本文整理汇总了Python中mxnet.nd.zeros函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python zeros函数的具体用法?Python zeros怎么用?Python zeros使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: sample
def sample(prefix, num_chars, temperature=1.0):
# Initialize the string that we'll return to the supplied prefix
string = prefix
# Prepare the prefix as a sequence of one-hots for ingestion by RNN
prefix_numerical = [character_dict[char] for char in prefix]
input = one_hots(prefix_numerical)
# Set the initial state of the hidden representation ($h_0$) to the zero vector
h = nd.zeros(shape=(1, num_hidden), ctx=ctx)
c = nd.zeros(shape=(1, num_hidden), ctx=ctx)
# For num_chars iterations,
# 1) feed in the current input
# 2) sample next character from from output distribution
# 3) add sampled character to the decoded string
# 4) prepare the sampled character as a one_hot (to be the next input)
for i in range(num_chars):
outputs, h, c = lstm_rnn(input, h, c, temperature=temperature)
choice = np.random.choice(vocab_size, p=outputs[-1][0].asnumpy())
string += character_list[choice]
input = one_hots([choice])
return string
示例2: __init__
def __init__(self, dataset, ctx, labels=None, shape=None, label_shape=None, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if labels is not None:
llen = 0
for cond in labels:
llen += (dataset._label == cond).sum()
self._length = llen
self._length = len(dataset)
if shape is None:
shape = dataset._data.shape[1:]
if label_shape is None:
label_shape = dataset._label.shape[1:]
self._data = nd.zeros([self._length] + list(shape), dtype='float32', ctx=ctx)
self._label = nd.zeros([self._length] + list(label_shape), dtype='int32', ctx=ctx)
uniques = set()
i = 0
for dat, dlab in dataset:
lab = dlab.item()
if labels is None or np.any([lab == cond for cond in labels]):
self._data[i] = dat
self._label[i] = lab
i += 1
self.classes = list(uniques)
示例3: get_parameters
def get_parameters():
# parameters for INPUT gate
W_xi = nd.random_normal(scale=config.std, shape=(config.input_dim, config.hidden_dim))
W_hi = nd.random_normal(scale=config.std, shape=(config.hidden_dim, config.hidden_dim))
b_i = nd.zeros(shape=config.hidden_dim)
# parameters for FORGET gate
W_xf = nd.random_normal(scale=config.std, shape=(config.input_dim, config.hidden_dim))
W_hf = nd.random_normal(scale=config.std, shape=(config.hidden_dim, config.hidden_dim))
b_f = nd.zeros(shape=config.hidden_dim)
# parameters for OUTPUT gate
W_xo = nd.random_normal(scale=config.std, shape=(config.input_dim, config.hidden_dim))
W_ho = nd.random_normal(scale=config.std, shape=(config.hidden_dim, config.hidden_dim))
b_o = nd.zeros(shape=config.hidden_dim)
# parameters for memory cell
W_xc = nd.random_normal(scale=config.std, shape=(config.input_dim, config.hidden_dim))
W_hc = nd.random_normal(scale=config.std, shape=(config.hidden_dim, config.hidden_dim))
b_c = nd.zeros(shape=config.hidden_dim)
# output layer
W_hy = nd.random_normal(scale=config.std, shape=(config.hidden_dim, config.output_dim))
b_y = nd.zeros(shape=config.output_dim)
parameters = [W_xi, W_hi, b_i,
W_xf, W_hf, b_f,
W_xo, W_ho, b_o,
W_xc, W_hc, b_c,
W_hy, b_y]
for parameter in parameters:
return parameters
示例4: get_parameters
def get_parameters():
# parameters for UPDATE gate
W_xz = nd.random_normal(scale=config.std, shape=(config.input_dim, config.hidden_dim))
W_hz = nd.random_normal(scale=config.std, shape=(config.hidden_dim, config.hidden_dim))
b_z = nd.zeros(shape=config.hidden_dim)
# parameters for RESET gate
W_xr = nd.random_normal(scale=config.std, shape=(config.input_dim, config.hidden_dim))
W_hr = nd.random_normal(scale=config.std, shape=(config.hidden_dim, config.hidden_dim))
b_r = nd.zeros(shape=config.hidden_dim)
# parameters for candidate hidden state
W_xh = nd.random_normal(scale=config.std, shape=(config.input_dim, config.hidden_dim))
W_hh = nd.random_normal(scale=config.std, shape=(config.hidden_dim, config.hidden_dim))
b_h = nd.zeros(shape=config.hidden_dim)
# output layer
W_hy = nd.random_normal(scale=config.std, shape=(config.hidden_dim, config.output_dim))
b_y = nd.zeros(shape=config.output_dim)
parameters = [W_xz, W_hz, b_z,
W_xr, W_hr, b_r,
W_xh, W_hh, b_h,
W_hy, b_y]
for parameter in parameters:
return parameters
示例5: forward
def forward(self,X,lrp_aware=False):
Realizes the forward pass of an input through the convolution layer.
