本文整理汇总了Python中nltk.corpus.gutenberg.sents函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python sents函数的具体用法?Python sents怎么用?Python sents使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: exercise_gutenberg
def exercise_gutenberg():
# 打印古腾堡项目的文件列表
print gutenberg.fileids()
# 挑选一个文本: 简-奥斯丁的《爱玛》
emma = gutenberg.words("austen-emma.txt")
# 查看书的长度
print len(emma)
# 导入文本
emma_text = nltk.Text(emma)
for file_id in gutenberg.fileids():
chars_list = gutenberg.raw(file_id)
words_list = gutenberg.words(file_id)
sents_list = gutenberg.sents(file_id)
# 统计文件的总字符数
num_chars = len(chars_list)
# 统计文件的总单词数
num_words = len(words_list)
# 统计文件的总句子数
num_sents = len(sents_list)
# 统计文件的非重复单词数
num_vocab = len(set([w.lower() for w in words_list]))
# 打印词的平均字符数, 句子的平均单词数, 每个单词出现的平均次数, 文件名
print num_chars / num_words, num_words / num_sents, num_words / num_vocab, file_id
示例2: main
def main(num_couplets, num_syllables, rhyme_depth):
for text in TEXTS:
for sentence in gutenberg.sents(text):
addSentence(sentence, rhyme_depth)
for couplet_number in range(0, num_couplets):
# Get a randomly selected couplet
attempts = 0
while True:
couplet = getCouplet(num_syllables)
if couplet is not None: break
# Prevent an infinite loop if parameters are off
attempts += 1
if attempts == 1000: return
couplet = [ pretty(line) for line in couplet ]
# A little hack for adjusting punctuation and capitalization
couplet[0] = couplet[0][0].upper() + couplet[0][1:]
if couplet[0][-1] == '.' or couplet[0][-1] == ',':
couplet[0] = couplet[0][:-1] + ','
char = couplet[1][0].lower() if couplet[1][:2] != 'I ' else 'I'
couplet[1] = char + couplet[1][1:]
couplet[1] = couplet[1][0].upper() + couplet[1][1:]
# Dump to stdout
print couplet[0]
print couplet[1]
示例3: get_book_sents
def get_book_sents(word_list):
"""Searches Jane Austen's 'Emma' for the words in the word list.
The sentences are modified to highlight the found words by changing them to uppercase.
Then the sentence number (in order from the book) is appended to the front
of the sentence string.
Returns a list of strings (sentence # + \s + sentence string).
book = 'austen-emma.txt'
book_sents = gutenberg.sents(book)
sent_nums = set()
sents_to_return = []
s_count = 0
for s in book_sents:
s_count += 1
s_str = " ".join(s)
for w in word_list:
if ' '+w+' ' in s_str.lower():
if s_count not in sent_nums:
s_str = s_str.replace(' '+w+' ', ' '+w.upper()+' ')
s_str = s_str.replace(' '+w.title()+' ', ' '+w.upper()+' ')
sents_to_return.append(str(s_count)+' '+s_str)
s_str = s_str.replace(' '+w+' ', ' '+w.upper()+' ')
s_str = s_str.replace(' '+w.title()+' ', ' '+w.upper()+' ')
sents_to_return[-1] = str(s_count)+' '+s_str
return sents_to_return
示例4: tagged_sentences
def tagged_sentences( book ):
Generator yielding one sentence at a time, filtering out the -NONE- tagged
sentences, which are anomalies in the words.
for sentence in gutenberg.sents( book ):
yield filter( lambda x: x[1] not in [':', '-NONE-', ], nltk.pos_tag( sentence ) )
示例5: gutenberg
def gutenberg():
from nltk.corpus import gutenberg
for t in gutenberg.fileids():
num_chars = len(gutenberg.raw(t))
num_words = len(gutenberg.words(t))
num_sents = len(gutenberg.sents(t))
num_vocab = len(set([w.lower() for w in gutenberg.words(t)]))
print int(num_chars/num_words), int(num_words/num_sents), int(num_words/num_vocab), t
示例6: plot_sentiment_flow
def plot_sentiment_flow(title):
sents = gutenberg.sents(title)
positive_flow = [partial_sentiment(x) for x in sents]
negative_flow = [partial_sentiment(x, positive = False) for x in sents]
plt.plot(range(len(sents)), positive_flow, label = 'Positive')
plt.plot(range(len(sents)), negative_flow, label = 'Negative')
plt.ylabel('Sentiment Score')
示例7: gutenberg
def gutenberg():
emma = nltk.corpus.gutenberg.words('austen-emma.txt')
print len(emma)
print gutenberg.fileids()
emma = gutenberg.words('austen-emma.txt')
macbeth_sentences = gutenberg.sents('shakespeare-macbeth.txt')
longest_len = max([len(s) for s in macbeth_sentences])
[s for s in macbeth_sentences if len(s) == longest_len]
