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Python nibabel.load函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中nibabel.load函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python load函数的具体用法?Python load怎么用?Python load使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: tensor_fitting

def tensor_fitting(data, bvals, bvecs, mask_file=None):
    Use dipy to fit DTI

    in_file : str
        Full path to a DWI data file.
    bvals : str
        Full path to a file containing gradient magnitude information (b-values).
    bvecs : str
        Full path to a file containing gradient direction information (b-vectors).
    mask_file : str, optional
        Full path to a file containing a binary mask. Defaults to use the entire volume.

    TensorFit object, affine
    img = nb.load(in_file).get_data()
    data = img.get_data()
    affine = img.get_affine()
    if mask_file is not None:
        mask = nb.load(self.inputs.mask_file).get_data()
        mask = None

    # Load information about the gradients:
    gtab = grad.gradient_table(self.inputs.bvals, self.inputs.bvecs)

    # Fit it
    tenmodel = dti.TensorModel(gtab)
    return tenmodel.fit(data, mask), affine

示例2: _run_interface

    def _run_interface(self, runtime):
        from dipy.reconst import dki
        from dipy.io.utils import nifti1_symmat
        gtab = self._get_gradient_table()

        img = nb.load(self.inputs.in_file)
        data = img.get_data()
        affine = img.affine
        mask = None
        if isdefined(self.inputs.mask_file):
            mask = nb.load(self.inputs.mask_file).get_data()

        # Fit the DKI model
        kurtosis_model = dki.DiffusionKurtosisModel(gtab)
        kurtosis_fit = kurtosis_model.fit(data, mask)
        lower_triangular = kurtosis_fit.lower_triangular()
        img = nifti1_symmat(lower_triangular, affine)
        out_file = self._gen_filename('dki')
        nb.save(img, out_file)
        IFLOGGER.info('DKI parameters image saved as {i}.format(i=out_file)')

        # FA, MD, RD, and AD
        for metric in ['fa', 'md', 'rd', 'ad', 'mk', 'ak', 'rk']:
            data = getattr(kurtosis_fit.metric).astype('float32')
            out_name = self._gen_filename(metric)
            nb.Nifti1Image(data, affine).to_filename(out_name)
            IFLOGGER.info('DKI {metric} image saved as {i}'.format(i=out_name,

        return runtime

示例3: extract_subrois

def extract_subrois(timeseries_file, label_file, indices):
    """Extract voxel time courses for each subcortical roi index


    timeseries_file: a 4D Nifti file
    label_file: a 3D file containing rois in the same space/size of the 4D file
    indices: a list of indices for ROIs to extract.

    out_file: a text file containing time courses for each voxel of each roi
        The first four columns are: freesurfer index, i, j, k positions in the
        label file
    img = nb.load(timeseries_file)
    data = img.get_data()
    roiimg = nb.load(label_file)
    rois = roiimg.get_data()
    prefix = split_filename(timeseries_file)[1]
    out_ts_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '%s_subcortical_ts.txt' % prefix)
    with open(out_ts_file, 'wt') as fp:
        for fsindex in indices:
            ijk = np.nonzero(rois == fsindex)
            ts = data[ijk]
            for i0, row in enumerate(ts):
                fp.write('%d,%d,%d,%d,' % (fsindex, ijk[0][i0],
                                           ijk[1][i0], ijk[2][i0]) +
                         ','.join(['%.10f' % val for val in row]) + '\n')
    return out_ts_file

示例4: intersubjectconsensus

def intersubjectconsensus():
    """Compute inter-subjects clustering consensus.

    base_dir = r'/nfs/h1/workingshop/huanglijie/uni_mul_analysis'
    db_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'multivariate', 'detection', 'mvpcluster')

    n_clusters = 60

    mask_file = os.path.join(base_dir, 'multivariate', 'detection',
    mask = nib.load(mask_file).get_data()

    for n in range(1, n_clusters):
        n += 1
        merged_file = os.path.join(db_dir, 'merged_cluster_'+str(n)+'.nii.gz')
        merged_data = nib.load(merged_file).get_data()
        n_subjs = merged_data.shape[3]
        mtx = np.zeros((n_subjs, n_subjs))
        for i in range(n_subjs):
            for j in range(n_subjs):
                data_i = merged_data[..., i]
                data_j = merged_data[..., j]
                vtr_i = data_i[np.nonzero(mask)]
                vtr_j = data_j[np.nonzero(mask)]
                tmp = metrics.adjusted_mutual_info_score(vtr_i, vtr_j)
                mtx[i, j] = tmp
        outfile = os.path.join(db_dir, 'consensus_'+str(n)+'.csv')
        np.savetxt(outfile, mtx, delimiter=',')

示例5: get_mean_timeseries

def get_mean_timeseries(infile,roi,mask):
    import os
    import nibabel as nib
    from nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix, split_filename
    import numpy as np

    img = nib.load(infile)
    data, aff = img.get_data(), img.get_affine()

    roi_img = nib.load(roi) 
    roi_data, roi_affine = roi_img.get_data(), roi_img.get_affine()

    if len(roi_data.shape) > 3:
        roi_data = roi_data[:,:,:,0]

    mask = nib.load(mask).get_data()
    roi_data = (roi_data > 0).astype(int) + (mask>0).astype(int)

    _,roiname,_ = split_filename(roi)
    outfile = fname_presuffix(infile,"%s_"%roiname,'.txt',newpath=os.path.abspath('.'),use_ext=False)
    out_data = np.mean(data[roi_data>1,:],axis=0)
    print out_data.shape

    return outfile, roiname

示例6: slicerGifCompare

    def slicerGifCompare(self, source1, source2, target, gifSpeed=100, vmax=None, boundaries=None):
        """Create a animated gif from a 4d NIfTI
            source: 4D NIfTI image
            target: outputfile gif name
            gifSpeed: delay between images (tens of ms), default=30
        gifId = self.__idGenerator()

        image1 = nibabel.load(source1)
        imageData1 = image1.get_data()

        image2 = nibabel.load(source2)
        imageData2 = image2.get_data()

        if vmax == None:
            vmax=numpy.percentile(imageData1, 99)

        imageList = []
        for num, image in enumerate([imageData1, imageData2]):
            output = gifId + '{0:04}.png'.format(num)
            self.slicerPng(image[:,:,:,2], output, vmax=vmax, isData=True, boundaries=boundaries)

        self.__imageList2Gif(imageList, target, gifSpeed)
        #Cleaning temp files
        cmd = 'rm {}*.png'.format(gifId)

        return target

示例7: mrtrix_spherical_functions

def mrtrix_spherical_functions():
    """Spherical functions represented by spherical harmonic coefficients and
    evaluated on a discrete sphere.

    func_coef : array (2, 3, 4, 45)
        Functions represented by the coefficients associated with the
        mxtrix spherical harmonic basis of order 8.
    func_discrete : array (2, 3, 4, 81)
        Functions evaluated on `sphere`.
    sphere : Sphere
        The discrete sphere, points on the surface of a unit sphere, used to
        evaluate the functions.

    These coefficients were obtained by using the dwi2SH command of mrtrix.

    func_discrete = load(pjoin(THIS_DIR, "func_discrete.nii.gz")).get_data()
    func_coef = load(pjoin(THIS_DIR, "func_coef.nii.gz")).get_data()
    gradients = np.loadtxt(pjoin(THIS_DIR, "sphere_grad.txt"))
    # gradients[0] and the first volume of func_discrete, 
    # func_discrete[..., 0], are associated with the b=0 signal.
    # gradients[:, 3] are the b-values for each gradient/volume.
    sphere = Sphere(xyz=gradients[1:, :3])
    return func_coef, func_discrete[..., 1:], sphere

示例8: read_mni_template

def read_mni_template(contrast="T2"):
    Read the MNI template from disk

    contrast : list or string, optional
        Which of the contrast templates to read. Two contrasts are available:
        "T1" and "T2", so you can either enter one of these strings as input,
        or a list containing both of them.

    list : contains the nibabel.Nifti1Image objects requested, according to the
        order they were requested in the input.

