 0:
raise ValueError('illegal value in %d-th argument of internal geqrf'
% -info)
gemm, = get_blas_funcs(('gemm',), (qr,))
t = qr.dtype.char
R = numpy.triu(qr)
Q = numpy.identity(M, dtype=t)
ident = numpy.identity(M, dtype=t)
zeros = numpy.zeros
for i in range(min(M, N)):
v = zeros((M,), t)
v[i] = 1
v[i+1:M] = qr[i+1:M, i]
H = gemm(-tau[i], v, v, 1+0j, ident, trans_b=2)
Q = gemm(1, Q, H)
return Q, R