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Python DiGraph.get_edge_data方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中networkx.DiGraph.get_edge_data方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python DiGraph.get_edge_data方法的具体用法?Python DiGraph.get_edge_data怎么用?Python DiGraph.get_edge_data使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在networkx.DiGraph的用法示例。


示例1: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from networkx import DiGraph [as 别名]
# 或者: from networkx.DiGraph import get_edge_data [as 别名]
class TransformTree:
    A feature complete if not particularly optimized implementation of a transform graph.
    Few allowances are made for thread safety, caching, or enforcing graph structure.

    def __init__(self, base_frame='world'):
        self._transforms = DiGraph()
        self._parents    = {}
        self._paths      = {}
        self._is_changed = False
        self.base_frame  = base_frame

    def update(self, 
               frame_from = None,
        Update a transform in the tree.

        frame_from: hashable object, usually a string (eg 'world').
                    If left as None it will be set to self.base_frame
        frame_to:   hashable object, usually a string (eg 'mesh_0')
        Additional kwargs (can be used in combinations)
        matrix:      (4,4) array 
        quaternion:  (4) quatenion
        axis:        (3) array
        angle:       float, radians
        translation: (3) array
        if frame_from is None:
            frame_from = self.base_frame

        matrix = np.eye(4)
        if 'matrix' in kwargs:
            # a matrix takes precedence over other options
            matrix = kwargs['matrix']
        elif 'quaternion' in kwargs:
            matrix = quaternion_matrix(kwargs['quaternion'])
        elif ('axis' in kwargs) and ('angle' in kwargs):
            matrix = rotation_matrix(kwargs['angle'],
            raise ValueError('Couldn\'t update transform!')

        if 'translation' in kwargs:
            # translation can be used in conjunction with any of the methods of 
            # specifying transforms. In the case a matrix and translation are passed,
            # we add the translations together rather than picking one. 
            matrix[0:3,3] += kwargs['translation']

        if self._transforms.has_edge(frame_from, frame_to):
            self._transforms.edge[frame_from][frame_to]['matrix'] = matrix
            self._transforms.edge[frame_from][frame_to]['time']   = time.time()
            # since the connectivity has changed, throw out previously computed
            # paths through the transform graph so queries compute new shortest paths
            # we could only throw out transforms that are connected to the new edge,
            # but this is less bookeeping at the expensive of being slower. 
            self._paths = {}
                                      matrix = matrix, 
                                      time   = time.time())
        self._is_changed = True

    def get(self,
            frame_from = None):
        Get the transform from one frame to another, assuming they are connected
        in the transform tree. 

        If the frames are not connected a NetworkXNoPath error will be raised.

        frame_from: hashable object, usually a string (eg 'world').
                    If left as None it will be set to self.base_frame
        frame_to:   hashable object, usually a string (eg 'mesh_0')

        transform:  (4,4) homogenous transformation matrix
        if frame_from is None:
            frame_from = self.base_frame

        transform = np.eye(4)
        path, inverted = self._get_path(frame_from, frame_to)
        for i in range(len(path) - 1):
            matrix = self._transforms.get_edge_data(path[i], 
            transform = np.dot(transform, matrix)
        if inverted:
