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Python format.print_list函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中mysql.utilities.common.format.print_list函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python print_list函数的具体用法?Python print_list怎么用?Python print_list使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: show_file_statistics

def show_file_statistics(file_name, wild=False, out_format="GRID"):
    """Show file statistics for file name specified

    file_name[in]    target file name and path
    wild[in]         if True, get file statistics for all files with prefix of
                     file_name. Default is False
    out_format[in]   output format to print file statistics. Default is GRID.

    def _get_file_stats(path, file_name):
        """Return file stats
        stats = os.stat(os.path.join(path, file_name))
        return ((file_name, stats.st_size, time.ctime(stats.st_ctime),

    columns = ["File", "Size", "Created", "Last Modified"]
    rows = []
    path, filename = os.path.split(file_name)
    if wild:
        for _, _, files in os.walk(path):
            for f in files:
                if f.startswith(filename):
                    rows.append(_get_file_stats(path, f))
        rows.append(_get_file_stats(path, filename))

    print_list(sys.stdout, out_format, columns, rows)

示例2: show_users

def show_users(src_val, verbosity, fmt, dump=False):
    """Show all users except root and anonymous users on the server.

    src_val[in]        a dictionary containing connection information for the
                       source including:
                       (user, password, host, port, socket)
    verbosty[in]       level of information to display
    fmt[in]            format of output
    dump[in]           if True, dump the grants for all users
                       default = False
    conn_options = {"version": "5.1.0"}
    servers = connect_servers(src_val, None, conn_options)
    source = servers[0]

    if verbosity <= 1:
        _QUERY = """
            SELECT user, host FROM mysql.user
            WHERE user.user != ''
        cols = ("user", "host")
        _QUERY = """
            SELECT user.user, user.host, db FROM mysql.user LEFT JOIN mysql.db
            ON user.user = db.user AND user.host = db.host
            WHERE user.user != ''
        cols = ("user", "host", "database")

    users = source.exec_query(_QUERY)
    print "# All Users:"
    print_list(sys.stdout, fmt, cols, users)
    if dump:
        for user in users:
            _show_user_grants(source, None, "'%s'@'%s'" % user[0:2], verbosity)

示例3: execute

    def execute(self, connections, **kwrds):
        """Execute the search for processes, queries, or connections

        This method searches for processes, queriers, or connections to
        either kill or display the matches for one or more servers.

        connections[in]    list of connection parameters
        kwrds[in]          dictionary of options
          output           file stream to display information
                           default = sys.stdout
          connector        connector to use
                           default = mysql.connector
          format           format for display
                           default = GRID

        output = kwrds.get('output', sys.stdout)
        connector = kwrds.get('connector', mysql.connector)
        fmt = kwrds.get('format', "grid")
        charset = kwrds.get('charset', None)

        headers = ("Connection", "Id", "User", "Host", "Db",
                   "Command", "Time", "State", "Info")
        entries = []
        # Build SQL statement
        for info in connections:
            conn = parse_connection(info)
            if not conn:
                msg = "'%s' is not a valid connection specifier" % (info,)
                raise FormatError(msg)
            if charset:
                conn['charset'] = charset
            info = conn
            connection = connector.connect(**info)

            if not charset:
                # If no charset provided, get it from the
                # "character_set_client" server variable.
                cursor = connection.cursor()
                cursor.execute("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_client'")
                res = cursor.fetchall()

            cursor = connection.cursor()
            for row in cursor:
                if KILL_QUERY in self.__actions:
                    cursor.execute("KILL {0}".format(row[0]))
                if KILL_CONNECTION in self.__actions:
                    cursor.execute("KILL {0}".format(row[0]))
                if PRINT_PROCESS in self.__actions:
                    entries.append(tuple([_spec(info)] + list(row)))

        # If output is None, nothing is printed
        if len(entries) > 0 and output:
            entries.sort(key=lambda fifth: fifth[5])
            print_list(output, fmt, headers, entries)
        elif PRINT_PROCESS in self.__actions:
            raise EmptyResultError("No matches found")

示例4: _get_formatted_rows

def _get_formatted_rows(rows, table, format="GRID"):
    """Get a printable representation of the data rows
    This method generates a formatted view of the rows from a table. The output
    format can be in one of GRID, CSV, TAB, or VERTICAL. This output is
    returned as a list of strings for use in storing the output for later
    rows[in]          missing rows
    table[in]         a Table instance of the table
    obj1_str[in]      full table name for base table
    obj2_str[in]      full table name for other table
    format[in]        format to print
    Returns list of formatted rows
    import os
    import tempfile
    from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list

    result_rows = []
    outfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
    print_list(outfile, format, table.get_col_names(), rows)
    for line in outfile.readlines():

    return result_rows

示例5: show_database_usage

def show_database_usage(server, datadir, dblist, options):
    """Show database usage.

