本文整理汇总了Python中neon.util.compat.range函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python range函数的具体用法?Python range怎么用?Python range使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: get_ranks
def get_ranks(self, values):
Computes the rank of the list of values passed from lowest to highest.
Note that ties are given equal ranking value (the average of their
values (list): The list of numeric values to be ranked.
list: Same length as values with the positional rank of each
original value (1-based).
num_vals = len(values)
srt_vals = sorted(zip(values, list(range(num_vals))))
ranks = [0 for i in values]
val = srt_vals[0][0]
high_rank = 0
for i in range(num_vals):
if val != srt_vals[i][0]:
val = srt_vals[i][0]
for j in range(high_rank, i):
ranks[srt_vals[j][1]] = float(high_rank + i + 1) / 2.0
high_rank = i
if i == (num_vals - 1):
for j in range(high_rank, i + 1):
ranks[srt_vals[j][1]] = float(high_rank + i + 2) / 2.0
return ranks
示例2: trunc_bprop_tt
def trunc_bprop_tt(self, debug, numgrad=None):
TODO: move the loop over t into the layer class.
if numgrad is None:
min_unroll = 1
logger.debug("MLP.bprop single unrolling for numgrad")
min_unroll = self.unrolls
for tau in range(min_unroll-0, self.unrolls+1):
self.cost_layer.bprop(None, tau-1)
if debug:
tmp = self.cost_layer.targets[tau-1].asnumpyarray()
tmp = tmp.argmax(0)[0]
logger.debug("in RNNB.bprop, tau %d target %d" % (tau-1, tmp))
error = self.cost_layer.deltas
self.class_layer.bprop(error, tau, numgrad=numgrad)
error = self.class_layer.deltas
for t in list(range(0, tau))[::-1]:
if 'c_t' in self.rec_layer.__dict__:
cerror = self.rec_layer.celtas # on t=0, prev batch state
cerror = None # for normal RNN
self.rec_layer.bprop(error, cerror, t, numgrad=numgrad)
error[:] = self.rec_layer.deltas # [TODO] why need deepcopy?
示例3: load
def load(self, backend=None, experiment=None):
if self.inputs['train'] is not None:
if 'repo_path' in self.__dict__:
self.repo_path = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(
save_dir = os.path.join(self.repo_path,
if not os.path.exists(save_dir):
for url in (self.raw_train_input_gz, self.raw_train_target_gz,
self.raw_test_input_gz, self.raw_test_target_gz):
name = os.path.basename(url).rstrip('.gz')
repo_gz_file = os.path.join(save_dir, name + '.gz')
repo_file = repo_gz_file.rstrip('.gz')
if not os.path.exists(repo_file):
self.download_to_repo(url, save_dir)
with gzip.open(repo_gz_file, 'rb') as infile:
with open(repo_file, 'w') as outfile:
for line in infile:
logger.info('loading: %s', name)
if 'images' in repo_file and 'train' in repo_file:
indat = self.read_image_file(repo_file, 'float32')
# flatten to 1D images
self.inputs['train'] = indat
elif 'images' in repo_file and 't10k' in repo_file:
indat = self.read_image_file(repo_file, 'float32')
self.inputs['test'] = indat[0:self.num_test_sample]
elif 'labels' in repo_file and 'train' in repo_file:
indat = self.read_label_file(repo_file)
# Prep a 1-hot label encoding
tmp = np.zeros((indat.shape[0], 10), dtype=np.float32)
for col in range(10):
tmp[:, col] = indat == col
self.targets['train'] = tmp
elif 'labels' in repo_file and 't10k' in repo_file:
indat = self.read_label_file(
tmp = np.zeros((self.num_test_sample, 10),
for col in range(10):
tmp[:, col] = indat == col
self.targets['test'] = tmp
logger.error('problems loading: %s', name)
if 'sample_pct' in self.__dict__:
if hasattr(self, 'validation_pct'):
