本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.add函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python add函数的具体用法?Python add怎么用?Python add使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: __call__
def __call__(self, values, clip=True, out=None):
values = _prepare(values, clip=clip, out=out)
np.multiply(values, self.exp, out=values)
np.add(values, 1., out=values)
np.log(values, out=values)
np.true_divide(values, np.log(self.exp + 1.), out=values)
return values
示例2: movementCompute
def movementCompute(self, displacement, noiseFactor = 0):
Shift the current active cells by a vector.
@param displacement (pair of floats)
A translation vector [di, dj].
if noiseFactor != 0:
displacement = copy.deepcopy(displacement)
xnoise = np.random.normal(0, noiseFactor)
ynoise = np.random.normal(0, noiseFactor)
displacement[0] += xnoise
displacement[1] += ynoise
# Calculate delta in the module's coordinates.
phaseDisplacement = (np.matmul(self.rotationMatrix, displacement) *
# Shift the active coordinates.
np.add(self.activePhases, phaseDisplacement, out=self.activePhases)
# In Python, (x % 1.0) can return 1.0 because of floating point goofiness.
# Generally this doesn't cause problems, it's just confusing when you're
# debugging.
np.round(self.activePhases, decimals=9, out=self.activePhases)
np.mod(self.activePhases, 1.0, out=self.activePhases)
self.phaseDisplacement = phaseDisplacement
示例3: morphological_laplace
def morphological_laplace(input, size = None, footprint = None,
structure = None, output = None,
mode = "reflect", cval = 0.0, origin = 0):
"""Multi-dimensional morphological laplace.
Either a size or a footprint, or the structure must be provided. An
output array can optionally be provided. The origin parameter
controls the placement of the filter. The mode parameter
determines how the array borders are handled, where cval is the
value when mode is equal to 'constant'.
tmp1 = grey_dilation(input, size, footprint, structure, None, mode,
cval, origin)
if isinstance(output, numpy.ndarray):
grey_erosion(input, size, footprint, structure, output, mode,
cval, origin)
numpy.add(tmp1, output, output)
del tmp1
numpy.subtract(output, input, output)
return numpy.subtract(output, input, output)
tmp2 = grey_erosion(input, size, footprint, structure, None, mode,
cval, origin)
numpy.add(tmp1, tmp2, tmp2)
del tmp1
numpy.subtract(tmp2, input, tmp2)
numpy.subtract(tmp2, input, tmp2)
return tmp2
示例4: makeFeatureVec
def makeFeatureVec(words, model, num_features):
# Pre-initialize an empty numpy array (for speed)
featureVec = np.zeros((num_features,),dtype="float32")
# Count number of words
nwords = 0.
# Loop over word by word
# If in vocabulary, add its feature vector to the total
for word in words.split():
if word in model:
nwords += 1.
featureVec = np.add(featureVec,model[word])
missingWord = handleMissingWord(word, model, num_features)
featureVec = np.add(featureVec, missingWord)
nwords += 1.
# Divide the result by the number of words to get the average
featureVec = np.divide(featureVec,nwords)
# If number of words zero
if nwords == 0:
featureVec = characterVec(words, model, num_features)
return featureVec
示例5: test_pi_ops_nat
def test_pi_ops_nat(self):
idx = PeriodIndex(['2011-01', '2011-02', 'NaT', '2011-04'],
freq='M', name='idx')
expected = PeriodIndex(['2011-03', '2011-04', 'NaT', '2011-06'],
freq='M', name='idx')
self._check(idx, lambda x: x + 2, expected)
self._check(idx, lambda x: 2 + x, expected)
self._check(idx, lambda x: np.add(x, 2), expected)
self._check(idx + 2, lambda x: x - 2, idx)
self._check(idx + 2, lambda x: np.subtract(x, 2), idx)
# freq with mult
idx = PeriodIndex(['2011-01', '2011-02', 'NaT', '2011-04'],
freq='2M', name='idx')
expected = PeriodIndex(['2011-07', '2011-08', 'NaT', '2011-10'],
freq='2M', name='idx')
self._check(idx, lambda x: x + 3, expected)
self._check(idx, lambda x: 3 + x, expected)
self._check(idx, lambda x: np.add(x, 3), expected)
self._check(idx + 3, lambda x: x - 3, idx)
self._check(idx + 3, lambda x: np.subtract(x, 3), idx)
示例6: numeric_gemm_var1_flat
def numeric_gemm_var1_flat(A, B, C, mc, kc, nc, mr=1, nr=1):
M, N = C.shape
K = A.shape[0]
mc = min(mc, M)
kc = min(kc, K)
nc = min(nc, N)
tA = numpy.zeros((mc, kc), dtype = numpy.float)
tB = numpy.zeros((kc, N), dtype = numpy.float)
for k in range(0, K, kc):
# Pack B into tB
tB[:,:] = B[k:k+kc:,:]
for i in range(0, M, mc):
imc = i+mc
# Pack A into tA
tA[:,:] = A[i:imc,k:k+kc]
for j in range(0, N): # , nc):
# Cj += ABj + Cj
# jnc = j+nc
ABj = numpy.matrixmultiply(tA, tB[:,j])
numpy.add(C[i:imc:,j], ABj, C[i:imc:,j])
# Store Caux into memory
示例7: wavefunction
def wavefunction(coords, mocoeffs, gbasis, volume):
"""Calculate the magnitude of the wavefunction at every point in a volume.
