本文整理汇总了Python中mptypes.mpf函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python mpf函数的具体用法?Python mpf怎么用?Python mpf使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: fresnels
def fresnels(z):
"""Fresnel integral S, S(z)"""
if z == inf:
return mpf(0.5)
if z == -inf:
return mpf(-0.5)
return pi*z**3/6*hypsum([[3,4]],[],[],[[3,2],[7,4]],[],[],-pi**2*z**4/16)
示例2: fresnelc
def fresnelc(z):
"""Fresnel integral C, C(z)"""
if z == inf:
return mpf(0.5)
if z == -inf:
return mpf(-0.5)
return z*hypsum([[1,4]],[],[],[[1,2],[5,4]],[],[],-pi**2*z**4/16)
示例3: calculate_nome
def calculate_nome(k):
Calculate the nome, q, from the value for k.
Useful factoids:
k**2 = m; m is used in Abramowitz
k = convert_lossless(k)
if k > mpf('1'): # range error
raise ValueError
zero = mpf('0')
one = mpf('1')
if k == zero:
return zero
elif k == one:
return one
kprimesquared = one - k**2
kprime = sqrt(kprimesquared)
top = ellipk(kprimesquared)
bottom = ellipk(k**2)
argument = mpf('-1')*pi*top/bottom
nome = exp(argument)
return nome
示例4: chebyfit
def chebyfit(f, interval, N, error=False):
Chebyshev approximation: returns coefficients of a degree N-1
polynomial that approximates f on the interval [a, b]. With error=True,
also returns an estimate of the maximum error.
a, b = AS_POINTS(interval)
orig = mp.prec
mp.prec = orig + int(N**0.5) + 20
c = [chebcoeff(f,a,b,k,N) for k in range(N)]
d = [mpf(0)] * N
d[0] = -c[0]/2
h = mpf(0.5)
T = chebT(mpf(2)/(b-a), mpf(-1)*(b+a)/(b-a))
for k in range(N):
Tk = T.next()
for i in range(len(Tk)):
d[i] += c[k]*Tk[i]
d = d[::-1]
# Estimate maximum error
err = mpf(0)
for k in range(N):
x = cos(pi*k/N) * (b-a)*h + (b+a)*h
err = max(err, abs(f(x) - polyval(d, x)))
mp.prec = orig
if error:
return d, +err
return d
示例5: estimate_error
def estimate_error(self, results, prec, epsilon):
Given results from integrations `[I_1, I_2, \ldots, I_k]` done
with a quadrature of rule of degree `1, 2, \ldots, k`, estimate
the error of `I_k`.
For `k = 2`, we estimate `|I_{\infty}-I_2|` as `|I_2-I_1|`.
For `k > 2`, we extrapolate `|I_{\infty}-I_k| \approx |I_{k+1}-I_k|`
from `|I_k-I_{k-1}|` and `|I_k-I_{k-2}|` under the assumption
that each degree increment roughly doubles the accuracy of
the quadrature rule (this is true for both :class:`TanhSinh`
and :class:`GaussLegendre`). The extrapolation formula is given
by Borwein, Bailey & Girgensohn. Although not very conservative,
this method seems to be very robust in practice.
if len(results) == 2:
return abs(results[0]-results[1])
if results[-1] == results[-2] == results[-3]:
return mpf(0)
D1 = log(abs(results[-1]-results[-2]), 10)
D2 = log(abs(results[-1]-results[-3]), 10)
except ValueError:
return epsilon
D3 = -prec
D4 = min(0, max(D1**2/D2, 2*D1, D3))
return mpf(10) ** int(D4)
示例6: jacobi_elliptic_cn
def jacobi_elliptic_cn(u, m, verbose=False):
Implements the jacobi elliptic cn function, using the expansion in
terms of q, from Abramowitz 16.23.2.
