本文整理汇总了Python中mylar.logger.fdebug函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python fdebug函数的具体用法?Python fdebug怎么用?Python fdebug使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: comic_config
def comic_config(self, com_location, ComicID, alt_search=None, fuzzy_year=None):
myDB = db.DBConnection()
#--- this is for multipe search terms............
#--- works, just need to redo search.py to accomodate multiple search terms
# ffs_alt = []
# if '+' in alt_search:
#find first +
# ffs = alt_search.find('+')
# ffs_alt.append(alt_search[:ffs])
# ffs_alt_st = str(ffs_alt[0])
# print("ffs_alt: " + str(ffs_alt[0]))
# split the entire string by the delimter +
# ffs_test = alt_search.split('+')
# if len(ffs_test) > 0:
# print("ffs_test names: " + str(len(ffs_test)))
# ffs_count = len(ffs_test)
# n=1
# while (n < ffs_count):
# ffs_alt.append(ffs_test[n])
# print("adding : " + str(ffs_test[n]))
#print("ffs_alt : " + str(ffs_alt))
# ffs_alt_st = str(ffs_alt_st) + "..." + str(ffs_test[n])
# n+=1
# asearch = ffs_alt
# else:
# asearch = alt_search
asearch = str(alt_search)
controlValueDict = {'ComicID': ComicID}
newValues = {"ComicLocation": com_location }
#"QUALalt_vers": qual_altvers,
#"QUALScanner": qual_scanner,
#"QUALtype": qual_type,
#"QUALquality": qual_quality
if asearch is not None:
if asearch == '':
newValues['AlternateSearch'] = "None"
newValues['AlternateSearch'] = str(asearch)
if fuzzy_year is None:
newValues['UseFuzzy'] = "0"
newValues['UseFuzzy'] = str(fuzzy_year)
#force the check/creation of directory com_location here
if os.path.isdir(str(com_location)):
logger.info(u"Validating Directory (" + str(com_location) + "). Already exists! Continuing...")
logger.fdebug("Updated Directory doesn't exist! - attempting to create now.")
logger.info(u"Directory successfully created at: " + str(com_location))
except OSError:
logger.error(u"Could not create comicdir : " + str(com_location))
myDB.upsert("comics", newValues, controlValueDict)
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("artistPage?ComicID=%s" % ComicID)
示例2: notify
def notify(self, ComicName=None, Year=None, Issue=None, sent_to=None, snatched_nzb=None, force=False, module=None):
Sends a boxcar notification based on the provided info or SB config
title: The title of the notification to send
message: The message string to send
force: If True then the notification will be sent even if Boxcar is disabled in the config
if module is None:
module = ''
module += '[NOTIFIER]'
if not mylar.BOXCAR_ENABLED and not force:
logger.fdebug(module + ' Notification for Boxcar not enabled, skipping this notification.')
return False
# if no username was given then use the one from the config
if snatched_nzb:
title = "Mylar. Sucessfully Snatched!"
message = "Mylar has snatched: " + snatched_nzb + " and has sent it to " + sent_to
title = "Mylar. Successfully Downloaded & Post-Processed!"
message = "Mylar has downloaded and postprocessed: " + ComicName + ' (' + Year + ') #' + Issue
logger.info(module + ' Sending notification to Boxcar2')
self._sendBoxcar(message, title, module)
return True
示例3: downloadfile
def downloadfile(self, payload, filepath):
url = 'https://32pag.es/torrents.php'
r = self.session.get(url, params=payload, verify=True, stream=True, allow_redirects=True)
except Exception as e:
logger.error('%s [%s] Could not POST URL %s' % ('[32P-DOWNLOADER]', e, url))
return False
if str(r.status_code) != '200':
logger.warn('Unable to download torrent from 32P [Status Code returned: %s]' % r.status_code)
if str(r.status_code) == '404':
logger.warn('[32P-CACHED_ENTRY] Entry found in 32P cache - incorrect. Torrent has probably been merged into a pack, or another series id. Removing from cache.')