for fileid in gutenberg.fileids():
num_chars = len(gutenberg.raw(fileid))
num_words = len(gutenberg.words(fileid))
num_sents = len(gutenberg.sents(fileid))
num_vocab = len(set([w.lower() for w in gutenberg.words(fileid)]))
print int(num_chars/num_words), int(num_words/num_sents), int(num_words/num_vocab), fileid
示例8: structure
def structure():
raw = gutenberg.raw("burgess-busterbrown.txt")
words = gutenberg.words("burgess-busterbrown.txt")
sents = gutenberg.sents("burgess-busterbrown.txt")
示例9: page59
def page59():
"""Prints the longest sentence from Macbeth"""
from nltk.corpus import gutenberg
macbeth_sentences = gutenberg.sents("shakespeare-macbeth.txt")
print "macbeth_sentences=", macbeth_sentences
print "macbeth_sentences[1037]=", macbeth_sentences[1037]
longest_len = max([len(s) for s in macbeth_sentences])
print "longest sentence=",
print [s for s in macbeth_sentences if len(s) == longest_len]
示例10: create_model_from_NLTK
def create_model_from_NLTK():
filepath = "nltkcorpus.txt"
if isfile(filepath):
return create_model(filepath= filepath, save=False)
from nltk.corpus import reuters, brown, gutenberg
sents = reuters.sents() + brown.sents()
for gsents in [gutenberg.sents(fid) for fid in gutenberg.fileids()]:
sents += gsents
return create_model(sentences=sents, savename=filepath)
示例11: fun02
def fun02():
for fileid in gutenberg.fileids():
num_chars = len(gutenberg.raw(fileid))
num_words = len(gutenberg.words(fileid))
num_sents = len(gutenberg.sents(fileid))
num_vocab = len(set([w.lower() for w in gutenberg.words(fileid)]))
# average word length average sentence length
print int(num_chars/num_words), int(num_words/num_sents),
# number of times each vocabulary item appers in the text
print int(num_words/num_vocab), fileid
示例12: page57
def page57():
"""Statistics from the Gutenberg corpora"""
from nltk.corpus import gutenberg
for fileid in gutenberg.fileids():
num_chars = len(gutenberg.raw(fileid))
num_words = len(gutenberg.words(fileid))
num_sents = len(gutenberg.sents(fileid))
num_vocab = len(set([w.lower() for w in gutenberg.words(fileid)]))
print int(num_chars / num_words), int(num_words / num_sents),
print int(num_words / num_vocab), fileid
示例13: for_print
def for_print():
for fileid in gutenberg.fileids():
num_vocab=len(set([w.lower() for w in gutenberg.words(fileid)]))
print int(num_chars/num_words),int(num_words/num_sents),int(num_words/num_vocab),fileid
示例14: train
def train(self):
self.unigrams = FreqDist([])
for fileid in gutenberg.fileids():
for sentence in gutenberg.sents(fileid):
words=["<s>",] + [x.lower() for x in sentence if wordRE.search(x)] + ["</s>",]
this_bigrams += bigrams(words)
self.V = len(self.vocabulary)
示例15: benchmark_sbd
def benchmark_sbd():
ps = []
rs = []
f1s = []
c = 0
for fileid in gutenberg.fileids():
c += 1
copy_sents_gold = gutenberg.sents(fileid)
sents_gold = [s for s in copy_sents_gold]
for sent_i in range(len(sents_gold)):
new_sent = [w for w in sents_gold[sent_i] if w.isalpha()]
sents_gold[sent_i] = new_sent
text = gutenberg.raw(fileid)
sents_obtained = split_text(text)
copy_sents_obtained = sents_obtained.copy()
for sent_i in range(len(sents_obtained)):
new_sent = [w.group()
for w in re.finditer(r'\w+', sents_obtained[sent_i])
if w.group().isalpha()]
sents_obtained[sent_i] = new_sent
c_common = 0
for sent in sents_obtained:
if sent in sents_gold:
c_common += 1
p, r, f1 = get_prf(c_common, len(sents_obtained), len(sents_gold))
print('\n\n', fileid)
print('Precision: {:0.2f}, Recall: {:0.2f}, F1: {:0.2f}'.format(p, r, f1))
print('\n\nPrecision stats: {:0.3f} +- {:0.4f}'.format(np.mean(ps),
print('Recall stats: {:0.3f} +- {:0.4f}'.format(np.mean(rs),
print('F1 stats: {:0.3f} +- {:0.4f}'.format(np.mean(f1s),
good_ps = [p for p in ps if p >= 0.8]
good_rs = [r for r in rs if r >= 0.8]
good_f1s = [f1 for f1 in f1s if f1 >= 0.8]
print('\n Good precision stats: {:0.3f} +- {:0.4f}'.format(np.mean(good_ps),
print('Good Recall stats: {:0.3f} +- {:0.4f}'.format(np.mean(good_rs),
print('Good F1 stats: {:0.3f} +- {:0.4f}'.format(np.mean(good_f1s),