本文整理汇总了Python中moviepy.video.VideoClip.VideoClip.clips方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python VideoClip.clips方法的具体用法?Python VideoClip.clips怎么用?Python VideoClip.clips使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类moviepy.video.VideoClip.VideoClip
示例1: concatenate_videoclips
# 需要导入模块: from moviepy.video.VideoClip import VideoClip [as 别名]
# 或者: from moviepy.video.VideoClip.VideoClip import clips [as 别名]
def concatenate_videoclips(clips, method="chain", transition=None,
bg_color=None, ismask=False, padding = 0):
""" Concatenates several video clips
Returns a video clip made by clip by concatenating several video clips.
(Concatenated means that they will be played one after another).
There are two methods:
- method="chain": will produce a clip that simply outputs
the frames of the succesive clips, without any correction if they are
not of the same size of anything. If none of the clips have masks the
resulting clip has no mask, else the mask is a concatenation of masks
(using completely opaque for clips that don't have masks, obviously).
If you have clips of different size and you want to write directly the
result of the concatenation to a file, use the method "compose" instead.
- method="compose", if the clips do not have the same
resolution, the final resolution will be such that no clip has
to be resized.
As a consequence the final clip has the height of the highest
clip and the width of the widest clip of the list. All the
clips with smaller dimensions will appear centered. The border
will be transparent if mask=True, else it will be of the
color specified by ``bg_color``.
If all clips with a fps attribute have the same fps, it becomes the fps of
the result.
A list of video clips which must all have their ``duration``
attributes set.
"chain" or "compose": see above.
A clip that will be played between each two clips of the list.
Only for method='compose'. Color of the background.
Set to None for a transparent clip
Only for method='compose'. Duration during two consecutive clips.
Note that for negative padding, a clip will partly play at the same
time as the clip it follows (negative padding is cool for clips who fade
in on one another). A non-null padding automatically sets the method to
if transition is not None:
l = [[v, transition] for v in clips[:-1]]
clips = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, l) + [clips[-1]]
transition = None
tt = np.cumsum([0] + [c.duration for c in clips])
sizes = [v.size for v in clips]
w = max([r[0] for r in sizes])
h = max([r[1] for r in sizes])
tt = np.maximum(0, tt + padding*np.arange(len(tt)))
if method == "chain":
def make_frame(t):
i = max([i for i, e in enumerate(tt) if e <= t])
return clips[i].get_frame(t - tt[i])
result = VideoClip(ismask = ismask, make_frame = make_frame)
if any([c.mask is not None for c in clips]):
masks = [c.mask if (c.mask is not None) else
ColorClip([1,1], col=1, ismask=True, duration=c.duration)
#ColorClip(c.size, col=1, ismask=True).set_duration(c.duration)
for c in clips]
result.mask = concatenate_videoclips(masks, method="chain", ismask=True)
result.clips = clips
elif method == "compose":
result = CompositeVideoClip( [c.set_start(t).set_pos('center')
for (c, t) in zip(clips, tt)],
size = (w, h), bg_color=bg_color, ismask=ismask)
result.tt = tt
result.start_times = tt[:-1]
result.start, result.duration, result.end = 0, tt[-1] , tt[-1]
audio_t = [(c.audio,t) for c,t in zip(clips,tt) if c.audio is not None]
if len(audio_t)>0:
result.audio = CompositeAudioClip([a.set_start(t)
for a,t in audio_t])