logger.fdebug('content: %s' % r.content)
return False
with open(filepath, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks
return True
示例4: weekly_update
def weekly_update(ComicName,IssueNumber,CStatus,CID,futurepull=None):
logger.fdebug('weekly_update of table : ' + str(ComicName) + ' #:' + str(IssueNumber))
logger.fdebug('weekly_update of table : ' + str(CStatus))
# here we update status of weekly table...
# added Issue to stop false hits on series' that have multiple releases in a week
# added CStatus to update status flags on Pullist screen
myDB = db.DBConnection()
if futurepull is None:
issuecheck = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM weekly WHERE COMIC=? AND ISSUE=?", [ComicName,IssueNumber]).fetchone()
issuecheck = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM future WHERE COMIC=? AND ISSUE=?", [ComicName,IssueNumber]).fetchone()
if issuecheck is not None:
controlValue = { "COMIC": str(ComicName),
"ISSUE": str(IssueNumber)}
if CStatus:
newValue = {"STATUS": CStatus,
"ComicID": CID}
newValue = {"STATUS": "Wanted"}
newValue = {"STATUS": "Skipped"}
if futurepull is None:
myDB.upsert("weekly", newValue, controlValue)
if issuecheck['ComicID'] is not None:
newValue = {"STATUS": "Wanted",
"ComicID": issuecheck['ComicID']}
myDB.upsert("future", newValue, controlValue)
示例5: rssdbupdate
def rssdbupdate(feeddata,i,type):
rsschktime = 15
myDB = db.DBConnection()
#let's add the entries into the db so as to save on searches
#also to build up the ID's ;)
x = 1
while x <= i:
dataval = feeddata[x]
except IndexError:
logger.fdebug('reached the end of populating. Exiting the process.')
#print "populating : " + str(dataval)
#remove passkey so it doesn't end up in db
if type == 'torrent':
newlink = dataval['Link'][:(dataval['Link'].find('&passkey'))]
newVal = {"Link": newlink,
"Pubdate": dataval['Pubdate'],
"Site": dataval['Site']}
newlink = dataval['Link']
newVal = {"Link": newlink,
"Pubdate": dataval['Pubdate'],
"Site": dataval['Site'],
"Size": dataval['Size']}
ctrlVal = {"Title": dataval['Title']}
myDB.upsert("rssdb", newVal,ctrlVal)
logger.fdebug('Completed adding new data to RSS DB. Next add in ' + str(mylar.RSS_CHECKINTERVAL) + ' minutes')
示例6: rssdbupdate
def rssdbupdate(feeddata, i, type):
rsschktime = 15
myDB = db.DBConnection()
# let's add the entries into the db so as to save on searches
# also to build up the ID's ;)
for dataval in feeddata:
if type == "torrent":
# we just store the torrent ID's now.
if dataval["site"] == "32P":
newlink = dataval["link"]
# store the hash/id from KAT
newlink = os.path.basename(re.sub(".torrent", "", dataval["link"][: dataval["link"].find("?title")]))
newVal = {"Link": newlink, "Pubdate": dataval["pubdate"], "Site": dataval["site"], "Size": dataval["size"]}
ctrlVal = {"Title": dataval["title"]}
newlink = dataval["Link"]
newVal = {"Link": newlink, "Pubdate": dataval["Pubdate"], "Site": dataval["Site"], "Size": dataval["Size"]}
ctrlVal = {"Title": dataval["Title"]}
myDB.upsert("rssdb", newVal, ctrlVal)
logger.fdebug("Completed adding new data to RSS DB. Next add in " + str(mylar.RSS_CHECKINTERVAL) + " minutes")
示例7: writeconfig
def writeconfig(self, values=None):
logger.fdebug("Writing configuration to file")
config.set('Newznab', 'extra_newznabs', ', '.join(self.write_extras(self.EXTRA_NEWZNABS)))
config.set('Torznab', 'extra_torznabs', ', '.join(self.write_extras(self.EXTRA_TORZNABS)))
###this should be moved elsewhere...
if type(self.BLACKLISTED_PUBLISHERS) != list:
bp = 'None'
bp = ', '.join(self.write_extras(self.BLACKLISTED_PUBLISHERS))
config.set('CV', 'blacklisted_publishers', bp)
config.set('CV', 'blacklisted_publishers', ', '.join(self.BLACKLISTED_PUBLISHERS))
config.set('General', 'dynamic_update', str(self.DYNAMIC_UPDATE))
if values is not None:
with codecs.open(self._config_file, encoding='utf8', mode='w+') as configfile:
logger.fdebug('Configuration written to disk.')
except IOError as e:
logger.warn("Error writing configuration file: %s", e)
示例8: login
def login(self):
This is generally the only method you'll want to call, as it handles testing test_skey_valid() before
trying test_login().
