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Python Node.parent方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中node.Node.parent方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Node.parent方法的具体用法?Python Node.parent怎么用?Python Node.parent使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在node.Node的用法示例。


示例1: insert

# 需要导入模块: from node import Node [as 别名]
# 或者: from node.Node import parent [as 别名]
    def insert(self, hwnd):
        leaf_node = Node(Window(hwnd))
        internal_node = Node()
        if self.focus is None:
            self.focus = self.root

        # first window
        if self.root is None:
            assert(self.root == self.focus)
            self.root = leaf_node
            self.root.rect = Rect(0, 0, self.size.w, self.size.h)
            internal_node.first = leaf_node
            internal_node.second = self.focus
            internal_node.rect = Rect(0, 0, self.size.w, self.size.h)
            if self.focus.parent is None:
                self.root = internal_node
                internal_node.parent = self.focus.parent
                if self.focus.is_first_child():
                    self.focus.parent.first = internal_node
                    self.focus.parent.second = internal_node
            leaf_node.parent = internal_node
            self.focus.parent = internal_node


示例2: expand

# 需要导入模块: from node import Node [as 别名]
# 或者: from node.Node import parent [as 别名]
    def expand(self, v, game):
        """Choose un-tried action and expand tree.
            v: parent node which has un-visited child node.
            game: game state which corresponds to passed node v

            child_node: insrance of new created node whose parent is v
        act_index = 0
        while True:
            act_index = v.children.index(-1)    # get index of untried action
            v.unvisited -= 1

            if not game.is_legal(act_index):
                v.children[act_index] = -2  # -2 indicates this action is illegal

                # if all unvisited nodes are illegal one, 
                # then go tree_policy process and descend the tree again.

                if v.unvisited == 0: return self.tree_policy(v, game)

        # add new expanded node to the tree
        child_node = Node(game.act_num)
        child_node.parent = v
        is_terminal, score = game.is_terminal(self.ME, act_index)
        if is_terminal:
            child_node.is_terminal = True
            child_node.val = score
        v.children[act_index] = child_node
        return child_node

示例3: insert

# 需要导入模块: from node import Node [as 别名]
# 或者: from node.Node import parent [as 别名]
    def insert(self, s):
        node = self.seen[ord(s)]

        if node is None:
            spawn = Node(symbol=s, weight=1)
            internal = Node(symbol='', weight=1, parent=self.NYT.parent,
                left=self.NYT, right=spawn)
            spawn.parent = internal
            self.NYT.parent = internal

            if internal.parent is not None:
                internal.parent.left = internal
                self.root = internal

            self.nodes.insert(0, internal)
            self.nodes.insert(0, spawn)

            self.seen[ord(s)] = spawn
            node = internal.parent

        while node is not None:
            largest = self.find_largest_node(node.weight)

            if (node is not largest and node is not largest.parent and
                largest is not node.parent):
                self.swap_node(node, largest)

            node.weight = node.weight + 1
            node = node.parent

示例4: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from node import Node [as 别名]
# 或者: from node.Node import parent [as 别名]
    def __init__(self):

        # dictionary, identifier: Node object
        self._nodes = {}
        # identifier of the root node (currently 0)
        self.root = "0"
        # number of nodes
        self.node_count = 0

        self["ROOT"] = Node("ROOT", "ROOT", "ROOT")
        self["BOS"] = Node("BOS", "BOS", "BOS", next="EOS")
        self["EOS"] = Node("EOS", "EOS", "EOS", prev="BOS")
        # make BOS a child of ROOT
        self["BOS"].parent = "ROOT"
        # make EOS a child of ROOT
        self["EOS"].parent = "ROOT"

示例5: test_tree_policy

# 需要导入模块: from node import Node [as 别名]
# 或者: from node.Node import parent [as 别名]
 def test_tree_policy(self):
     data = [(31.16,105),(52.89,153),(113.05,285),
     v0 = Node(7)
     v0.update= 1000
     for i in range(7):
         child = Node(7)
         child.val, child.update = data[i]
         child.parent = v0
         v0.children[i] = child
     v0.unvisited = 0
     v_l = self.M.tree_policy(v0, self.G)
     eq_(v0.children[1], v_l.parent)    # best child is children[1]

