本文整理汇总了Python中nibabel.loadsave.load函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python load函数的具体用法?Python load怎么用?Python load使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: __load_images
def __load_images(label_image_n, mask_image_n, boundary_image_n, fg_image_n = False, bg_image_n = False):
Load and return all image data in preprocessed ndarrays.
The label image will be relabeled to start from 1.
@return label, ground-truth-mask, boundary-result-mask[, fg-markers, bg-markers]
# load images
label_image = load(label_image_n)
mask_image = load(mask_image_n)
boundary_image = load(boundary_image_n)
if fg_image_n: fg_image = load(fg_image_n)
if bg_image_n: bg_image = load(bg_image_n)
# extract image data
label_image_d = scipy.squeeze(label_image.get_data())
mask_image_d = scipy.squeeze(mask_image.get_data()).astype(scipy.bool_)
boundary_image_d = scipy.squeeze(boundary_image.get_data()).astype(scipy.bool_)
if fg_image_n: fg_image_d = scipy.squeeze(fg_image.get_data()).astype(scipy.bool_)
if bg_image_n: bg_image_d = scipy.squeeze(bg_image.get_data()).astype(scipy.bool_)
# check if images are of same dimensionality
if label_image_d.shape != mask_image_d.shape: raise argparse.ArgumentError('The mask image {} must be of the same dimensionality as the label image {}.'.format(mask_image_d.shape, label_image_d.shape))
if label_image_d.shape != boundary_image_d.shape: raise argparse.ArgumentError('The boundary term image {} must be of the same dimensionality as the label image {}.'.format(boundary_image_d.shape, label_image_d.shape))
if fg_image_n:
if label_image_d.shape != fg_image_d.shape: raise argparse.ArgumentError('The foreground markers image {} must be of the same dimensionality as the label image {}.'.format(fg_image_d.shape, label_image_d.shape))
if bg_image_n:
if label_image_d.shape != bg_image_d.shape: raise argparse.ArgumentError('The background markers image {} must be of the same dimensionality as the label image {}.'.format(bg_image_d.shape, label_image_d.shape))
# relabel the label image to start from 1
label_image_d = medpy.filter.relabel(label_image_d, 1)
if fg_image_n:
return label_image_d, mask_image_d, boundary_image_d, fg_image_d, bg_image_d
return label_image_d, mask_image_d, boundary_image_d
示例2: test_load_dataarray3
def test_load_dataarray3():
img3 = load(DATA_FILE3)
with InTemporaryDirectory():
save(img3, "test.gii")
bimg = load("test.gii")
for img in (img3, bimg):
assert_array_almost_equal(img.darrays[0].data[30:50], DATA_FILE3_darr1)
示例3: test_base64_written
def test_base64_written():
with InTemporaryDirectory():
with open(DATA_FILE5, "rb") as fobj:
contents = fobj.read()
# Confirm the bad tags are still in the file
assert_true(b"GIFTI_ENCODING_B64BIN" in contents)
assert_true(b"GIFTI_ENDIAN_LITTLE" in contents)
# The good ones are missing
assert_false(b"Base64Binary" in contents)
assert_false(b"LittleEndian" in contents)
# Round trip
img5 = load(DATA_FILE5)
save(img5, "fixed.gii")
with open("fixed.gii", "rb") as fobj:
contents = fobj.read()
# The bad codes have gone, replaced by the good ones
assert_false(b"GIFTI_ENCODING_B64BIN" in contents)
assert_false(b"GIFTI_ENDIAN_LITTLE" in contents)
assert_true(b"Base64Binary" in contents)
if sys.byteorder == "little":
assert_true(b"LittleEndian" in contents)
assert_true(b"BigEndian" in contents)
img5_fixed = load("fixed.gii")
darrays = img5_fixed.darrays
assert_array_almost_equal(darrays[0].data, DATA_FILE5_darr1)
assert_array_almost_equal(darrays[1].data, DATA_FILE5_darr2)
示例4: test_readwritedata
def test_readwritedata():
img = load(DATA_FILE2)
with InTemporaryDirectory():
save(img, "test.gii")
img2 = load("test.gii")
assert_equal(img.numDA, img2.numDA)
assert_array_almost_equal(img.darrays[0].data, img2.darrays[0].data)
示例5: test_load_dataarray4
def test_load_dataarray4():
img4 = load(DATA_FILE4)
# Round trip
with InTemporaryDirectory():
save(img4, "test.gii")
bimg = load("test.gii")
for img in (img4, bimg):
assert_array_almost_equal(img.darrays[0].data[:10], DATA_FILE4_darr1)
示例6: test_load_dataarray2
def test_load_dataarray2():
img2 = load(DATA_FILE2)
# Round trip
with InTemporaryDirectory():
save(img2, 'test.gii')
bimg = load('test.gii')
for img in (img2, bimg):
assert_array_almost_equal(img.darrays[0].data[:10], DATA_FILE2_darr1)
示例7: test_read_ordering
def test_read_ordering():
# DATA_FILE1 has an expected darray[0].data shape of (3,3). However if we
# read another image first (DATA_FILE2) then the shape is wrong
# Read an image
img2 = load(DATA_FILE2)
assert_equal(img2.darrays[0].data.shape, (143479, 1))
# Read image for which we know output shape
img = load(DATA_FILE1)
assert_equal(img.darrays[0].data.shape, (3, 3))
示例8: __load
def __load(picklefile, label):
Load a pickled testbed as well as the original and label image for further processing.
