本文整理汇总了Python中myhdl.bin函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python bin函数的具体用法?Python bin怎么用?Python bin使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: stimulus
def stimulus():
for op_value in [0, int('100011', 2), int('101011', 2), int('000100', 2)]:
opcode.next = op_value
yield delay(10)
print 'opcode: ', bin(opcode, 6)
print RegDst, ALUSrc, MemtoReg, RegWrite, MemRead, MemWrite, Branch, bin(ALUop, 2)
示例2: logic
def logic():
if not aluop[0] and not aluop[1]:
control_out.next = intbv('0010')
elif aluop[0]:
control_out.next = intbv('0110')
elif aluop[1]:
if bin(funct_field[3:], 4) == '0000':
control_out.next = intbv('0010')
elif bin(funct_field[3:], 4) == '0010':
control_out.next = intbv('0110')
elif bin(funct_field[3:], 4) == '0100':
control_out.next = intbv('0000')
elif bin(funct_field[3:], 4) == '0101':
control_out.next = intbv('0001')
elif bin(funct_field[3:], 4) == '1010':
control_out.next = intbv('0111')
control_out.next = intbv(0)
示例3: testRandomLong
def testRandomLong(self):
for j in range(SIZE):
k = randrange(sys.maxint)
i = k + sys.maxint
self.assertEqual(bin(i), binref(i))
i = -k - sys.maxint
self.assertEqual(bin(i), binref(i))
示例4: testRandomLong
def testRandomLong(self):
for j in range(SIZE):
k = randrange(sys.maxsize)
i = k + sys.maxsize
assert bin(i) == binref(i)
i = -k - sys.maxsize
assert bin(i) == binref(i)
示例5: stimulus
def stimulus():
for i in range(8):
value = random.randint(-(2**15), 2**15-1)
data_in.next = intbv( value, min=-(2**15), max=2**15-1)
print "In: %s (%i) | Out: %s (%i)" % (bin(data_in, 16), data_in, bin(data_out, 32), data_out)
yield delay(5)
示例6: testRandomLongWith
def testRandomLongWith(self):
for j in range(SIZE):
w = randrange(1, 1000)
k = randrange(sys.maxint)
i = k + sys.maxint
self.assertEqual(bin(i, w), binref(i, w))
i = -k - sys.maxint
self.assertEqual(bin(i, w), binref(i, w))
示例7: testRandomLongWith
def testRandomLongWith(self):
for j in range(SIZE):
w = randrange(1, 1000)
k = randrange(sys.maxsize)
i = k + sys.maxsize
assert bin(i, w) == binref(i, w)
i = -k - sys.maxsize
assert bin(i, w) == binref(i, w)
示例8: stimulus
def stimulus():
iA, iB, pA, pB = 0, 0, 1, 1
yield clk.negedge
rst.next = False
while True:
yield clk.negedge
a.next = randrange(-MAX, MAX)
b.next = randrange(-MAX, MAX)
pipeA[iA].next = a
pipeB[iB].next = b
iA = (iA + 1) % ticks
iB = (iB + 1) % ticks
if (p != pipeA[pA] * pipeB[pB]):
f_a = float(a)
f_b = float(b)
f_p = float(p)
f_pipeA = float(pipeA[pA])
f_pipeB = float(pipeB[pB])
print("{:5.4f}x{:5.4f} = {:5.4f}".format(
f_a/float(MAX), f_b/float(MAX),
(f_pipeA * f_pipeB)/float(MAXOUT)) +
" but got {:5.4f}, error: {:5.4f}".format(
(f_pipeA * f_pipeB - f_p)/float(MAXOUT)))
assert p == pipeA[iA] * pipeB[iB], \
"Difference: p - a * b = {}".format(
bin(p - pipeA[iA] * pipeB[pB], 2 * BITS))
pA = (pA + 1) % ticks
pB = (pB + 1) % ticks
示例9: stimulus
def stimulus():
for control_val, func in [(int(b, 2), func) for (b, func) in control_func]:
control_i.next = Signal(intbv(control_val))
op1_i.next, op2_i.next = [intbv(random.randint(0, 255))[32:] for i in range(2)]
yield delay(10)
print "Control: %s | %i %s %i | %i | z=%i" % (bin(control_i, 4), op1_i, func, op2_i, out_i, zero_i)
示例10: test
def test(B, G, width):
B.next = intbv(0)
yield delay(10)
for i in range(1, 2**width):
G_Z.next = G
B.next = intbv(i)
yield delay(10)
diffcode = bin(G ^ G_Z)
self.assertEqual(diffcode.count('1'), 1)
示例11: stimulus
def stimulus():
for step in range(STEPS):
print "STEP %02d:" % step,
a.next = step
b.next = step << 8
if step % 2 == 0:
sel.next = not sel
yield DELAY
print "%d q %s a %s b %s" % (sel, bin(q, 16), bin(a, 16), bin(b, 16))
if sel % 2 == 0:
assert q == a
assert q == b
raise StopSimulation
示例12: stimulus
def stimulus():
for i in range(4):