X : mxnet.ndarray.ndarray.NDArray
a network input, shaped (N,H,W,D), with
N = batch size
H, W, D = input size in heigth, width, depth
lrp_aware : bool
controls whether the forward pass is to be computed with awareness for multiple following
LRP calls. this will sacrifice speed in the forward pass but will save time if multiple LRP
calls will follow for the current X, e.g. wit different parameter settings or for multiple
target classes.
Y : mxnet.ndarray.ndarray.NDArray
the layer outputs.
self.lrp_aware = lrp_aware
self.X = X
N,H,W,D = X.shape
hf, wf, df, nf = self.W.shape
hstride, wstride = self.stride
numfilters = self.n
#assume the given pooling and stride parameters are carefully chosen.
Hout = (H - hf) // hstride + 1
Wout = (W - wf) // wstride + 1
#initialize pooled output
self.Y = nd.zeros((N,Hout,Wout,numfilters), ctx=self.ctx, dtype=self.dtype)
if self.lrp_aware:
self.Z = nd.zeros((N, Hout, Wout, hf, wf, df, nf), ctx=self.ctx, dtype=self.dtype) #initialize container for precomputed forward messages
for i in range(Hout):
for j in range(Wout):
self.Z[:,i,j,...] = nd.expand_dims(self.W, axis=0) * nd.expand_dims(self.X[:, i*hstride:i*hstride+hf , j*wstride:j*wstride+wf , :], axis=4) # N, hf, wf, df, nf
self.Y[:,i,j,:] = self.Z[:,i,j,...].sum(axis=(1,2,3)) + self.B
for i in range(Hout):
for j in range(Wout):
self.Y[:,i,j,:] = nd.sum( nd.expand_dims( X[:, i*hstride:i*hstride+hf: , j*wstride:j*wstride+wf: , : ].transpose((1,2,3,0)), 4) * nd.expand_dims(self.W, 3), axis=(0,1,2)) + self.B
return self.Y
示例6: train_and_predict_rnn
def train_and_predict_rnn(rnn, is_random_iter, num_epochs, num_steps,
num_hiddens, lr, clipping_theta, batch_size,
vocab_size, pred_period, pred_len, prefixes,
get_params, get_inputs, ctx, corpus_indices,
idx_to_char, char_to_idx, is_lstm=False):
"""Train an RNN model and predict the next item in the sequence."""