示例6: test_calc_node_score

# 需要导入模块: from node import Node [as 别名]
# 或者: from node.Node import parent [as 别名]
 def test_calc_node_score(self):
     data = [(31.16,105),(52.89,153),(113.05,285),
     v0 = Node(7)
     v0.update= 1000
     ans = [0.55325390369,0.558168573334,0.552351405228\
     for i in range(7):
         child = Node(7)
         child.val, child.update = data[i]
         child.parent = v0
         v0.children[i] = child
         ok_(abs(ans[i] - self.M.calc_node_score(child, 1.0/math.sqrt(2))) < 0.000001)

示例7: test_calc_node_score

# 需要导入模块: from node import Node [as 别名]
# 或者: from node.Node import parent [as 别名]
    def test_calc_node_score(self):
        root = Node(7)
        root.val = 50
        root.update = 1350
        v0 = Node(7)
        v0.val = 80+90+100/3
        v0.update = 1380
        v0.parent = root

        # child num < 2 case
        child = Node(7)
        child.val, child.update = 50,100
        v0.children[0] = child

        # mean operator case
        eq_(1.0*v0.val/v0.update, self.M.calc_node_score(v0,0))

        data =[ (80,450), (90,400), (100, 500)]
        for i in range(3):
            child = Node(7)
            child.val, child.update = data[i]
            child.parent = v0
            v0.children[i] = child
        # max operator case
        eq_(100/500.0, self.M.calc_node_score(v0,0))

        data =[ (80,450), (90,400), (100, 400)]
        for i in range(3):
            child = Node(7)
            child.val, child.update = data[i]
            child.parent = v0
            v0.children[i] = child

        # mean operator case
        eq_(1.0*v0.val/v0.update, self.M.calc_node_score(v0,0))

示例8: test_best_child

# 需要导入模块: from node import Node [as 别名]
# 或者: from node.Node import parent [as 别名]
    def test_best_child(self):
        data = [(31.16,105),(52.89,153),(113.05,285),
        v0 = Node(7)
        v0.update= 1000
        for i in range(7):
            child = Node(7)
            child.val, child.update = data[i]
            child.parent = v0
            v0.children[i] = child
        eq_(2,self.M.best_child(v0, 0))
        eq_(1,self.M.best_child(v0, 1.0/math.sqrt(2)))

        data = [(20.57,83),(33.24,113),(112.03,285),
        v0 = Node(7)
        v0.update= 3000
        for i in range(7):
            child = Node(7)
            child.val, child.update = data[i]
            child.parent = v0
            v0.children[i] = child
        eq_(3,self.M.best_child(v0, 0))
        eq_(3,self.M.best_child(v0, 1.0/math.sqrt(2)))

示例9: grow

# 需要导入模块: from node import Node [as 别名]
# 或者: from node.Node import parent [as 别名]
    def grow(self, node, tables, samp_rates, sample_infs=None):
        if self.time_exceeded():
          _logger.debug("time exceeded %.3f > %.3f", time.time()-self.start_time, self.max_wait)
          return node

        rule = node.rule
        data = rule.examples
        datas = map(rule.filter_table, tables)
        samples = [self.sample(*pair) for pair in zip(datas, samp_rates)]
        node.cards = map(len, datas)
        node.n = sum(node.cards)

        if node.n == 0:
          return node

        #if sample_infs is None:
        f = lambda (idx, samps): self.compute_infs(idx, samps)
        sample_infs = map(f, enumerate(samples))
        curscore = self.get_score_for_infs(range(len(samples)), sample_infs)
        est_inf = self.estimate_inf(sample_infs)

        if node.parent:
          self.print_status(rule, datas, sample_infs)
          if self.should_stop(sample_infs):
            node.states = self.get_states(datas)
            return node

