本文整理汇总了Python中neon.logger.display函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python display函数的具体用法?Python display怎么用?Python display使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: fetch_dataset
def fetch_dataset(url, sourcefile, destfile, totalsz):
Download the file specified by the given URL.
url (str): Base URL of the file to be downloaded.
sourcefile (str): Name of the source file.
destfile (str): Path to the destination.
totalsz (int): Size of the file to be downloaded.
req = Request(os.path.join(url, sourcefile), headers={'User-Agent': 'neon'})
# backport https limitation and workaround per http://python-future.org/imports.html
cloudfile = urlopen(req)
neon_logger.display("Downloading file: {}".format(destfile))
blockchar = u'\u2588' # character to display in progress bar
with open(destfile, 'wb') as f:
data_read = 0
chunksz = 1024**2
while 1:
data = cloudfile.read(chunksz)
if not data:
data_read = min(totalsz, data_read + chunksz)
progress_string = u'Download Progress |{:<50}| '.format(
blockchar * int(float(data_read) / totalsz * 50))
if PY3:
neon_logger.display("Download Complete")
示例2: display_model_params
def display_model_params(neon_args, neon_root_yaml):
Display model parameters
:param neon_args: contains command line arguments,
:param neon_root_yaml: contains YAML elements
output_string = '\n-- INFORMATION: HYPER PARAMETERS ------\n'
output_string = add_param_to_output(output_string,
output_string = add_param_to_output(output_string,
'batch size',
output_string = add_param_to_output(output_string,
output_string = add_param_to_output(output_string,
'optimizer type',
output_string = add_param_to_output(output_string,
'learning rate',
output_string = add_param_to_output(output_string,
'momentum coef',
except Exception:
output_string += 'Some parameters cannot be displayed\n'
output_string += '----------------------------------------'
示例3: train_model
def train_model(lrmodel, opt, cost, X, Y, devX, devY, devscores):
Train model, using pearsonr on dev for early stopping
done = False
best = -1.0
r = np.arange(1, 6)
train_set = ArrayIterator(X=X, y=Y, make_onehot=False)
valid_set = ArrayIterator(X=devX, y=devY, make_onehot=False)
eval_epoch = 10
while not done:
callbacks = Callbacks(lrmodel, eval_set=valid_set)
lrmodel.fit(train_set, optimizer=opt, num_epochs=eval_epoch,
cost=cost, callbacks=callbacks)
# Every 10 epochs, check Pearson on development set
yhat = np.dot(lrmodel.get_outputs(valid_set), r)
score = pearsonr(yhat, devscores)[0]
if score > best:
neon_logger.display('Dev Pearson: {}'.format(score))
best = score
bestlrmodel = copy.copy(lrmodel)
done = True
eval_epoch += 10
yhat = np.dot(bestlrmodel.get_outputs(valid_set), r)
score = pearsonr(yhat, devscores)[0]
neon_logger.display('Dev Pearson: {}'.format(score))
return bestlrmodel
示例4: train_or_val_pairs
def train_or_val_pairs(self, setn):
untar imagenet tar files into directories that indicate their label.
returns [(filename, label), ...] for train or val set partitions
img_dir = os.path.join(self.out_dir, setn)
neon_logger.display("Extracting %s files" % (setn))
root_tf_path = self.tars[setn]
if not os.path.exists(root_tf_path):
raise IOError(("tar file {} not found. Ensure you have ImageNet downloaded"
root_tf = tarfile.open(root_tf_path)
except tarfile.ReadError as e:
raise ValueError('ReadError opening {}: {}'.format(root_tf_path, e))
label_dict = self.extract_labels(setn)
subpaths = root_tf.getmembers()
arg_iterator = zip(repeat(self.target_size), repeat(root_tf_path), repeat(img_dir),
repeat(setn), repeat(label_dict), subpaths)
pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
pairs = []
for pair_list in tqdm.tqdm(pool.imap_unordered(process_i1k_tar_subpath, arg_iterator),
return pairs
示例5: extract_images
def extract_images(self, overwrite=False):
for setn in ('train', 'val'):
img_dir = os.path.join(self.out_dir, setn)
neon_logger.display("Extracting %s files" % (setn))
toptar = getattr(self, setn + '_tar')
label_dict = getattr(self, setn + '_labels')
name_slice = slice(None, 9) if setn == 'train' else slice(15, -5)
with tarfile.open(toptar) as tf:
for s in tf.getmembers():
label = label_dict[s.name[name_slice]]
subpath = os.path.join(img_dir, str(label))
if not os.path.exists(subpath):
if setn == 'train':
tarfp = tarfile.open(fileobj=tf.extractfile(s))
file_list = tarfp.getmembers()
tarfp = tf
file_list = [s]
for fobj in file_list:
fname = os.path.join(subpath, fobj.name)
if not os.path.exists(fname) or overwrite:
with open(fname, 'wb') as jf:
示例6: write_csv_files
def write_csv_files(self, overwrite=False):
for setn in ('train', 'val'):
img_dir = os.path.join(self.out_dir, setn)
csvfile = getattr(self, setn + '_file')
neon_logger.display("Getting %s file list" % (setn))
if os.path.exists(csvfile) and not overwrite:
neon_logger.display("File %s exists, not overwriting" % (csvfile))
flines = []
subdirs = glob(os.path.join(img_dir, '*'))
for subdir in subdirs:
subdir_label = os.path.basename(subdir) # This is the int label
files = glob(os.path.join(subdir, self.file_pattern))
flines += [(filename, subdir_label) for filename in files]
if setn == 'train':
with gzip.open(csvfile, 'wb') as f:
for tup in flines:
示例7: checkSequentialMatchesBatch
def checkSequentialMatchesBatch():
""" check LSTM I/O forward/backward interactions """
n, b, d = (5, 3, 4) # sequence length, batch size, hidden size
input_size = 10
WLSTM = LSTM.init(input_size, d) # input size, hidden size
X = np.random.randn(n, b, input_size)
h0 = np.random.randn(b, d)
c0 = np.random.randn(b, d)
# sequential forward
cprev = c0
hprev = h0
caches = [{} for t in range(n)]
Hcat = np.zeros((n, b, d))
for t in range(n):
xt = X[t:t + 1]
_, cprev, hprev, cache = LSTM.forward(xt, WLSTM, cprev, hprev)
caches[t] = cache
Hcat[t] = hprev
# sanity check: perform batch forward to check that we get the same thing
H, _, _, batch_cache = LSTM.forward(X, WLSTM, c0, h0)
assert np.allclose(H, Hcat), 'Sequential and Batch forward don''t match!'
# eval loss
wrand = np.random.randn(*Hcat.shape)
# loss = np.sum(Hcat * wrand)
dH = wrand
# get the batched version gradients
BdX, BdWLSTM, Bdc0, Bdh0 = LSTM.backward(dH, batch_cache)
# now perform sequential backward
dX = np.zeros_like(X)
dWLSTM = np.zeros_like(WLSTM)
dc0 = np.zeros_like(c0)
dh0 = np.zeros_like(h0)
dcnext = None
dhnext = None
for t in reversed(range(n)):
dht = dH[t].reshape(1, b, d)
dx, dWLSTMt, dcprev, dhprev = LSTM.backward(
dht, caches[t], dcnext, dhnext)
dhnext = dhprev
dcnext = dcprev
dWLSTM += dWLSTMt # accumulate LSTM gradient
dX[t] = dx[0]
if t == 0:
dc0 = dcprev
dh0 = dhprev
# and make sure the gradients match
neon_logger.display('Making sure batched version agrees with sequential version: '
'(should all be True)')
neon_logger.display(np.allclose(BdX, dX))
neon_logger.display(np.allclose(BdWLSTM, dWLSTM))
neon_logger.display(np.allclose(Bdc0, dc0))
neon_logger.display(np.allclose(Bdh0, dh0))
示例8: display_platform_information
def display_platform_information():
Display platform information.
import platform
output_string = '\n-- INFORMATION: PLATFORM & OS ---------\n'
output_string = add_param_to_output(output_string,
output_string = add_param_to_output(output_string,
'OS release version',
output_string = add_param_to_output(output_string,
output_string = add_param_to_output(output_string,
output_string = add_param_to_output(output_string,
'python version',
output_string = add_param_to_output(output_string,
'python build',
output_string = add_param_to_output(output_string,
'python compiler',
except Exception:
output_string += 'Some platform information cannot be displayed\n'
output_string += '----------------------------------------'
示例9: run
def run(self):
if not os.path.exists(self.out_dir):
neon_logger.display("Writing train macrobatches")
self.write_batches(self.train_start, self.labels['train'], self.imgs['train'])
neon_logger.display("Writing validation macrobatches")
self.write_batches(self.val_start, self.labels['val'], self.imgs['val'])
示例10: __init__
def __init__(self, path='.', task='qa1_single-supporting-fact', subset='en'):
Load bAbI dataset and extract text and read the stories
For a particular task, the class will read both train and test files
and combine the vocabulary.