Returns: True (success) / False (failure)
Side effects: Methods called will handle saving the cookies to disk, and setting
self.authkey, self.passkey, and self.uid
if (self.test_skey_valid()):
logger.fdebug('%s Session key-based login was good.' % self.module)
self.method = 'Session Cookie retrieved OK.'
return {'ses': self.ses,
'status': True}
if (self.test_login()):
logger.fdebug('%s Credential-based login was good.' % self.module)
self.method = 'Credential-based login OK.'
return {'ses': self.ses,
'status': True}
logger.warn('%s Both session key and credential-based logins failed.' % self.module)
self.method = 'Both session key & credential login failed.'
return {'ses': self.ses,
'status': False}
示例9: __init__
def __init__(self, un, pw, session_path=None):
un: account username (required)
pw: account password (required)
session_path: the path to the actual file you want to persist your cookies in
If blank, saves to $HOME/.32p_cookies.dat
self.module = '[32P-AUTHENTICATION]'
self.ses = cfscrape.create_scraper()
except Exception as e:
logger.error(self.module + " Can't create session with cfscrape")
self.session_path = session_path if session_path is not None else os.path.join(mylar.CACHE_DIR, ".32p_cookies.dat")
self.ses.cookies = LWPCookieJar(self.session_path)
if not os.path.exists(self.session_path):
logger.fdebug(self.module + ' Session cookie does not exist. Signing in and Creating.')
logger.fdebug(self.module + ' Session cookie found. Attempting to load...')
self.un = un
self.pw = pw
self.authkey = None
self.passkey = None
self.uid = None
self.inkdrops = None
示例10: movefiles
def movefiles(comicid, comlocation, imported):
#comlocation is destination
#comicid is used for rename
files_moved = []
imported = ast.literal_eval(imported)
except ValueError:
myDB = db.DBConnection()
logger.fdebug('comlocation is : ' + comlocation)
logger.fdebug('original comicname is : ' + imported['ComicName'])
impres = imported['filelisting']
if impres is not None:
for impr in impres:
srcimp = impr['comiclocation']
orig_filename = impr['comicfilename']
#before moving check to see if Rename to Mylar structure is enabled.
if mylar.IMP_RENAME and mylar.FILE_FORMAT != '':
logger.fdebug("Renaming files according to configuration details : " + str(mylar.FILE_FORMAT))
renameit = helpers.rename_param(comicid, imported['ComicName'], impr['issuenumber'], orig_filename)
nfilename = renameit['nfilename']
dstimp = os.path.join(comlocation, nfilename)
logger.fdebug("Renaming files not enabled, keeping original filename(s)")
dstimp = os.path.join(comlocation, orig_filename)
logger.info("moving " + srcimp + " ... to " + dstimp)
shutil.move(srcimp, dstimp)
files_moved.append({'srid': imported['srid'],
'filename': impr['comicfilename']})
except (OSError, IOError):
logger.error("Failed to move files - check directories and manually re-run.")
logger.fdebug("all files moved.")
#now that it's moved / renamed ... we remove it from importResults or mark as completed.
if len(files_moved) > 0:
logger.info('files_moved: ' + str(files_moved))
for result in files_moved:
res = result['import_id']
#if it's an 'older' import that wasn't imported, just make it a basic match so things can move and update properly.
controlValue = {"ComicFilename": result['filename'],
"SRID": result['srid']}
newValue = {"Status": "Imported",
"ComicID": comicid}
controlValue = {"impID": result['import_id'],
"ComicFilename": result['filename']}
newValue = {"Status": "Imported",
"SRID": result['srid'],
"ComicID": comicid}
myDB.upsert("importresults", newValue, controlValue)
示例11: notify
def notify(self, ComicName=None, Year=None, Issue=None, sent_to=None, snatched_nzb=None, username=None, force=False):
Sends a boxcar notification based on the provided info or SB config
title: The title of the notification to send
message: The message string to send
username: The username to send the notification to (optional, defaults to the username in the config)
force: If True then the notification will be sent even if Boxcar is disabled in the config
if not mylar.BOXCAR_ENABLED and not force:
logger.fdebug("Notification for Boxcar not enabled, skipping this notification")
return False
# if no username was given then use the one from the config
if not username:
username = mylar.BOXCAR_USERNAME
if snatched_nzb:
title = "Mylar. Sucessfully Snatched!"
message = "Mylar has snatched: " + snatched_nzb + " and has sent it to " + sent_to
title = "Mylar. Successfully Downloaded & Post-Processed!"
