本文整理汇总了Python中models.Topic.get_by_id方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Topic.get_by_id方法的具体用法?Python Topic.get_by_id怎么用?Python Topic.get_by_id使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类models.Topic
示例1: recreate_topic_list_structure
# 需要导入模块: from models import Topic [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Topic import get_by_id [as 别名]
def recreate_topic_list_structure():
import topics_list
logging.info("recreating topic_list structure")
version = TopicVersion.get_edit_version()
root = Topic.get_by_id("root", version)
delete_topics = recursive_copy_topic_list_structure(root, topics_list.PLAYLIST_STRUCTURE)
for topic in delete_topics.values():
示例2: render_signup
# 需要导入模块: from models import Topic [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Topic import get_by_id [as 别名]
def render_signup(self, topic_id):
topic = Topic.get_by_id(int(topic_id))
topic_slots = topic.slots
user_rsvps = [rsvp.slot.id for rsvp in TopicRSVP.get_for_user(users.get_current_user())]
slots = []
for slot in topic_slots:
slot.rsvp_count = slot.rsvps.count() or 0
slot.user_rsvped = (slot.id in user_rsvps)
slots = sorted(slots, key=lambda slot: slot.start)
template_values = self.get_template_values()
template_values['topic'] = topic
template_values['topic_slots'] = slots
self.render('signup.html', template_values)
示例3: hide_topics
# 需要导入模块: from models import Topic [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Topic import get_by_id [as 别名]
def hide_topics(version):
from topics_list import topics_list
logging.info("hiding topics")
root = Topic.get_by_id("root", version)
topics = Topic.all().ancestor(root).fetch(10000)
for topic in topics:
if topic.title not in topics_list:
topic.hide = True
topic.hide = False
logging.info("hid topics")
示例4: GET
# 需要导入模块: from models import Topic [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Topic import get_by_id [as 别名]
def GET(self, pk=None):
if pk:
topic = Topic.get_by_id(pk)
return json.dumps(topic)
topics = Topic.get_all()
result = []
for t in topics:
topic = dict(t)
user = CACHE_USER[t.owner_id]
except KeyError:
user = User.get_by_id(t.owner_id)
CACHE_USER[t.owner_id] = user
topic['owner_name'] = user.username
return json.dumps(result)
示例5: load_videos
# 需要导入模块: from models import Topic [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Topic import get_by_id [as 别名]
def load_videos(version, title=None):
root = Topic.get_by_id("root", version)
if title is None:
playlist = Playlist.all().order('title').get()
playlist = Playlist.all().filter('title = ', title).get()
title = playlist.title
nextplaylist = Playlist.all().filter('title >', title).order('title').get()
if nextplaylist:
next_title = nextplaylist.title
playlists = [playlist]
# playlists = Playlist.all().order('title').fetch(100000)
for i, p in enumerate(playlists):
videos = p.get_videos()
content_keys = [v.key() for v in videos]
added = 0
for i, v in enumerate(videos):
for e in v.related_exercises():
if e.key() not in content_keys:
content_keys.insert(i + added, e.key())
added += 1
topic = Topic.insert(title=p.title,
logging.info("loading " + title)
if nextplaylist:
deferred.defer(load_videos, version, next_title)
deferred.defer(hide_topics, version)
示例6: GET
# 需要导入模块: from models import Topic [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Topic import get_by_id [as 别名]
def GET(self, pk=None):
if pk:
topic = Topic.get_by_id(pk)
topic['created_time'] = display_time(topic['created_time'])
return json.dumps(topic)
topics = Topic.get_all()
result = []
for t in topics:
topic = dict(t)
if 'tags' not in topic:
topic['tags'] = ''
user = CACHE_USER[t.owner_id]
except KeyError:
user = User.get_by_id(t.owner_id)
CACHE_USER[t.owner_id] = user
topic['owner_name'] = user.username
topic['created_time'] = display_time(topic['created_time'])
message = Message.get_latest_by_topic(str(t.id))
message_count = Message.topic_count(str(t.id))
if message:
# 最新回复
user = CACHE_USER[message.user_id]
except KeyError:
user = User.get_by_id(message.user_id)
CACHE_USER[message.user_id] = user
message.user_name = user.username
message.created_time = pass_time(message.created_time)
topic['new_comment'] = message
topic['message_count'] = message_count
return json.dumps(result)
示例7: get
# 需要导入模块: from models import Topic [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Topic import get_by_id [as 别名]
def get(self, readable_id=""):
# This method displays a video in the context of a particular topic.
# To do that we first need to find the appropriate topic. If we aren't
# given the topic title in a query param, we need to find a topic that
# the video is a part of. That requires finding the video, given it readable_id
# or, to support old URLs, it's youtube_id.
video = None
topic = None
video_id = self.request.get('v')
topic_id = self.request_string('topic', default="")
readable_id = urllib.unquote(readable_id).decode("utf-8")
readable_id = re.sub('-+$', '', readable_id) # remove any trailing dashes (see issue 1140)
# If either the readable_id or topic title is missing,
# redirect to the canonical URL that contains them
redirect_to_canonical_url = False
if video_id: # Support for old links
query = Video.all()
query.filter('youtube_id =', video_id)
video = query.get()
if not video:
raise MissingVideoException("Missing video w/ youtube id '%s'" % video_id)
readable_id = video.readable_id
topic = video.first_topic()
if not topic:
raise MissingVideoException("No topic has video w/ youtube id '%s'" % video_id)
redirect_to_canonical_url = True
if topic_id is not None and len(topic_id) > 0:
topic = Topic.get_by_id(topic_id)
key_id = 0 if not topic else topic.key().id()
# If a topic_id wasn't specified or the specified topic wasn't found
# use the first topic for the requested video.
if topic is None:
# Get video by readable_id just to get the first topic for the video
video = Video.get_for_readable_id(readable_id)
if video is None:
raise MissingVideoException("Missing video '%s'" % readable_id)
topic = video.first_topic()
if not topic:
raise MissingVideoException("No topic has video '%s'" % readable_id)
redirect_to_canonical_url = True
exid = self.request_string('exid', default=None)
if redirect_to_canonical_url:
qs = {'topic': topic.id}
if exid:
qs['exid'] = exid
urlpath = "/video/%s" % urllib.quote(readable_id)
url = urlparse.urlunparse(('', '', urlpath, '', urllib.urlencode(qs), ''))
self.redirect(url, True)
# If we got here, we have a readable_id and a topic, so we can display
# the topic and the video in it that has the readable_id. Note that we don't
# query the Video entities for one with the requested readable_id because in some
# cases there are multiple Video objects in the datastore with the same readable_id
# (e.g. there are 2 "Order of Operations" videos).
videos = Topic.get_cached_videos_for_topic(topic)
previous_video = None
next_video = None
for v in videos:
if v.readable_id == readable_id:
v.selected = 'selected'
video = v
elif video is None:
previous_video = v
next_video = v
# If we're at the beginning or end of a topic, show the adjacent topic.
# previous_topic/next_topic are the topic to display.
# previous_video_topic/next_video_topic are the subtopics the videos
# are actually in.
previous_topic = None
previous_video_topic = None
next_topic = None
next_video_topic = None
if not previous_video:
previous_topic = topic
while not previous_video:
previous_topic = previous_topic.get_previous_topic()
if previous_topic:
(previous_video, previous_video_topic) = previous_topic.get_last_video_and_topic()
if not next_video:
示例8: importIntoVersion
# 需要导入模块: from models import Topic [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Topic import get_by_id [as 别名]
def importIntoVersion(version):
logging.info("comparing to version number %i" % version.number)
topic = Topic.get_by_id("art-history", version)
if not topic:
parent = Topic.get_by_id("humanities---other", version)
if not parent:
raise Exception("Could not find the Humanities & Other topic to put art history into")
topic = Topic.insert(title="Art History",
standalone_title="Art History",
description="Spontaneous conversations about works of art where the speakers are not afraid to disagree with each other or art history orthodoxy. Videos are made by Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker along with other contributors.")
urls = topic.get_urls(include_descendants=True)
href_to_key_dict = dict((url.url, url.key()) for url in urls)
hrefs = [url.url for url in urls]
content = getSmartHistoryContent()
if content is None:
raise Exception("Aborting import, could not read from smarthistory")
subtopics = topic.get_child_topics()
subtopic_dict = dict((t.title, t) for t in subtopics)
subtopic_child_keys = {}
new_subtopic_keys = []
child_keys = []
i = 0
for link in content:
href = link["href"]
title = link["title"]
parent_title = link["parent"]
if parent_title not in subtopic_dict:
subtopic = Topic.insert(title=parent_title,
standalone_title="Art History: %s" % parent_title,
subtopic_dict[parent_title] = subtopic
subtopic = subtopic_dict[parent_title]
if subtopic.key() not in new_subtopic_keys:
if parent_title not in subtopic_child_keys:
subtopic_child_keys[parent_title] = []
if href not in hrefs:
logging.info("adding %i %s %s to %s" % (i, href, title, parent_title))
{"title": title,
"url": href
["title", "url"])
url = Url(url=href,
i += 1
logging.info("updating child_keys")
change = False
for parent_title, child_keys in subtopic_child_keys.iteritems():
subtopic = subtopic_dict[parent_title]
if subtopic.child_keys != subtopic_child_keys[parent_title]:
change = True
if topic.child_keys != new_subtopic_keys:
change = True
if change:
logging.info("finished updating version number %i" % version.number)
logging.info("nothing changed")
return change