本文整理汇总了Python中neo.core.Block.file_origin方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Block.file_origin方法的具体用法?Python Block.file_origin怎么用?Python Block.file_origin使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类neo.core.Block
示例1: read_block
# 需要导入模块: from neo.core import Block [as 别名]
# 或者: from neo.core.Block import file_origin [as 别名]
def read_block(self, **kargs):
if self.filename is not None:
self.axo_obj = axographio.read(self.filename)
# Build up the block
blk = Block()
blk.rec_datetime = None
if self.filename is not None:
# modified time is not ideal but less prone to
# cross-platform issues than created time (ctime)
blk.file_datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(self.filename))
# store the filename if it is available
blk.file_origin = self.filename
# determine the channel names and counts
_, channel_ordering = np.unique(self.axo_obj.names[1:], return_index=True)
channel_names = np.array(self.axo_obj.names[1:])[np.sort(channel_ordering)]
channel_count = len(channel_names)
# determine the time signal and sample period
sample_period = self.axo_obj.data[0].step * pq.s
start_time = self.axo_obj.data[0].start * pq.s
# Attempt to read units from the channel names
channel_unit_names = [x.split()[-1].strip('()') for x in channel_names]
channel_units = []
for unit in channel_unit_names:
channel_units.append(pq.Quantity(1, unit))
except LookupError:
# Strip units from channel names
channel_names = [' '.join(x.split()[:-1]) for x in channel_names]
# build up segments by grouping axograph columns
for seg_idx in range(1, len(self.axo_obj.data), channel_count):
seg = Segment(index=seg_idx)
# add in the channels
for chan_idx in range(0, channel_count):
signal = pq.Quantity(
self.axo_obj.data[seg_idx + chan_idx], channel_units[chan_idx])
analog = AnalogSignal(signal,
sampling_period=sample_period, t_start=start_time,
name=channel_names[chan_idx], channel_index=chan_idx)
return blk
示例2: read_block
# 需要导入模块: from neo.core import Block [as 别名]
# 或者: from neo.core.Block import file_origin [as 别名]
def read_block(self, lazy=False, cascade=True):
bl = Block()
tankname = os.path.basename(self.dirname)
bl.file_origin = tankname
if not cascade : return bl
for blockname in os.listdir(self.dirname):
seg = self.read_segment(blockname, lazy, cascade)
return bl
示例3: read_block
# 需要导入模块: from neo.core import Block [as 别名]
# 或者: from neo.core.Block import file_origin [as 别名]
def read_block(self, lazy=False, cascade=True):
header = self.read_header()
version = header['fFileVersionNumber']
bl = Block()
bl.file_origin = os.path.basename(self.filename)
# date and time
if version < 2.:
YY = 1900
MM = 1
DD = 1
hh = int(header['lFileStartTime'] / 3600.)
mm = int((header['lFileStartTime'] - hh * 3600) / 60)
ss = header['lFileStartTime'] - hh * 3600 - mm * 60
ms = int(np.mod(ss, 1) * 1e6)
ss = int(ss)
elif version >= 2.:
YY = int(header['uFileStartDate'] / 10000)
MM = int((header['uFileStartDate'] - YY * 10000) / 100)
DD = int(header['uFileStartDate'] - YY * 10000 - MM * 100)
hh = int(header['uFileStartTimeMS'] / 1000. / 3600.)
mm = int((header['uFileStartTimeMS'] / 1000. - hh * 3600) / 60)
ss = header['uFileStartTimeMS'] / 1000. - hh * 3600 - mm * 60
ms = int(np.mod(ss, 1) * 1e6)
ss = int(ss)
bl.rec_datetime = datetime.datetime(YY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss, ms)
if not cascade:
return bl
# file format
if header['nDataFormat'] == 0:
dt = np.dtype('i2')
elif header['nDataFormat'] == 1:
dt = np.dtype('f4')
if version < 2.:
nbchannel = header['nADCNumChannels']
head_offset = header['lDataSectionPtr'] * BLOCKSIZE + header[
'nNumPointsIgnored'] * dt.itemsize
totalsize = header['lActualAcqLength']
elif version >= 2.:
nbchannel = header['sections']['ADCSection']['llNumEntries']
head_offset = header['sections']['DataSection'][
'uBlockIndex'] * BLOCKSIZE
totalsize = header['sections']['DataSection']['llNumEntries']
data = np.memmap(self.filename, dt, 'r',
shape=(totalsize,), offset=head_offset)
# 3 possible modes
if version < 2.:
mode = header['nOperationMode']
elif version >= 2.:
mode = header['protocol']['nOperationMode']
if (mode == 1) or (mode == 2) or (mode == 5) or (mode == 3):
# event-driven variable-length mode (mode 1)
# event-driven fixed-length mode (mode 2 or 5)
# gap free mode (mode 3) can be in several episodes
# read sweep pos
if version < 2.:
nbepisod = header['lSynchArraySize']
offset_episode = header['lSynchArrayPtr'] * BLOCKSIZE
elif version >= 2.:
nbepisod = header['sections']['SynchArraySection'][
offset_episode = header['sections']['SynchArraySection'][
'uBlockIndex'] * BLOCKSIZE
if nbepisod > 0:
episode_array = np.memmap(
self.filename, [('offset', 'i4'), ('len', 'i4')], 'r',
shape=nbepisod, offset=offset_episode)
episode_array = np.empty(1, [('offset', 'i4'), ('len', 'i4')])
episode_array[0]['len'] = data.size
episode_array[0]['offset'] = 0
# sampling_rate
if version < 2.:
sampling_rate = 1. / (header['fADCSampleInterval'] *
nbchannel * 1.e-6) * pq.Hz
elif version >= 2.:
sampling_rate = 1.e6 / \
header['protocol']['fADCSequenceInterval'] * pq.Hz
# construct block
# one sweep = one segment in a block
pos = 0
for j in range(episode_array.size):
seg = Segment(index=j)
length = episode_array[j]['len']
if version < 2.:
fSynchTimeUnit = header['fSynchTimeUnit']
示例4: read_block
# 需要导入模块: from neo.core import Block [as 别名]
# 或者: from neo.core.Block import file_origin [as 别名]
def read_block(self,
# the 2 first keyword arguments are imposed by neo.io API
lazy = False,
cascade = True):
Return a Block.
def count_samples(m_length):
Count the number of signal samples available in a type 5 data block
of length m_length
# for information about type 5 data block, see [1]
count = int((m_length-6)/2-2)
# -6 corresponds to the header of block 5, and the -2 take into
# account the fact that last 2 values are not available as the 4
# corresponding bytes are coding the time stamp of the beginning
# of the block
return count
# create the neo Block that will be returned at the end
blck = Block(file_origin = os.path.basename(self.filename))
blck.file_origin = os.path.basename(self.filename)
fid = open(self.filename, 'rb')
# NOTE: in the following, the word "block" is used in the sense used in
# the alpha-omega specifications (ie a data chunk in the file), rather
# than in the sense of the usual Block object in neo
# step 1: read the headers of all the data blocks to load the file
# structure
pos_block = 0 # position of the current block in the file
file_blocks = [] # list of data blocks available in the file
if not cascade:
# we read only the main header
m_length, m_TypeBlock = struct.unpack('Hcx' , fid.read(4))
# m_TypeBlock should be 'h', as we read the first block
block = HeaderReader(fid,
block.update({'m_length': m_length,
'm_TypeBlock': m_TypeBlock,
'pos': pos_block})
else: # cascade == True
seg = Segment(file_origin = os.path.basename(self.filename))
seg.file_origin = os.path.basename(self.filename)
while True:
first_4_bytes = fid.read(4)
if len(first_4_bytes) < 4:
# we have reached the end of the file
m_length, m_TypeBlock = struct.unpack('Hcx', first_4_bytes)
block = HeaderReader(fid,
block.update({'m_length': m_length,
'm_TypeBlock': m_TypeBlock,
'pos': pos_block})
if m_TypeBlock == '2':
# The beginning of the block of type '2' is identical for
# all types of channels, but the following part depends on
# the type of channel. So we need a special case here.
# WARNING: How to check the type of channel is not
# described in the documentation. So here I use what is
# proposed in the C code [2].
# According to this C code, it seems that the 'm_isAnalog'
# is used to distinguished analog and digital channels, and
# 'm_Mode' encodes the type of analog channel:
# 0 for continuous, 1 for level, 2 for external trigger.
# But in some files, I found channels that seemed to be
# continuous channels with 'm_Modes' = 128 or 192. So I
# decided to consider every channel with 'm_Modes'
# different from 1 or 2 as continuous. I also couldn't
# check that values of 1 and 2 are really for level and
# external trigger as I had no test files containing data
# of this types.
type_subblock = 'unknown_channel_type(m_Mode=' \
+ str(block['m_Mode'])+ ')'
description = Type2_SubBlockUnknownChannels
block.update({'m_Name': 'unknown_name'})
if block['m_isAnalog'] == 0:
# digital channel
示例5: read_block
# 需要导入模块: from neo.core import Block [as 别名]
# 或者: from neo.core.Block import file_origin [as 别名]
def read_block(self,
lazy = False,
cascade = True,
bl = Block()
tankname = os.path.basename(self.dirname)
bl.file_origin = tankname
if not cascade : return bl
for blockname in os.listdir(self.dirname):
if blockname == 'TempBlk': continue
subdir = os.path.join(self.dirname,blockname)
if not os.path.isdir(subdir): continue
seg = Segment(name = blockname)
bl.segments.append( seg)
#TSQ is the global index
tsq_filename = os.path.join(subdir, tankname+'_'+blockname+'.tsq')
dt = [('size','int32'),
tsq = np.fromfile(tsq_filename, dtype = dt)
#0x8801: 'EVTYPE_MARK' give the global_start
global_t_start = tsq[tsq['evtype']==0x8801]['timestamp'][0]
#TEV is the old data file
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(subdir, tankname+'_'+blockname+'.tev')):
tev_filename = os.path.join(subdir, tankname+'_'+blockname+'.tev')
#tev_array = np.memmap(tev_filename, mode = 'r', dtype = 'uint8') # if memory problem use this instead
tev_array = np.fromfile(tev_filename, dtype = 'uint8')
tev_filename = None
for type_code, type_label in tdt_event_type:
mask1 = tsq['evtype']==type_code
codes = np.unique(tsq[mask1]['code'])
for code in codes:
mask2 = mask1 & (tsq['code']==code)
channels = np.unique(tsq[mask2]['channel'])
for channel in channels:
mask3 = mask2 & (tsq['channel']==channel)
if type_label in ['EVTYPE_STRON', 'EVTYPE_STROFF']:
if lazy:
times = [ ]*pq.s
labels = np.array([ ], dtype = str)
times = (tsq[mask3]['timestamp'] - global_t_start) * pq.s
labels = tsq[mask3]['eventoffset'].view('float64').astype('S')
ea = EventArray(times = times, name = code , channel_index = int(channel), labels = labels)
if lazy:
ea.lazy_shape = np.sum(mask3)
elif type_label == 'EVTYPE_SNIP':
sortcodes = np.unique(tsq[mask3]['sortcode'])
for sortcode in sortcodes:
mask4 = mask3 & (tsq['sortcode']==sortcode)
nb_spike = np.sum(mask4)
sr = tsq[mask4]['frequency'][0]
waveformsize = tsq[mask4]['size'][0]-10
if lazy:
times = [ ]*pq.s
waveforms = None