self.validation_pct, from_set='train', to_set='validation')
raise AttributeError('repo_path not specified in config')
示例4: load
def load(self, backend=None, experiment=None):
if self.inputs['train'] is not None:
if 'repo_path' in self.__dict__:
self.repo_path = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(
save_dir = os.path.join(self.repo_path,
if not os.path.exists(save_dir):
train_idcs = list(range(1000000)) # 1M letters out of 1.23M
test_idcs = range(1000000, 1010000)
if 'sample_pct' in self.__dict__:
if self.sample_pct >= 1.0:
self.sample_pct /= 100.0
logger.info('sampling pct: %0.2f' % self.sample_pct)
if self.sample_pct < 1.0:
# numpy.random.shuffle(train_idcs)
train_idcs = train_idcs[0:int(1000000 * self.sample_pct)]
url = self.raw_base_url
name = os.path.basename(url).rstrip('.txt')
repo_file = os.path.join(save_dir, name + '.txt')
if not os.path.exists(repo_file):
self.download_to_repo(url, save_dir)
logger.info('loading: %s' % name)
indat = self.read_txt_file(repo_file)
self.preinputs = dict()
self.preinputs['train'] = indat[:, train_idcs]
self.preinputs['test'] = indat[:, test_idcs]
for dataset in ('train', 'test'):
num_batches = self.preinputs[dataset].shape[1]/self.batch_size
idx_list = numpy.arange(num_batches * self.batch_size)
idx_list = idx_list.reshape(self.batch_size, num_batches)
splay_3d = self.preinputs[dataset][:, idx_list.T]
splay_3d = numpy.transpose(splay_3d, (1, 0, 2))
splay_3d = splay_3d.reshape(-1, self.batch_size)
self.inputs[dataset] = splay_3d
offbyone = numpy.zeros(splay_3d.shape)
length = offbyone.shape[0]
offbyone[0:length - self.data_dim, :] = splay_3d[self.data_dim:
length, :]
self.targets[dataset] = offbyone
if hasattr(self, 'validation_pct'):
self.validation_pct, from_set='train', to_set='validation')
self.format(dtype=self.backend_type) # runs transpose_batches
raise AttributeError('repo_path not specified in config')
示例5: link_local
def link_local(self):
req_param(self, ['nifm', 'ifmshape', 'fshape'])
opt_param(self, ['ofmlocs', 'links'])
opt_param(self, ['deltasbuf', 'outputbuf'])
opt_param(self, ['nofm'], self.nifm)
opt_param(self, ['pooling'], False)
opt_param(self, ['stride'], 1)
opt_param(self, ['pad'], 0)
assert len(self.ifmshape) == len(self.fshape)
ofmshape = []
for dim in range(len(self.ifmshape)):
assert self.ifmshape[dim] >= self.fshape[dim]
num = self.ifmshape[dim] - self.fshape[dim] + 2 * self.pad
ofmshape.extend([num // self.stride + 1])
self.ofmshape = tuple(ofmshape)
self.negpad = -self.pad
self.ifmsize = np.prod(self.ifmshape)
self.ofmsize = np.prod(self.ofmshape)
self.fpsize = np.prod(self.fshape)
self.fsize = self.nifm * self.fpsize
self.nout = self.nofm * self.ofmsize
logger.debug('name=%s, nifm=%d, ifmshape=%s, ofmshape=%s',
self.name, self.nifm, self.ifmshape, self.ofmshape)
示例6: predict_fullset
def predict_fullset(self, dataset, setname):
Generate predicitons and true labels for the given dataset.
Note that this requires enough memory to house the predictions and
labels for the entire dataset at one time (not recommended for large
datasets, see predict_generator instead).
dataset: A neon dataset instance
setname: Which set to compute predictions for (test, train, val)
tuple: on each call will yield a 2-tuple of outputs and references.
The first item is the model probabilities for each class,
and the second item is either the one-hot or raw labels with
ground truth.
