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Python imageformats.load函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中nipy.io.imageformats.load函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python load函数的具体用法?Python load怎么用?Python load使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: load_ppm

def load_ppm(): 
    # Read input files 
    for i in range(ntissues):
        fname = os.path.join(subdatadir, id_prior+'_EM_'+str(i)+'.nii')
        if i == 0: 
            im = Image(load(fname))
            affine = im.affine
            data = np.zeros(list(im.shape)+[ntissues])
            data[:,:,:,0] = im.data
            data[:,:,:,i] = Image(load(fname)).data
    #ppm = Image(data, affine)

    # Normalize and mask ppms 
    psum = data.sum(3)
    X,Y,Z = np.where(psum>0)
    for i in range(ntissues): 
        data[X,Y,Z,i] /= psum[X,Y,Z]
    mask = (X.astype('uint'), Y.astype('uint'), Z.astype('uint'))

    # For now, we may need to reduce the mask because the vem module
    # does not handle boundary conditions
    X,Y,Z = mask
    I = np.where((X>0)*(X<im.shape[0]-1)*(Y>0)*(Y<im.shape[1]-1)*(Z>0)*(Z<im.shape[2]-1))
    mask = X[I], Y[I], Z[I]
    return data, mask, affine 

示例2: ffx

def ffx( maskImages, effectImages, varianceImages, resultImage=None):
    Computation of the fixed effecst statistics

    maskImages, string or list of strings
                the paths of one or several masks
                when several masks, the half thresholding heuristic is used
    effectImages, list of strings
                the paths ofthe effect images   
    varianceImages, list of strings
                    the paths of the associated variance images
    resultImage=None, string,
                 path of the result images

    the computed values
    # fixme : check that the images have same referntial
    # fixme : check that mask_Images is a list
    if len(effectImages)!=len(varianceImages):
        raise ValueError, 'Not the correct number of images'
    tiny = 1.e-15
    nsubj = len(effectImages)
    mask = intersect_masks(maskImages, None, threshold=0.5, cc=True)
    effects = []
    variance = []
    for s in range(nsubj):
        rbeta = load(effectImages[s])
        beta = rbeta.get_data()[mask>0]
        rbeta = load(varianceImages[s])
        varbeta = rbeta.get_data()[mask>0]
    effects = np.array(effects)
    variance = np.array(variance)
    effects[np.isnan(effects)] = 0
    effects[np.isnan(variance)] = 0
    variance[np.isnan(variance)] = tiny
    variance[variance==0] = tiny    
    t = effects/np.sqrt(variance)
    t = t.mean(0)*np.sqrt(nsubj)     
    #t = np.sum(effects/variance,0)/np.sum(1.0/np.sqrt(variance),0)

    nim = load(effectImages[0])
    affine = nim.get_affine()
    tmap = np.zeros(nim.get_shape())
    tmap[mask>0] = t
    tImage = Nifti1Image(tmap, affine)
    if resultImage!=None:
       save(tImage, resultImage)

    return tmap

示例3: series_from_mask

def series_from_mask(filenames, mask, dtype=np.float32, smooth=False):
    """ Read the time series from the given sessions filenames, using the mask.

