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Python blenderapi.scene函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中morse.core.blenderapi.scene函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python scene函数的具体用法?Python scene怎么用?Python scene使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: move

def move(cont):
    Move the hand to a nice position for carriing objects.
    This script is executed as long as the Property 'moveArm' is True
    ow = cont.owner

    # get the suffix of the human to reference the right objects
    suffix = ow.name[-4:] if ow.name[-4] == "." else ""
    dest = blenderapi.scene().objects['IK_Pose_Empty.R' + suffix]
    hips = blenderapi.scene().objects['Hips_Empty' + suffix]
    left_hand = blenderapi.scene().objects['IK_Target_Empty.L' + suffix]
    human = blenderapi.scene().objects[ow.parent.name + suffix]
    # get the Vector to the right position
    if human['Manipulate']:
        vect = ow.getVectTo(dest)
        walk_hand_position = human.worldPosition + human.worldOrientation*Vector((0.3, -0.3, 0.9))
        vect = ow.getVectTo(walk_hand_position)
    # vect[0] is Distance
    # vect[1] and vect[2] are the Vector in global and local coordinates

    # use global coordinates to move the right hand a bit to the destination
    hips.applyMovement([0.0, 0.0, (0.92 - hips.localPosition[2])/10])
    # move the hips down
    left_hand.applyMovement([0.0, 0.0, (0.9 - left_hand.localPosition[2])/10])
    # also move the left hand to prevent a unnatural pose

    if vect[0] < 0.02:
        # if the owner is near enough to the right position, set this position
        ow.worldPosition = dest.worldPosition if human['Manipulate'] else walk_hand_position
        ow['moveArm'] = False

示例2: collision

def collision():
    Detect camera collision and place the camera accordingly
    co = blenderapi.controller()
    ow = co.owner

    # get the suffix of the human to reference the right objects
    suffix = ow.name[-4:] if ow.name[-4] == "." else ""

    ray = co.sensors["collision"]
    right = co.sensors["RIGHT"]
    left = co.sensors["LEFT"]
    human = blenderapi.scene().objects[ow.parent.parent["human_name"]]

    # if the Human is external, do nothing
    if human.get("External_Robot_Tag") or human["disable_keyboard_control"]:

    Orig_Pos = blenderapi.scene().objects["POS_3P_Cam_Orig" + suffix]
    distance = 0.05  # the distance the camera keeps to Objects

    # if near an object, place the camera slightly in front of it
    if ray.positive and not human["Manipulate"] and not (right.positive or left.positive):
        hitPos = ray.hitPosition
        ow.worldPosition = Vector(hitPos) - Vector(ray.rayDirection).normalized() * distance
        ow["prop_collision"] = True

    elif ray.positive and not human["Manipulate"] and right.positive:
        hitPos = (Vector(ray.hitPosition) + Vector(right.hitPosition)) / 2
        ow.worldPosition = hitPos - (Vector(ray.rayDirection) + Vector(right.rayDirection)).normalized() * distance
        ow["prop_collision"] = True

    elif ray.positive and not human["Manipulate"] and left.positive:
        hitPos = (Vector(ray.hitPosition) + Vector(left.hitPosition)) / 2
        ow.worldPosition = hitPos - (Vector(ray.rayDirection) + Vector(left.rayDirection)).normalized() * distance
        ow["prop_collision"] = True

    elif left.positive and not human["Manipulate"] and not (right.positive or ray.positive):
        hitPos = left.hitPosition
        ow.worldPosition = Vector(hitPos) - Vector(left.rayDirection).normalized() * distance
        ow["prop_collision"] = True

    elif right.positive and not human["Manipulate"] and not (left.positive or ray.positive):
        hitPos = right.hitPosition
        ow.worldPosition = Vector(hitPos) - Vector(right.rayDirection).normalized() * distance
        ow["prop_collision"] = True

        ow["prop_collision"] = False
        ow.worldPosition = Orig_Pos.worldPosition

示例3: set_body_position

def set_body_position(co):
    During grabbing the head moves. The 'Head_Empty' needs to follow.
    ow = co.owner

    # get the suffix of the human to reference the right objects
    suffix = ow.name[-4:] if ow.name[-4] == "." else ""

    head = blenderapi.scene().objects['Head' + suffix]
    human = blenderapi.scene().objects['Human' + suffix]

    if human['Manipulate']:
        ow.worldPosition = head.worldPosition

示例4: limit

def limit(cont):
    Limit the hand's location to a sphere (radius 0.7) around the shoulder
    ow = cont.owner
    # get the suffix of the human to reference the right objects
    suffix = ow.name[-4:] if ow.name[-4] == "." else ""

    limitY = cont.actuators['LimitLocY']
    sobList =  blenderapi.scene().objects
    shoulder = sobList['Shoulder_Empty.R' + suffix]
    human = ow.parent
        if human['Manipulate']:
            limitY.min = -math.sqrt(0.7**2 - (shoulder.worldPosition[2] -

            limitY.max = -limitY.min
    except ValueError:

示例5: write_interaction_status

def write_interaction_status():
    Write the interaction status on Screen
    The status is stored in a property
    cam = blenderapi.scene().active_camera

    # get the suffix of the human to reference the right objects
    suffix = cam.name[-4:] if cam.name[-4] == "." else ""
    hand = objects['Hand_Grab.R' + suffix]
    # OpenGL setup
    bgl.gluOrtho2D(0, windowWidth, 0, windowHeight)
    blf.size(font_id, int(windowHeight*0.04), 72)
    # draw a black shadow around the text
    blf.enable(font_id, blf.SHADOW)
    blf.shadow(font_id, 5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
    blf.position(font_id, windowWidth*0.4, windowHeight*0.4,0)
    blf.draw(font_id, hand['Status'])

示例6: lay_down_visualize

def lay_down_visualize(cont):
    Show a green rectangle if you can accurately place the selected object
    ow = cont.owner

    # get the suffix of the human to reference the right objects
    suffix = ow.name[-4:] if ow.name[-4] == "." else ""
    scene = blenderapi.scene()
    objects = scene.objects
    human = objects[ow['human_name'] + suffix]

    hand = objects['Hand_Grab.R' + suffix]
    ray = cont.sensors['LayDownRay']

    focused_object = ray.hitObject
        actor_focused = data.objects[focused_object.name].game.use_actor
    except AttributeError:
        actor_focused = False
    if human['Manipulate'] and ray.positive and \
       focused_object != hand['selected'] and hand['selected'] and \
        if not color_placing in scene.post_draw:
        if color_placing in scene.post_draw:

示例7: toggle_manipulation

    def toggle_manipulation(self):
        """ Change from and to manipulation mode.

        A request to use by a socket.
        Done for wiimote remote control.

        human = self.bge_object
        scene = blenderapi.scene()
        hand_target = scene.objects['IK_Target_Empty.R']
        head_target = scene.objects['Target_Empty']

        if human['Manipulate']:
            human['Manipulate'] = False
            # Place the hand beside the body
            hand_target.localPosition = [0.0, -0.3, 0.8]
            head_target.localPosition = [1.3, 0.0, 1.7]
            human['Manipulate'] = True
            # Place the hand in a nice position
            hand_target.localPosition = [0.6, 0.0, 1.4]
            # Place the head in the same place
            head_target.localPosition = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

示例8: get_scene_objects

    def get_scene_objects(self):
        """ Returns a hierarchial dictonary structure of all objects in the scene
        along with their positions and orientations, formated as a Python string
        The structure:
        {object_name: [dict_of_children, position_tuple, quaternion_tuple],
        object_name: [dict_of_children, position_tuple, quaternion_tuple],

        scene = blenderapi.scene()
        # Special Morse items to remove from the list
        remove_items = [
        top_levelers = [o for o in scene.objects if o.parent is None and not o.name in remove_items]

        objects = {}
        for obj in top_levelers:

        return objects

示例9: init

def init():
    Sets the camera on load
    co = blenderapi.controller()
    ow = co.owner

    # get the suffix of the human to reference the right objects
    suffix = ow.name[-4:] if ow.name[-4] == "." else ""

    camAct = co.actuators["Set_Camera"]
    sobList = blenderapi.scene().objects

    human = ow

    # if the Human is external, do not use his camera initially
    if human.get("External_Robot_Tag") or human["disable_keyboard_control"]:

    humCam = sobList["Human_Camera" + suffix]

        worldCam = sobList["CameraFP"]
        # check if there is a Camera displaying the world in the scene
    except KeyError:
        worldCam = None

    if ow["WorldCamera"] and worldCam:
        camAct.camera = worldCam
        camAct.camera = humCam
    # set Camera following the human or displaying the world


示例10: get_wheels

    def get_wheels(self):
        Get pointers to and physicsIds of all objects
        Compute wheel_radius too
        scene = blenderapi.scene()

        self._wheel_radius = None

        caster_wheel_name = self.bge_object.get('CasterWheelName', None)

        #  inherited from the parent robot
        for index in self._wheel_index:
            name = "Wheel%sName" % index
            # Get the actual name of the object from the properties
            #  of the parent robot
                wheel = scene.objects[self.bge_object[name]]
                self._wheels[index] = wheel
                logger.info("\tWheel %s: %s" % (index, wheel.name))

