本文整理汇总了Python中nibabel.four_to_three函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python four_to_three函数的具体用法?Python four_to_three怎么用?Python four_to_three使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: load_vols
def load_vols(vols):
if isinstance(vols, list):
return [load_vol(vol) if isinstance(vol, basestring)
else vol for vol in vols]
elif isinstance(vols, basestring):
return nibabel.four_to_three(nibabel.load(vols))
elif is_niimg(vols):
return nibabel.four_to_three(vols)
raise TypeError(type(vols))
示例2: prep_data
def prep_data(self, nifti1, bval1, bvec1, nifti2, bval2, bvec2):
''' Load the reconstructed image files and generate the files that TOPUP needs. '''
ni1 = nb.load(nifti1)
ni2 = nb.load(nifti2)
phase_dim1 = ni1.get_header().get_dim_info()[1]
phase_dim2 = ni2.get_header().get_dim_info()[1]
bvals1 = np.loadtxt(bval1)
bvals2 = np.loadtxt(bval2)
bvecs1 = np.loadtxt(bvec1)
bvecs2 = np.loadtxt(bvec2)
nondwi1 = [im for i,im in enumerate(nb.four_to_three(ni1)) if bvals1[i]<10 and i<self.num_vols]
nondwi2 = [im for i,im in enumerate(nb.four_to_three(ni2)) if bvals2[i]<10 and i<self.num_vols]
b0 = nb.concat_images(nondwi1+nondwi2)
# Topup requires an even number of slices
if b0.shape[2]%2:
d = b0.get_data()
d = np.concatenate((d,np.zeros((d.shape[0],d.shape[1],1,d.shape[3]), dtype=d.dtype)),axis=2)
b0 = nb.Nifti1Image(d, b0.get_affine())
nb.save(b0, self.b0_file)
with open(self.acq_file, 'w') as f:
for i in xrange(len(nondwi1)):
row = ['0','0','0',str(self.readout_time1),'\n']
row[phase_dim1] = str(self.pe_dir1)
f.write(' '.join(row))
for i in xrange(len(nondwi2)):
row = ['0','0','0',str(self.readout_time2),'\n']
row[phase_dim2] = str(self.pe_dir2)
f.write(' '.join(row))
mux_ims1 = nb.four_to_three(ni1)[self.num_cal1:]
mux_ims2 = nb.four_to_three(ni2)[self.num_cal2:]
all_ims = nb.concat_images(mux_ims1 + mux_ims2)
if all_ims.shape[2]%2:
d = all_ims.get_data()
d = np.concatenate((d,np.zeros((d.shape[0],d.shape[1],1,d.shape[3]), dtype=d.dtype)),axis=2)
all_ims = nb.Nifti1Image(d, all_ims.get_affine())
nb.save(all_ims, self.dwi_base+'.nii.gz')
indices = ['1' for i in xrange(len(mux_ims1))] + [str(len(nondwi1)+1) for i in xrange(len(mux_ims2))]
with open(self.index_file, 'w') as f:
f.write(' '.join(indices))
bvals = np.concatenate((bvals1[self.num_cal1:],bvals2[self.num_cal2:]), axis=0)
bvecs = np.concatenate((bvecs1[:,self.num_cal1:],bvecs2[:,self.num_cal2:]), axis=1)
with open(self.bval_file, 'w') as f:
f.write(' '.join(['%0.1f' % value for value in bvals]))
with open(self.bvec_file, 'w') as f:
f.write(' '.join(['%0.4f' % value for value in bvecs[0,:]]) + '\n')
f.write(' '.join(['%0.4f' % value for value in bvecs[1,:]]) + '\n')
f.write(' '.join(['%0.4f' % value for value in bvecs[2,:]]) + '\n')
示例3: b0_average
def b0_average(in_dwi, in_bval, max_b=10.0, out_file=None):
A function that averages the *b0* volumes from a DWI dataset.
As current dMRI data are being acquired with all b-values > 0.0,
the *lowb* volumes are selected by specifying the parameter max_b.
.. warning:: *b0* should be already registered (head motion artifact should
be corrected).