        filenames: list of 3D nifti file names, or 4D nifti filename.
            Files are grouped by session.
        mask: 3d ndarray
            3D mask array: true where a voxel should be used.
        smooth: False or float, optional
            If smooth is not False, it gives the size, in voxel of the
            spatial smoothing to apply to the signal.
        session_series: ndarray
            3D array of time course: (session, voxel, time)
        header: header object
            The header of the first file.
    assert len(filenames) != 0, ( 
        'filenames should be a file name or a list of file names, '
        '%s (type %s) was passed' % (filenames, type(filenames)))
    mask = mask.astype(np.bool)
    if isinstance(filenames, basestring):
        # We have a 4D nifti file
        data_file = load(filenames)
        header = data_file.get_header()
        series = data_file.get_data()
        affine = data_file.get_affine()[:3, :3]
        del data_file
        if isinstance(series, np.memmap):
            series = np.asarray(series).copy()
        if smooth:
            smooth_sigma = np.dot(linalg.inv(affine), np.ones(3))*smooth
            for this_volume in np.rollaxis(series, -1):
                this_volume[...] = ndimage.gaussian_filter(this_volume,
        series = series[mask].astype(dtype)
        nb_time_points = len(list(filenames))
        series = np.zeros((mask.sum(), nb_time_points), dtype=dtype)
        for index, filename in enumerate(filenames):
            data_file = load(filename)
            data = data_file.get_data()
            if smooth:
                affine = data_file.get_affine()[:3, :3]
                smooth_sigma = np.dot(linalg.inv(affine), np.ones(3))*smooth
                data = ndimage.gaussian_filter(data, smooth_sigma)
            series[:, index] = data[mask].astype(dtype)
            # Free memory early
            del data
            if index == 0:
                header = data_file.get_header()

    return series, header

示例4: intersect_masks

def intersect_masks(input_masks, output_filename=None, threshold=0.5, cc=True):
    Given a list of input mask images, generate the output image which
    is the the threshold-level intersection of the inputs 

    input_masks: list of strings or ndarrays
        paths of the input images nsubj set as len(input_mask_files), or
        individual masks.
    output_filename, string:
        Path of the output image, if None no file is saved.
    threshold: float within [0, 1], optional
        gives the level of the intersection.
        threshold=1 corresponds to keeping the intersection of all
        masks, whereas threshold=0 is the union of all masks.
    cc: bool, optional
        If true, extract the main connected component
    grp_mask, boolean array of shape the image shape
    grp_mask = None 

    for this_mask in input_masks:
        if isinstance(this_mask, basestring):
            # We have a filename
            this_mask = load(this_mask).get_data()
        if grp_mask is None:
            grp_mask = this_mask.copy().astype(np.int)
            grp_mask += this_mask
    grp_mask = grp_mask>(threshold*len(input_masks))
    if np.any(grp_mask>0) and cc:
        grp_mask = largest_cc(grp_mask)
    if output_filename is not None:
        if isinstance(input_masks[0], basestring):
            nim = load(input_masks[0]) 
            header = nim.get_header()
            affine = nim.get_affine()
            header = dict()
            affine = np.eye(4)
        header['descrip'] = 'mask image'
        output_image = nifti1.Nifti1Image(grp_mask.astype(np.uint8),
        save(output_image, output_filename)

    return grp_mask>0

示例5: from_position_and_image

    def from_position_and_image(self, image_path, position):
         Define the ROI as the set of  voxels of the image
         that is closest to the provided position

        image_path: string, 
            the path of a label (discrete valued) image
        position: array of shape (3,)
            x, y, z position in the world space

        everything could be performed in the image space
        # check that the header is OK indeed

        # get the image data and find the best matching ROI
        nim = load(image_path)
        data = nim.get_data().astype(np.int)
        k = data.max()+1
        cent = np.array([np.mean(np.where(data==i),1) for i in range(k)])
        cent = np.hstack((cent,np.ones((k,1))))
        coord = np.dot(cent, self.affine.T)[:,:3]
        # find the best match
        dx = coord-position
        k = np.argmin(np.sum(dx**2,1))
        self.discrete = np.where(data==k)

示例6: save_all_images

def save_all_images(contrast, dim, mask_url, kargs):
    idem savel_all, but the names are now all included in kargs
    z_file = kargs["z_file"]
    t_file = kargs["t_file"]
    res_file = kargs["res_file"]
    con_file = kargs["con_file"]
    html_file = kargs["html_file"]
    mask = load(mask_url)
    mask_arr = mask.get_data()
    affine = mask.get_affine()
    shape = mask.get_shape()    
    # load the values
    t = contrast.stat()
    z = contrast.zscore()

    # saving the Z statistics map
    save_volume(shape, z_file, affine, mask_arr, z, "z_file")
    # Saving the t/F statistics map
    save_volume(shape, t_file, affine, mask_arr, t, "t_file")
    if int(dim) != 1:
        shape = (shape[0], shape[1], shape[2],int(dim)**2)
        contrast.variance = contrast.variance.reshape(int(dim)**2, -1)