    Display a list of databases and their disk space usage. The method
    accepts a list of databases to list or None or [] for all databases.

    server[in]        Connected server to operate against
    datadir[in]       The datadir for the server
    dblist[in]        List of databases
    options[in]       Required options for operation: format, no_headers,
                      verbosity, have_read, include_empty

    returns True or exception on error
    from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list

    format = options.get("format", "grid")
    no_headers = options.get("no_headers", False)
    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", 0)
    have_read = options.get("have_read", False)
    include_empty = options.get("do_empty", True)
    do_all = options.get("do_all", True)
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)

    if verbosity is None:
        verbosity = 0

    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')

    # Check to see if we're doing all databases.
    if len(dblist) > 0:
        include_list = "("
        stop = len(dblist)
        for i in range(0,stop):
            include_list += "'%s'" % dblist[i]
            if i < stop-1:
                include_list += ", "
        include_list += ")"
        where_clause = "WHERE table_schema IN %s" % include_list
        where_clause += " AND table_schema != 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA'"
        where_clause = "WHERE table_schema != 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA'"

    res = server.exec_query(_QUERY_DBSIZE % where_clause)

    # Get list of databases with sizes and formatted when necessary
    columns, rows, db_total = _build_db_list(server, res, dblist, datadir,
                                             format == "grid",
                                             have_read, verbosity,
                                             include_empty or do_all)

    if not quiet:
        print "# Database totals:"
    print_list(sys.stdout, format, columns, rows, no_headers)
    if not quiet:
        _print_size("\nTotal database disk usage = ", db_total)

    return True

示例6: show_logfile_usage

def show_logfile_usage(server, options):
    """Show log file disk space usage.

    Display log file information if logs are turned on.

    server[in]        Connected server to operate against
    datadir[in]       The datadir for the server
    options[in]       Required options for operation: format, no_headers

    return True or raise exception on error
    from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list

    format = options.get("format", "grid")
    no_headers = options.get("no_headers", False)
    verbosity = options.get("verbosity", 0)
    have_read = options.get("have_read", False)
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)

    if not quiet:
        print "# Log information."
    total = 0
    _LOG_NAMES = [
        ('general_log', '_file'), ('slow_query_log', '_file'),
        ('log_error', '')
    logs = []
    for log_name in _LOG_NAMES:
        log, size = _get_log_information(server, log_name[0], log_name[1])
        if log is not None:
            logs.append((log, size))
        total += size
    fmt_logs = []
    columns = ['log_name', 'size']
    if len(logs) > 0:
        if format == 'grid':
            max_col = _get_formatted_max_width(logs, columns, 1)
            if max_col < len('size'):
                max_col = len('size')
            size = "{0:>{1}}".format('size', max_col)
            columns = ['log_name',size]
            for row in logs:
                # Add commas
                size = locale.format("%d", row[1], grouping=True)
                # Make justified strings
                size = "{0:>{1}}".format(size, max_col)
                fmt_logs.append((row[0], size))

            fmt_logs = logs

        print_list(sys.stdout, format, columns, fmt_logs, no_headers)
        if not quiet:
            _print_size("\nTotal size of logs = ", total)

    return True

示例7: print_charsets

 def print_charsets(self):
     """Print the character set list
     print_list(sys.stdout, self.format,
                ["id", "character_set_name", "collation_name",
                 "maxlen", "is_default"],
     print len(self.charset_map), "rows in set."