if is_random_iter:
data_iter = data_iter_random
data_iter = data_iter_consecutive
params = get_params()
loss = gloss.SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss()
for epoch in range(1, num_epochs + 1):
if not is_random_iter:
state_h = nd.zeros(shape=(batch_size, num_hiddens), ctx=ctx)
if is_lstm:
state_c = nd.zeros(shape=(batch_size, num_hiddens), ctx=ctx)
train_l_sum = nd.array([0], ctx=ctx)
train_l_cnt = 0
for X, Y in data_iter(corpus_indices, batch_size, num_steps, ctx):
if is_random_iter:
state_h = nd.zeros(shape=(batch_size, num_hiddens), ctx=ctx)
if is_lstm:
state_c = nd.zeros(shape=(batch_size, num_hiddens),
state_h = state_h.detach()
if is_lstm:
state_c = state_c.detach()
with autograd.record():
if is_lstm:
outputs, state_h, state_c = rnn(
get_inputs(X, vocab_size), state_h, state_c, *params)
outputs, state_h = rnn(
get_inputs(X, vocab_size), state_h, *params)
y = Y.T.reshape((-1,))
outputs = nd.concat(*outputs, dim=0)
l = loss(outputs, y)
grad_clipping(params, clipping_theta, ctx)
sgd(params, lr, 1)
train_l_sum = train_l_sum + l.sum()
train_l_cnt += l.size
if epoch % pred_period == 0:
print("\nepoch %d, perplexity %f"
% (epoch, (train_l_sum / train_l_cnt).exp().asscalar()))
for prefix in prefixes:
print(' - ', predict_rnn(
rnn, prefix, pred_len, params, num_hiddens, vocab_size,
ctx, idx_to_char, char_to_idx, get_inputs, is_lstm))
示例7: train_ch7
def train_ch7(trainer_fn, states, hyperparams, features, labels, batch_size=10,
"""Train a linear regression model."""
net, loss = linreg, squared_loss
w, b = nd.random.normal(scale=0.01, shape=(features.shape[1], 1)), nd.zeros(1)
def eval_loss():
return loss(net(features, w, b), labels).mean().asscalar()
ls = [eval_loss()]
data_iter = gdata.DataLoader(
gdata.ArrayDataset(features, labels), batch_size, shuffle=True)
for _ in range(num_epochs):
start = time.time()
for batch_i, (X, y) in enumerate(data_iter):
with autograd.record():
l = loss(net(X, w, b), y).mean()
trainer_fn([w, b], states, hyperparams)
if (batch_i + 1) * batch_size % 100 == 0:
print('loss: %f, %f sec per epoch' % (ls[-1], time.time() - start))
plt.plot(np.linspace(0, num_epochs, len(ls)), ls)
示例8: __setitem__
def __setitem__(self, tokens, new_embedding):
"""Updates embedding vectors for tokens.
If self.allow_extend is True, vectors for previously unknown tokens can be introduced.
tokens : hashable object or a list or tuple of hashable objects
A token or a list of tokens whose embedding vector are to be updated.
new_embedding : mxnet.ndarray.NDArray
An NDArray to be assigned to the embedding vectors of `tokens`. Its length must be equal
to the number of `tokens` and its width must be equal to the dimension of embedding of
the glossary. If `tokens` is a singleton, it must be 1-D or 2-D. If `tokens` is a list
of multiple strings, it must be 2-D.
if self.allow_extend and self._idx_to_vec is None:
# Initialize self._idx_to_vec
assert C.UNK_IDX == 0
self._idx_to_vec = self._init_unknown_vec(shape=(1, new_embedding.shape[-1]))
tokens = self._check_vector_update(tokens, new_embedding)
if self.allow_extend:
# Add new / previously unknown tokens
for token in filter(lambda t: t not in self._token_to_idx, tokens):
idx = len(self._token_to_idx)
self._token_to_idx[token] = idx
num_extended = len(self._token_to_idx) - self.idx_to_vec.shape[0]
if num_extended == 1:
'When adding new tokens via TokenEmbedding.__setitem__ '
'the internal embedding matrix needs to be reallocated. '
'Users are therefore encouraged to batch their updates '
'(i.e. add multiple new tokens at a time).')
# Extend shape of idx_to_vec
idx_to_vec = nd.zeros(shape=(len(self._token_to_idx),
idx_to_vec[:self.idx_to_vec.shape[0]] = self._idx_to_vec
self._idx_to_vec = idx_to_vec
indices = []
for token in tokens:
if token in self._token_to_idx:
if self.unknown_token:
raise KeyError(('Token "{}" is unknown. To update the embedding vector for an'
' unknown token, please explicitly include "{}" as the '
'`unknown_token` in `tokens`. This is to avoid unintended '
'updates.').format(token, self._idx_to_token[C.UNK_IDX]))
raise KeyError(('Token "{}" is unknown. Updating the embedding vector for an '
'unknown token is not allowed because `unknown_token` is not '
self._idx_to_vec[nd.array(indices)] = new_embedding
示例9: test_ndarray2numpy
def test_ndarray2numpy(self):
m = gluon.nn.Embedding(14000, 128)
ind = nd.zeros((700000, 128))
x = m(ind)
test = x.asnumpy()
assert (x.shape == test.shape)
示例10: corr2d
def corr2d(X, K):
"""Compute 2D cross-correlation."""