    ## saving the associated variance map
    # fixme : breaks with F contrasts !
    if contrast.type == "t":
        save_volume(shape, res_file, affine, mask_arr,
    if int(dim) != 1:
        shape = (shape[0], shape[1], shape[2], int(dim))

    # writing the associated contrast structure
    # fixme : breaks with F contrasts !
    if contrast.type == "t":    
        save_volume(shape, con_file, affine, mask_arr,
    # writing the results as an html page
    if kargs.has_key("method"):
        method = kargs["method"]
        method = 'fpr'

    if kargs.has_key("threshold"):
        threshold = kargs["threshold"]
        threshold = 0.001

    if kargs.has_key("cluster"):
        cluster = kargs["cluster"]
        cluster = 0
    Results.ComputeResultsContents(z_file, mask_url, html_file,
                                   threshold=threshold, method=method,

示例7: set_discrete_feature_from_image

    def set_discrete_feature_from_image(self, fid, image_path=None,
        extract some discrete information from an image

        fid: string, feature id
        image_path, string, optional
            input image path
        image, brfiti image path,
            input image

        Note that either image_path or image has to be provided
        if image_path==None and image==None:
            raise ValueError, "one image needs to be provided"
        if image_path is not None:
            nim = load(image_path)
        if image is not None:
            nim = image
        data = nim.get_data()
        ldata = []
        for k in range(self.k):
            dk = self.xyz[k].T
            ldk = data[dk[0],dk[1],dk[2]]
            if np.size(ldk)==ldk.shape[0]:
                ldk = np.reshape(ldk,(np.size(ldk),1))

示例8: load

def load(filename):
    """Load an image from the given filename.

    filename : string
        Should resolve to a complete filename path.

    image : An `Image` object
        If successful, a new `Image` object is returned.

    See Also
    save_image : function for saving images
    fromarray : function for creating images from numpy arrays


    >>> from nipy.io.api import load_image
    >>> from nipy.testing import anatfile
    >>> img = load_image(anatfile)
    >>> img.shape
    (33, 41, 25)
    img = formats.load(filename)
    aff = img.get_affine()
    shape = img.get_shape()
    hdr = img.get_header()

    # Get info from NIFTI header, if present, to tell which axes are
    # which.  This is a NIFTI-specific kludge, that might be abstracted
    # out into the image backend in a general way.  Similarly for
    # getting zooms

    # axis_renames is a dictionary: dict([(int, str)])
    # that has keys in range(3)
    # the axes of the Image are renamed from 'ijk'
    # using these names

        axis_renames = hdr.get_axis_renames()
    except (TypeError, AttributeError):
        axis_renames = {}

        zooms = hdr.get_zooms()
    except AttributeError:
        zooms = np.ones(len(shape))

    # affine_transform is a 3-d transform

    affine_transform3d, affine_transform = \
        affine_transform_from_array(aff, 'ijk', pixdim=zooms[3:])
    img = Image(img.get_data(), affine_transform.renamed_domain(axis_renames))
    img.header = hdr
    return img

示例9: test_conversion

def test_conversion():

    brifti_obj = imageformats.load(data_file)
    vol_img = as_volume_img(data_file)
    yield nose.tools.assert_equals, as_volume_img(vol_img), \
    yield nose.tools.assert_equals, as_volume_img(brifti_obj), \

示例10: load_image

def load_image(image_path, mask_path=None ):
    """ Return an array of image data masked by mask data 

    image_path string or list of strings 
               that yields the data of interest
    mask_path=None: string that yields the mask path

    image_data a data array that can be 1, 2, 3  or 4D 
               depending on chether mask==None or not
               and on the length of the times series
    # fixme : do some check
    if mask_path !=None:
       rmask = load(mask_path)
       shape = rmask.get_shape()[:3]
       mask = np.reshape(rmask.get_data(),shape)
        mask = None

    image_data = []
    if hasattr(image_path, '__iter__'):
       if len(image_path)==1:
          image_path = image_path[0]

    if hasattr(image_path, '__iter__'):
       for im in image_path:
           if mask is not None:
               temp = np.reshape(load(im).get_data(),shape)[mask>0,:]    
                temp = np.reshape(load(im).get_data(),shape) 
       image_data = np.array(image_data).T
        image_data = load(image_path).get_data()
        if mask != None:
            image_data = image_data[mask>0,:]
    return image_data

示例11: ffx_from_stat

def ffx_from_stat( maskImages, statImages, resultImage=None):
    Computation of the fixed effects statistics from statistic

    maskImages, string or list of strings
                the paths of one or several masks
                when several masks, the half thresholding heuristic is used
    statImages, list of strings
                the paths ofthe statitsic images   
    resultImage=None, string,
                 path of the result images

    the computed values
    # fixme : check that the images have same referntial
    # fixme : check that mask_Images is a list
    nsubj = len(statImages)
    mask = intersect_masks(maskImages, None, threshold=0.5, cc=True)
    t = []
    for s in range(nsubj):
        rbeta = load(statImages[s])
        beta = rbeta.get_data()[mask>0]            
    t = np.array(t)
    t[np.isnan(t)] = 0
    t = t.mean(0)*np.sqrt(nsubj)     

    nim = load(statImages[0])
    affine = nim.get_affine()
    tmap = np.zeros(nim.get_shape())
    tmap[mask>0] = t
    tImage = Nifti1Image(tmap, affine)
    if resultImage!=None:

    return tmap

示例12: read_ppms

def read_ppms():
    Open PPMs (White Matter, Gray Matter, CSF, Rest)
    Pdict = {}
    for tissue in tissues: 
        fname = 'out'+tissue+'_100.img'
        im = brifti.load(os.path.join(datadir, fname))
        Pdict[tissue] = im.get_data()/1000.
    return Pdict

示例13: from_binary_image

    def from_binary_image(self, image_path):
        Take all the <>0 sites of the image as the ROI

        image_path: string
            the path of an image
        nim = load(image_path)
        self.discrete = np.where(nim.get_data())

示例14: load_images

def load_images(con_images, var_images):
    nsubj = len(con_images)
    beta = []
    varbeta = []
    tiny = 1.e-15
    for s in range(nsubj): 
        rbeta = load(con_images[s])
        temp = (rbeta.get_data())[mask]
        rvar = load(var_images[s])
        temp = (rvar.get_data())[mask]

    VarFunctional = np.array(varbeta).T
    Functional = np.array(beta).T
    Functional[np.isnan(Functional)] = 0
    VarFunctional[np.isnan(VarFunctional)] = 0
    VarFunctional = np.maximum(VarFunctional, tiny)
    return Functional,  VarFunctional

示例15: mask_parcellation

def mask_parcellation(mask_images, nb_parcel, output_image=None):
    Performs the parcellation of a certain mask

    mask_images: list of strings,
                 paths of the mask images that define the common space.
    nb_parcel: int,
               number of desired parcels
    output_image: string, optional
                   path of the output image
    wim: Nifti1Imagine instance,  the resulting parcellation
    from ..mask import intersect_masks

    # compute the group mask
    affine = load(mask_images[0]).get_affine()
    shape = load(mask_images[0]).get_shape()
    mask = intersect_masks(mask_images, threshold=0)>0
    ijk = np.where(mask)
    ijk = np.array(ijk).T
    nvox = ijk.shape[0]

    # Get and cluster  coordinates 
    ijk = np.hstack((ijk,np.ones((nvox,1))))
    coord = np.dot(ijk, affine.T)[:,:3]
    cent, tlabs, J = kmeans(coord, nb_parcel)
    # Write the results
    label = -np.ones(shape)
    label[mask]= tlabs
    wim = Nifti1Image(label, affine)
    wim.get_header()['descrip'] = 'Label image in %d parcels'%nb_parcel    
    if output_image is not None:
        save(wim, output_image)
    return wim