u = convert_lossless(u)
m = convert_lossless(m)
if verbose:
print >> sys.stderr, '\nelliptic.jacobi_elliptic_cn'
print >> sys.stderr, '\tu: %1.12f' % u
print >> sys.stderr, '\tm: %1.12f' % m
zero = mpf('0')
onehalf = mpf('0.5')
one = mpf('1')
two = mpf('2')
if m == zero: # cn collapses to cos(u)
if verbose:
print >> sys.stderr, 'cn: special case, m == 0'
return cos(u)
elif m == one: # cn collapses to sech(u)
if verbose:
print >> sys.stderr, 'cn: special case, m == 1'
return sech(u)
k = sqrt(m) # convert m to k
q = calculate_nome(k)
kprimesquared = one - k**2
kprime = sqrt(kprimesquared)
v = (pi * u) / (two*ellipk(k**2))
sum = zero
term = zero # series starts at zero
if verbose:
print >> sys.stderr, 'elliptic.jacobi_elliptic_cn: calculating'
while True:
factor1 = (q**(term + onehalf)) / (one + q**(two*term + one))
factor2 = cos((two*term + one)*v)
term_n = factor1*factor2
sum = sum + term_n
if verbose:
print >> sys.stderr, '\tTerm: %d' % term,
print >> sys.stderr, '\tterm_n: %e' % term_n,
print >> sys.stderr, '\tsum: %e' % sum
if not factor2 == zero:
#if log(term_n, '10') < -1*mpf.dps:
if abs(term_n) < eps:
term = term + one
answer = (two*pi) / (sqrt(m) * ellipk(k**2)) * sum
return answer
示例7: chebcoeff
def chebcoeff(f,a,b,j,N):
s = mpf(0)
h = mpf(0.5)
for k in range(1, N+1):
t = cos(pi*(k-h)/N)
s += f(t*(b-a)*h + (b+a)*h) * cos(pi*j*(k-h)/N)
return 2*s/N
示例8: sumsh
def sumsh(f, interval, n=None, m=None):
Sum f(k) for k = a, a+1, ..., b where [a, b] = interval,
using an n-term Shanks transformation. With m > 1, the Shanks
transformation is applied recursively m times.
Shanks summation often works well for slowly convergent and/or
alternating Taylor series.
a, b = AS_POINTS(interval)
assert b == inf
if not n: n = 5 + int(mp.dps * 1.2)
if not m: m = 2 + n//3
orig = mp.prec
mp.prec = 2*orig
s = mpf(0)
tbl = []
for k in range(a, a+n+m+2):
s += f(mpf(k))
s = shanks_extrapolation(tbl, n, m)
mp.prec = orig
return +s
示例9: calculate_k
def calculate_k(q, verbose=False):
Calculates the value of k for a particular nome, q.
Uses special cases of the jacobi theta functions, with
q as an argument, rather than m.
k = (v2(0, q)/v3(0, q))**2
zero = mpf('0')
one = mpf('1')
q = convert_lossless(q)
if q > one or q < zero:
raise ValueError
# calculate v2(0, q)
sum = zero
term = zero # series starts at zero
while True:
factor1 = q**(term*(term + 1))
term_n = factor1 # suboptimal, kept for readability
sum = sum + term_n
if verbose:
print >> sys.stderr, '\tTerm: %d' % term,
print >> sys.stderr, '\tterm_n: %e' % term_n,
print >> sys.stderr, '\tsum: %e' % sum
if factor1 == zero: # all further terms will be zero
#if log(term_n, '10') < -1*mpf.dps:
if abs(term_n) < eps:
term = term + 1
v2 = 2*q**(mpf('0.25'))*sum
# calculate v3(0, q)
sum = zero
term = one # series starts at one
while True:
factor1 = q**(term*term)
term_n = factor1 # suboptimal, kept for readability
sum = sum + term_n
if factor1 == mpf('0'): # all further terms will be zero
#if log(term_n, '10') < -1*mpf.dps:
if abs(term_n) < eps:
term = term + 1
v3 = one + 2*sum
k = v2**2/v3**2
return k
示例10: sum_next
def sum_next(cls, prec, level, previous, f, verbose=False):
h = mpf(2)**(-level)
# Abscissas overlap, so reusing saves half of the time
if previous:
S = previous[-1]/(h*2)
S = mpf(0)
for x, w in cls.get_nodes(prec, level, verbose=False):
S += w*(f(NEG(x)) + f(x))
return h*S
示例11: airyai
def airyai(z):
"""Airy function, Ai(z)"""
if z == inf:
return 1/z
if z == -inf:
return mpf(0)
z3 = z**3 / 9
a = sum_hyp0f1_rat((2,3), z3) / (cbrt(9) * gamma(mpf(2)/3))
b = z * sum_hyp0f1_rat((4,3), z3) / (cbrt(3) * gamma(mpf(1)/3))
return a - b
示例12: jacobi_elliptic_dn
def jacobi_elliptic_dn(u, m, verbose=False):
Implements the jacobi elliptic cn function, using the expansion in
terms of q, from Abramowitz 16.23.3.
u = convert_lossless(u)
m = convert_lossless(m)
if verbose:
print >> sys.stderr, '\nelliptic.jacobi_elliptic_dn'
print >> sys.stderr, '\tu: %1.12f' % u
print >> sys.stderr, '\tm: %1.12f' % m
zero = mpf('0')
onehalf = mpf('0.5')
one = mpf('1')
two = mpf('2')
if m == zero: # dn collapes to 1
return one
elif m == one: # dn collapses to sech(u)
return sech(u)
k = sqrt(m) # convert m to k
q = calculate_nome(k)
v = (pi * u) / (two*ellipk(k**2))
sum = zero
term = one # series starts at one
if verbose:
print >> sys.stderr, 'elliptic.jacobi_elliptic_dn: calculating'
while True:
factor1 = (q**term) / (one + q**(two*term))
factor2 = cos(two*term*v)
term_n = factor1*factor2
sum = sum + term_n
if verbose:
print >> sys.stderr, '\tTerm: %d' % term,
print >> sys.stderr, '\tterm_n: %e' % term_n,
print >> sys.stderr, '\tsum: %e' % sum
if not factor2 == zero:
#if log(term_n, '10') < -1*mpf.dps:
if abs(term_n) < eps:
term = term + one
K = ellipk(k**2)
answer = (pi / (two*K)) + (two*pi*sum)/(ellipk(k**2))
return answer
示例13: airybi
def airybi(z):
"""Airy function, Bi(z)"""
if z == inf:
return z
if z == -inf:
return mpf(0)
z3 = z**3 / 9
rt = nthroot(3, 6)
a = sum_hyp0f1_rat((2,3), z3) / (rt * gamma(mpf(2)/3))
b = z * rt * sum_hyp0f1_rat((4,3), z3) / gamma(mpf(1)/3)
return a + b
示例14: transform_nodes
def transform_nodes(self, nodes, a, b, verbose=False):
Rescale standardized nodes (for `[-1, 1]`) to a general
interval `[a, b]`. For a finite interval, a simple linear
change of variables is used. Otherwise, the following
transformations are used:
.. math ::
[a, \infty] : t = \frac{1}{x} + (a-1)
[-\infty, b] : t = (b+1) - \frac{1}{x}
[-\infty, \infty] : t = \frac{x}{\sqrt{1-x^2}}
a = mpmathify(a)
b = mpmathify(b)
one = mpf(1)
if (a, b) == (-one, one):
return nodes
half = mpf(0.5)
new_nodes = []
if (a, b) == (-inf, inf):
p05 = mpf(-0.5)
for x, w in nodes:
x2 = x*x
px1 = one-x2
spx1 = px1**p05
x = x*spx1
w *= spx1/px1
new_nodes.append((x, w))
elif a == -inf:
b1 = b+1
for x, w in nodes:
u = 2/(x+one)
x = b1-u
w *= half*u**2
new_nodes.append((x, w))
elif b == inf:
a1 = a-1
for x, w in nodes:
u = 2/(x+one)
x = a1+u
w *= half*u**2
new_nodes.append((x, w))
# Simple linear change of variables
C = (b-a)/2
D = (b+a)/2
for x, w in nodes:
new_nodes.append((D+C*x, C*w))
return new_nodes
示例15: richardson_extrapolation
def richardson_extrapolation(f, n, N):
if not callable(f):
g = f; f = lambda k: g.__getitem__(int(k))
orig = mp.prec
mp.prec = 2*orig
s = mpf(0)
for j in range(0, N+1):
c = (n+j)**N * (-1)**(j+N) / (factorial(j) * factorial(N-j))
s += c * f(mpf(n+j))
mp.prec = orig
return +s