times = (tsq[mask4]['timestamp'] - global_t_start) * pq.s
dt = np.dtype(data_formats[ tsq[mask3]['dataformat'][0]])
waveforms = get_chunks(tsq[mask4]['size'],tsq[mask4]['eventoffset'], tev_array).view(dt)
waveforms = waveforms.reshape(nb_spike, -1, waveformsize)
waveforms = waveforms * pq.mV
if nb_spike>0:
# t_start = (tsq['timestamp'][0] - global_t_start) * pq.s # this hould work but not
t_start = 0 *pq.s
t_stop = (tsq['timestamp'][-1] - global_t_start) * pq.s
t_start = 0 *pq.s
t_stop = 0 *pq.s
st = SpikeTrain(times = times,
name = 'Chan{} Code{}'.format(channel,sortcode),
t_start = t_start,
t_stop = t_stop,
waveforms = waveforms,
left_sweep = waveformsize/2./sr * pq.s,
sampling_rate = sr * pq.Hz,
st.annotate(channel_index = channel)
示例6: read_block
# 需要导入模块: from neo.core import Block [as 别名]
# 或者: from neo.core.Block import file_origin [as 别名]
def read_block(self,
lazy = False,
cascade = True,
bl = Block()
tankname = os.path.basename(self.dirname)
bl.file_origin = tankname
if not cascade : return bl
for blockname in os.listdir(self.dirname):
if blockname == 'TempBlk': continue
subdir = os.path.join(self.dirname,blockname)
if not os.path.isdir(subdir): continue
seg = Segment(name = blockname)
bl.segments.append( seg)
global_t_start = None
# Step 1 : first loop for counting - tsq file
tsq = open(os.path.join(subdir, tankname+'_'+blockname+'.tsq'), 'rb')
hr = HeaderReader(tsq, TsqDescription)
allsig = { }
allspiketr = { }
allevent = { }
while 1:
h= hr.read_f()
if h==None:break
channel, code , evtype = h['channel'], h['code'], h['evtype']
if Types[evtype] == 'EVTYPE_UNKNOWN':
elif Types[evtype] == 'EVTYPE_MARK' :
if global_t_start is None:
global_t_start = h['timestamp']
elif Types[evtype] == 'EVTYPE_SCALER' :
elif Types[evtype] == 'EVTYPE_STRON' or \
Types[evtype] == 'EVTYPE_STROFF':
if code not in allevent:
allevent[code] = { }
if channel not in allevent[code]:
ea = EventArray(name = code , channel_index = channel)
# for counting:
ea.lazy_shape = 0
ea.maxlabelsize = 0
allevent[code][channel] = ea
allevent[code][channel].lazy_shape += 1
strobe, = struct.unpack('d' , struct.pack('q' , h['eventoffset']))
strobe = str(strobe)
if len(strobe)>= allevent[code][channel].maxlabelsize:
allevent[code][channel].maxlabelsize = len(strobe)
#~ ev = Event()
#~ ev.time = h['timestamp'] - global_t_start
#~ ev.name = code
#~ # it the strobe attribute masked with eventoffset
#~ strobe, = struct.unpack('d' , struct.pack('q' , h['eventoffset']))
#~ ev.label = str(strobe)
#~ seg._events.append( ev )
elif Types[evtype] == 'EVTYPE_SNIP' :
if code not in allspiketr:
allspiketr[code] = { }
if channel not in allspiketr[code]:
allspiketr[code][channel] = { }
if h['sortcode'] not in allspiketr[code][channel]:
sptr = SpikeTrain([ ], units = 's',
name = str(h['sortcode']),
#t_start = global_t_start,
t_start = 0.*pq.s,
t_stop = 0.*pq.s, # temporary
left_sweep = (h['size']-10.)/2./h['frequency'] * pq.s,
sampling_rate = h['frequency'] * pq.Hz,
#~ sptr.channel = channel
#sptr.annotations['channel_index'] = channel
sptr.annotate(channel_index = channel)
# for counting:
sptr.lazy_shape = 0
sptr.pos = 0
sptr.waveformsize = h['size']-10