h, w = K.shape
Y = nd.zeros((X.shape[0] - h + 1, X.shape[1] - w + 1))
for i in range(Y.shape[0]):
for j in range(Y.shape[1]):
Y[i, j] = (X[i: i + h, j: j + w] * K).sum()
return Y
示例11: getfake
def getfake(samples, dimensions, epsilon):
wfake = nd.random_normal(shape=(dimensions)) # fake weight vector for separation
bfake = nd.random_normal(shape=(1)) # fake bias
wfake = wfake / nd.norm(wfake) # rescale to unit length
# making some linearly separable data, simply by chosing the labels accordingly
X = nd.zeros(shape=(samples, dimensions))
Y = nd.zeros(shape=(samples))
i = 0
while (i < samples):
tmp = nd.random_normal(shape=(1, dimensions))
margin = nd.dot(tmp, wfake) + bfake
if (nd.norm(tmp).asscalar() < 3) & (abs(margin.asscalar()) > epsilon):
X[i, :] = tmp
Y[i] = 2 * (margin > 0) - 1
i += 1
return X, Y
示例12: plotscore
def plotscore(w, d):
xgrid = np.arange(-3, 3, 0.02)
ygrid = np.arange(-3, 3, 0.02)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xgrid, ygrid)
zz = nd.zeros(shape=(xgrid.size, ygrid.size, 2))
zz[:, :, 0] = nd.array(xx)
zz[:, :, 1] = nd.array(yy)
vv = nd.dot(zz, w) + b
CS = plt.contour(xgrid, ygrid, vv.asnumpy())
plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10)
示例13: transform_mnist
def transform_mnist(data, label):
# transform a batch of examples
if resize:
n = data.shape[0]
new_data = nd.zeros((n, resize, resize, data.shape[3]))
for i in range(n):
new_data[i] = image.imresize(data[i], resize, resize)
data = new_data
# change data from batch x height x weight x channel to batch x channel x height x weight
return nd.transpose(data.astype('float32'), (0, 3, 1, 2)) / 255, label.astype('float32')
示例14: transform_mnist
def transform_mnist(data, label):
# transform a batch of examples
if resize:#改变形状
n = data.shape[0]#样本数量 n* 784 *1 ——————> n* 28 * 28 *1
new_data = nd.zeros((n, resize, resize, data.shape[3]))#data.shape[3]为通道数量
for i in range(n):
new_data[i] = image.imresize(data[i], resize, resize)
data = new_data
# change data from batch x height x weight x channel to batch 0 x channel 3 x height 1 x weight 2
return nd.transpose(data.astype('float32'), (0,3,1,2))/255, label.astype('float32')
示例15: predict_rnn
def predict_rnn(rnn, prefix, num_chars, params, hidden_dim, ctx, idx_to_char,
char_to_idx, get_inputs, is_lstm=False):
"""Predict the next chars given the prefix."""
prefix = prefix.lower()
state_h = nd.zeros(shape=(1, hidden_dim), ctx=ctx)
if is_lstm:
state_c = nd.zeros(shape=(1, hidden_dim), ctx=ctx)
output = [char_to_idx[prefix[0]]]
for i in range(num_chars + len(prefix)):
X = nd.array([output[-1]], ctx=ctx)
if is_lstm:
Y, state_h, state_c = rnn(get_inputs(X), state_h, state_c, *params)
Y, state_h = rnn(get_inputs(X), state_h, *params)
if i < len(prefix)-1:
next_input = char_to_idx[prefix[i+1]]
next_input = int(Y[0].argmax(axis=1).asscalar())
return ''.join([idx_to_char[i] for i in output])