本文整理汇总了Python中module.common.json_layer.json_loads函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python json_loads函数的具体用法?Python json_loads怎么用?Python json_loads使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: handleFree
def handleFree(self):
found = re.search(self.WAIT_PATTERN, self.html)
seconds = int(found.group(1))
self.logDebug("Found wait", seconds)
self.setWait(seconds + 1)
response = self.load('http://cloudzer.net/io/ticket/slot/%s' % self.file_info['ID'], post=' ', cookies=True)
self.logDebug("Download slot request response", response)
response = json_loads(response)
if response["succ"] is not True:
self.fail("Unable to get a download slot")
recaptcha = ReCaptcha(self)
challenge, response = recaptcha.challenge(self.CAPTCHA_KEY)
post_data = {"recaptcha_challenge_field": challenge, "recaptcha_response_field": response}
response = json_loads(self.load('http://cloudzer.net/io/ticket/captcha/%s' % self.file_info['ID'], post=post_data, cookies=True))
self.logDebug("Captcha check response", response)
self.logDebug("First check")
if "err" in response:
if response["err"] == "captcha":
self.logDebug("Wrong captcha")
elif "Sie haben die max" in response["err"] or "You have reached the max" in response["err"]:
self.logDebug("Download limit reached, waiting an hour")
self.setWait(3600, True)
if "type" in response:
if response["type"] == "download":
url = response["url"]
self.logDebug("Download link", url)
self.download(url, disposition=True)
示例2: handleFree
def handleFree(self):
ukey = re.search(self.__pattern__, self.pyfile.url).group(1)
json_url = "http://ifile.it/new_download-request.json"
post_data = {"ukey": ukey, "ab": "0"}
json_response = json_loads(self.load(json_url, post=post_data))
if json_response["status"] == 3:
if json_response["captcha"]:
captcha_key = re.search(self.RECAPTCHA_KEY_PATTERN, self.html).group(1)
recaptcha = ReCaptcha(self)
post_data["ctype"] = "recaptcha"
for i in range(5):
post_data["recaptcha_challenge"], post_data["recaptcha_response"] = recaptcha.challenge(captcha_key)
json_response = json_loads(self.load(json_url, post=post_data))
if json_response["retry"]:
self.fail("Incorrect captcha")
if not "ticket_url" in json_response:
self.parseError("Download URL")
示例3: challenge
def challenge(self, html):
adyoulike_data_string = None
found = re.search(self.ADYOULIKE_INPUT_PATTERN, html)
if found:
adyoulike_data_string = found.group(1)
self.plugin.fail("Can't read AdYouLike input data")
# {"adyoulike":{"key":"P~zQ~O0zV0WTiAzC-iw0navWQpCLoYEP"},
# "all":{"element_id":"ayl_private_cap_92300","lang":"fr","env":"prod"}}
ayl_data = json_loads(adyoulike_data_string)
res = self.plugin.load(
r'http://api-ayl.appspot.com/challenge?key=%(ayl_key)s&env=%(ayl_env)s&callback=%(callback)s' % {
"ayl_key": ayl_data[self.engine]["key"], "ayl_env": ayl_data["all"]["env"],
"callback": self.ADYOULIKE_CALLBACK})
found = re.search(self.ADYOULIKE_CHALLENGE_PATTERN, res)
challenge_string = None
if found:
challenge_string = found.group(1)
self.plugin.fail("Invalid AdYouLike challenge")
challenge_data = json_loads(challenge_string)
return ayl_data, challenge_data
示例4: result
def result(self, server, challenge):