        attr_scores = []
        for attr, new_rules in self.child_rules(rule):
          scores = self.get_scores(new_rules, samples)
          score = self.merge_scores(scores)
          score = self.adjust_score(score, node, attr, new_rules)
          if score == -inf: continue
          attr_scores.append((attr, new_rules, score, scores))

        if not self.start_time: self.start_time = time.time()

        if not attr_scores:
          node.states = self.get_states(datas)
          _logger.debug("no attrscores")
          return node

        attr, new_rules, score, scores = min(attr_scores, key=lambda p: p[-2])

        node.score = min(scores) 
        minscore = curscore - abs(curscore) * self.min_improvement
        if node.score >= minscore and minscore != -inf:
          _logger.debug("score didn't improve\t%.7f >= %.7f", min(scores), minscore)
          return node

        #data2infs, rule2infs, rule2datas = self.databyrule2infs(new_rules, datas)
        #new_srses2 = self.update_sample_rates2(new_rules, data2infs, samp_rates)
        new_srses = self.update_sample_rates(new_rules, datas, samp_rates)
        #for newsrs, newsrs2 in zip(new_srses, new_srses2):
          #if tuple(newsrs) != tuple(newsrs2):

        for new_rule, new_srs in zip(new_rules, new_srses):
          child = Node(new_rule)
          child.prev_attr = attr
          child.parent = node

          #self.grow(child, rule2datas[new_rule], new_srs)#, rule2infs[new_rule])
          self.grow(child, datas, new_srs)

          if child and child.n and child.influence != -inf:

        return node

示例10: grow

# 需要导入模块: from node import Node [as 别名]
# 或者: from node.Node import parent [as 别名]
  def grow(self, node, tables, samp_rates, sample_infs=None):
    if self.time_exceeded():
      _logger.debug("time exceeded %.2f > %d", (time.time()-self.start_time), self.max_wait)
      yield (node, False)

    if node.rule in self.seen:
      _logger.debug("rule seen %d\t%s", hash(node.rule), node.rule)
      yield (node, False)

    if self.start_time is None and node.depth >= 1:
      self.start_time = time.time()

    rule = node.rule
    datas = tables
    if not sample_infs:
      datas = map(rule.filter_table, tables)
    node.cards = map(len, datas)
    node.n = sum(node.cards)

    if node.n == 0:
      yield (node, False)

    # Precompute influences and scores

    samples = datas
    if sample_infs is None:
      f = lambda (idx, samps): self.compute_infs(idx, samps)
      samples = [self.sample(*pair) for pair in zip(datas, samp_rates)]
      sample_infs = map(f, enumerate(samples))

    curscore = self.get_score_for_infs(range(len(sample_infs)), sample_infs)
    est_inf = self.estimate_inf(sample_infs)

    if node.parent:
      self.print_status(rule, datas, sample_infs)
      if self.should_stop(sample_infs):
        node.states = self.get_states(datas)
        yield (node, True)

    if self.time_exceeded():
      _logger.debug("time exceeded %.2f > %d", (time.time()-self.start_time), self.max_wait)
      yield (node, False)

    # compute scores for each attribute to split on
    attr_scores = []
    for attr, new_rules in self.child_rules(rule):
      if not new_rules: continue
      scores = self.get_scores(new_rules, samples)
      score = self.merge_scores(scores)
      score = self.adjust_score(score, node, attr, new_rules)
      _logger.debug("score:\t%.4f\t%s\t%s", score, attr.name[:6], new_rules[0])
      if score == -INF: continue
      attr_scores.append((attr, new_rules, score, scores))

    if not attr_scores:
      node.states = self.get_states(datas)
      yield (node, True)

    attr_scores.sort(key=lambda p: p[-2])

    attr, new_rules, score, scores = attr_scores[0]
    node.score = min(scores) 
    minscore = curscore - abs(curscore) * self.min_improvement
    if node.score >= minscore and minscore != -INF:
      _logger.debug("bdt:  \tscore didn't improve\t%.7f >= %.7f", min(scores), minscore)
      yield (node, True)