示例8: execute

    def execute(self, connections, output=sys.stdout,
                connector=mysql.connector, **kwrds):
        """Execute the search for objects

        This method searches for objects that match a search criteria for
        one or more servers.

        connections[in]    list of connection parameters
        output[in]         file stream to display information
                           default = sys.stdout
        connector[in]      connector to use
                           default = mysql.connector
        kwrds[in]          dictionary of options
          format           format for display
                           default = GRID
        fmt = kwrds.get('format', "grid")
        charset = kwrds.get('charset', None)
        ssl_opts = kwrds.get('ssl_opts', {})
        entries = []
        for info in connections:
            conn = parse_connection(info)
            if not conn:
                msg = "'%s' is not a valid connection specifier" % (info,)
                raise FormatError(msg)
            if charset:
                conn['charset'] = charset
            info = conn
            conn['host'] = conn['host'].replace("[", "")
            conn['host'] = conn['host'].replace("]", "")

            if connector == mysql.connector:
                set_ssl_opts_in_connection_info(ssl_opts, info)

            connection = connector.connect(**info)

            if not charset:
                # If no charset provided, get it from the
                # "character_set_client" server variable.
                cursor = connection.cursor()
                cursor.execute("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_client'")
                res = cursor.fetchall()

            cursor = connection.cursor()
            entries.extend([tuple([_spec(info)] + list(row))
                            for row in cursor])

        headers = ["Connection"]
        headers.extend(col[0].title() for col in cursor.description)
        if len(entries) > 0 and output:
            print_list(output, fmt, headers, entries)
            msg = "Nothing matches '%s' in any %s" % \
                (self.__pattern, _join_words(self.__types, conjunction="or"))
            raise EmptyResultError(msg)

示例9: show_logfile_usage

def show_logfile_usage(server, options):
    """Show log file disk space usage.

    Display log file information if logs are turned on.

    server[in]        Connected server to operate against
    datadir[in]       The datadir for the server
    options[in]       Required options for operation: format, no_headers

    return True or raise exception on error
    fmt = options.get("format", "grid")
    no_headers = options.get("no_headers", False)
    is_remote = options.get("is_remote", False)
    quiet = options.get("quiet", False)

    if not quiet:
        print "# Log information."
    total = 0

    _LOG_NAMES = [("general_log", "_file"), ("slow_query_log", "_file"), ("log_error", "")]
    logs = []
    for log_name in _LOG_NAMES:
        (log, size) = _get_log_information(server, log_name[0], log_name[1], is_remote)
        if log is not None:
            logs.append((log, size))
        total += size

    fmt_logs = []
    columns = ["log_name", "size"]
    if len(logs) > 0:
        if fmt == "grid":
            max_col = _get_formatted_max_width(logs, columns, 1)
            if max_col < len("size"):
                max_col = len("size")
            size = "{0:>{1}}".format("size", max_col)
            columns = ["log_name", size]
            for row in logs:
                # Add commas
                size = locale.format("%d", row[1], grouping=True)
                # Make justified strings
                size = "{0:>{1}}".format(size, max_col)
                fmt_logs.append((row[0], size))

            fmt_logs = logs

        print_list(sys.stdout, fmt, columns, fmt_logs, no_headers)
        if not quiet:
            _print_size("\nTotal size of logs = ", total)

    return True

示例10: show_topology

def show_topology(master_vals, options=None):
    """Show the slaves/topology map for a master.

    This method find the slaves attached to a server if it is a master. It
    can also discover the replication topology if the recurse option is
    True (default = False).

    It prints a tabular list of the master(s) and slaves found. If the
    show_list option is True, it will also print a list of the output
    (default = False).

    master_vals[in]    Master connection in form user:[email protected]:port:socket
                       or login-path:port:socket.
    options[in]        dictionary of options
      recurse     If True, check each slave found for additional slaves
                       Default = False
      prompt_user      If True, prompt user if slave connection fails with
                       master connection parameters
                       Default = False
      num_retries      Number of times to retry a failed connection attempt
                       Default = 0
      quiet            if True, print only the data
                       Default = False
      format           Format of list
                       Default = Grid
      width            width of report
                       Default = 75
      max_depth        maximum depth of recursive search
                       Default = None
    if options is None:
        options = {}

    topo = TopologyMap(master_vals, options)
    topo.generate_topology_map(options.get('max_depth', None))

    if not options.get("quiet", False) and topo.depth():
        print "\n# Replication Topology Graph"

    if not topo.slaves_found():
        print "No slaves found."


    if options.get("show_list", False):
        from mysql.utilities.common.format import print_list

        # make a list from the topology
        topology_list = topo.get_topology_map()
        print_list(sys.stdout, options.get("format", "GRID"),
                   ["Master", "Slave"], topology_list, False, True)

示例11: _log_master_status

    def _log_master_status(self, master):
        """Logs the master information.

        master[in]    Master server instance.