coords -- the coordinates of the atoms
mocoeffs -- mocoeffs for one eigenvalue
gbasis -- gbasis from a parser object
volume -- a template Volume object (will not be altered)
bfs = getbfs(coords, gbasis)
wavefn = copy.copy(volume)
wavefn.data = numpy.zeros( wavefn.data.shape, "d")
conversion = convertor(1,"bohr","Angstrom")
x = numpy.arange(wavefn.origin[0], wavefn.topcorner[0]+wavefn.spacing[0], wavefn.spacing[0]) / conversion
y = numpy.arange(wavefn.origin[1], wavefn.topcorner[1]+wavefn.spacing[1], wavefn.spacing[1]) / conversion
z = numpy.arange(wavefn.origin[2], wavefn.topcorner[2]+wavefn.spacing[2], wavefn.spacing[2]) / conversion
for bs in range(len(bfs)):
data = numpy.zeros( wavefn.data.shape, "d")
for i,xval in enumerate(x):
for j,yval in enumerate(y):
for k,zval in enumerate(z):
data[i, j, k] = bfs[bs].amp(xval,yval,zval)
numpy.multiply(data, mocoeffs[bs], data)
numpy.add(wavefn.data, data, wavefn.data)
return wavefn
示例8: average_perceptron
def average_perceptron(feature_matrix, labels, T):
theta = np.empty_like(feature_matrix[0])
theta_sum = theta
theta_0 = 0.0
theta_0_sum = theta_0
ticker = 0
update_track = 0
while ticker < T:
for i in range(len(feature_matrix)):
check_before_label = np.add(np.dot(theta, feature_matrix[i]),theta_0)
check_mult_label = np.multiply(labels[i], check_before_label)
if check_mult_label == 0 or check_mult_label < 0:
update_track += 1
(theta, theta_0) = perceptron_single_step_update(feature_matrix[i], labels[i], theta, theta_0)
theta_sum = np.add(theta, theta_sum)
theta_0_sum += theta_0
ticker += 1
theta_average = np.divide(theta_sum, update_track)
theta_0_average = theta_0_sum/update_track
return (theta_average, theta_0_average)
示例9: _wrapx
def _wrapx(input, output, nx):
Wrap the X format column Boolean array into an ``UInt8`` array.
input Boolean array of shape (`s`, `nx`)
output ``Uint8`` array of shape (`s`, `nbytes`)
number of bits
output[...] = 0 # reset the output
nbytes = ((nx - 1) // 8) + 1
unused = nbytes * 8 - nx
for i in range(nbytes):
_min = i * 8
_max = min((i + 1) * 8, nx)
for j in range(_min, _max):
if j != _min:
np.left_shift(output[..., i], 1, output[..., i])
np.add(output[..., i], input[..., j], output[..., i])
# shift the unused bits
np.left_shift(output[..., i], unused, output[..., i])
示例10: discretize
def discretize(self, time_slice_length):
self.time_slice_length = time_slice_length
# compute the total number of time-slices
time_delta = (self.end_date - self.start_date)