    if node.score <= curscore - abs(curscore) * 0.05:
      _logger.debug("bdt:  \tbig improvement\t%s", str(new_rules[0]))
      yield (node, False)

    ncands = max(1, 2 - node.depth)
    for attr, new_rules, score, scores in attr_scores[:ncands]:
      data2infs, rule2infs, rule2datas = self.databyrule2infs(new_rules, datas)
      #new_srses = self.update_sample_rates(new_rules, data2infs, samp_rates)
      new_srses = [samp_rates] * len(new_rules)
      new_pairs = zip(new_rules, new_srses)
      new_pairs.sort(key=lambda (new_r, new_s): new_r.quality, reverse=True)

      for new_rule, new_srs in new_pairs:
        child = Node(new_rule)
        child.prev_attr = attr
        child.parent = node

示例11: build

# 需要导入模块: from node import Node [as 别名]
# 或者: from node.Node import parent [as 别名]
    def build(self,node=None,sigMask=None,bkgMask=None):
        Builds a decision tree from training data
        Recursivly creates a node and then finds the cut which gives the greatest separation
        between signal and background. Then applies the cut and creates two daughter nodes 
        that are then trained on a masked input sample.

        # create root node for tree
        if node == None:
            node = Node()
            self.rootNode = node
            self.rootNode.root = True
            self.rootNode.depth = 0
            self.nNodes +=1

        # create a mask for the training samples, we will only train on events that 
        # pass the previous nodes
        if sigMask == None :
            sigMask = np.ones(self.nSig, dtype=bool)
        if bkgMask == None :
            bkgMask = np.ones(self.nBkg, dtype=bool)
        # check parameters, this may be a leaf...
        leafNode = False
        if self.nNodes >= self.maxNodes :
            leafNode = True

        if node.depth >= self.maxDepth : 
            leafNode = True

        sigEvents = long(np.sum(sigMask))
        bkgEvents = long(np.sum(bkgMask))

        if sigEvents + bkgEvents < 2*self.nEventsMin:
            leafNode = True

        if sigEvents<=0 or  bkgEvents<=0:
            leafNode = True

        # if this is a leaf node, set the return value for the node and then return
        if leafNode :
            node.leaf = True
            if float(sigEvents)/(sigEvents+bkgEvents) > 0.5:
                node.retVal = 1
            else :
                node.retVal = -1

        # Scan over each cut value of each variable to find cut which offers the best separation
        bestVar = -1
        bestCutVal = -1.
        parentIndex = weightedGini(sigEvents,bkgEvents)

        for var in xrange(self.nVars) :
            # use numpy histogram fn to find best cut value
            histRange = (
            bkgHist, bins = np.histogram(self.bkgData[bkgMask,var],self.nCuts,
            bkgYield = np.cumsum(bkgHist, dtype=float)

            sigHist, bins = np.histogram(self.sigData[sigMask,var],bins,weights=self.sigWeights[sigMask])
            sigYield = np.cumsum(sigHist, dtype=float)

            # calculate the increase in the separation index between the parent node the daughter nodes
            leftIndex = vecWeightedGini(sigYield,bkgYield)
            rightIndex = vecWeightedGini(sigEvents-sigYield,bkgEvents-bkgYield)
            diff = (parentIndex - leftIndex - rightIndex)/(sigEvents+bkgEvents)
            maxInd = diff[:-1].argmax() 
            if diff[maxInd] >= bestGini  : 
                bestGini = diff[maxInd]
                bestVar = var
                bestCutVal = bins[maxInd+1] 

        # apply cut values to node

        # create two daughter nodes

        leftnode = Node()
        leftnode.parent = node
        node.left = leftnode
        node.left.depth = node.depth+1

        rightnode = Node()
        rightnode.parent = node
        node.right = rightnode
        node.right.depth = node.depth+1

        # copy the masks and update them with the results of the node
        sigMaskLeft = np.copy(sigMask)
        sigMaskRight = np.copy(sigMask)
        for i in xrange(self.nSig):
            if sigMask[i] :