See Also:
assert self.data_layer.has_set(setname)
self.data_layer.use_set(setname, predict=True)
predlabels = self.backend.empty((1, self.batch_size))
labels = self.backend.empty((1, self.batch_size))
outputs_pred = self.backend.zeros((self.data_layer.num_batches *
self.unrolls, self.batch_size))
outputs_targ = self.backend.zeros((self.data_layer.num_batches *
self.unrolls, self.batch_size))
mb_id = 0
while self.data_layer.has_more_data():
mb_id += 1
# time unrolling loop to disseminate fprop results
for tau in range(self.unrolls):
probs = self.class_layer.output_list[tau]
targets = self.data_layer.targets[tau]
self.backend.argmax(targets, axis=0, out=labels)
self.backend.argmax(probs, axis=0, out=predlabels)
# collect batches to re-assemble continuous data
idx = self.unrolls * (mb_id - 1) + tau
outputs_pred[idx, :] = predlabels
outputs_targ[idx, :] = labels
# flatten the 2d predictions into our canonical 1D format
pred_flat = outputs_pred.transpose().reshape((1, -1))
targ_flat = outputs_targ.transpose().reshape((1, -1))
self.write_string(pred_flat, targ_flat, setname)
return (pred_flat, targ_flat)
示例7: extract_images
def extract_images(self, overwrite=False):
from neon.data import load_cifar10
from PIL import Image
dataset = dict()
dataset['train'], dataset['val'], _ = load_cifar10(self.out_dir, normalize=False)
for setn in ('train', 'val'):
data, labels = dataset[setn]
img_dir = os.path.join(self.out_dir, setn)
ulabels = np.unique(labels)
for ulabel in ulabels:
subdir = os.path.join(img_dir, str(ulabel))
if not os.path.exists(subdir):
for idx in range(data.shape[0]):
im = np.pad(data[idx].reshape((3, 32, 32)), self.pad_width, mode='mean')
im = np.uint8(np.transpose(im, axes=[1, 2, 0]).copy())
im = Image.fromarray(im)
path = os.path.join(img_dir, str(labels[idx][0]), str(idx) + '.png')
im.save(path, format='PNG')
if setn == 'train':
self.pixel_mean = list(data.mean(axis=0).reshape(3, -1).mean(axis=1))
self.pixel_mean.reverse() # We will see this in BGR order b/c of opencv
示例8: load_data
def load_data(self, shape):
data = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=shape)
labels = np.random.randint(low=0, high=self.nout, size=shape[0])
onehot = np.zeros((len(labels), self.nout), dtype='float32')
for col in range(self.nout):
onehot[:, col] = (labels == col)
return (data, onehot)
示例9: predict_generator
def predict_generator(self, dataset, setname):
Generate flattened predicitons and true labels for the given dataset,
one mini-batch at a time.
dataset: A neon dataset instance
setname: Which set to compute predictions for (test, train, val)
tuple: on each call will yield a 2-tuple of outputs and references.
The first item is the model probabilities for each class,
and the second item is either the one-hot or raw labels with
ground truth.
See Also:
# TODO: find some alternate way of re-assembling data that doesn't
# require allocating space for the entire dataset so we can avoid the
# call to predict_fullset
(pred_flat, targ_flat) = self.predict_fullset(dataset, setname)
for i in range(self.data_layer.num_batches):
start = i * self.unrolls * self.batch_size
end = start + (self.unrolls * self.batch_size)
yield (pred_flat[start:end], targ_flat[start:end])
示例10: write_csv_files
def write_csv_files(self):
# Get the labels as the subdirs
subdirs = glob(os.path.join(self.image_dir, '*'))
self.label_names = sorted([os.path.basename(x) for x in subdirs])
indexes = range(len(self.label_names))
self.label_dict = {k: v for k, v in zip(self.label_names, indexes)}
tlines = []
vlines = []
for subdir in subdirs:
subdir_label = self.label_dict[os.path.basename(subdir)]
files = glob(os.path.join(subdir, self.file_pattern))
if self.class_samples_max is not None:
files = files[:self.class_samples_max]
lines = [(filename, subdir_label) for filename in files]
v_idx = int(self.validation_pct * len(lines))
tlines += lines[v_idx:]
vlines += lines[:v_idx]
if not os.path.exists(self.out_dir):
for ff, ll in zip([self.train_file, self.val_file], [tlines, vlines]):
with gzip.open(ff, 'wb') as f:
for tup in ll:
self.train_nrec = len(tlines)
self.train_start = 0
self.val_nrec = len(vlines)
self.val_start = -(-self.train_nrec // self.macro_size)
示例11: write_csv_files
def write_csv_files(self):
files = glob(os.path.join(self.image_dir, "*.jpg"))
if self.val_frac != 1.0:
filemap, idmap, x1map, y1map, x2map, y2map = read_labels(