                # get wheel radius if not already computed
                if wheel.name != caster_wheel_name and not self._wheel_radius:
                    self._wheel_radius = self.get_wheel_radius(self.bge_object[name])

        logger.debug("get_wheels %s" % self._wheels)

示例11: grasp_

    def grasp_(self, seq):
        """ Grasp object.
        human = self.blender_obj
        if human["Manipulate"]:
            scene = blenderapi.scene()
            hand_empty = scene.objects["Hand_Grab.R"]

            selected_object = hand_empty["Near_Object"]
            if seq == "t":
                # Check that no other object is being carried
                if human["DraggedObject"] == None or human["DraggedObject"] == "":
                    # If the object is draggable
                    if selected_object != None and selected_object != "":
                        # Clear the previously selected object, if any
                        human["DraggedObject"] = selected_object
                        # Remove Physic simulation
                        # Parent the selected object to the hand target

        if seq == "f":

            if human["DraggedObject"] != None and human["DraggedObject"] != "":
                previous_object = human["DraggedObject"]
                # Restore Physics simulation
                previous_object.setLinearVelocity([0, 0, 0])
                previous_object.setAngularVelocity([0, 0, 0])
                # Remove the parent
                # Clear the object from dragged status
                human["DraggedObject"] = None

示例12: default_action

    def default_action(self):
        """ Extract the human posture """

        # Give the position of the Torso_Empty object as the position of
        # the human
        scene = blenderapi.scene()
        torso = scene.objects['Torso_Empty']
        self.local_data['x'] = torso.worldPosition[0]
        self.local_data['y'] = torso.worldPosition[1]
        self.local_data['z'] = torso.worldPosition[2]
        logger.debug("\tTorso_Empty position: (%.4f, %.4f, %.4f)" %

        # Pass also the rotation of the Torso_Empty
        self.local_data['yaw'] = torso.worldOrientation.to_euler().z
        self.local_data['pitch'] = torso.worldOrientation.to_euler().y
        self.local_data['roll'] = torso.worldOrientation.to_euler().x
        logger.debug("\tTorso_Empty orientation: (%.4f, %.4f, %.4f)" %


        logger.debug("LOCAL_DATA: %s" % self.local_data)

示例13: lay_down

def lay_down(cont):
    lay the object down to given coordinates
    pos = cont.owner

    # get the suffix of the human to reference the right objects
    suffix = pos.name[-4:] if pos.name[-4] == "." else ""
    objects = blenderapi.scene().objects
    hand = objects['Hand_Grab.R' + suffix]
    obj = hand['selected']
    if obj == None or not pos['LayDown']:

    vect = pos.getVectTo(Vector(pos['LayDown']))[1]
    obj_collision = obj.sensors['Collision']
    if not (obj_collision.positive and pos['LayDownObj'] in obj_collision.hitObjectList):
        pos.worldPosition += vect/75
        hand['selected'] = None
        pos['moveArm'] = True
        pos['LayDown'] = False
        pos['LayDownObj'] = None

示例14: default_action

    def default_action(self):
        """ Compute the local temperature

        Temperature is measured dependent on the closest fire source.
        min_distance = 100000.0
        fires = False

        scene = blenderapi.scene()
        # Look for the fire sources marked so
        for obj in scene.objects:
                fire_radius = obj['Fire_Radius']
                # If the direction of the fire is also important,
                #  we can use getVectTo instead of getDistanceTo
                distance = self.bge_object.getDistanceTo(obj)
                if distance < min_distance:
                    min_distance = distance
                    fires = True
            except KeyError as detail:
                logger.debug("Exception: " + str(detail))

        temperature = self._global_temp
        # Trial and error formula to get a temperature dependant on
        #  distance to the nearest fire source. 
        if fires:
            temperature += self._fire_temp * math.e ** (-0.2 * min_distance)

        # Store the data acquired by this sensor that could be sent
        #  via a middleware.
        self.local_data['temperature'] = float(temperature)

示例15: read_status

def read_status(contr):
    """ Check if the human is moving and set the flags
    This will trigger the walking animation even when the human
    is controlled via a motion actuator
    human = contr.owner
    scene = blenderapi.scene()
    # get the suffix of the human to reference the right objects
    suffix = human.name[-4:] if human.name[-4] == "." else ""
    armature = scene.objects['HumanArmature' + suffix]
    tolerance = 0.001

    # TODO: Do not change the movement properties until the controllers
    #  are properly implemented to use velocity commands
    if False:
        speed = human.getLinearVelocity()
        logger.debug("Man going at speed [%.4f, %.4f, %.4f]" % (speed[0], speed[1], speed[2]))
        if speed[0] > tolerance:
           armature['movingForward'] = True 
        elif speed[0] < -tolerance:
           armature['movingBackward'] = True 
           armature['movingForward'] = False 
           armature['movingBackward'] = False 
