本文整理汇总了Python中mypy.options.Options类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Options类的具体用法?Python Options怎么用?Python Options使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_error_stream
def test_error_stream(testcase: DataDrivenTestCase) -> None:
"""Perform a single error streaming test case.
The argument contains the description of the test case.
options = Options()
options.show_traceback = True
logged_messages = [] # type: List[str]
def flush_errors(msgs: List[str], serious: bool) -> None:
if msgs:
logged_messages.append('==== Errors flushed ====')
sources = [BuildSource('main', '__main__', '\n'.join(testcase.input))]
except CompileError as e:
assert e.messages == []
assert_string_arrays_equal(testcase.output, logged_messages,
'Invalid output ({}, line {})'.format(
testcase.file, testcase.line))
示例2: generate_stub
def generate_stub(path: str,
output_dir: str,
_all_: Optional[List[str]] = None,
target: Optional[str] = None,
add_header: bool = False,
module: Optional[str] = None,
pyversion: Tuple[int, int] = defaults.PYTHON3_VERSION,
include_private: bool = False
) -> None:
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
data = f.read()
source = mypy.util.decode_python_encoding(data, pyversion)
options = MypyOptions()
options.python_version = pyversion
ast = mypy.parse.parse(source, fnam=path, module=module, errors=None, options=options)
except mypy.errors.CompileError as e:
# Syntax error!
for m in e.messages:
sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % m)
gen = StubGenerator(_all_, pyversion=pyversion, include_private=include_private)
if not target:
target = os.path.join(output_dir, os.path.basename(path))
subdir = os.path.dirname(target)
if subdir and not os.path.isdir(subdir):
with open(target, 'w') as file:
if add_header:
write_header(file, module, pyversion=pyversion)
示例3: test_coherence
def test_coherence(self):
# We have to special case Options.BuildType because we're required to
# set a target
options = Options()
options.build_type = BuildType.PROGRAM_TEXT
_, parsed_options = process_options(['-c', 'cmd'])
assert_equal(options, parsed_options)
示例4: get_semanal_options
def get_semanal_options() -> Options:
options = Options()
options.use_builtins_fixtures = True
options.semantic_analysis_only = True
options.show_traceback = True
options.python_version = PYTHON3_VERSION
return options
示例5: parse_options
def parse_options(self, program_text: str, testcase: DataDrivenTestCase,
incremental_step: int) -> Options:
options = Options()
flags = re.search('# flags: (.*)$', program_text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
if incremental_step > 1:
flags2 = re.search('# flags{}: (.*)$'.format(incremental_step), program_text,
if flags2:
flags = flags2
flag_list = None
if flags:
flag_list = flags.group(1).split()
targets, options = process_options(flag_list, require_targets=False)
if targets:
# TODO: support specifying targets via the flags pragma
raise RuntimeError('Specifying targets via the flags pragma is not supported.')
options = Options()
# Allow custom python version to override testcase_pyversion
if (not flag_list or
all(flag not in flag_list for flag in ['--python-version', '-2', '--py2'])):
options.python_version = testcase_pyversion(testcase.file, testcase.name)
return options
示例6: build
def build(self, source: str) -> Tuple[List[str], Optional[Dict[str, MypyFile]]]:
options = Options()
options.use_builtins_fixtures = True
options.show_traceback = True
options.cache_dir = os.devnull
result = build.build(sources=[BuildSource('main', None, source)],
except CompileError as e:
# TODO: Is it okay to return None?
return e.messages, None
return result.errors, result.files
示例7: run_case
def run_case(self, testcase: DataDrivenTestCase) -> None:
line = testcase.input[0]
mask = ''
if line.startswith('##'):
mask = '(' + line[2:].strip() + ')$'
src = '\n'.join(testcase.input)
options = Options()
options.strict_optional = False # TODO: Enable strict optional checking
options.use_builtins_fixtures = True
options.show_traceback = True
options.export_types = True
result = build.build(sources=[BuildSource('main', None, src)],
a = result.errors
map = result.types
nodes = map.keys()