    Get only the T2 file:
    >>> T2_nifti = read_mni_template("T2") # doctest: +SKIP
    Get both files in this order:
    >>> T1_nifti, T2_nifti = read_mni_template(["T1", "T2"]) # doctest: +SKIP
    files, folder = fetch_mni_template()
    file_dict = {"T1": pjoin(folder, 'mni_icbm152_t1_tal_nlin_asym_09a.nii'),
                 "T2": pjoin(folder, 'mni_icbm152_t2_tal_nlin_asym_09a.nii')}
    if isinstance(contrast, str):
        return nib.load(file_dict[contrast])
        out_list = []
        for k in contrast:
    return out_list

示例9: export

    def export(self, nidm_version, export_dir):
        Create prov graph.
        if self.expl_mean_sq_file is None:
            # Create Contrast Explained Mean Square Map as fstat<num>.nii.gz
            # multiplied by sigmasquareds.nii.gz and save it in export_dir
            fstat_img = nib.load(self.stat_file)
            fstat = fstat_img.get_data()

            sigma_sq_img = nib.load(self.sigma_sq_file)
            sigma_sq = sigma_sq_img.get_data()

            expl_mean_sq = nib.Nifti1Image(
                fstat*sigma_sq, fstat_img.get_qform())

            self.filename = ("ContrastExplainedMeanSquareMap" +
                             self.num + ".nii.gz")
            self.expl_mean_sq_file = os.path.join(
                export_dir, self.filename)
            nib.save(expl_mean_sq, self.expl_mean_sq_file)

        self.file = NIDMFile(self.id, self.expl_mean_sq_file,
                             sha=self.sha, fmt=self.fmt)

        # Contrast Explained Mean Square Map entity
        path, filename = os.path.split(self.expl_mean_sq_file)
            (PROV['type'], self.type),
            (NIDM_IN_COORDINATE_SPACE, self.coord_space.id),
            (PROV['label'], self.label)))

示例10: _run_interface

 def _run_interface(self, runtime):
     img = nb.load(self.inputs.in_file[0])
     header = img.get_header().copy()
     vollist = [nb.load(filename) for filename in self.inputs.in_file]
     data = np.concatenate([vol.get_data().reshape(
         vol.get_shape()[:3] + (-1,)) for vol in vollist], axis=3)
     if data.dtype.kind == 'i':
         data = data.astype(np.float32)
     if isdefined(self.inputs.regress_poly):
         timepoints = img.get_shape()[-1]
         X = np.ones((timepoints, 1))
         for i in range(self.inputs.regress_poly):
             X = np.hstack((X, legendre(
                 i + 1)(np.linspace(-1, 1, timepoints))[:, None]))
         betas = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(X), np.rollaxis(data, 3, 2))
         datahat = np.rollaxis(np.dot(X[:, 1:],
                                          betas[1:, :, :, :], 0, 3)),
                               0, 4)
         data = data - datahat
         img = nb.Nifti1Image(data, img.get_affine(), header)
         nb.save(img, self._gen_output_file_name('detrended'))
     meanimg = np.mean(data, axis=3)
     stddevimg = np.std(data, axis=3)
     tsnr = meanimg / stddevimg
     img = nb.Nifti1Image(tsnr, img.get_affine(), header)
     nb.save(img, self._gen_output_file_name())
     img = nb.Nifti1Image(meanimg, img.get_affine(), header)
     nb.save(img, self._gen_output_file_name('mean'))
     img = nb.Nifti1Image(stddevimg, img.get_affine(), header)
     nb.save(img, self._gen_output_file_name('stddev'))
     return runtime

示例11: check_images

def check_images(file1, file2):
    """Check that 2 images have the same affines and data shapes.

    file1 : str
        Path to the first nifti image

    file2 : str
        Path to the second nifti image
    img = nibabel.load(file1)
    shape1 = np.shape(img.get_data())
    affine1 = img.get_affine()
    img = nibabel.load(file2)
    shape2 = np.shape(img.get_data())
    affine2 = img.get_affine()
    if shape1 != shape2:
        raise ValueError('Images got different shapes: {0} of shape {1}, {2} '
                         'of shape {3}'.format(file1, shape1, file2, shape2))

    if np.any(affine1 != affine2):
        raise ValueError('Images got different affines: {0} has affine {1}, '
                         '{2} has affine {3}'.format(file1, affine1,
                                                     file2, affine2))

