本文整理汇总了Python中nipype.Workflow.connect方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Workflow.connect方法的具体用法?Python Workflow.connect怎么用?Python Workflow.connect使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类nipype.Workflow
示例1: create_confound_extraction_workflow
# 需要导入模块: from nipype import Workflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from nipype.Workflow import connect [as 别名]
def create_confound_extraction_workflow(name="confounds", wm_components=6):
"""Extract nuisance variables from anatomical sources."""
inputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(["timeseries", "brain_mask", "reg_file", "subject_id"]), "inputs")
# Find the subject's Freesurfer segmentation
# Grab the Freesurfer aparc+aseg file as an anatomical brain mask
getaseg = Node(
io.SelectFiles({"aseg": "{subject_id}/mri/aseg.mgz"}, base_directory=os.environ["SUBJECTS_DIR"]), "getaseg"
# Select and erode the white matter to get deep voxels
selectwm = Node(fs.Binarize(erode=3, wm=True), "selectwm")
# Transform the mask into functional space
transform = MapNode(fs.ApplyVolTransform(inverse=True, interp="nearest"), ["reg_file", "source_file"], "transform")
# Extract eigenvariates of the timeseries from WM and whole brain
extract = MapNode(ExtractConfounds(n_components=wm_components), ["timeseries", "brain_mask", "wm_mask"], "extract")
outputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(["confound_file"]), "outputs")
confounds = Workflow(name)
(inputnode, getaseg, [("subject_id", "subject_id")]),
(getaseg, selectwm, [("aseg", "in_file")]),
(selectwm, transform, [("binary_file", "target_file")]),
(inputnode, transform, [("reg_file", "reg_file"), ("timeseries", "source_file")]),
(transform, extract, [("transformed_file", "wm_mask")]),
(inputnode, extract, [("timeseries", "timeseries"), ("brain_mask", "brain_mask")]),
(extract, outputnode, [("out_file", "confound_file")]),
return confounds
示例2: create_reg_workflow
# 需要导入模块: from nipype import Workflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from nipype.Workflow import connect [as 别名]
def create_reg_workflow(name="reg", space="mni", regtype="model"):
"""Flexibly register files into one of several common spaces."""
if regtype == "model":
fields = ["copes", "varcopes", "ss_files"]
elif regtype == "timeseries":
fields = ["timeseries"]
fields.extend(["masks", "affines"])
if space == "mni":
inputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(fields), "inputnode")
func = globals()["%s_%s_transform" % (space, regtype)]
transform = Node(Function(fields, ["out_files"],
func, imports),
regflow = Workflow(name=name)
outputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(["out_files"]), "outputnode")
for field in fields:
regflow.connect(inputnode, field, transform, field)
regflow.connect(transform, "out_files", outputnode, "out_files")
return regflow, inputnode, outputnode
示例3: create_bbregister_workflow
# 需要导入模块: from nipype import Workflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from nipype.Workflow import connect [as 别名]
def create_bbregister_workflow(name="bbregister",
"""Find a linear transformation to align the EPI file with the anatomy."""
in_fields = ["subject_id", "source_file"]
if partial_brain:
inputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(in_fields), "inputs")
# Estimate the registration to Freesurfer conformed space
func2anat = MapNode(fs.BBRegister(contrast_type=contrast_type,
# Make an image for quality control on the registration
report = MapNode(Function(["subject_id", "in_file"],
# Define the workflow outputs
outputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(["tkreg_mat", "flirt_mat", "report"]),
bbregister = Workflow(name=name)
# Connect the registration
(inputnode, func2anat,
[("subject_id", "subject_id"),
("source_file", "source_file")]),
(inputnode, report,
[("subject_id", "subject_id")]),
(func2anat, report,
[("registered_file", "in_file")]),
(func2anat, outputnode,
[("out_reg_file", "tkreg_mat")]),
(func2anat, outputnode,
[("out_fsl_file", "flirt_mat")]),
(report, outputnode,
[("out_file", "report")]),
# Possibly connect the full_fov image
if partial_brain:
(inputnode, func2anat,
[("whole_brain_template", "intermediate_file")]),
return bbregister
示例4: create_surface_projection_workflow
# 需要导入模块: from nipype import Workflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from nipype.Workflow import connect [as 别名]
def create_surface_projection_workflow(name="surfproj", exp_info=None):
"""Project the group mask and thresholded zstat file onto the surface."""