self.image_dir, self.points1_file, self.points2_file, self.target_size
if self.id_label == 1:
self.label_names = ["id"]
self.label_names = ["x1", "y1", "x2", "y2"]
indexes = range(len(self.label_names))
self.label_dict = {k: v for k, v in zip(self.label_names, indexes)}
tlines = []
vlines = []
v_idx = int(self.val_frac * len(files))
tfiles = files[v_idx:]
vfiles = files[:v_idx]
if self.id_label == 1:
if self.val_frac == 1.0:
vlines = [(f, 0) for f in vfiles]
tlines = [(f, idmap[filemap[f]]) for f in tfiles]
if self.val_frac == 1.0:
vlines = [(f, 0, 0, 0, 0) for f in vfiles]
tlines = [(f, x1map[f], y1map[f], x2map[f], y2map[f]) for f in tfiles]
if not os.path.exists(self.out_dir):
for ff, ll in zip([self.train_file, self.val_file], [tlines, vlines]):
with open(ff, "wb") as f:
if self.id_label == 1:
for tup in ll:
for tup in ll:
self.train_nrec = len(tlines)
self.ntrain = -(-self.train_nrec // self.macro_size)
self.train_start = 0
self.val_nrec = len(vlines)
self.nval = -(-self.val_nrec // self.macro_size)
if self.ntrain == 0:
self.val_start = 100
self.val_start = 10 ** int(np.log10(self.ntrain * 10))
示例12: write_batches
def write_batches(self, name, start, labels, imfiles, targets=None,
pool = Pool(processes=self.num_workers)
psz = self.batch_size
osz = self.output_image_size
npts = (len(imfiles) + psz - 1) // psz
imfiles = [imfiles[i*psz: (i+1)*psz] for i in range(npts)]
if targets is not None:
targets = [targets[i*psz: (i+1)*psz].T.copy() for i in range(npts)]
labels = [{k: v[i*psz: (i+1)*psz] for k, v in labels.iteritems()}
for i in range(npts)]
accum_buf = np.zeros(self.train_mean.shape, dtype=np.int32)
batch_mean = np.zeros(accum_buf.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
logger.info("Writing %s batches...", name)
for i, jpeg_file_batch in enumerate(imfiles):
t = time()
if is_tar:
jpeg_file_batch = [j.read() for j in jpeg_file_batch]
jpeg_strings = pool.map(
functools.partial(proc_img, is_string=is_tar), jpeg_file_batch)
targets_batch = None if targets is None else targets[i]
labels_batch = labels[i]
bfile = os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'data_batch_%d' % (start + i))
serialize({'data': jpeg_strings,
'labels': labels_batch,
'targets': targets_batch},
logger.info("Wrote to %s (%s batch %d of %d) (%.2f sec)",
self.out_dir, name, i + 1, len(imfiles), time() - t)
# get the means and accumulate
imgworker.calc_batch_mean(jpglist=jpeg_strings, tgt=batch_mean,
orig_size=osz, rgb=self.rgb,
# scale for the case where we have an undersized batch
if len(jpeg_strings) < self.batch_size:
batch_mean *= len(jpeg_strings) / self.batch_size
accum_buf += batch_mean
mean_buf = self.train_mean if name == 'train' else self.val_mean
mean_buf[:] = accum_buf / len(imfiles)
示例13: allocate_output_bufs
def allocate_output_bufs(self):
make_zbuf = self.backend.zeros
opt_param(self, ['out_shape'], (self.nout, self.batch_size))
self.output = make_zbuf(self.out_shape, self.output_dtype)
self.pre_act = self.activation.pre_act_buffer(self.backend,
# TODO: Get rid of output and pre_act. But they seem to be used in the
# cost to set a buffer size.
self.pre_act_list = [self.pre_act] + \
[make_zbuf(self.out_shape, self.pre_act_dtype)
for k in range(1, self.unrolls)]
self.output_list = [self.output] + \
[make_zbuf(self.out_shape, self.output_dtype)
for k in range(1, self.unrolls)]
示例14: allocate_output_bufs
def allocate_output_bufs(self):
make_zbuf = self.backend.zeros
super(RecurrentHiddenLayer, self).allocate_output_bufs()
# these buffers are specific to RHL:
# might want self.temp_in=temp_out, to save a buffer.
self.temp_in = make_zbuf(self.weight_shape, self.weight_dtype)
self.temp_rec = make_zbuf(self.weight_rec_shape)
# Extra temp buffers z[0]=w*x and z[1]=w*input.
self.z = [make_zbuf(self.out_shape) for k in range(2)]
示例15: transpose_batches
def transpose_batches(self, data, dtype, is_target=False):
Transpose each minibatch within the dataset.
bs = self.data_dim * self.unrolls
dd = self.data_dim
if data.shape[0] % bs != 0:
logger.warning('Incompatible batch size. '
'Discarding %d samples...',
data.shape[0] % bs)
nbatches = data.shape[0] / bs
batchwise = [[] for k in range(nbatches)]
for batch in range(nbatches):
batchdata = [self.backend.array(data[(batch * bs + k * dd):
(batch * bs + (k + 1) *
dd)], dtype)
for k in range(self.unrolls)]
batchwise[batch] = batchdata
return batchwise