# Ignore NameExpr nodes of variables with explicit (trivial) types
# to simplify output.
searcher = SkippedNodeSearcher()
for file in result.files.values():
ignored = searcher.nodes
# Filter nodes that should be included in the output.
keys = []
for node in nodes:
if node.line is not None and node.line != -1 and map[node]:
if ignore_node(node) or node in ignored:
if (re.match(mask, short_type(node))
or (isinstance(node, NameExpr)
and re.match(mask, node.name))):
# Include node in output.
for key in sorted(keys,
key=lambda n: (n.line, short_type(n),
str(n) + str(map[n]))):
ts = str(map[key]).replace('*', '') # Remove erased tags
ts = ts.replace('__main__.', '')
a.append('{}({}) : {}'.format(short_type(key), key.line, ts))
except CompileError as e:
a = e.messages
testcase.output, a,
'Invalid type checker output ({}, line {})'.format(testcase.file,
示例8: test_executable_inference
def test_executable_inference(self) -> None:
"""Test the --python-executable flag with --python-version"""
sys_ver_str = '{ver.major}.{ver.minor}'.format(ver=sys.version_info)
base = ['file.py'] # dummy file
# test inference given one (infer the other)
matching_version = base + ['--python-version={}'.format(sys_ver_str)]
_, options = process_options(matching_version)
assert options.python_version == sys.version_info[:2]
assert options.python_executable == sys.executable
matching_version = base + ['--python-executable={}'.format(sys.executable)]
_, options = process_options(matching_version)
assert options.python_version == sys.version_info[:2]
assert options.python_executable == sys.executable
# test inference given both
matching_version = base + ['--python-version={}'.format(sys_ver_str),
_, options = process_options(matching_version)
assert options.python_version == sys.version_info[:2]
assert options.python_executable == sys.executable
# test that --no-site-packages will disable executable inference
matching_version = base + ['--python-version={}'.format(sys_ver_str),
_, options = process_options(matching_version)
assert options.python_version == sys.version_info[:2]
assert options.python_executable is None
# Test setting python_version/executable from config file
special_opts = argparse.Namespace()
special_opts.python_executable = None
special_opts.python_version = None
special_opts.no_executable = None
# first test inferring executable from version
options = Options()
options.python_executable = None
options.python_version = sys.version_info[:2]
infer_python_executable(options, special_opts)
assert options.python_version == sys.version_info[:2]
assert options.python_executable == sys.executable
# then test inferring version from executable
options = Options()
options.python_executable = sys.executable
infer_python_executable(options, special_opts)
assert options.python_version == sys.version_info[:2]
assert options.python_executable == sys.executable
示例9: build_dir
def build_dir(target_dir: str) -> Tuple[List[str], BuildManager, Graph]:
sources = expand_dir(target_dir)
options = Options()
options.incremental = True
options.show_traceback = True
options.cache_dir = os.devnull
result = build.build(sources=sources,
except CompileError as e:
# TODO: We need a manager and a graph in this case as well
assert False, str('\n'.join(e.messages))
return e.messages, None, None
return result.errors, result.manager, result.graph
示例10: process_package_roots
def process_package_roots(fscache: Optional[FileSystemCache],
parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
options: Options) -> None:
"""Validate and normalize package_root."""
if fscache is None:
parser.error("--package-root does not work here (no fscache)")
assert fscache is not None # Since mypy doesn't know parser.error() raises.