if exp_info is None:
exp_info = lyman.default_experiment_parameters()
inputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(["zstat_file", "mask_file"]), "inputs")
# Sample the zstat image to the surface
hemisource = Node(IdentityInterface(["mni_hemi"]), "hemisource")
hemisource.iterables = ("mni_hemi", ["lh", "rh"])
zstatproj = Node(freesurfer.SampleToSurface(
# Sample the mask to the surface
maskproj = Node(freesurfer.SampleToSurface(
if exp_info["sampling_method"] == "point":
maskproj.inputs.sampling_method = "point"
maskproj.inputs.sampling_method = "max"
outputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(["surf_zstat",
"surf_mask"]), "outputs")
# Define and connect the workflow
proj = Workflow(name)
(inputnode, zstatproj,
[("zstat_file", "source_file")]),
(inputnode, maskproj,
[("mask_file", "source_file")]),
(hemisource, zstatproj,
[("mni_hemi", "hemi")]),
(hemisource, maskproj,
[("mni_hemi", "hemi")]),
(zstatproj, outputnode,
[("out_file", "surf_zstat")]),
(maskproj, outputnode,
[("out_file", "surf_mask")]),
return proj
示例5: create_bbregister_workflow
# 需要导入模块: from nipype import Workflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from nipype.Workflow import connect [as 别名]
def create_bbregister_workflow(name="bbregister", contrast_type="t2", partial_brain=False, init_with="fsl"):
"""Find a linear transformation to align the EPI file with the anatomy."""
in_fields = ["subject_id", "timeseries"]
if partial_brain:
inputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(in_fields), "inputs")
# Take the mean over time to get a target volume
meanvol = MapNode(fsl.MeanImage(), "in_file", "meanvol")
# Do a rough skullstrip using BET
skullstrip = MapNode(fsl.BET(), "in_file", "bet")
# Estimate the registration to Freesurfer conformed space
func2anat = MapNode(
# Make an image for quality control on the registration
report = MapNode(CoregReport(), "in_file", "coreg_report")
# Define the workflow outputs
outputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(["tkreg_mat", "flirt_mat", "report"]), "outputs")
bbregister = Workflow(name=name)
# Connect the registration
(inputnode, func2anat, [("subject_id", "subject_id")]),
(inputnode, report, [("subject_id", "subject_id")]),
(inputnode, meanvol, [("timeseries", "in_file")]),
(meanvol, skullstrip, [("out_file", "in_file")]),
(skullstrip, func2anat, [("out_file", "source_file")]),
(func2anat, report, [("registered_file", "in_file")]),
(func2anat, outputnode, [("out_reg_file", "tkreg_mat")]),
(func2anat, outputnode, [("out_fsl_file", "flirt_mat")]),
(report, outputnode, [("out_file", "report")]),
# Possibly connect the full_fov image
if partial_brain:
bbregister.connect([(inputnode, func2anat, [("whole_brain_template", "intermediate_file")])])
return bbregister
示例6: create_filtering_workflow
# 需要导入模块: from nipype import Workflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from nipype.Workflow import connect [as 别名]
def create_filtering_workflow(name="filter",
"""Scale and high-pass filter the timeseries."""
inputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(["timeseries", "mask_file"]),