# Adyoulike.g._jsonp_5579316662423138
# ({"translations":{"fr":{"instructions_visual":"Recopiez « Soonnight » ci-dessous :"}},
# "site_under":true,"clickable":true,"pixels":{"VIDEO_050":[],"DISPLAY":[],"VIDEO_000":[],"VIDEO_100":[],
# "VIDEO_025":[],"VIDEO_075":[]},"medium_type":"image/adyoulike",
# "iframes":{"big":"<iframe src=\"http://www.soonnight.com/campagn.html\" scrolling=\"no\"
# height=\"250\" width=\"300\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe>"},"shares":{},"id":256,
# "token":"e6QuI4aRSnbIZJg02IsV6cp4JQ9~MjA1","formats":{"small":{"y":300,"x":0,"w":300,"h":60},
# "big":{"y":0,"x":0,"w":300,"h":250},"hover":{"y":440,"x":0,"w":300,"h":60}},
# "tid":"SqwuAdxT1EZoi4B5q0T63LN2AkiCJBg5"})
if isinstance(server, basestring):
server = json_loads(server)
if isinstance(challenge, basestring):
challenge = json_loads(challenge)
instructions_visual = challenge['translations'][server['all']['lang']]['instructions_visual']
result = re.search(u'«(.+?)»', instructions_visual).group(1).strip()
except AttributeError:
errmsg = _("AdYouLike result not found")
raise AttributeError(errmsg)
result = {'_ayl_captcha_engine' : "adyoulike",
'_ayl_env' : server['all']['env'],
'_ayl_tid' : challenge['tid'],
'_ayl_token_challenge': challenge['token'],
'_ayl_response' : response}
self.logDebug("Result: %s" % result)
return result
示例5: handle_free
def handle_free(self, pyfile):
m = re.search('<h2>((Daily )?Download Limit)</h2>', self.html)
if m:
pyfile.error = encode(m.group(1))
self.retry(6, (6 * 60 if m.group(2) else 15) * 60, pyfile.error)
ajax_url = "http://uploading.com/files/get/?ajax"
self.req.http.c.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, ["X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest"])
self.req.http.lastURL = pyfile.url
res = json_loads(self.load(ajax_url, post={'action': 'second_page', 'code': self.info['pattern']['ID']}))
if 'answer' in res and 'wait_time' in res['answer']:
wait_time = int(res['answer']['wait_time'])
self.log_info(_("Waiting %d seconds") % wait_time)
self.error(_("No AJAX/WAIT"))
res = json_loads(self.load(ajax_url, post={'action': 'get_link', 'code': self.info['pattern']['ID'], 'pass': 'false'}))
if 'answer' in res and 'link' in res['answer']:
url = res['answer']['link']
self.error(_("No AJAX/URL"))
self.html = self.load(url)
m = re.search(r'<form id="file_form" action="(.*?)"', self.html)
if m:
url = m.group(1)
self.error(_("No URL"))
self.link = url
示例6: challenge
def challenge(self, key=None, html=None):
if not key:
if self.detect_key(html):
key = self.key
errmsg = _("AdYouLike key not found")
raise TypeError(errmsg)
ayl, callback = key
# {"adyoulike":{"key":"P~zQ~O0zV0WTiAzC-iw0navWQpCLoYEP"},
# "all":{"element_id":"ayl_private_cap_92300","lang":"fr","env":"prod"}}
ayl = json_loads(ayl)
html = self.plugin.req.load("http://api-ayl.appspot.com/challenge",
get={'key' : ayl['adyoulike']['key'],
'env' : ayl['all']['env'],
'callback': callback})
challenge = json_loads(re.search(callback + r'\s*\((.+?)\)', html).group(1))
except AttributeError:
errmsg = _("AdYouLike challenge pattern not found")
raise AttributeError(errmsg)