The label image will be relabeled to start with region id 1.
@param picklefile the testbed pickle file name
@param label the label image file name
@return a tuple containing:
label: the label image data as ndarray
bounding_boxes: the bounding boxes around the label image regions (Note that the the bounding box of a region with id rid is accessed using bounding_boxes[rid - 1])
model_fg_ids: the region ids of all regions to create the foreground model from
model_bg_ids: the region ids of all regions to create the background model from
eval_ids: the regions to evaluate the regions term on, represented by their ids
truth_fg: subset of regions from the eval_ids that are foreground according to the ground-truth
truth_bg: subset of regions from the eval_ids that are background according to the ground-truth
# load and preprocess images
label_image = load(label)
label_image_d = scipy.squeeze(label_image.get_data())
# relabel the label image to start from 1
label_image_d = medpy.filter.relabel(label_image_d, 1)
# extracting bounding boxes
bounding_boxes = find_objects(label_image_d)
# load testbed
with open(picklefile, 'r') as f:
model_fg_ids = cPickle.load(f)
model_bg_ids = cPickle.load(f)
cPickle.load(f) # eval ids
truth_fg = cPickle.load(f)
truth_bg = cPickle.load(f)
return label_image_d, label_image, bounding_boxes, model_fg_ids, model_bg_ids, truth_fg, truth_bg
示例9: test_load_dataarray1
def test_load_dataarray1():
img1 = load(DATA_FILE1)
# Round trip
with InTemporaryDirectory():
save(img1, "test.gii")
bimg = load("test.gii")
for img in (img1, bimg):
assert_array_almost_equal(img.darrays[0].data, DATA_FILE1_darr1)
assert_array_almost_equal(img.darrays[1].data, DATA_FILE1_darr2)
me = img.darrays[0].meta.metadata
assert_true("AnatomicalStructurePrimary" in me)
assert_true("AnatomicalStructureSecondary" in me)
assert_equal(me["AnatomicalStructurePrimary"], "CortexLeft")
assert_array_almost_equal(img.darrays[0].coordsys.xform, np.eye(4, 4))
assert_equal(xform_codes.niistring[img.darrays[0].coordsys.dataspace], "NIFTI_XFORM_TALAIRACH")
assert_equal(xform_codes.niistring[img.darrays[0].coordsys.xformspace], "NIFTI_XFORM_TALAIRACH")
示例10: test_load_labeltable
def test_load_labeltable():
img6 = load(DATA_FILE6)
# Round trip
with InTemporaryDirectory():
save(img6, "test.gii")
bimg = load("test.gii")
for img in (img6, bimg):
assert_array_almost_equal(img.darrays[0].data[:3], DATA_FILE6_darr1)
assert_equal(len(img.labeltable.labels), 36)
labeldict = img.labeltable.get_labels_as_dict()
assert_true(660700 in labeldict)
assert_equal(labeldict[660700], "entorhinal")
assert_equal(img.labeltable.labels[1].key, 2647065)
assert_equal(img.labeltable.labels[1].red, 0.0980392)
assert_equal(img.labeltable.labels[1].green, 0.392157)
assert_equal(img.labeltable.labels[1].blue, 0.156863)
assert_equal(img.labeltable.labels[1].alpha, 1)
示例11: test_save_load
def test_save_load():
shape = (2, 4, 6)
npt = np.float32
data = np.arange(np.prod(shape), dtype=npt).reshape(shape)
affine = np.diag([1, 2, 3, 1])
affine[:3,3] = [3,2,1]
img = ni1.Nifti1Image(data, affine)
with InTemporaryDirectory() as pth:
pth = mkdtemp()
nifn = pjoin(pth, 'an_image.nii')
sifn = pjoin(pth, 'another_image.img')
ni1.save(img, nifn)
re_img = nils.load(nifn)
yield assert_true(isinstance(re_img, ni1.Nifti1Image))
yield assert_array_equal(re_img.get_data(), data)
yield assert_array_equal(re_img.get_affine(), affine)