# Do some stuff with drive letters to make Windows happy (esp. tests).
current_drive, _ = os.path.splitdrive(os.getcwd())
dot = os.curdir
dotslash = os.curdir + os.sep
dotdotslash = os.pardir + os.sep
trivial_paths = {dot, dotslash}
package_root = []
for root in options.package_root:
if os.path.isabs(root):
parser.error("Package root cannot be absolute: %r" % root)
drive, root = os.path.splitdrive(root)
if drive and drive != current_drive:
parser.error("Package root must be on current drive: %r" % (drive + root))
# Empty package root is always okay.
if root:
root = os.path.relpath(root) # Normalize the heck out of it.
if root.startswith(dotdotslash):
parser.error("Package root cannot be above current directory: %r" % root)
if root in trivial_paths:
root = ''
elif not root.endswith(os.sep):
root = root + os.sep
options.package_root = package_root
# Pass the package root on the the filesystem cache.
示例11: daemonize
def daemonize(options: Options,
status_file: str,
timeout: Optional[int] = None,
log_file: Optional[str] = None) -> int:
"""Create the daemon process via "dmypy daemon" and pass options via command line
When creating the daemon grandchild, we create it in a new console, which is
started hidden. We cannot use DETACHED_PROCESS since it will cause console windows
to pop up when starting. See
for more on why we can't have nice things.
It also pickles the options to be unpickled by mypy.
command = [sys.executable, '-m', 'mypy.dmypy', '--status-file', status_file, 'daemon']
pickeled_options = pickle.dumps((options.snapshot(), timeout, log_file))
info.dwFlags = 0x1 # STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW aka use wShowWindow's value
info.wShowWindow = 0 # SW_HIDE aka make the window invisible
creationflags=0x10, # CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE
return 0
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
return e.returncode
示例12: build
def build(self, source: str) -> Tuple[List[str], Optional[BuildManager], Dict[str, State]]:
options = Options()
options.incremental = True
options.use_builtins_fixtures = True
options.show_traceback = True
main_path = os.path.join(test_temp_dir, 'main')
with open(main_path, 'w') as f:
result = build.build(sources=[BuildSource(main_path, None, None)],
except CompileError as e:
# TODO: Is it okay to return None?
return e.messages, None, {}
return result.errors, result.manager, result.graph
示例13: __init__
def __init__(self, options: Options,
status_file: str,
timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
"""Initialize the server with the desired mypy flags."""
self.options = options
# Snapshot the options info before we muck with it, to detect changes
self.options_snapshot = options.snapshot()
self.timeout = timeout
self.fine_grained_manager = None # type: Optional[FineGrainedBuildManager]
if os.path.isfile(status_file):
self.fscache = FileSystemCache()
options.incremental = True
options.fine_grained_incremental = True
options.show_traceback = True
if options.use_fine_grained_cache:
# Using fine_grained_cache implies generating and caring
# about the fine grained cache
options.cache_fine_grained = True
options.cache_dir = os.devnull
# Fine-grained incremental doesn't support general partial types
# (details in https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/4492)
options.local_partial_types = True
self.status_file = status_file
示例14: do_daemon
def do_daemon(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
"""Serve requests in the foreground."""
# Lazy import so this import doesn't slow down other commands.
from mypy.dmypy_server import Server, process_start_options
if args.options_data:
from mypy.options import Options
options_dict, timeout, log_file = pickle.loads(base64.b64decode(args.options_data))
options_obj = Options()
options = options_obj.apply_changes(options_dict)
if log_file:
sys.stdout = sys.stderr = open(log_file, 'a', buffering=1)
fd = sys.stdout.fileno()
os.dup2(fd, 2)
os.dup2(fd, 1)
options = process_start_options(args.flags, allow_sources=False)
timeout = args.timeout
Server(options, args.status_file, timeout=timeout).serve()
示例15: build
def build(self,
source: str,
python_version: Tuple[int, int]) -> Tuple[List[str],
Optional[Dict[str, MypyFile]],
Optional[Dict[Expression, Type]]]:
options = Options()
options.use_builtins_fixtures = True
options.show_traceback = True
options.cache_dir = os.devnull
options.python_version = python_version
result = build.build(sources=[BuildSource('main', None, source)],
except CompileError as e:
# TODO: Should perhaps not return None here.
return e.messages, None, None
return result.errors, result.files, result.types