self.logDebug("Challenge: %s" % challenge)
return self.result(ayl, challenge), challenge
示例7: result
def result(self, server, challenge):
#: Adyoulike.g._jsonp_5579316662423138
#: ({'translations':{'fr':{'instructions_visual':"Recopiez « Soonnight » ci-dessous :"}},
#: 'site_under':true,'clickable':true,'pixels':{'VIDEO_050':[],'DISPLAY':[],'VIDEO_000':[],'VIDEO_100':[],
#: 'VIDEO_025':[],'VIDEO_075':[]},'medium_type':"image/adyoulike",
#: 'iframes':{'big':"<iframe src=\"http://www.soonnight.com/campagn.html\" scrolling=\"no\"
#: height=\"250\" width=\"300\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe>"},'shares':{},'id':256,
#: 'token':"e6QuI4aRSnbIZJg02IsV6cp4JQ9~MjA1",'formats':{'small':{'y':300,'x':0,'w':300,'h':60},
#: 'big':{'y':0,'x':0,'w':300,'h':250},'hover':{'y':440,'x':0,'w':300,'h':60}},
#: 'tid':"SqwuAdxT1EZoi4B5q0T63LN2AkiCJBg5"})
if isinstance(server, basestring):
server = json_loads(server)
if isinstance(challenge, basestring):
challenge = json_loads(challenge)
instructions_visual = challenge['translations'][server['all']['lang']]['instructions_visual']
result = re.search(u'«(.+?)»', instructions_visual).group(1).strip()
except AttributeError:
self.fail(_("AdYouLike result not found"))
result = {'_ayl_captcha_engine' : "adyoulike",
'_ayl_env' : server['all']['env'],
'_ayl_tid' : challenge['tid'],
'_ayl_token_challenge': challenge['token'],
'_ayl_response' : response}
self.log_debug("Result: %s" % result)
return result
示例8: process
def process(self, pyfile):
if re.match(self.__pattern__, pyfile.url):
link_status = {'generated': pyfile.url}
elif not self.account:
# Check account
self.logError(_("Please enter your %s account or deactivate this plugin") % "rpnet")
self.fail("No rpnet account provided")
(user, data) = self.account.selectAccount()
self.logDebug("Original URL: %s" % pyfile.url)
# Get the download link
response = self.load("https://premium.rpnet.biz/client_api.php",
get={"username": user, "password": data['password'],
"action": "generate", "links": self.pyfile.url})
self.logDebug("JSON data: %s" % response)
link_status = json_loads(response)['links'][0] # get the first link... since we only queried one
# Check if we only have an id as a HDD link
if 'id' in link_status:
self.logDebug("Need to wait at least 30 seconds before requery")
self.setWait(30) # wait for 30 seconds
# Lets query the server again asking for the status on the link,
# we need to keep doing this until we reach 100
max_tries = 30
my_try = 0
while (my_try <= max_tries):
self.logDebug("Try: %d ; Max Tries: %d" % (my_try, max_tries))
response = self.load("https://premium.rpnet.biz/client_api.php",
get={"username": user, "password": data['password'],
"action": "downloadInformation", "id": link_status['id']})
self.logDebug("JSON data hdd query: %s" % response)
download_status = json_loads(response)['download']
if download_status['status'] == '100':
link_status['generated'] = download_status['rpnet_link']
self.logDebug("Successfully downloaded to rpnet HDD: %s" % link_status['generated'])
self.logDebug("At %s%% for the file download" % download_status['status'])
my_try += 1
if my_try > max_tries: # We went over the limit!
self.fail("Waited for about 15 minutes for download to finish but failed")
if 'generated' in link_status:
self.download(link_status['generated'], disposition=True)
elif 'error' in link_status:
self.fail("Something went wrong, not supposed to enter here")
示例9: handle_premium
def handle_premium(self, pyfile):
user, info = self.account.select()
#: Get the download link
res = self.load("https://premium.rpnet.biz/client_api.php",
get={'username': user,
'password': info['login']['password'],
'action' : "generate",
'links' : pyfile.url})
self.log_debug("JSON data: %s" % res)
link_status = json_loads(res)['links'][0] #: Get the first link... since we only queried one
#: Check if we only have an id as a HDD link
if 'id' in link_status:
self.log_debug("Need to wait at least 30 seconds before requery")
self.wait(30) #: Wait for 30 seconds
#: Lets query the server again asking for the status on the link,
#: We need to keep doing this until we reach 100
max_tries = 30
my_try = 0
while (my_try <= max_tries):
self.log_debug("Try: %d ; Max Tries: %d" % (my_try, max_tries))
res = self.load("https://premium.rpnet.biz/client_api.php",
get={'username': user,
'password': info['login']['password'],
'action' : "downloadInformation",
'id' : link_status['id']})
self.log_debug("JSON data hdd query: %s" % res)
download_status = json_loads(res)['download']
if download_status['status'] == "100":
link_status['generated'] = download_status['rpnet_link']
self.log_debug("Successfully downloaded to rpnet HDD: %s" % link_status['generated'])
self.log_debug("At %s%% for the file download" % download_status['status'])
my_try += 1
if my_try > max_tries: #: We went over the limit!
self.fail(_("Waited for about 15 minutes for download to finish but failed"))
if 'generated' in link_status:
self.link = link_status['generated']
elif 'error' in link_status:
self.fail(_("Something went wrong, not supposed to enter here"))
示例10: api_response
def api_response(self, api="captcha", post=False, multipart=False):
req = getRequest()
req.c.setopt(HTTPHEADER, ["Accept: application/json", "User-Agent: pyLoad %s" % self.core.version])
if post:
if not isinstance(post, dict):
post = {}
post.update({"username": self.getConfig("username"),
"password": self.getConfig("passkey")})
res = None
json = req.load("%s%s" % (self.API_URL, api),
res = json_loads(json)
if "error" in res:
raise DeathByCaptchaException(res['error'])
elif "status" not in res:
raise DeathByCaptchaException(str(res))
except BadHeader, e:
if 403 == e.code:
raise DeathByCaptchaException('not-logged-in')
elif 413 == e.code:
raise DeathByCaptchaException('invalid-captcha')
elif 503 == e.code:
raise DeathByCaptchaException('service-overload')
elif e.code in (400, 405):
raise DeathByCaptchaException('invalid-request')
示例11: get_json_response
def get_json_response(self, get_dict, post_dict, field):
res = json_loads(self.load('https://filepost.com/files/get/', get=get_dict, post=post_dict))
if not 'js' in res:
self.error(_("JSON %s 1") % field)
#: I changed js_answer to res['js'] since js_answer is nowhere set.
#: I don't know the JSON-HTTP specs in detail, but the previous author
#: Accessed res['js']['error'] as well as js_answer['error'].
#: See the two lines commented out with "# ~?".
if 'error' in res['js']:
if res['js']['error'] == "download_delay":
#: ~? self.retry(wait_time=js_answer['params']['next_download'])
elif 'Wrong file password' in res['js']['error'] \
or 'You entered a wrong CAPTCHA code' in res['js']['error'] \
or 'CAPTCHA Code nicht korrekt' in res['js']['error']:
return None
elif 'CAPTCHA' in res['js']['error']:
self.log_debug("Error response is unknown, but mentions CAPTCHA")
return None
if not 'answer' in res['js'] or not field in res['js']['answer']:
self.error(_("JSON %s 2") % field)
return res['js']['answer'][field]
示例12: process
def process(self, pyfile):
if re.match(self.__pattern__, pyfile.url):
new_url = pyfile.url
elif not self.account:
self.logError(_("Please enter your %s account or deactivate this plugin") % "Fastix")
self.fail("No Fastix account provided")
self.logDebug("Old URL: %s" % pyfile.url)
api_key = self.account.getAccountData(self.user)
api_key = api_key["api"]
url = "http://fastix.ru/api_v2/?apikey=%s&sub=getdirectlink&link=%s" % (api_key, pyfile.url)
page = self.load(url)
data = json_loads(page)
self.logDebug("Json data: %s" % str(data))
if "error\":true" in page:
new_url = data["downloadlink"]
if new_url != pyfile.url:
self.logDebug("New URL: %s" % new_url)
if pyfile.name.startswith("http") or pyfile.name.startswith("Unknown"):
#only use when name wasnt already set
pyfile.name = self.getFilename(new_url)
self.download(new_url, disposition=True)
check = self.checkDownload({"error": "<title>An error occurred while processing your request</title>",
"empty": re.compile(r"^$")})
if check == "error":
self.retry(reason="An error occurred while generating link.", wait_time=60)
elif check == "empty":
self.retry(reason="Downloaded File was empty.", wait_time=60)
示例13: getJsonResponse
def getJsonResponse(self, get_dict, post_dict, field):
json_response = json_loads(self.load('https://filepost.com/files/get/', get = get_dict, post = post_dict))
if not 'js' in json_response: self.parseError('JSON %s 1' % field)
# i changed js_answer to json_response['js'] since js_answer is nowhere set.
# i don't know the JSON-HTTP specs in detail, but the previous author
# accessed json_response['js']['error'] as well as js_answer['error'].
# see the two lines commented out with "# ~?".
if 'error' in json_response['js']:
if json_response['js']['error'] == 'download_delay':
# ~? self.retry(js_answer['params']['next_download'])
elif 'Wrong file password' in json_response['js']['error']:
return None
elif 'You entered a wrong CAPTCHA code' in json_response['js']['error']:
return None
elif 'CAPTCHA Code nicht korrekt' in json_response['js']['error']:
return None
elif 'CAPTCHA' in json_response['js']['error']:
self.logDebug('error response is unknown, but mentions CAPTCHA -> return None')
return None
# ~? self.fail(js_answer['error'])
if not 'answer' in json_response['js'] or not field in json_response['js']['answer']:
self.parseError('JSON %s 2' % field)
return json_response['js']['answer'][field]
示例14: do_recaptcha
def do_recaptcha(self):
self.logDebug('Trying to solve captcha')
captcha_key = re.search(self.CAPTCHA_KEY_PATTERN, self.html).group(1)
shortencode = re.search(self.CAPTCHA_SHORTENCODE_PATTERN, self.html).group(1)
url = re.search(self.CAPTCHA_DOWNLOAD_PATTERN, self.html).group(1)
recaptcha = ReCaptcha(self)
for i in range(5):
challenge, code = recaptcha.challenge(captcha_key)
response = json_loads(self.load(self.file_info['HOST'] + '/rest/captcha/test',
post={'challenge': challenge,
'response': code,
'shortencode': shortencode}))
self.logDebug("reCaptcha response : %s" % response)
if response == True:
self.fail("Invalid captcha")
return url
示例15: decrypt
def decrypt(self, pyfile):
self.html = self.load(pyfile.url)
found = re.search(self.ML_LINK_PATTERN, self.html)
ml_url = found.group(1) if found else None
json_list = json_loads(self.load("http://multiupload.com/progress/", get = {
"d": re.search(self.__pattern__, pyfile.url).group(1),
"r": str(int(time()*1000))
new_links = []
prefered_set = map(lambda s: s.lower().split('.')[0], set(self.getConfig("preferedHoster").split('|')))
if ml_url and 'multiupload' in prefered_set: new_links.append(ml_url)
for link in json_list:
if link['service'].lower() in prefered_set and int(link['status']) and not int(link['deleted']):
url = self.getLocation(link['url'])
if url: new_links.append(url)
if not new_links:
ignored_set = map(lambda s: s.lower().split('.')[0], set(self.getConfig("ignoredHoster").split('|')))
if 'multiupload' not in ignored_set: new_links.append(ml_url)
for link in json_list:
if link['service'].lower() not in ignored_set and int(link['status']) and not int(link['deleted']):
url = self.getLocation(link['url'])
if url: new_links.append(url)
if new_links:
self.core.files.addLinks(new_links, self.pyfile.package().id)
self.fail('Could not extract any links')