本文整理汇总了Python中natsort.natsorted函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python natsorted函数的具体用法?Python natsorted怎么用?Python natsorted使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: main_exonerate
def main_exonerate(ref_fa,refseq_pr,exonerate_path,thread,exon2align_gff,index_s=0,index_e=0):
* refseq_pr: all protein seqeunces of the organism
* path: path to store splited protein sequences.
if not os.path.exists(exonerate_path): os.mkdir(exonerate_path)
# 1) split file
if os.listdir(path) != []:
# 2) run exonerate for each file
faFiles = natsorted(glob.glob('file*.fa'))
if index_e == 0:
faFiles = faFiles[index_s:]
faFiles = faFiles[index_s:index_e]
pool = mp.Pool(processes=int(thread))
for f in faFiles:
out = f[:-2]+'gff'
# 3) merge the gff files
exonerate_gff = 'exonerate.gff'
if not os.path.exists(exonerate_gff):
gff_fns = natsorted(glob.glob('file*.gff'))
示例2: find_idle_busy_slaves
def find_idle_busy_slaves(parser, args, show_idle):
'-b', '--builder', dest='builders', action='append', default=[],
help='Builders to filter on')
'-s', '--slave', dest='slaves', action='append', default=[],
help='Slaves to filter on')
options, args, buildbot = parser.parse_args(args)
if args:
parser.error('Unrecognized parameters: %s' % ' '.join(args))
if not options.builders:
options.builders = buildbot.builders.keys
for builder in options.builders:
builder = buildbot.builders[builder]
if options.slaves:
# Only the subset of slaves connected to the builder.
slaves = list(set(options.slaves).intersection(set(builder.slaves.names)))
if not slaves:
slaves = builder.slaves.names
busy_slaves = [build.slave.name for build in builder.current_builds]
if show_idle:
slaves = natsorted(set(slaves) - set(busy_slaves))
slaves = natsorted(set(slaves) & set(busy_slaves))
if options.quiet:
for slave in slaves:
print slave
if slaves:
print 'Builder %s: %s' % (builder.name, ', '.join(slaves))
return 0
示例3: _get_list_of_files
def _get_list_of_files(self,path):
Go through each subdirectory of `path`, and choose one file from each to use in our hash.
Continue to increase self.iter, so we use a different 'slot' of randomness each time.
chosen_files = []
# Get a list of all subdirectories
directories = []
for root, dirs, files in natsort.natsorted(os.walk(path, topdown=False)):
for name in dirs:
if name[:1] is not '.':
directories.append(os.path.join(root, name))
directories = natsort.natsorted(directories)
# Go through each directory in the list, and choose one file from each.
# Add this file to our master list of robotparts.
for directory in directories:
files_in_dir = []
for imagefile in natsort.natsorted(os.listdir(directory)):
files_in_dir = natsort.natsorted(files_in_dir)
# Use some of our hash bits to choose which file
element_in_list = self.hasharray[self.iter] % len(files_in_dir)
self.iter += 1
return chosen_files
示例4: scenarios_comms
def scenarios_comms(paths):
subdirs = natsorted(map_paths(paths))
for i, subdir in enumerate(natsorted(subdirs)):
title = os.path.basename(subdir)
sources = npz_in_dir(subdir)
log.info("{0:%}:{1}:{2}/{3}".format(float(i) / float(len(subdirs)), title, memory(), swapsize()))
yield (subdir, generate_sources(sources, comms_only=True))
示例5: write_excel_data
def write_excel_data(dev_data, norm_to_ctrl, norm_to_mean):
"""Write data into a file"""
# Define excel directory
xls_dir = "./excel"
# Change directory to EXPROOTPATH
# Check to see if excel directory exists and if it doesn't make it
except OSError:
if not os.path.isdir(xls_dir):
# Reorder
dev_data = dev_data.reorder_levels(['device', 'interval', 'well'])
norm_to_ctrl = norm_to_ctrl.stack().unstack(-4).reorder_levels(['device', 'interval', 2]) #.sort_index(0)
norm_to_mean = norm_to_mean.stack().unstack(-4).reorder_levels(['device', 'interval', 2])
# Sort
dev_data = dev_data.reindex(index=natsorted(dev_data.index))
norm_to_ctrl = norm_to_ctrl.reindex(index=natsorted(norm_to_ctrl.index))
norm_to_mean = norm_to_mean.reindex(index=natsorted(norm_to_mean.index))
# Create the Excel Workbook
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(xls_dir+"/"+'data.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter')
# Write the data to the Excel Workbook
dev_data.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Raw_Device_Data')
norm_to_ctrl.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Ratio_to_Control')
norm_to_mean.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Ratio_to_Control_2')
示例6: get_metadata
def get_metadata(path, band_name, git_root):
with open(os.path.join(path, 'description'), 'r') as desc:
description = desc.read()
except Exception:
description = ''
metadata = {'name': band_name,
'description': description,
'albums': [],
'git_root': git_root}
album_paths = natsort.natsorted(os.listdir(path))
for album_name in filter(lambda a: filter_album_names(path, a), album_paths):
album_path = os.path.join(path, album_name)
with open(os.path.join(album_path, 'description'), 'r') as desc:
album_description = desc.read()
except Exception:
album_description = 'Shorts are comfy and easy to wear!'
tracks = []
track_number = 1
track_paths = natsort.natsorted(os.listdir(album_path))
for track in filter(filter_tracks, track_paths):
track_name = clean_track_name(track)
tracks.append({'number': track_number,
'name': track_name,
'path': os.path.join(album_path, track)})
track_number += 1
metadata['albums'].append({'name': album_name,
'path': album_path,
'tracks': tracks,
'description': album_description})
return metadata
示例7: listFiles
def listFiles():
""" Lists all available Charmm topologies and parameter files
>>> from htmd.builder import charmm
>>> charmm.listFiles() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
---- Topologies files list...
from natsort import natsorted
charmmdir = path.join(home(), 'builder', 'charmmfiles', '') # maybe just lookup current module?
topos = natsorted(glob(path.join(charmmdir, 'top', '*.rtf')))
params = natsorted(glob(path.join(charmmdir, 'par', '*.prm')))
streams = natsorted(glob(path.join(charmmdir, 'str', '*', '*.str')))
print('---- Topologies files list: ' + path.join(charmmdir, 'top', '') + ' ----')
for t in topos:
t = t.replace(charmmdir, '')
print('---- Parameters files list: ' + path.join(charmmdir, 'par', '') + ' ----')
for p in params:
p = p.replace(charmmdir, '')
print('---- Stream files list: ' + path.join(charmmdir, 'str', '') + ' ----')
for s in streams:
s = s.replace(charmmdir, '')
示例8: test_natsorted_with_LOCALE_and_mixed_input_returns_sorted_results_without_error
def test_natsorted_with_LOCALE_and_mixed_input_returns_sorted_results_without_error():
a = ['0', 'Á', '2', 'Z']
assert natsorted(a) == ['0', '2', 'Z', 'Á']
a = ['2', 'ä', 'b', 1.5, 3]
assert natsorted(a, alg=ns.LOCALE) == [1.5, '2', 3, 'ä', 'b']
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, str(''))
示例9: test_natsorted_returns_sorted_list_with_mixed_type_input_and_does_not_raise_TypeError_on_Python3
def test_natsorted_returns_sorted_list_with_mixed_type_input_and_does_not_raise_TypeError_on_Python3():
# You can mix types with natsorted. This can get around the new
# 'unorderable types' issue with Python 3.
a = [6, 4.5, '7', '2.5', 'a']
assert natsorted(a) == ['2.5', 4.5, 6, '7', 'a']
a = [46, '5a5b2', 'af5', '5a5-4']
assert natsorted(a) == ['5a5-4', '5a5b2', 46, 'af5']
示例10: render_listing
def render_listing(in_name, out_name, folders=[], files=[]):
if in_name:
with open(in_name, 'r') as fd:
lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(in_name)
lexer = TextLexer()
code = highlight(fd.read(), lexer,
linenos="table", nowrap=False,
title = os.path.basename(in_name)
code = ''
title = ''
crumbs = utils.get_crumbs(os.path.relpath(out_name,
context = {
'code': code,
'title': title,
'crumbs': crumbs,
'lang': kw['default_lang'],
'folders': natsort.natsorted(folders),
'files': natsort.natsorted(files),
'description': title,
self.site.render_template('listing.tmpl', out_name,
示例11: metadata_stats_from_sample_and_prep_templates
def metadata_stats_from_sample_and_prep_templates(st, pt):
"""Print out summary statistics for the sample and prep templates
st : SampleTemplate
Initialized SampleTemplate to use for the metadat stats.
pt : PrepTemplate
Initialized PrepTemplate to use for the metadat stats.
Dictionary object where the keys are the names of the metadata
categories and the keys are tuples where the first element is the name
of a metadata value in category and the second element is the number of
times that value was seen.
df = metadata_map_from_sample_and_prep_templates(st, pt)
out = {}
for column in natsorted(df.columns):
counts = df[column].value_counts()
# get a pandas series of the value-count pairs
out[column] = [(key, counts[key]) for key in natsorted(counts.index)]
return out
示例12: __GetOBSDatasetName
def __GetOBSDatasetName(self, band):
self.refBand = dict()
self.emisBand = dict()
self.refBandname = dict()
self.emisBandname = dict()
for band in self.OrbitInfo.BandsType:
if self.OrbitInfo.BandsType[band] == 'REF':
self.refBand[band] = self.OrbitInfo.BandsType[band]
self.emisBand[band] = self.OrbitInfo.BandsType[band]
self.refBand = natsorted(self.refBand, alg=ns.IGNORECASE)
self.emisBand = natsorted(self.emisBand, alg=ns.IGNORECASE)
refNum = 0
for refband in self.refBand:
self.refBandname[refband] = refNum
refNum = refNum + 1
emisNum = 0
for emisband in self.emisBand:
self.emisBandname[emisband] = emisNum
emisNum = emisNum + 1
return self.refBandname, self.emisBandname
示例13: get_cover
def get_cover (filepath):
path = root + '/' + filepath
if os.path.isdir(path):
files = quick(os.listdir(path))
image = path + '/' + cover_cleaner(files)
with open(image, 'rb') as file_:
cover = file_.read()
return cover
elif os.path.isfile(path):
filetype = path.split('.')[-1]
if filetype == 'zip':
with ZipFile(path) as archive:
files = natsorted(archive.namelist())
image = cover_cleaner(files)
with archive.open(image) as file_:
cover = file_.read()
return cover
elif filetype == 'rar':
with rarfile.RarFile(path) as archive:
files = natsorted(archive.namelist())
image = cover_cleaner(files)
with archive.open(image) as file_:
cover = file_.read()
return cover
示例14: fpkm_from_htseq
def fpkm_from_htseq(bam_path,ruv_path,exn_file):
This function calculates fpkm from the htseq-count results.
* bam_path: pathway that has bam files. Used to get total mapped reads.
* ruv_path: pathway that has ruvseq corrected count data.
* exn_file: 6 columns. including ['chr','start','end','geneid','traccess','strand'].
output file that ends with .fpkm.
bams = [f for f in os.listdir(bam_path) if f.endswith('.bam')]
bams = natsorted(bams)
# 1. get total count
totalCount = []
for b in bams:
bamHandle = pysam.AlignmentFile(b,'rb')
# 2. get rna_obj
rna_df = pd.read_csv(exn_file,sep='\t',header=0,low_memory=False)
rna_obj = trpr(rna_df)
# 3. get length for each gene
norm_count_files = [f for f in os.listdir(ruv_path) if f.endswith('.txt')]
norm_count_files = natsorted(norm_count_files)
for fn,total in zip(norm_count_files,totalCount):
df = pd.read_csv(fn,sep=' ',header=None,names=['geneid','count'],index_col=0,low_memory=False)
df['len'] = df.index.map(lambda x: rna_obj.get_gene_trpr_len(x,multi_chrom='Y'))
df['fpkm'] = df['count']/float(total)/df['len']*10**9
示例15: get_page
def get_page (filepath, pagenum):
path = root + '/' + filepath
if os.path.isdir(path):
files = natsorted(os.listdir(path))
files = pages_cleaner(files)
image = path + '/' + files[pagenum - 1]
with open(image, 'rb') as file_:
page = file_.read()
return page
elif os.path.isfile(path):
filetype = path.split('.')[-1]
if filetype == 'zip':
with ZipFile(path) as archive:
files = natsorted(archive.namelist())
files = pages_cleaner(files)
image = files[pagenum - 1]
with archive.open(image) as file_:
page = file_.read()
return page
elif filetype == 'rar':
with rarfile.RarFile(path) as archive:
files = natsorted(archive.namelist())
files = pages_cleaner(files)
image = files[pagenum - 1]
with archive.open(image) as file_:
page = file_.read()
return page