path (str): Directory to store the dataset
task (str): a particular task to solve (all bAbI tasks are train
and tested separately)
subset (str): subset of the dataset to use:
{en, en-10k, shuffled, hn, hn-10k, shuffled-10k}
url = 'http://www.thespermwhale.com/jaseweston/babi'
size = 11745123
filename = 'tasks_1-20_v1-2.tar.gz'
super(BABI, self).__init__(filename,
self.task = task
self.subset = subset
neon_logger.display('Preparing bAbI dataset or extracting from %s' % path)
neon_logger.display('Task is %s/%s' % (subset, task))
self.tasks = [
assert task in self.tasks, "given task is not in the bAbI dataset"
self.train_file, self.test_file = self.load_data(path, task)
self.train_parsed = BABI.parse_babi(self.train_file)
self.test_parsed = BABI.parse_babi(self.test_file)
self.train = self.vectorize_stories(self.train_parsed)
self.test = self.vectorize_stories(self.test_parsed)
示例11: test_dataset
def test_dataset(backend_default, data):
dataset = MNIST(path=data)
train_set = dataset.data_dict['train']
train_set.be = NervanaObject.be
for i in range(2):
for X_batch, y_batch in train_set:
neon_logger.display("Xshape: {}, yshape: {}".format(X_batch.shape, y_batch.shape))
train_set.index = 0
示例12: test_dataset
def test_dataset(backend_default, data):
(X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test), nclass = load_mnist(path=data)
train_set = ArrayIterator(X_train, y_train, nclass=nclass)
train_set.be = NervanaObject.be
for i in range(2):
for X_batch, y_batch in train_set:
neon_logger.display("Xshape: {}, yshape: {}".format(X_batch.shape, y_batch.shape))
train_set.index = 0
示例13: load_vocab
def load_vocab(self):
Load vocab and initialize buffers
Input sentence batch is of dimension (vocab_size, max_sentence_length * batch_size)
where each column is the 1-hot representation of a word and the first batch_size columns
are the first words of each sentence.
sentences = [sent['tokens'] for sent in self.iterSentences()]
# Flatten list of list of words to one list of words
words = [word for sentence in sentences for word in sentence]
# Count words and keep words greater than threshold
word_counts = Counter(words)
vocab = [self.end_token] + \
[word for word in list(word_counts.keys()) if word_counts[word] >= 5]
self.vocab_size = len(vocab)
self.vocab_to_index = dict((c, i) for i, c in enumerate(vocab))
self.index_to_vocab = dict((i, c) for i, c in enumerate(vocab))
# Compute optional bias vector for initializing final linear layer bias
word_counts[self.end_token] = len(sentences)
self.bias_init = np.array([1.0 * word_counts[self.index_to_vocab[i]]
for i in self.index_to_vocab]).reshape((self.vocab_size, 1))
self.bias_init /= np.sum(self.bias_init)
self.bias_init = np.log(self.bias_init)
self.bias_init -= np.max(self.bias_init)
self.max_sentence_length = max(len(sent) for sent in sentences) + 1
self.dev_image = self.be.iobuf(self.image_size)
self.dev_imageT = self.be.empty(self.dev_image.shape[::-1])
self.dev_X = self.be.iobuf((self.vocab_size, self.max_sentence_length))
self.dev_y = self.be.iobuf((self.vocab_size, self.max_sentence_length + 1))
# Create mask to deal with variable length sentences
self.dev_y_mask = self.be.iobuf((self.vocab_size, self.max_sentence_length + 1))
self.y_mask = np.zeros(self.dev_y_mask.shape,
self.max_sentence_length + 1, -1)
self.y_mask_reshape = self.y_mask.reshape(self.dev_y_mask.shape)
self.dev_lbl = self.be.iobuf(self.max_sentence_length, dtype=np.int32)
self.dev_lblT = self.be.empty(self.dev_lbl.shape[::-1])
self.dev_lblflat = self.dev_lbl.reshape((1, self.dev_lbl.size))
self.dev_y_lbl = self.be.iobuf(self.max_sentence_length + 1, dtype=np.int32)
self.dev_y_lblT = self.be.empty(self.dev_y_lbl.shape[::-1])
self.dev_y_lblflat = self.dev_y_lbl.reshape((1, self.dev_y_lbl.size))
self.shape = [self.image_size, (self.vocab_size, self.max_sentence_length)]
neon_logger.display("Vocab size: %d, Max sentence length: %d" % (self.vocab_size,
示例14: _print_tree
def _print_tree(node, level=0):
print tree with indentation
if type(node) is list:
neon_logger.display((" " * level) + ", ".join(native_str(s) for s in node[0:3]))
if len(node) > 3:
_print_tree(node[3], level + 1)
if len(node) > 4:
_print_tree(node[4], level + 1)
neon_logger.display((" " * level) + native_str(node))
示例15: train_mlp_classifier
def train_mlp_classifier(dataset, model_file_path, num_epochs, callback_args):
Train the np_semantic_segmentation mlp classifier
model_file_path (str): model path
num_epochs (int): number of epochs
callback_args (dict): callback_arg
dataset: NpSemanticSegData object containing the dataset
print error_rate, test_accuracy_rate and precision_recall_rate evaluation from the model
model = NpSemanticSegClassifier(num_epochs, callback_args)
# run fit
model.fit(dataset.test_set, dataset.train_set)
# save model params
# set evaluation error rates
error_rate, test_accuracy_rate, precision_recall_rate = model.eval(dataset.test_set)
neon_logger.display('Misclassification error = %.1f%%' %
(error_rate * 100))
neon_logger.display('Test accuracy rate = %.1f%%' %
(test_accuracy_rate * 100))
neon_logger.display('precision rate = %s!!' %
neon_logger.display('recall rate = %s!!' %