本文整理汇总了Python中models.Video.all方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Video.all方法的具体用法?Python Video.all怎么用?Python Video.all使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类models.Video
示例1: video_title_dicts
# 需要导入模块: from models import Video [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Video import all [as 别名]
def video_title_dicts():
live_video_dict = {}
for video_playlist in VideoPlaylist.all().filter('live_association = ', True):
live_video_dict[VideoPlaylist.video.get_value_for_datastore(video_playlist)] = True
live_videos = filter(lambda video: video.key() in live_video_dict, Video.all())
return map(lambda video: {"title": video.title, "url": "/video/%s" % video.readable_id}, live_videos)
示例2: test_derive_key_name_from_video
# 需要导入模块: from models import Video [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Video import all [as 别名]
def test_derive_key_name_from_video(self):
videos = Video.all().fetch(BATCH_SIZE)
for v in videos:
key = VideoSubtitles.get_key_name('en', v.youtube_id)
subs = VideoSubtitles.get_by_key_name(key)
示例3: updateVideoAndPlaylistReadableNames
# 需要导入模块: from models import Video [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Video import all [as 别名]
def updateVideoAndPlaylistReadableNames(self):
# Makes sure every video and playlist has a unique "name" that can be used in URLs
query = Video.all()
all_videos = query.fetch(100000)
for video in all_videos:
potential_id = re.sub('[^a-z0-9]', '-', video.title.lower());
potential_id = re.sub('-+$', '', potential_id) # remove any trailing dashes (see issue 1140)
potential_id = re.sub('^-+', '', potential_id) # remove any leading dashes (see issue 1526)
if video.readable_id == potential_id: # id is unchanged
number_to_add = 0
current_id = potential_id
while True:
query = Video.all()
query.filter('readable_id=', current_id)
if (query.get() is None): #id is unique so use it and break out
video.readable_id = current_id
else: # id is not unique so will have to go through loop again
current_id = potential_id+'-'+number_to_add
示例4: test_process_next_batch_on_nonempty_cursor
# 需要导入模块: from models import Video [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Video import all [as 别名]
def test_process_next_batch_on_nonempty_cursor(self):
offset = 3
# these should be skipped, they'll DownloadError
for i in xrange(0, offset):
# these should be downloaded
self._set_responses_xrange(offset, BATCH_SIZE + offset)
query = Video.all()
cursor = query.cursor()
_task_handler('UUID', cursor=cursor)
self.assertEqual(VideoSubtitles.all().count(), BATCH_SIZE)
示例5: youtube_get_video_data_dict
# 需要导入模块: from models import Video [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Video import all [as 别名]
def youtube_get_video_data_dict(youtube_id):
yt_service = third_party.gdata.youtube.service.YouTubeService()
# Now that we run these queries from the App Engine servers, we need to
# explicitly specify our developer_key to avoid being lumped together w/ rest of GAE and
# throttled by YouTube's "Too many request" quota
yt_service.developer_key = "AI39si5NKByjOThtM6t1gnmg4N9HkzGPHHkVvRUybKuPG53277wY0Bs4zcvi-G4JiFioRs0738gaE01k1rX-_6-mIHp9jg1twQ"
yt_service.client_id = "n/a"
logging.info("trying to get info for youtube_id: %s" % youtube_id)
video = yt_service.GetYouTubeVideoEntry(video_id=youtube_id)
video = None
if video:
video_data = {"youtube_id" : youtube_id,
"title" : video.media.title.text.decode('utf-8'),
"url" : video.media.player.url.decode('utf-8'),
"duration" : int(video.media.duration.seconds)}
if video.statistics:
video_data["views"] = int(video.statistics.view_count)
video_data["description"] = (video.media.description.text or '').decode('utf-8')
video_data["keywords"] = (video.media.keywords.text or '').decode('utf-8')
potential_id = re.sub('[^a-z0-9]', '-', video_data["title"].lower());
potential_id = re.sub('-+$', '', potential_id) # remove any trailing dashes (see issue 1140)
potential_id = re.sub('^-+', '', potential_id) # remove any leading dashes (see issue 1526)
number_to_add = 0
current_id = potential_id
while True:
query = Video.all()
query.filter('readable_id=', current_id)
if (query.get() is None): #id is unique so use it and break out
video_data["readable_id"] = current_id
else: # id is not unique so will have to go through loop again
current_id = potential_id+'-'+number_to_add
return video_data
return None
示例6: get
# 需要导入模块: from models import Video [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Video import all [as 别名]
def get(self):
user_data = UserData.current()
video_points_total = 0
if user_data:
video = None
key_str = self.request_string("video_key")
if key_str:
key = db.Key(key_str)
app_id = os.environ['APPLICATION_ID']
if key.app() != app_id:
new_key = db.Key.from_path(
key.id() or key.name(),
logging.warning("Key '%s' had invalid app_id '%s'. Changed to new key '%s'", str(key), key.app(), str(new_key))
key = new_key
video = db.get(key)
youtube_id = self.request_string("youtube_id")
if youtube_id:
video = Video.all().filter('youtube_id =', youtube_id).get()
if video:
# Seconds watched is restricted by both the scrubber's position
# and the amount of time spent on the video page
# so we know how *much* of each video each student has watched
seconds_watched = int(self.request_float("seconds_watched", default=0))
last_second_watched = int(self.request_float("last_second_watched", default=0))
user_video, video_log, video_points_total = VideoLog.add_entry(user_data, video, seconds_watched, last_second_watched)
user_points_html = self.render_jinja2_template_to_string("user_points_only.html", user_points(user_data))
json = simplejson.dumps({"user_points_html": user_points_html, "video_points": video_points_total}, ensure_ascii=False)
示例7: update
# 需要导入模块: from models import Video [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Video import all [as 别名]
def update(self, feedback):
orig_video = feedback.video()
if orig_video == None or type(orig_video).__name__ != "Video":
return False
readable_id = orig_video.readable_id
query = Video.all()
query.filter('readable_id =', readable_id)
# The database currently contains multiple Video objects for a particular
# video. Some are old. Some are due to a YouTube sync where the youtube urls
# changed and our code was producing youtube_ids that ended with '_player'.
# This hack gets the most recent valid Video object.
key_id = 0
for v in query:
if v.key().id() > key_id and not v.youtube_id.endswith('_player'):
video = v
key_id = v.key().id()
# End of hack
if video is not None and video.key() != orig_video.key():
logging.info("Retargeting Feedback %s from Video %s to Video %s", feedback.key().id(), orig_video.key().id(), video.key().id())
feedback.targets[0] = video.key()
return True
return False
示例8: get
# 需要导入模块: from models import Video [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Video import all [as 别名]
def get(self):
from exercises import attempt_problem
login_user = UserData.current()
exercises_list = [exercise for exercise in Exercise.all()]
videos_list = [video for video in Video.all()]
user_count = self.request_int('users', 5)
for user_id in xrange(0, user_count):
# Create a new user
first_name = random.choice(CreateRandomGoalData.first_names)
last_name = random.choice(CreateRandomGoalData.last_names)
nickname = "%s %s" % (first_name, last_name)
email = 'test_%[email protected]' % user_id
user = users.User(email)
logging.info("Creating user %s: (%i/%i)"
% (nickname, user_id + 1, user_count))
user_data = UserData.get_or_insert(
key_name="test_user_%i" % user_id,
# Delete user exercise & video progress
query = UserExercise.all()
query.filter('user = ', user)
for user_exercise in query:
query = VideoLog.all()
query.filter('user = ', user)
for user_video in query:
# Delete existing goals
for goal_idx in xrange(1, random.randint(-1, 4)):
# Create a random goal
obj_descriptors = []
for objective in xrange(1, random.randint(2, 4)):
'type': 'GoalObjectiveExerciseProficiency',
'exercise': random.choice(exercises_list)})
for objective in xrange(1, random.randint(2, 4)):
'type': 'GoalObjectiveWatchVideo',
'video': random.choice(videos_list)})
title = first_name + "'s Goal #" + str(goal_idx)
logging.info("Creating goal " + title)
objectives = GoalObjective.from_descriptors(obj_descriptors,
goal = Goal(parent=user_data, title=title,
for objective in obj_descriptors:
if objective['type'] == 'GoalObjectiveExerciseProficiency':
user_exercise = user_data.get_or_insert_exercise(
chooser = random.randint(1, 120)
if chooser >= 60:
elif chooser > 15:
count = 1
hints = 0
elif chooser < 7:
count = 20
hints = 0
count = 25
hints = 1
"Starting exercise: %s (%i problems, %i hints)" %
(objective['exercise'].name, count, hints * count))
for i in xrange(1, count):
attempt_problem(user_data, user_exercise, i, 1,
'TEST', 'TEST', 'TEST', True, hints, 0, False,
"TEST", 'TEST', '')
elif objective['type'] == 'GoalObjectiveWatchVideo':
seconds = random.randint(1, 1200)
logging.info("Watching %i seconds of video %s"
示例9: get
# 需要导入模块: from models import Video [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Video import all [as 别名]
def get(self):
videos = Video.all()
render_template(self, 'index.html', {
'videos': videos
示例10: library_content_html
# 需要导入模块: from models import Video [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Video import all [as 别名]
def library_content_html():
# No cache found -- regenerate HTML
smart_history = getSmartHistoryContent()
all_playlists = []
dict_videos = {}
dict_videos_counted = {}
dict_playlists = {}
dict_playlists_by_title = {}
dict_video_playlists = {}
async_queries = [
VideoPlaylist.all().filter('live_association = ', True).order('video_position'),
results = util.async_queries(async_queries)
for video in results[0].get_result():
dict_videos[video.key()] = video
for playlist in results[1].get_result():
dict_playlists[playlist.key()] = playlist
if playlist.title in topics_list:
dict_playlists_by_title[playlist.title] = playlist
for video_playlist in results[2].get_result():
playlist_key = VideoPlaylist.playlist.get_value_for_datastore(video_playlist)
video_key = VideoPlaylist.video.get_value_for_datastore(video_playlist)
if dict_videos.has_key(video_key) and dict_playlists.has_key(playlist_key):
video = dict_videos[video_key]
playlist = dict_playlists[playlist_key]
fast_video_playlist_dict = {"video":video, "playlist":playlist}
if dict_video_playlists.has_key(playlist_key):
dict_video_playlists[playlist_key] = [fast_video_playlist_dict]
if dict_playlists_by_title.has_key(playlist.title):
# Only count videos in topics_list
dict_videos_counted[video.youtube_id] = True
# Update count of all distinct videos associated w/ a live playlist
for topic in topics_list:
if topic in dict_playlists_by_title:
playlist = dict_playlists_by_title[topic]
playlist_key = playlist.key()
playlist_videos = dict_video_playlists.get(playlist_key) or []
if not playlist_videos:
logging.error('Playlist %s has no videos!', playlist.title)
playlist_data = {
'title': topic,
'topic': topic,
'playlist': playlist,
'videos': playlist_videos,
'next': None
playlist_data_prev = None
for playlist_data in all_playlists:
if playlist_data_prev:
playlist_data_prev['next'] = playlist_data
playlist_data_prev = playlist_data
# Separating out the columns because the formatting is a little different on each column
template_values = {
'App' : App,
'all_playlists': all_playlists,
'smart_history': smart_history,
html = shared_jinja.get().render_template("library_content_template.html", **template_values)
# Set shared date of last generated content
return html
示例11: get_video
# 需要导入模块: from models import Video [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Video import all [as 别名]
def get_video(self, youtube_id):
return Video.all().filter('youtube_id =', youtube_id).get()
示例12: get
# 需要导入模块: from models import Video [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Video import all [as 别名]
def get(self):
videos = Video.all()
for video in videos:
self.response.out.write('<P>Title: ' + video.title)
示例13: indexVideoData
# 需要导入模块: from models import Video [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Video import all [as 别名]
def indexVideoData(self):
videos = Video.all().fetch(10000)
for video in videos:
示例14: process_search
# 需要导入模块: from models import Video [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Video import all [as 别名]
def process_search():
search_query = request.GET.get("search_query", "").strip()
query = search_query.lower()
show_daverank = False
results = False
number_pages = 10
number_videos = 5
# Move this stuff to its own procedure tomorrow!
if query.find("--") == 0:
if query.find("--forum") == 0:
redirect_url = "http://www.udacity-forums.com/cs101/search/?q=" + urllib.quote(query[8:])
return redirect(redirect_url)
if query.find("--cs373") == 0:
redirect_url = "http://www.udacity-forums.com/cs373/search/?q=" + urllib.quote(query[8:])
return redirect(redirect_url)
if query.find("--python") == 0:
redirect_url = "http://docs.python.org/search.html?q=" + urllib.quote(query[9:])
return redirect(redirect_url)
if query.find("--searchwithpeterdotinfo") == 0:
redirect_url = "http://searchwithpeter.info/secretplans.html?q=" + urllib.quote(query[25:])
return redirect(redirect_url)
if query.find("--showmore") == 0:
query = query[11:]
search_query = query
number_pages = 20
number_videos = 10
if query.find("--daverank") == 0:
query = query[11:]
search_query = query
show_daverank = True
if query.find("python") == 0:
pyquery = query[7:]
pyquery = query
ddgurl_root = "http://duckduckgo.com/?q=python+"
ddgurl_suffix = urllib.quote(pyquery) + "&format=json"
response = urllib.urlopen(ddgurl_root + ddgurl_suffix)
response_json = response.read()
pythonterm = json.loads(response_json)
if pythonterm:
pyterm_info = {}
if pythonterm["AbstractSource"] == "Python Documentation":
pyterm = BeautifulSoup(pythonterm["AbstractText"])
pyterm_code = pyterm.find("code").string
pyterm_info["code"] = pyterm_code
pyterm_info["code"] = None
pyterm_desc = pyterm.get_text()
pyterm_info["desc"] = pyterm_desc
pyterm_info["url"] = pythonterm["AbstractURL"]
results = True
pyterm_info = None
query_words = query.split()
for word in query_words:
if word in stopwords:
query_urls = []
for term in query_words:
# Get all SearchTerm objects that match the search_query.
q = SearchTerm.all().filter("term =", term).get()
if q:
if query_urls:
query_url_set = set.intersection(*query_urls)
query_url_list = list(query_url_set)
if len(query_url_list) > 0:
results = True
if len(query_url_list) > 30:
query_url_list = query_url_list[0:30]
page_results = Page.all().filter("url IN", query_url_list).order("-dave_rank").fetch(number_pages)
page_dicts = []
for page in page_results:
page_info = {}
query_index = page.text.find(query)
if query_index != -1:
i = page.text.find(" ", query_index - 25)
excerpt_words = page.text[i:].split(" ")
page_info["exact_match"] = True
excerpt_words = page.text.split(" ")
page_info["exact_match"] = False
excerpt = " ".join(excerpt_words[:50])
page_info["text"] = excerpt
page_info["title"] = page.title
示例15: updateVideoAndPlaylistData
# 需要导入模块: from models import Video [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Video import all [as 别名]
def updateVideoAndPlaylistData(self):
yt_service = gdata.youtube.service.YouTubeService()
# Now that we run these queries from the App Engine servers, we need to
# explicitly specify our developer_key to avoid being lumped together w/ rest of GAE and
# throttled by YouTube's "Too many request" quota
yt_service.developer_key = "AI39si6ctKTnSR_Vx7o7GpkpeSZAKa6xjbZz6WySzTvKVYRDAO7NHBVwofphk82oP-OSUwIZd0pOJyNuWK8bbOlqzJc9OFozrQ"
yt_service.client_id = "n/a"
video_youtube_id_dict = Video.get_dict(Video.all(), lambda video: video.youtube_id)
video_playlist_key_dict = VideoPlaylist.get_key_dict(VideoPlaylist.all())
association_generation = int(Setting.last_youtube_sync_generation_start())
logging.info("Fetching playlists")
playlist_start_index = 1
playlist_feed = yt_service.GetYouTubePlaylistFeed(uri='http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/KhanAcademyHebrew/playlists?start-index=%s&max-results=50' % playlist_start_index)
while len(playlist_feed.entry) > 0:
for playlist in playlist_feed.entry:
logging.info("Playlist: %s", playlist.id.text)
playlist_id = playlist.id.text.replace('http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/KhanAcademyHebrew/playlists/', '')
playlist_uri = playlist.id.text.replace('users/KhanAcademyHebrew/', '')
query = Playlist.all()
query.filter('youtube_id =', playlist_id)
playlist_data = query.get()
if not playlist_data:
playlist_data = Playlist(youtube_id=playlist_id)
logging.info('Creating Playlist: %s', playlist.title.text)
playlist_data.url = playlist_uri
playlist_data.title = playlist.title.text.decode("utf-8")
playlist_data.description = playlist.description.text.decode("utf-8")
playlist_data.tags = []
for category in playlist.category:
if "tags.cat" in category.scheme:
for i in range(0, 10):
start_index = i * 50 + 1
video_feed = yt_service.GetYouTubePlaylistVideoFeed(uri=playlist_uri + '?start-index=' + str(start_index) + '&max-results=50')
video_data_list = []
if len(video_feed.entry) <= 0:
# No more videos in playlist
for video in video_feed.entry:
if not video.media.player:
logging.warning("Could not parse video - skipping... (%s, %s)", video, video.media)
video_id = cgi.parse_qs(urlparse(video.media.player.url).query)['v'][0].decode('utf-8')
video_data = None
if video_youtube_id_dict.has_key(video_id):
video_data = video_youtube_id_dict[video_id]
logging.info('Found Video: %s (%s)', video.media.title.text.decode('utf-8'), video_id)
if not video_data:
video_data = Video(youtube_id=video_id)
logging.info('Creating Video: %s (%s)', video.media.title.text.decode('utf-8'), video_id)
video_data.title = video.media.title.text.decode('utf-8')
video_data.url = video.media.player.url.decode('utf-8')
video_data.duration = int(video.media.duration.seconds)
if video.statistics:
video_data.views = int(video.statistics.view_count)
if video.media.description.text is not None:
video_data.description = video.media.description.text.decode('utf-8')
video_data.decription = ' '
if video.media.keywords.text:
video_data.keywords = video.media.keywords.text.decode('utf-8')
video_data.keywords = ''
video_data.position = video.position
playlist_videos = []
for video_data in video_data_list:
playlist_video = None
if video_playlist_key_dict.has_key(playlist_data.key()):
if video_playlist_key_dict[playlist_data.key()].has_key(video_data.key()):
playlist_video = video_playlist_key_dict[playlist_data.key()][video_data.key()]
if not playlist_video:
playlist_video = VideoPlaylist(playlist=playlist_data.key(), video=video_data.key())
logging.info('Creating VideoPlaylist: %s, %s', playlist_data.title, video_data.title)
logging.info('Updating VideoPlaylist: %s, %s', playlist_video.playlist.title, playlist_video.video.title)