# These and subsequent del statements are to prevent confusing
# windows errors when trying to open files or delete the
# temporary directory.
del re_img
import scipy.io
except ImportError:
# ignore if there is no matfile reader, and restart
spm2.save(img, sifn)
re_img2 = nils.load(sifn)
yield assert_true(isinstance(re_img2, spm2.Spm2AnalyzeImage))
yield assert_array_equal(re_img2.get_data(), data)
yield assert_array_equal(re_img2.get_affine(), affine)
del re_img2
spm99.save(img, sifn)
re_img3 = nils.load(sifn)
yield assert_true(isinstance(re_img3,
yield assert_array_equal(re_img3.get_data(), data)
yield assert_array_equal(re_img3.get_affine(), affine)
ni1.save(re_img3, nifn)
del re_img3
re_img = nils.load(nifn)
yield assert_true(isinstance(re_img, ni1.Nifti1Image))
yield assert_array_equal(re_img.get_data(), data)
yield assert_array_equal(re_img.get_affine(), affine)
del re_img
示例12: test_parse_dataarrays
def test_parse_dataarrays():
fn = "bad_daa.gii"
img = gi.GiftiImage()
with InTemporaryDirectory():
save(img, fn)
with open(fn, "r") as fp:
txt = fp.read()
# Make a bad gifti.
txt = txt.replace('NumberOfDataArrays="0"', 'NumberOfDataArrays ="1"')
with open(fn, "w") as fp:
with clear_and_catch_warnings() as w:
warnings.filterwarnings("once", category=UserWarning)
assert_equal(len(w), 1)
assert_equal(img.numDA, 0)
示例13: main
def main():
# parse cmd arguments
parser = getParser()
args = getArguments(parser)
# prepare logger
logger = Logger.getInstance()
if args.debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
elif args.verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
# build output image name
image_bg_name = args.folder + '/' + args.mask.split('/')[-1][:-4] + '.bg'
image_bg_name += args.mask.split('/')[-1][-4:]
# check if output image exists
if not args.force:
if os.path.exists(image_bg_name):
logger.warning('The output image {} already exists. Breaking.'.format(image_bg_name))
# load mask
logger.info('Loading mask {}...'.format(args.mask))
mask_image = load(args.mask)
mask_image_data = numpy.squeeze(mask_image.get_data()).astype(scipy.bool_)
except ImageFileError as e:
logger.critical('The mask image does not exist or its file type is unknown.')
raise ArgumentError('The mask image does not exist or its file type is unknown.', e)
# array of indices to access desired slices
sls = [(slice(1), slice(None), slice(None)),
(slice(-1, None), slice(None), slice(None)),
(slice(None), slice(1), slice(None)),
(slice(None), slice(-1, None), slice(None)),
(slice(None), slice(None), slice(1)),
(slice(None), slice(None), slice(-1, None))]
# security check
logger.info('Determine if the slices are not intersection with the reference liver mask...')
for sl in sls:
if not 0 == len(mask_image_data[sl].nonzero()[0]):
logger.critical('Reference mask reaches till the image border.')
raise ArgumentError('Reference mask reaches till the image border.')
# create and save background marker image
logger.info('Creating background marker image...')
image_bg_data = scipy.zeros(mask_image_data.shape, dtype=scipy.bool_)
for sl in sls:
image_bg_data[sl] = True
logger.info('Saving background marker image...')
save(image_like(image_bg_data, mask_image), image_bg_name)
logger.info('Successfully terminated.')
示例14: test_save_load
def test_save_load():
shape = (2, 4, 6)
npt = np.float32
data = np.arange(np.prod(shape), dtype=npt).reshape(shape)
affine = np.diag([1, 2, 3, 1])
affine[:3,3] = [3,2,1]
img = ni1.Nifti1Image(data, affine)
with InTemporaryDirectory() as pth:
nifn = 'an_image.nii'
sifn = 'another_image.img'
ni1.save(img, nifn)
re_img = nils.load(nifn)
yield assert_true(isinstance(re_img, ni1.Nifti1Image))
yield assert_array_equal(re_img.get_data(), data)
yield assert_array_equal(re_img.get_affine(), affine)
# These and subsequent del statements are to prevent confusing
# windows errors when trying to open files or delete the
# temporary directory.
del re_img
if have_scipy: # skip we we cannot read .mat files
spm2.save(img, sifn)
re_img2 = nils.load(sifn)
yield assert_true(isinstance(re_img2, spm2.Spm2AnalyzeImage))
yield assert_array_equal(re_img2.get_data(), data)
yield assert_array_equal(re_img2.get_affine(), affine)
del re_img2
spm99.save(img, sifn)
re_img3 = nils.load(sifn)
yield assert_true(isinstance(re_img3,
yield assert_array_equal(re_img3.get_data(), data)
yield assert_array_equal(re_img3.get_affine(), affine)
ni1.save(re_img3, nifn)
del re_img3
re_img = nils.load(nifn)
yield assert_true(isinstance(re_img, ni1.Nifti1Image))
yield assert_array_equal(re_img.get_data(), data)
yield assert_array_equal(re_img.get_affine(), affine)
del re_img
示例15: test_metadata_deprecations
def test_metadata_deprecations():
img = load(datafiles[0])
me = img.meta
# Test deprecation
with clear_and_catch_warnings() as w:
warnings.filterwarnings("once", category=DeprecationWarning)
assert_equal(me, img.get_meta())
with clear_and_catch_warnings() as w:
warnings.filterwarnings("once", category=DeprecationWarning)
assert_equal(me, img.meta)