message = "Mylar has downloaded and postprocessed: " + ComicName + ' (' + Year + ') #' + Issue
logger.info("Sending notification to Boxcar")
self._sendBoxcar(message, title, username)
return True
示例12: notify
def notify(self, prline=None, prline2=None, sent_to=None, snatched_nzb=None, force=False, module=None, snline=None):
Sends a boxcar notification based on the provided info or SB config
title: The title of the notification to send
message: The message string to send
force: If True then the notification will be sent even if Boxcar is disabled in the config
if module is None:
module = ''
module += '[NOTIFIER]'
if not mylar.BOXCAR_ENABLED and not force:
logger.fdebug(module + ' Notification for Boxcar not enabled, skipping this notification.')
return False
# if no username was given then use the one from the config
if snatched_nzb:
title = snline
message = "Mylar has snatched: " + snatched_nzb + " and has sent it to " + sent_to
title = prline
message = prline2
logger.info(module + ' Sending notification to Boxcar2')
self._sendBoxcar(message, title, module)
return True
示例13: storyarcinfo
def storyarcinfo(xmlid):
comicLibrary = listLibrary()
arcinfo = {}
if mylar.COMICVINE_API == 'None' or mylar.COMICVINE_API is None or mylar.COMICVINE_API == mylar.DEFAULT_CVAPI:
logger.warn('You have not specified your own ComicVine API key - alot of things will be limited. Get your own @ http://api.comicvine.com.')
comicapi = mylar.DEFAULT_CVAPI
comicapi = mylar.COMICVINE_API
#respawn to the exact id for the story arc and count the # of issues present.
ARCPULL_URL = mylar.CVURL + 'story_arc/4045-' + str(xmlid) + '/?api_key=' + str(comicapi) + '&field_list=issues,name,first_appeared_in_issue,deck,image&format=xml&offset=0'
logger.fdebug('arcpull_url:' + str(ARCPULL_URL))
if mylar.CVAPI_COUNT == 0 or mylar.CVAPI_COUNT >= mylar.CVAPI_MAX:
chkit = cvapi_check()
if chkit == False:
return 'apireached'
file = urllib2.urlopen(ARCPULL_URL)
except urllib2.HTTPError, err:
logger.error('err : ' + str(err))
logger.error('There was a major problem retrieving data from ComicVine - on their end.')
示例14: torsend2client
def torsend2client(seriesname, linkit, site):
logger.info('matched on ' + str(seriesname))
filename = re.sub('[\'\!\@\#\$\%\:\;\/\\=\?\.]', '',seriesname)
if site == 'ComicBT':
linkit = str(linkit) + '&passkey=' + str(mylar.CBT_PASSKEY)
if linkit[-7:] != "torrent":
filename += ".torrent"
request = urllib2.Request(linkit)
request.add_header('User-Agent', str(mylar.USER_AGENT))
if mylar.TORRENT_LOCAL and mylar.LOCAL_WATCHDIR is not None:
filepath = os.path.join(mylar.LOCAL_WATCHDIR, filename)
logger.fdebug('filename for torrent set to : ' + filepath)
elif mylar.TORRENT_SEEDBOX and mylar.SEEDBOX_WATCHDIR is not None:
filepath = os.path.join(mylar.CACHE_DIR, filename)
logger.fdebug('filename for torrent set to : ' + filepath)
logger.error('No Local Watch Directory or Seedbox Watch Directory specified. Set it and try again.')
return "fail"
opener = helpers.urlretrieve(urllib2.urlopen(request), filepath)
except Exception, e:
logger.warn('Error fetching data from %s: %s' % (site, e))
return "fail"
示例15: rssdbupdate
def rssdbupdate(feeddata, i, type):
rsschktime = 15
myDB = db.DBConnection()
#let's add the entries into the db so as to save on searches
#also to build up the ID's ;)
for dataval in feeddata:
if type == 'torrent':
#we just store the torrent ID's now.
newVal = {"Link": dataval['link'],
"Pubdate": dataval['pubdate'],
"Site": dataval['site'],
"Size": dataval['size']}
ctrlVal = {"Title": dataval['title']}
newlink = dataval['Link']
newVal = {"Link": newlink,
"Pubdate": dataval['Pubdate'],
"Site": dataval['Site'],
"Size": dataval['Size']}
ctrlVal = {"Title": dataval['Title']}
myDB.upsert("rssdb", newVal, ctrlVal)
logger.fdebug('Completed adding new data to RSS DB. Next add in ' + str(mylar.RSS_CHECKINTERVAL) + ' minutes')