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nb
import os.path as op
if out_file is None:
fname, ext = op.splitext(op.basename(in_dwi))
if ext == ".gz":
fname, ext2 = op.splitext(fname)
ext = ext2 + ext
out_file = op.abspath("%s_avg_b0%s" % (fname, ext))
imgs = np.array(nb.four_to_three(nb.load(in_dwi)))
bval = np.loadtxt(in_bval)
index = np.argwhere(bval <= max_b).flatten().tolist()
b0s = [im.get_data().astype(np.float32)
for im in imgs[index]]
b0 = np.average(np.array(b0s), axis=0)
hdr = imgs[0].get_header().copy()
nb.Nifti1Image(b0, imgs[0].get_affine(), hdr).to_filename(out_file)
return out_file
示例4: time_avg
def time_avg(in_file, index=[0], out_file=None):
Average the input time-series, selecting the indices given in index
.. warning:: time steps should be already registered (corrected for
head motion artifacts).
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nb
import os.path as op
if out_file is None:
fname, ext = op.splitext(op.basename(in_file))
if ext == ".gz":
fname, ext2 = op.splitext(fname)
ext = ext2 + ext
out_file = op.abspath("%s_baseline%s" % (fname, ext))
index = np.atleast_1d(index).tolist()
imgs = np.array(nb.four_to_three(nb.load(in_file)))[index]
if len(index) == 1:
data = imgs[0].get_data().astype(np.float32)
data = np.average(np.array([im.get_data().astype(np.float32)
for im in imgs]), axis=0)
hdr = imgs[0].get_header().copy()
nb.Nifti1Image(data, imgs[0].get_affine(), hdr).to_filename(out_file)
return out_file
示例5: b0_average
def b0_average(in_dwi, in_bval, out_file=None):
A function that averages the *b0* volumes from a DWI dataset.
.. warning:: *b0* should be already registered (head motion artifact should
be corrected).
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nb
import os.path as op
if out_file is None:
fname, ext = op.splitext(op.basename(in_dwi))
if ext == ".gz":
fname, ext2 = op.splitext(fname)
ext = ext2 + ext
out_file = op.abspath("%s_avg_b0%s" % (fname, ext))
imgs = np.array(nb.four_to_three(nb.load(in_dwi)))
bval = np.loadtxt(in_bval)
b0s = [im.get_data().astype(np.float32)
for im in imgs[np.where(bval == 0)]]
b0 = np.average(np.array(b0s), axis=0)
hdr = imgs[0].get_header().copy()
nb.Nifti1Image(b0, imgs[0].get_affine(), hdr).to_filename(out_file)
return out_file
示例6: _run_interface
def _run_interface(self, runtime):
mask_imgs = [nb.load(fname) for fname in self.inputs.label_files]
if len(mask_imgs) == 1:
mask_imgs = nb.four_to_three(mask_imgs[0])
masks = [mask_img.get_data().astype(np.bool) for mask_img in mask_imgs]
n_masks = len(masks)
if n_masks != len(self.inputs.class_labels):
raise ValueError("Number of masks must match number of labels")
img = nb.load(self.inputs.in_file)
series = np.zeros((img.shape[3], n_masks))
data = img.get_data()
for j in range(n_masks):
series[:, j] = data[masks[j], :].mean(axis=0)
output = np.vstack((self.inputs.class_labels, series.astype(str)))
self._results['out_file'] = os.path.join(runtime.cwd,
self._results['out_file'], output, fmt=b'%s', delimiter='\t')
return runtime
示例7: test_load_4D_img
def test_load_4D_img():
# setup
output_dir = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, inspect.stack()[0][3])
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
# try loading from 4D niimg
film = create_random_image(n_scans=10)
loaded_4D_img = load_4D_img(film)
assert_equal(loaded_4D_img.shape, film.shape)
# try loading from 4D image file
film = create_random_image(n_scans=10)
saved_img_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, "4D.nii.gz")
nibabel.save(film, saved_img_filename)
loaded_4D_img = load_4D_img(saved_img_filename)
assert_equal(loaded_4D_img.shape, film.shape)
# try loading from list of 3D niimgs
film = create_random_image(n_scans=10)
loaded_4D_img = load_4D_img(nibabel.four_to_three(film))
assert_equal(loaded_4D_img.shape, film.shape)
# try loading from list of 3D image files
film = create_random_image(n_scans=10)
saved_vols_filenames = save_vols(film,
loaded_4D_img = load_4D_img(saved_vols_filenames)
assert_equal(loaded_4D_img.shape, film.shape)
示例8: test_save_vols
def test_save_vols():
# setup
n_scans = 10
output_dir = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, inspect.stack()[0][3])
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
# create 4D film
film = create_random_image(ndim=4, n_scans=n_scans)
threeD_vols = nibabel.four_to_three(film)
# save vols manually
film_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, "film.nii.gz")
threeD_vols_filenames = [os.path.join(output_dir, "fMETHODS-%06i" % i) for i in range(len(threeD_vols))]
# check saving seperate 3D vols
for stuff in [film, threeD_vols]:
if isinstance(stuff, list):
basenames = [os.path.basename(x) for x in threeD_vols_filenames]
basenames = os.path.basename(film_filename)
for concat in [False, True]:
for bn in [None, basenames]:
saved_vols_filenames = save_vols(stuff, output_dir, ext=".nii.gz", concat=concat, basenames=bn)
if not concat and isinstance(stuff, list):
assert_true(isinstance(saved_vols_filenames, list))
assert_equal(len(saved_vols_filenames), n_scans)
if not bn is None:
assert_equal(os.path.basename(saved_vols_filenames[7]), "fMETHODS-000007.nii.gz")
assert_true(isinstance(saved_vols_filenames, basestring))
assert_true(saved_vols_filenames.endswith(".nii.gz"), msg=saved_vols_filenames)
示例9: read_niftis
def read_niftis(file_lists):
Read niftis.