time_delta = time_delta.total_seconds()/60
self.time_slice_count = int(time_delta // self.time_slice_length) + 1
# parallelize tweet partitioning using a pool of processes (number of processes = number of cores).
nb_processes = cpu_count()
nb_tweets_per_process = self.size // nb_processes
portions = []
for i in range(0, self.size, nb_tweets_per_process):
j = i + nb_tweets_per_process if i + nb_tweets_per_process < self.size else self.size
portions.append((i, j))
p = Pool()
results = p.map(self.discretize_job, portions)
results.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
# insert the time-slices number in the data frame and compute the final frequency matrices
time_slices = []
self.tweet_count = np.zeros(self.time_slice_count, dtype=np.int)
self.global_freq = csr_matrix((len(self.vocabulary), self.time_slice_count), dtype=np.short)
self.mention_freq = csr_matrix((len(self.vocabulary), self.time_slice_count), dtype=np.short)
for a_tuple in results:
self.tweet_count = np.add(self.tweet_count, a_tuple[2])
self.global_freq = np.add(self.global_freq, a_tuple[3])
self.mention_freq = np.add(self.mention_freq, a_tuple[4])
self.df['time_slice'] = np.array(time_slices)
示例11: __add__
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Raster):
result = np.add(self.data, other.data)
result = np.add(self.data, other)
return Raster(None, result, self.nodata, self.driver, self.georef, self.proj)
示例12: plot_selfish_cooperative
def plot_selfish_cooperative(num_runs):
import seaborn as sns
for exp in range(num_runs):
fig = plt.figure()
cooperators = [3,4,5]
selfish = [0,1,2]
fname = Parameters.dirname + '/%i_assembly_%i.dat' % (exp, 0)
t, pop = np.loadtxt(fname, unpack = True)
cooperative_pop = [0.0]*len(pop[:-5])
selfish_pop = [0.0]*len(pop[:-5])
for c in cooperators:
fname = Parameters.dirname + '/%i_assembly_%i.dat' % (exp, c)
t, pop = np.loadtxt(fname, unpack = True)
cooperative_pop = np.add(cooperative_pop,pop[:-5] )
for s in selfish:
fname = Parameters.dirname + '/%i_assembly_%i.dat' % (exp, s)
t, pop = np.loadtxt(fname, unpack = True)
selfish_pop = np.add(selfish_pop,pop[:-5] )
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax.plot(t[:-5], selfish_pop, label = 'selfish', color = 'r')
ax.plot(t[:-5], cooperative_pop, label = 'cooperative', color = 'g')
ax.legend(loc = 'upper left')
plt.xlabel('System Time')
plt.ylabel('Total Abundance')
plt.savefig(Parameters.dirname + '/%i_cooperative_vs_selfish.png' % exp)
示例13: createChord
def createChord(self,*args):
if len(args) == 1:
self.notesCombined = args[0]
if len(args) == 2:
self.notesCombined = np.add(args[0],args[1])
if len(args) == 3:
self.notesCombined = np.add(args[0],np.add(args[1],args[2]))
示例14: __init__
def __init__(self, limitsLow, limitsHigh, status = None):
# Either merge two clusters (bottom-up)
# or create a new micro-cluster (top-down)
if status is "merging":
# The first two input parameters are two newCluster() objects
first = limitsLow
second = limitsHigh
self.limitsLow = [None]*ndim
self.limitsHigh = [None]*ndim
for i in xrange(ndim):
self.limitsLow[i] = min(first.limitsLow[i], second.limitsLow[i])
self.limitsHigh[i] = max(first.limitsHigh[i], second.limitsHigh[i])
self.weight = first.weight + second.weight
self.Sum = np.add(first.Sum, second.Sum)
self.sqSum = np.add(first.sqSum, second.sqSum)#self.computeSqSum()
# The first two parameters are the edges of the cluster
self.limitsLow = limitsLow
self.limitsHigh = limitsHigh
示例15: scale_samples
def scale_samples(params, bounds):
Rescales samples in 0-to-1 range to arbitrary bounds.
bounds - list of lists of dimensions num_params-by-2
params - numpy array of dimensions num_params-by-N,
where N is the number of samples
# Check bounds are legal (upper bound is greater than lower bound)
b = np.array(bounds)
lower_bounds = b[:, 0]
upper_bounds = b[:, 1]
if np.any(lower_bounds >= upper_bounds):
raise ValueError("Bounds are not legal")
# This scales the samples in-place, by using the optional output
# argument for the numpy ufunctions
# The calculation is equivalent to:
# sample * (upper_bound - lower_bound) + lower_bound
(upper_bounds - lower_bounds),