# Grand-median scale within the brain mask
scale = MapNode(ScaleTimeseries(statistic="median", target=10000),
["in_file", "mask_file"],
# Gaussian running-line filter
hpf_sigma = (hpf_cutoff / 2.0) / TR
filter = MapNode(fsl.TemporalFilter(highpass_sigma=hpf_sigma),
# Possibly replace the mean
# (In later versions of FSL, the highpass filter removes the
# mean component. Put it back, but be flexible so this isn't
# broken on older versions of FSL).
replacemean = MapNode(ReplaceMean(output_name=output_name),
["orig_file", "filtered_file"],
# Compute a final mean functional volume
meanfunc = MapNode(fsl.MeanImage(out_file="mean_func.nii.gz"),
"in_file", "meanfunc")
outputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(["timeseries",
"mean_file"]), "outputs")
filtering = Workflow(name)
(inputnode, scale,
[("timeseries", "in_file"),
("mask_file", "mask_file")]),
(scale, filter,
[("out_file", "in_file")]),
(scale, replacemean,
[("out_file", "orig_file")]),
(filter, replacemean,
[("out_file", "filtered_file")]),
(replacemean, meanfunc,
[("out_file", "in_file")]),
(replacemean, outputnode,
[("out_file", "timeseries")]),
(meanfunc, outputnode,
[("out_file", "mean_file")]),
return filtering
示例7: workflow_spec
# 需要导入模块: from nipype import Workflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from nipype.Workflow import connect [as 别名]
def workflow_spec(name="{workflow_name}", exp_info=None):
"""Return a Nipype workflow for MR processing.
name : string
workflow object name
exp_info : dict
dictionary with experimental information
workflow = Workflow(name)
if exp_info is None:
exp_info = fitz.default_experiment_parameters()
# Define the inputs for the preprocessing workflow
in_fields = [""] # "timeseries"]
inputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(in_fields), "inputs")
# Define Actual Nipype Nodes, Workflows, etc.
# e.g. The start of an example SPM preproc workflow
# --------------------------------------------------
slicetiming = pe.Node(interface=spm.SliceTiming(), name="slicetiming")
slicetiming.inputs.ref_slice = 1
realign = pe.Node(interface=spm.Realign(), name="realign")
realign.inputs.register_to_mean = True
(inputnode, slicetiming,
[('timeseries', 'in_files')]),
(slicetiming, realign,
[('timecorrected_files', 'in_files')]),
output_fields = [""] # realigned_files", "realignment_parameters"]
outputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(output_fields), "outputs")
(realign, outputnode,
[("realigned_files", "realigned_files"),
("realignment_parameters", "realignment_parameters")]),
# Return the workflow itself and input and output nodes.
return workflow, inputnode, outputnode
示例8: create_reg_workflow
# 需要导入模块: from nipype import Workflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from nipype.Workflow import connect [as 别名]
def create_reg_workflow(name="reg", space="mni",
regtype="model", method="fsl",
residual=False, cross_exp=False):
"""Flexibly register files into one of several common spaces."""
# Define the input fields flexibly
if regtype == "model":
fields = ["copes", "varcopes", "sumsquares"]
elif regtype == "timeseries":
fields = ["timeseries"]
if cross_exp:
fields.extend(["means", "masks", "rigids"])
if space == "mni":
fields.extend(["affine", "warpfield"])
inputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(fields), "inputnode")
# Grap the correct interface class dynamically
interface_name = "{}{}Registration".format(space.upper(),
reg_interface = globals()[interface_name]
transform = Node(reg_interface(method=method), "transform")
# Sanity check on inputs
if regtype == "model" and residual:
raise ValueError("residual and regtype=model does not make sense")
# Set the kind of timeseries
if residual:
transform.inputs.residual = True
outputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(["out_files"]), "outputnode")
# Define the workflow
regflow = Workflow(name=name)
# Connect the inputs programatically
for field in fields:
regflow.connect(inputnode, field, transform, field)
# The transform node only ever has one output
regflow.connect(transform, "out_files", outputnode, "out_files")
return regflow, inputnode, outputnode
示例9: test_execute
# 需要导入模块: from nipype import Workflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from nipype.Workflow import connect [as 别名]
def test_execute(self, lyman_dir, execdir):
info = frontend.info(lyman_dir=lyman_dir)
def f(x):
return x ** 2
assert f(2) == 4
n1 = Node(Function("x", "y", f), "n1")
n2 = Node(Function("x", "y", f), "n2")
wf = Workflow("test", base_dir=info.cache_dir)
wf.connect(n1, "y", n2, "x")
wf.inputs.n1.x = 2
cache_dir = execdir.join("cache").join("test")
class args(object):
graph = False
n_procs = 1
debug = False
clear_cache = True
execute = True
frontend.execute(wf, args, info)
assert not cache_dir.exists()
args.debug = True
frontend.execute(wf, args, info)
assert cache_dir.exists()
args.debug = False
info.remove_cache = False
frontend.execute(wf, args, info)
assert cache_dir.exists()
args.execute = False
res = frontend.execute(wf, args, info)
assert res is None
args.execute = True
fname = str(execdir.join("graph").join("workflow.dot"))
args.graph = fname
res = frontend.execute(wf, args, info)
assert res == fname[:-4] + ".svg"
args.graph = True
args.stage = "preproc"
res = frontend.execute(wf, args, info)
assert res == cache_dir.join("preproc.svg")
示例10: create_unwarp_workflow
# 需要导入模块: from nipype import Workflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from nipype.Workflow import connect [as 别名]
def create_unwarp_workflow(name="unwarp", fieldmap_pe=("y", "y-")):
"""Unwarp functional timeseries using reverse phase-blipped images."""
inputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(["timeseries", "fieldmap"]), "inputs")
# Calculate the shift field
# Note that setting readout_times to 1 will give a fine
# map of the field, but the units will be off
# Since we don't write out the map of the field itself, it does
# not seem worth it to add another parameter for the readout times.
# (It does require that they are the same, but when wouldn't they be?)
topup = MapNode(
fsl.TOPUP(encoding_direction=fieldmap_pe, readout_times=[1] * len(fieldmap_pe)), ["in_file"], "topup"
# Unwarp the timeseries
applytopup = MapNode(
fsl.ApplyTOPUP(method="jac", in_index=[1]),
["in_files", "in_topup_fieldcoef", "in_topup_movpar", "encoding_file"],
# Make a figure summarize the unwarping
report = MapNode(UnwarpReport(), ["orig_file", "corrected_file"], "unwarp_report")
# Define the outputs
outputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(["timeseries", "report"]), "outputs")
# Define and connect the workflow
unwarp = Workflow(name)
(inputnode, topup, [("fieldmap", "in_file")]),
(inputnode, applytopup, [("timeseries", "in_files")]),
("out_fieldcoef", "in_topup_fieldcoef"),
("out_movpar", "in_topup_movpar"),
("out_enc_file", "encoding_file"),
(inputnode, report, [("fieldmap", "orig_file")]),
(topup, report, [("out_corrected", "corrected_file")]),
(applytopup, outputnode, [("out_corrected", "timeseries")]),
(report, outputnode, [("out_file", "report")]),
return unwarp
示例11: make_simple_workflow
# 需要导入模块: from nipype import Workflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from nipype.Workflow import connect [as 别名]
def make_simple_workflow():
wf = Workflow(name="test")
node1 = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=["foo"]), name="node1")
node2 = MapNode(IdentityInterface(fields=["foo"]),
name="node2", iterfield=["foo"])
node3 = Node(IdentityInterface(fields=["foo"]), name="node3")
(node1, node2, [("foo", "foo")]),
(node2, node3, [("foo", "foo")]),
return wf, node1, node2, node3
示例12: create_filtering_workflow
# 需要导入模块: from nipype import Workflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from nipype.Workflow import connect [as 别名]
def create_filtering_workflow(name="filter",
"""Scale and high-pass filter the timeseries."""
inputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(["timeseries", "mask_file"]),
# Grand-median scale within the brain mask
scale = MapNode(Function(["in_file",
["in_file", "mask_file"],
# Gaussian running-line filter
hpf_sigma = (hpf_cutoff / 2.0) / TR
filter = MapNode(fsl.TemporalFilter(highpass_sigma=hpf_sigma,
out_file=output_name + ".nii.gz"),
outputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(["timeseries"]), "outputs")
filtering = Workflow(name)
(inputnode, scale,
[("timeseries", "in_file"),
("mask_file", "mask_file")]),
(scale, filter,
[("out_file", "in_file")]),
(filter, outputnode,
[("out_file", "timeseries")]),
return filtering
示例13: create_realignment_workflow
# 需要导入模块: from nipype import Workflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from nipype.Workflow import connect [as 别名]
def create_realignment_workflow(name="realignment", temporal_interp=True, TR=2, slice_order="up", interleaved=True):
"""Motion and slice-time correct the timeseries and summarize."""
inputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(["timeseries"]), "inputs")
# Get the middle volume of each run for motion correction
extractref = MapNode(ExtractRealignmentTarget(), "in_file", "extractref")
# Motion correct to middle volume of each run
mcflirt = MapNode(
fsl.MCFLIRT(cost="normcorr", interpolation="spline", save_mats=True, save_rms=True, save_plots=True),
["in_file", "ref_file"],
# Optionally emoporally interpolate to correct for slice time differences
if temporal_interp:
slicetime = MapNode(fsl.SliceTimer(time_repetition=TR), "in_file", "slicetime")
if slice_order == "down":
slicetime.inputs.index_dir = True
elif slice_order != "up":
raise ValueError("slice_order must be 'up' or 'down'")
if interleaved:
slicetime.inputs.interleaved = True
# Generate a report on the motion correction
mcreport = MapNode(RealignmentReport(), ["target_file", "realign_params", "displace_params"], "mcreport")
# Define the outputs
outputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(["timeseries", "example_func", "report", "motion_file"]), "outputs")
# Define and connect the sub workflow
realignment = Workflow(name)
(inputnode, extractref, [("timeseries", "in_file")]),
(inputnode, mcflirt, [("timeseries", "in_file")]),
(extractref, mcflirt, [("out_file", "ref_file")]),
(extractref, mcreport, [("out_file", "target_file")]),
(mcflirt, mcreport, [("par_file", "realign_params"), ("rms_files", "displace_params")]),
(extractref, outputnode, [("out_file", "example_func")]),
(mcreport, outputnode, [("realign_report", "report"), ("motion_file", "motion_file")]),
if temporal_interp:
(mcflirt, slicetime, [("out_file", "in_file")]),
(slicetime, outputnode, [("slice_time_corrected_file", "timeseries")]),
realignment.connect([(mcflirt, outputnode, [("out_file", "timeseries")])])
return realignment
示例14: create_workflow_to_resample_baw_files
# 需要导入模块: from nipype import Workflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from nipype.Workflow import connect [as 别名]
def create_workflow_to_resample_baw_files(name="ResampleBAWOutputs"):
This function...
:param name:
workflow = Workflow(name)
inputs_to_resample = ["t1_file", "t2_file", "hncma_file", "abc_file"]
other_inputs = ["reference_file", "acpc_transform"]
label_maps = ["hncma_file", "abc_file"]
input_spec = Node(
IdentityInterface(inputs_to_resample + other_inputs), name="input_spec"
output_spec = Node(IdentityInterface(inputs_to_resample), name="output_spec")
for input in inputs_to_resample:
node = Node(BRAINSResample(), "Resample_{0}".format(input))
node.inputs.pixelType = "short"
node.inputs.inverseTransform = True
node.inputs.outputVolume = input + ".nii.gz"
if input in label_maps:
node.inputs.interpolationMode = "NearestNeighbor"
("reference_file", "referenceVolume"),
("acpc_transform", "warpTransform"),
("{0}".format(input), "inputVolume"),
(node, output_spec, [("outputVolume", "{0}".format(input))]),
return workflow
示例15: workflow_spec
# 需要导入模块: from nipype import Workflow [as 别名]
# 或者: from nipype.Workflow import connect [as 别名]
def workflow_spec(name="onset", exp_info=None):
# Default experiment parameters
if exp_info is None:
exp_info = fitz.default_experiment_parameters
# Define constant inputs
inputs = ["design_file"]
# Define the workflow inputs
inputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(inputs), "inputs")
onsetsetup = Node(OnsetSetup(), "onsetsetup")
onsetsetup.inputs.exp_info = exp_info
onsetsetup.inputs.conditions = exp_info['conditions']
onsetsetup.inputs.condition_col = exp_info['condition_col']
onsetsetup.inputs.duration_col = exp_info['duration_col']
onsetsetup.inputs.onset_col = exp_info['onset_col']
onsetsetup.inputs.run_col = exp_info['run_col']
onsetsetup.inputs.pmod_cols = exp_info['pmod_cols']
onsetsetup.inputs.pmod_conditions = exp_info['pmod_conditions']
onsetsetup.inputs.concatenate_runs = exp_info['concatenate_runs']
# Define the workflow outputs
outputnode = Node(IdentityInterface(["design_mats"]),
# Define the workflow and connect the nodes
onsetFlow = Workflow(name=name)
(inputnode, onsetsetup,
[("design_file", "design_file")]),
(onsetsetup, outputnode,
[("design_mats", "design_mats")])
return onsetFlow, inputnode, outputnode