file_lists: list of list of paths.
Each list of file paths is a unique class.
data, labels: tuple of array-like and list
The data and corresponding labels
data0 = load_image(file_lists[0][0]).get_data()
if len(data0.shape) == 3:
x, y, z = data0.shape
t = 1
elif len(data0.shape) == 4:
x, y, z, t = data0.shape
raise ValueError("Cannot parse data with dimensions %r" % data0.shape)
dt = (sum(len(fl) for fl in file_lists)) * t
data = np.zeros((dt, x, y, z))
labels = [[i] * (len(fl) * t) for i, fl in enumerate(file_lists)]
labels = [item for sublist in labels for item in sublist]
for i, fl in enumerate(file_lists):
assert len([j for j in labels if j == i]) == len(fl) * t
flattened_list = [item for sublist in file_lists for item in sublist]
for i, f in enumerate(flattened_list):
logger.info("Loading subject from file: %s%s" % (f, '' * 30))
nifti = load_image(f)
subject_data = nifti.get_data()
if len(subject_data.shape) == 3:
data[i] = subject_data
elif len(subject_data.shape) == 4:
data[i * t: (i + 1) * t] = subject_data.transpose((3, 0, 1, 2))
raise ValueError("Cannot parse subject data with dimensions %r"
% subject_data.shape)
logger.info("\rLoading subject from file: %s\n" % ('DONE' + " "*30))
if data.shape[0] != len(labels):
raise ValueError("Data and labels have different number of samples.")
base_file = flattened_list[0]
# Use nibabel in case we need to convert from 4d to 3d
base = nib.load(base_file)
if len(base.shape) == 4:
base = nib.four_to_three(base)[0]
return data, labels, base
示例10: _run_interface
def _run_interface(self, runtime):
if not self._have_nipy:
raise RuntimeError('nipy is not installed')
from nipy.algorithms.registration.histogram_registration import HistogramRegistration
from nipy.algorithms.registration.affine import Affine
vol1_nii = nb.load(self.inputs.volume1)
vol2_nii = nb.load(self.inputs.volume2)
dims = vol1_nii.get_data().ndim
if dims == 3 or dims == 2:
vols1 = [vol1_nii]
vols2 = [vol2_nii]
if dims == 4:
vols1 = nb.four_to_three(vol1_nii)
vols2 = nb.four_to_three(vol2_nii)
if dims < 2 or dims > 4:
raise RuntimeError('Image dimensions not supported (detected %dD file)' % dims)
if isdefined(self.inputs.mask1):
mask1 = nb.load(self.inputs.mask1).get_data() == 1
mask1 = None
if isdefined(self.inputs.mask2):
mask2 = nb.load(self.inputs.mask2).get_data() == 1
mask2 = None
self._similarity = []
for ts1, ts2 in zip(vols1, vols2):
histreg = HistogramRegistration(from_img=ts1,
return runtime
示例11: test_load_specific_vol
def test_load_specific_vol():
# setup
output_dir = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, inspect.stack()[0][3])
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
n_scans = 23
# create 4D film
film = create_random_image(ndim=4, n_scans=n_scans)
# test loading vol from nibabel image object
for t in xrange(n_scans):
_vol, _n_scans = load_specific_vol(film, t)
assert_equal(_n_scans, n_scans)
assert_true(isinstance(_vol, type(film)))
assert_equal(_vol.shape, film.shape[:-1])
film.get_data()[..., t])
# test loading vol from a single 4D filename
for film_filename_type in ['str', 'list']:
if film_filename_type == 'str':
# save film as single filename with extension ext
film_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, "4D%s" % ext)
nibabel.save(film, film_filename)
# save film as multiple filenames (3D vols), with ext extension
vols = nibabel.four_to_three(film)
film_filename = []
for t, vol in zip(xrange(n_scans), vols):
vol_filename = os.path.join(output_dir,
"vol_%i%s" % (t, ext))
nibabel.save(vol, vol_filename)
# test loading proper
for t in xrange(n_scans):
# note that .img loads as Nifti1Pair, not Nifti1Image
vol_type = nibabel.Nifti1Pair if ext == '.img' else \
# load specific 3D vol from 4D film by filename
_vol, _n_scans = load_specific_vol(film_filename, t)
assert_equal(_n_scans, n_scans)
assert_true(isinstance(_vol, vol_type))
assert_equal(_vol.shape, film.shape[:-1])
film.get_data()[..., t])
示例12: test_do_3Dto4D_merge
def test_do_3Dto4D_merge():
# setup
n_scans = 10
output_dir = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, inspect.stack()[0][3])
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
# create 4D film
film = create_random_image(ndim=4, n_scans=n_scans)
threeD_vols = nibabel.four_to_three(film)
_film = do_3Dto4D_merge(threeD_vols)
assert_equal(_film.shape, film.shape)
save_vols(threeD_vols, output_dir, ext='.nii.gz')
示例13: _run_interface
def _run_interface(self, runtime):
from dipy.reconst.csdeconv import ConstrainedSphericalDeconvModel
from dipy.data import get_sphere
# import marshal as pickle
import pickle as pickle
import gzip
img = nb.load(self.inputs.in_file)
imref = nb.four_to_three(img)[0]
affine = img.get_affine()
if isdefined(self.inputs.in_mask):
msk = nb.load(self.inputs.in_mask).get_data()
msk = np.ones(imref.get_shape())
data = img.get_data().astype(np.float32)
hdr = imref.get_header().copy()
gtab = self._get_gradient_table()
resp_file = np.loadtxt(self.inputs.response)
response = (np.array(resp_file[0:3]), resp_file[-1])
ratio = response[0][1] / response[0][0]
if abs(ratio - 0.2) > 0.1:
IFLOGGER.warn(('Estimated response is not prolate enough. '
'Ratio=%0.3f.') % ratio)
csd_model = ConstrainedSphericalDeconvModel(
gtab, response, sh_order=self.inputs.sh_order)
IFLOGGER.info('Fitting CSD model')
csd_fit = csd_model.fit(data, msk)
f = gzip.open(self._gen_filename('csdmodel', ext='.pklz'), 'wb')
pickle.dump(csd_model, f, -1)
if self.inputs.save_fods:
sphere = get_sphere('symmetric724')
fods = csd_fit.odf(sphere)
nb.Nifti1Image(fods.astype(np.float32), img.get_affine(),
return runtime
示例14: smooth_image
def smooth_image(img, fwhm, **kwargs):
"""Function wrapper LinearFilter class. Spatially smoothens img with
kernel of size fwhm.
img: ``ni.Nifti1Image``
image to be smoothen
fwhm: 1D array like of size as big as there are spatial dimensions
in the image
FWHM of smoothing kernel
**kwargs: dict-like
key-word arguments passed to LinearFilter constructor.
Smoothened image, same type and size as the input img.
if isinstance(img, basestring):
img = ni.load(img)
elif isinstance(img, tuple):
assert len(img) == 2
return smooth_image(ni.Nifti1Image(img[0], img[1]), fwhm, **kwargs)
elif isinstance(img, list):
return [smooth_image(x, fwhm, **kwargs) for x in img]
assert is_niimg(img)
if len(img.shape) == 4:
return ni.concat_images(
[smooth_image(vol, fwhm, **kwargs)
for vol in ni.four_to_three(img)])
assert len(img.shape) == 3
smoothing_kernel = LinearFilter(
return ni.Nifti1Image(smoothing_kernel.smooth(img.get_data(),
示例15: split_warp_volumes_fn
def split_warp_volumes_fn(in_file):
from nipype import logging
from nipype.utils.filemanip import split_filename
import nibabel as nb
import os.path as op
iflogger = logging.getLogger('interface')
path, name, ext = split_filename(in_file)
image = nb.load(in_file)
x_img, y_img, z_img = nb.four_to_three(image)
x = op.abspath(name + '_x' + ".nii.gz")
y = op.abspath(name + '_y' + ".nii.gz")
z = op.abspath(name + '_z' + ".nii.gz")
nb.save(x_img, x)
nb.save(y_img, y)
nb.save(z_img, z)
return x, y, z