aluop_i.next = intbv(i)
for j in range(2**6):
funct_field_i.next = intbv(j)
yield delay(10)
print "aluop: %s | funct field: %s | alu_control_lines: %s" % (bin(aluop_i, 2), bin(funct_field_i, 6 ), bin(alu_control_lines, 4))
示例13: debug_internals
def debug_internals():
sep = "\n" + "=" * 31 + " cycle %i (%ins)" + "=" * 31
print sep % (int(now() / 2.0 + 0.5), now())
print "\n" + "." * 35 + " IF " + "." * 35 + "\n"
print "PcAdderOut_if %i | BranchAdderO_mem %i | PCSrc_mem %i | NextIp %i | Ip %x" % (PcAdderOut_if, BranchAdderO_mem, PCSrc_mem, NextIp, Ip)
print 'Instruction_if %s (%x)' % (bin(Instruction_if, 32), Instruction_if)
if True: # now () > 2:
print "\n" + "." * 35 + " ID " + "." * 35 + "\n"
print "Ip_id %i | Instruction_id %s (%x) | Nop %i" % (PcAdderOut_id, bin(Instruction_id, 32), Instruction_id, NopSignal)
print 'Op %s | Rs %i | Rt %i | Rd %i | Func %i | Addr16 %i | Addr32 %i' % \
(bin(Opcode_id, 6), Rs_id, Rt_id, Rd_id, Func_id, Address16_id, Address32_id)
print 'Data1 %i | Data2 %i' % (Data1_id, Data2_id)
print '-->CONTROL'
print 'RegDst %i ALUop %s ALUSrc %i | Branch %i Jump %i MemR %i MemW %i | RegW %i Mem2Reg %i ' % \
(RegDst_id, ALUop_id, ALUSrc_id, Branch_id, Jump_id, MemRead_id, MemWrite_id, RegWrite_id, MemtoReg_id)
print 'Stall --> %i' % Stall
if True: # if now () > 4:
print "\n" + "." * 35 + " EX " + "." * 35 + "\n"
print "Ip_ex %i | BranchAdderO_ex %i " % (PcAdderOut_ex, BranchAdderO_ex)
print "Rs %i | Rt %i | Rd %i | Func %i | Addr32 %i" % (Rs_ex, Rt_ex, Rd_ex, Func_ex, Address32_ex)
print 'Data1_ex %i | Data2_ex %i' % (Data1_ex, Data2_ex)
print 'ForwardA %i | ForwardB %i' % (ForwardA, ForwardB)
print 'ForwMux1Out %i | ForwMux2Out %i' % (ForwMux1Out, ForwMux2Out)
print '-->CONTROL'
print 'RegDst %i ALUop %s ALUSrc %i | Branch %i Jump %i, MemR %i MemW %i | RegW %i Mem2Reg %i ' % \
(RegDst_ex, ALUop_ex, ALUSrc_ex, Branch_ex, Jump_ex, MemRead_ex, MemWrite_ex, RegWrite_ex, MemtoReg_ex)
print '--> ALU'
print 'MuxAluDataSrc %i | AluCtrl %s | AluResult_ex %i | Zero_ex %i' % (MuxAluDataSrc_ex, AluControl, AluResult_ex, Zero_ex)
print 'WrRegDest_ex %i' % WrRegDest_ex
示例14: get_arg
def get_arg(instruction, argument):
Utiity function to return commonly used slices/arguments
of instructions in hexadecimal or binary formats
:param Signal instruction: Input instruction
:param str argument_name: the name of the argument to be extracted
if argument == 'family_code':
return instruction[7:2]
elif argument == 'opcode':
return instruction[7:]
elif argument == 'funct3':
return instruction[15:12]
elif argument == 'funct7':
return instruction[32:25]
elif argument == 'rs1':
return instruction[20:15]
elif argument == 'rs2':
return instruction[25:20]
elif argument == 'imm12lo':
return intbv(int(bin(instruction[31]) + bin(instruction[7]) + bin(instruction[31:27], width=4),2))
elif argument == 'imm12hi':
return intbv(int(bin(instruction[27:25],width=2) + bin(instruction[12:8],width=4) ,2))
elif argument == 'instruction_id':
return instruction[15:12]
elif argument == 'rd':
return instruction[12:7]
elif argument == 'imm12':
return instruction[32:20]
elif argument == 'imm12_sb':
return intbv(int(bin(instruction[32:25],width=7) + bin(instruction[12:7],width=5) ,2))
elif argument == 'imm20':
return intbv(int( bin(instruction[31]) + bin(instruction[20:12],width=8) + bin(instruction[20]) + bin(instruction[31:21], width=10) ,2))
elif argument == 'imm20_pc':
return instruction[31:12]
elif argument == 'shamtw':
return instruction[25:20]
elif argument == 'shamt':
return instruction[25:20]
return None
示例15: test
def test(B, G):
w = len(B)
G_Z = Signal(intbv(0)[w:])
B.next = intbv(0)
yield delay(10)
for i in range(1, 2**w):
G_Z.next = G
B.next = intbv(i)
yield delay(10)
diffcode = bin(G ^ G_Z)
self.assertEqual(diffcode.count('1'), 1)