示例12: test_split_and_merge

def test_split_and_merge(tmpdir):
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    import os.path as op
    import os

    from nipype.algorithms.misc import split_rois, merge_rois

    in_mask = example_data('tpms_msk.nii.gz')
    dwfile = op.join(str(tmpdir), 'dwi.nii.gz')
    mskdata = nb.load(in_mask).get_data()
    aff = nb.load(in_mask).affine

    dwshape = (mskdata.shape[0], mskdata.shape[1], mskdata.shape[2], 6)
    dwdata = np.random.normal(size=dwshape)
                   aff, None).to_filename(dwfile)

    resdw, resmsk, resid = split_rois(dwfile, in_mask, roishape=(20, 20, 2))
    merged = merge_rois(resdw, resid, in_mask)
    dwmerged = nb.load(merged).get_data()

    dwmasked = dwdata * mskdata[:, :, :, np.newaxis]

    assert np.allclose(dwmasked, dwmerged)

示例13: test_median_otsu_flow

def test_median_otsu_flow():
    with TemporaryDirectory() as out_dir:
        data_path, _, _ = get_data('small_25')
        volume = nib.load(data_path).get_data()
        save_masked = True
        median_radius = 3
        numpass = 3
        autocrop = False
        vol_idx = [0]
        dilate = 0

        mo_flow = MedianOtsuFlow()
        mo_flow.run(data_path, out_dir=out_dir, save_masked=save_masked,
                             median_radius=median_radius, numpass=numpass,
                             autocrop=autocrop, vol_idx=vol_idx, dilate=dilate)

        mask_name = mo_flow.last_generated_outputs['out_mask']
        masked_name = mo_flow.last_generated_outputs['out_masked']

        masked, mask = median_otsu(volume, median_radius,
                                   numpass, autocrop,
                                   vol_idx, dilate)

        result_mask_data = nib.load(join(out_dir, mask_name)).get_data()
        npt.assert_array_equal(result_mask_data, mask)

        result_masked_data = nib.load(join(out_dir, masked_name)).get_data()
        npt.assert_array_equal(result_masked_data, masked)

示例14: _run_interface

    def _run_interface(self, runtime):
        src_nii = nb.load(self.inputs.src_file)
        src = NiftiWrapper(src_nii, make_empty=True)
        dest_nii = nb.load(self.inputs.dest_file)
        dest = NiftiWrapper(dest_nii, make_empty=True)
        classes = src.meta_ext.get_valid_classes()
        if self.inputs.include_classes:
            classes = [cls
                       for cls in classes
                       if cls in self.inputs.include_classes
        if self.inputs.exclude_classes:
            classes = [cls
                       for cls in classes
                       if not cls in self.inputs.exclude_classes

        for cls in classes:
            src_dict = src.meta_ext.get_class_dict(cls)
            dest_dict = dest.meta_ext.get_class_dict(cls)
        # Update the shape and slice dimension to reflect the meta extension update.
        dest.meta_ext.slice_dim = src.meta_ext.slice_dim
        dest.meta_ext.shape = src.meta_ext.shape

        self.out_path = path.join(os.getcwd(),

        return runtime

示例15: reorient_bvecs

def reorient_bvecs(in_dwi, old_dwi, in_bvec):
    Checks reorientations of ``in_dwi`` w.r.t. ``old_dwi`` and
    reorients the in_bvec table accordingly.
    import os
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb

    name, fext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(in_bvec))
    if fext == '.gz':
        name, _ = os.path.splitext(name)
    out_file = os.path.abspath('%s_reorient.bvec' % name)
    bvecs = np.loadtxt(in_bvec).T
    new_bvecs = []

    N = nb.load(in_dwi).get_affine()
    O = nb.load(old_dwi).get_affine()
    RS = N.dot(np.linalg.inv(O))[:3, :3]
    sc_idx = np.where((np.abs(RS) != 1) & (RS != 0))
    S = np.ones_like(RS)
    S[sc_idx] = RS[sc_idx]
    R = RS/S

    new_bvecs = [R.dot(b) for b in bvecs]
    np.savetxt(out_file, np.array(new_bvecs).T, fmt='%0.15f')
    return out_file
