本文整理汇总了Python中nav_msgs.msg.GridCells类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python GridCells类的具体用法?Python GridCells怎么用?Python GridCells使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: publishChecked
def publishChecked(grid):
global ckd
print "publishing"
cells = GridCells()
cells.header.frame_id = 'map'
cells.cell_width = 0.3 # edit for grid size .3 for simple map
cells.cell_height = 0.3 # edit for grid size
for i in range(1,10): #height should be set to hieght of grid
for j in range(1,9): #height should be set to hieght of grid
#print k # used for debugging
if (grid[k] == 0):
point.x=j*.3+.32 # edit for grid size
point.y=i*.3-.15 # edit for grid size
if (grid[k] == 0):
point.x=j*.3+.62 # edit for grid size
point.y=i*.3-.15 # edit for grid size
#print cells # used for debugging
示例2: publishCells
def publishCells(grid, num):
global ckd
global bud
global front
global xOffset
global yOffset
# print "publishing"
k = 0
cells = GridCells()
cells.header.frame_id = "map"
cells.cell_width = 0.2 # edit for grid size .3 for simple map
cells.cell_height = 0.2 # edit for grid size
for square in grid: # height should be set to hieght of grid
# print k # used for debugging
point = Point()
point.x = square.x * cells.cell_width + cells.cell_width + xOffset # edit for grid size
point.y = square.y * cells.cell_height + cells.cell_width + yOffset # edit for grid size
point.z = 0
# print cells # used for debugging
if num == 100:
if num == 1:
if num == 2:
if num == 4:
示例3: map_callback
def map_callback(ret):
rospy.loginfo("Map Callback")
#print ret
map_data = OccupancyMap(ret)
centroids = map_data.findFrontiers()
# Generate all grid cells info
gridCells = GridCells()
gridCells.cell_width = ret.info.resolution
gridCells.cell_height = ret.info.resolution
gridCells.header.frame_id = 'map'
gridCells.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
#Generate all of the point data
for centroid in centroids:
point = Point()
cell = transform_grid_cells_to_map_meters((centroid[0], centroid[1]), ret.info)
point.x = cell[0]
point.y = cell[1]
point.z = 0
# Publish this data
global frontierPub
rospy.loginfo("Publishing frontier")
示例4: publishCells
def publishCells(nodes, publisher):
Publish Cells
Publishes a list of nodes as GridCells to RViz
Uses the given publisher
global offsetY
global offsetX
print "publishing frontiers"
# resolution and offset of the map
cells = GridCells()
cells.header.frame_id = 'map'
cells.cell_width = resolution
cells.cell_height = resolution
for node in nodes:
point.x = (node.x * resolution) + offsetX + (0.72 / resolution)
point.y = (node.y * resolution) + offsetY + (0.643 / resolution)
point.z = 0
示例5: setStart
def setStart(msg):
global start, pub_start, mapInfo, mapData
#define a point object that will represent our start point on the grid
point = msg.pose.pose.position #this needs to be adjuseted depending on how the gridcells object is using the point object.
#set the starting point for the search to the gridpoint defined by the user mouse click.
start = globalToGrid(point, mapInfo)
#convert the point to a grid position
point.x = round(point.x/mapInfo.resolution) * mapInfo.resolution
point.y = round(point.y/mapInfo.resolution) * mapInfo.resolution
#define a new gridcells object
gridCells = GridCells()
#start construction our message
gridCells.header = msg.header
gridCells.cell_width = mapInfo.resolution
gridCells.cell_height = mapInfo.resolution
cells = [point]
gridCells.cells = cells
print "startpoint set"
示例6: check_occupancy
def check_occupancy(current, debug): #check whether the cell is occupied
FRONTIER_PUBLISH = rospy.Publisher('/Frontier', GridCells) #Frontier Grid Cells Publisher
neighbors_all = find_all_neighbors(current)
#print neighbors_all
neighbors_empty = []
Frontier = []
for neighbor_index, neighbor in enumerate(neighbors_all):
#cell_index = ( neighbor.y - (RESOLUTION/2) ) * WIDTH
#if MAP_DATA[int(cell_index)] < 50: #EMPTY CELL
for elem in PtArr_Empty:
if numpy.allclose([elem.x], [neighbor.position.x]) and numpy.allclose([elem.y], [neighbor.position.y]):
#if elem.x == neighbor.position.x and elem.y == neighbor.position.y:
#print "index:", cell_index
#print int(cell_index)
Frontier.append(Point(neighbor.position.x, neighbor.position.y, 0))
# print "adding neighbor: ", neighbor_index
#if elem.x == neighbor.position.x:
# print "element_x: ", elem.x
#print "element_y: ", elem.y
#print PtArr_Empty
Frontier_Empty = GridCells()
Frontier_Empty.header = HEADER
Frontier_Empty.cell_width = RESOLUTION
Frontier_Empty.cell_height = RESOLUTION
Frontier_Empty.cells = Frontier
if debug:
count = 0
while count < 1500:
count = count+1
return neighbors_empty
示例7: MakeGridCellsFromList
def MakeGridCellsFromList (cellList):
gridCells = GridCells()
gridCells.cell_width = .2
gridCells.cell_height = .2
gridCells.cells = cellList
gridCells.header.frame_id = 'map'
return gridCells
示例8: mapCallback
def mapCallback(OccupancyGrid):
print 'Got Occupancy Map'
global expandGrid
global ocGridMeta
global ocGrid
expandGrid = GridCells()
ocGridMeta = OccupancyGrid.info
ocGrid = [[0 for _ in range(OccupancyGrid.info.height)] for _ in range(OccupancyGrid.info.width)] #Generate the ocgrid as a 2-d array
for row in range(OccupancyGrid.info.height):
for col in range(OccupancyGrid.info.width):
i = ( row * OccupancyGrid.info.width) + col
if( OccupancyGrid.data[i] >= 30): #if there is a 60% propabability of obsticle
ocGrid[col][row] = 1 #flag
expandObsticals(col, row) #expand the discovered obstical
elif OccupancyGrid.data[i] == -1: #if the cell is unknown
ocGrid[col][row] = 0 #flag
expandGrid.cell_height = ocGridMeta.resolution
expandGrid.cell_width = ocGridMeta.resolution
expandGrid.header.frame_id = 'map'
global position
global startNode
x = position.x
y = position.y
x = int(round((x - ocGridMeta.origin.position.x)/ocGridMeta.resolution))
y = int(round((y - ocGridMeta.origin.position.y)/ocGridMeta.resolution))
print "Got a start Position"
startNode = node(x, y,None,0,0)
if goalNode != None:
aStar(startNode, goalNode)
print 'import done'
示例9: newStartCallback
def newStartCallback(msg):
global startpos
global regen_map
global start_pub
global has_start
global curmap
global has_map
if (has_map):
#extract point from message
point = msg.pose.pose.position
print 'Got new starting position, regenerating path'
#round point values to nearest integer
startpos = point;
print "x: ", startpos.x
print "y: ", startpos.y
#send rounded start point as a GridCells message to /lab3/astar/start
start = GridCells()
start.cell_width = curmap.info.resolution
start.cell_height = curmap.info.resolution
start.cells = [mapToWorldPos(curmap, worldToMapCell(curmap, startpos))]
start.header.frame_id = 'map'
#trigger A* path regeneration
regen_map = 1
#indicate that we have receive a start position
has_start = 2
示例10: rvizObstacles
def rvizObstacles(w_map):
global obstacles_pub
obstacles_GC = GridCells()
obstacles_GC.cell_width = w_map.info.resolution
obstacles_GC.cell_height = w_map.info.resolution
obstacles_GC.cells = []
obstacle_pts = []
expanded_pts = set([])
e_o_i = set([])
for index, node in enumerate(w_map.data):
if node > 50:
for index in obstacle_pts:
for i in range(-4, 5):
for j in range(-4, 5):
point = i_to_p(index, w_map.info.width)
point.x += i
point.y += j
e_o_i.add(p_to_i(point, w_map.info.width))
expanded_pts.add(lab_4.gridToWorld(point, w_map))
obstacles_GC.cells = list(expanded_pts)
obstacles_GC.header.frame_id = 'map'
return list(e_o_i)
示例11: newGoalCallback
def newGoalCallback(msg):
global endpos
global regen_map
global goal_pub
global has_goal
global curmap
global has_map
if (has_map):
#extract point from message
point = msg.pose.position
print 'Got new gloal position, regenerating map'
#round point values to nearest integer
endpos = point;
print "x: ", endpos.x
print "y: ", endpos.y
#send rounded goal point as a GridCells message to /lab3/astar/goal
end = GridCells()
end.cell_width = curmap.info.resolution
end.cell_height = curmap.info.resolution
end.cells = [mapToWorldPos(curmap, worldToMapCell(curmap, endpos))]
end.header.frame_id = 'map'
#trigger A* path regeneration
regen_map = 1
#indicate that we have received a goal position
has_goal = 1
示例12: publishPointListAsGridCells
def publishPointListAsGridCells(points, publisher):
gridCells = GridCells() # make an empty grid cells
gridCells.cell_height = G_GridResolution
gridCells.cell_width = G_GridResolution
gridCells.header.frame_id = "map"
gridCells.cells = points
示例13: publishCells
def publishCells(grid):
global wallpub
print "publishing"
k = 0
cells = GridCells()
cells.header.frame_id = "map"
cells.cell_width = 0.3 # edit for grid size .3 for simple map
cells.cell_height = 0.3 # edit for grid size
for i in range(1, height): # height should be set to hieght of grid
for j in range(1, width): # height should be set to hieght of grid
# print k # used for debugging
if grid[k] == 100:
point = Point()
point.x = j * 0.3 + 0.32 # edit for grid size
point.y = i * 0.3 - 0.15 # edit for grid size
point.z = 0
k = k + 1
k = k + 1
if grid[k] == 100:
point = Point()
point.x = j * 0.3 + 0.62 # edit for grid size
point.y = i * 0.3 - 0.15 # edit for grid size
point.z = 0
# print cells # used for debugging
示例14: publishGridCells
def publishGridCells(listOfPoints, topicNum):
# create new grid cells object
gridCells = GridCells()
# set the list of points, frame, and cell size
gridCells.cells = listOfPoints
gridCells.header.frame_id = "/map"
gridCells.cell_width = mapRes
gridCells.cell_height = mapRes
# publish the grid to the correct topic
if topicNum == 1:
elif topicNum == 2:
elif topicNum == 3:
elif topicNum == 4:
elif topicNum == 5:
elif topicNum == 6:
示例15: publishCells
def publishCells(grid, num):
global frontierPub
global clearPub
global wallPub
global xOffset
global yOffset
#print "publishing"
cells = GridCells()
cells.header.frame_id = 'map'
cells.cell_width = 0.2 # edit for grid size .3 for simple map
cells.cell_height = 0.2 # edit for grid size
for square in grid: #height should be set to hieght of grid
#print k # used for debugging
point.x=square.x*cells.cell_width+cells.cell_width+xOffset # edit for grid size
point.y=square.y*cells.cell_height+cells.cell_width+yOffset # edit for grid size
#print cells # used for debugging
if(num == 0):
elif(num == 1):
elif(num == 2):