        This method logs the master information from SHOW MASTER STATUS.
        # If no master present, don't print anything.
        if master is None:

        self._report("# {0}:".format("Current Master Information"),

            status = master.get_status()[0]
        except UtilError:
            msg = "Cannot get master status"
            self._report(msg, logging.ERROR, False)
            raise UtilRplError(msg)

        cols = ("Binary Log File", "Position", "Binlog_Do_DB",
        rows = (status[0] or "N/A", status[1] or "N/A", status[2] or "N/A",
                status[3] or "N/A")

        print_list(sys.stdout, self.format, cols, [rows])

        self._report("# {0}".format(
            ", ".join(["{0}: {1}".format(*item) for item in zip(cols, rows)]),
        ), logging.INFO, False)

        # Display gtid executed set
        master_gtids = []
        for gtid in status[4].split("\n"):
            if gtid:
                # Add each GTID to a tuple to match the required format to
                # print the full GRID list correctly.

            if len(master_gtids) > 1:
                gtid_executed = "{0}[...]".format(master_gtids[0][0])
                gtid_executed = master_gtids[0][0]
        except IndexError:
            gtid_executed = "None"

        self._report("# GTID Executed Set: {0}".format(gtid_executed),

示例12: show_options

 def show_options(self):
     """ Show all audit log variables.
     server = Server({'conn_info': self.options.get("server_vals", None)})
     rows = server.show_server_variable("audit%")
     if rows:
         print "#\n# Audit Log Variables and Options\n#"
         print_list(sys.stdout, "GRID", ['Variable_name', 'Value'],
         raise UtilError("No audit log variables found.")

示例13: _log_data

    def _log_data(self, title, labels, data, print_format=True):
        """Helper method to log data.

        title[in]     Title to log.
        labels[in]    List of labels.
        data[in]      List of data rows.
        self._report("# {0}".format(title), logging.INFO)
        for row in data:
            msg = ", ".join(
                ["{0}: {1}".format(*col) for col in zip(labels, row)]
            self._report("# {0}".format(msg), logging.INFO, False)
        if print_format:
            print_list(sys.stdout, self.format, labels, data)

示例14: __print_index_list

    def __print_index_list(indexes, fmt, no_header=False):
        """Print the list of indexes

        indexes[in]        list of indexes to print
        fmt[in]            format out output = sql, table, tab, csv
        no_header[in]      (optional) if True, do not print the header
        if fmt == "sql":
            for index in indexes:
            cols = ("database", "table", "name", "type", "columns")
            rows = []
            for index in indexes:
            print_list(sys.stdout, fmt, cols, rows, no_header)

示例15: _print_list

    def _print_list(self, refresh=True, comment=None):
        """Display the list information

        This method displays the list information using the start_list and
        end_list member variables to control the view of the data. This
        permits users to scroll through the data should it be longer than
        the space permitted on the screen.
        # If no data to print, exit
        if self.list_data is None:

        if refresh:

        # Print list name
        if comment is None:
            comment = self.comment
        print comment
        self.rows_printed += 1

        # Print the list in the remaining space
        footer_len = 2
        remaining_rows = self.max_rows - self.rows_printed - 4 - footer_len
        if len(self.list_data[1][self.start_list:self.end_list]) > \
            rows = self.list_data[1][self.start_list:self.start_list +
            self.end_list = self.start_list + remaining_rows
            self.scroll_on = True
            if len(self.list_data[1]) == self.end_list and \
               self.start_list == 0:
                self.scroll_on = False
            rows = self.list_data[1][self.start_list:self.end_list]
        if len(rows) > 0:
            self.scroll_size = len(rows)
            print_list(sys.stdout, 'GRID', self.list_data[0], rows)
            self.rows_printed += self.scroll_size + 4
            print "0 Rows Found."
            self.rows_printed += 1

        if refresh:
