本文整理汇总了Python中models.State.save方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python State.save方法的具体用法?Python State.save怎么用?Python State.save使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类models.State
示例1: get_state
# 需要导入模块: from models import State [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.State import save [as 别名]
def get_state():
state = State.objects.get()
except State.DoesNotExist:
state = State()
return state
示例2: check_servers
# 需要导入模块: from models import State [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.State import save [as 别名]
def check_servers(id, host, port, timeout, server):
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
if sock.connect_ex((host, int(port))) == 0:
b = State(id=id, active=True, server=server)
b = State(id=id, active=False, server=server)
示例3: test04_layermap_unique_multigeometry_fk
# 需要导入模块: from models import State [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.State import save [as 别名]
def test04_layermap_unique_multigeometry_fk(self):
"Testing the `unique`, and `transform`, geometry collection conversion, and ForeignKey mappings."
# All the following should work.
# Telling LayerMapping that we want no transformations performed on the data.
lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, transform=False)
# Specifying the source spatial reference system via the `source_srs` keyword.
lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, source_srs=4269)
lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, source_srs='NAD83')
# Unique may take tuple or string parameters.
for arg in ('name', ('name', 'mpoly')):
lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, transform=False, unique=arg)
self.fail('No exception should be raised for proper use of keywords.')
# Testing invalid params for the `unique` keyword.
for e, arg in ((TypeError, 5.0), (ValueError, 'foobar'), (ValueError, ('name', 'mpolygon'))):
self.assertRaises(e, LayerMapping, County, co_shp, co_mapping, transform=False, unique=arg)
# No source reference system defined in the shapefile, should raise an error.
if not mysql:
self.assertRaises(LayerMapError, LayerMapping, County, co_shp, co_mapping)
# Passing in invalid ForeignKey mapping parameters -- must be a dictionary
# mapping for the model the ForeignKey points to.
bad_fk_map1 = copy(co_mapping); bad_fk_map1['state'] = 'name'
bad_fk_map2 = copy(co_mapping); bad_fk_map2['state'] = {'nombre' : 'State'}
self.assertRaises(TypeError, LayerMapping, County, co_shp, bad_fk_map1, transform=False)
self.assertRaises(LayerMapError, LayerMapping, County, co_shp, bad_fk_map2, transform=False)
# There exist no State models for the ForeignKey mapping to work -- should raise
# a MissingForeignKey exception (this error would be ignored if the `strict`
# keyword is not set).
lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, transform=False, unique='name')
self.assertRaises(MissingForeignKey, lm.save, silent=True, strict=True)
# Now creating the state models so the ForeignKey mapping may work.
co, hi, tx = State(name='Colorado'), State(name='Hawaii'), State(name='Texas')
co.save(), hi.save(), tx.save()
# If a mapping is specified as a collection, all OGR fields that
# are not collections will be converted into them. For example,
# a Point column would be converted to MultiPoint. Other things being done
# w/the keyword args:
# `transform=False`: Specifies that no transform is to be done; this
# has the effect of ignoring the spatial reference check (because the
# county shapefile does not have implicit spatial reference info).
# `unique='name'`: Creates models on the condition that they have
# unique county names; geometries from each feature however will be
# appended to the geometry collection of the unique model. Thus,
# all of the various islands in Honolulu county will be in in one
# database record with a MULTIPOLYGON type.
lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, transform=False, unique='name')
lm.save(silent=True, strict=True)
# A reference that doesn't use the unique keyword; a new database record will
# created for each polygon.
lm = LayerMapping(CountyFeat, co_shp, cofeat_mapping, transform=False)
lm.save(silent=True, strict=True)
# The county helper is called to ensure integrity of County models.
示例4: test02_proxy
# 需要导入模块: from models import State [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.State import save [as 别名]
def test02_proxy(self):
"Testing Lazy-Geometry support (using the GeometryProxy)."
#### Testing on a Point
pnt = Point(0, 0)
nullcity = City(name='NullCity', point=pnt)
# Making sure TypeError is thrown when trying to set with an
# incompatible type.
for bad in [5, 2.0, LineString((0, 0), (1, 1))]:
nullcity.point = bad
except TypeError:
self.fail('Should throw a TypeError')
# Now setting with a compatible GEOS Geometry, saving, and ensuring
# the save took, notice no SRID is explicitly set.
new = Point(5, 23)
nullcity.point = new
# Ensuring that the SRID is automatically set to that of the
# field after assignment, but before saving.
self.assertEqual(4326, nullcity.point.srid)
# Ensuring the point was saved correctly after saving
self.assertEqual(new, City.objects.get(name='NullCity').point)
# Setting the X and Y of the Point
nullcity.point.x = 23
nullcity.point.y = 5
# Checking assignments pre & post-save.
self.assertNotEqual(Point(23, 5), City.objects.get(name='NullCity').point)
self.assertEqual(Point(23, 5), City.objects.get(name='NullCity').point)
#### Testing on a Polygon
shell = LinearRing((0, 0), (0, 100), (100, 100), (100, 0), (0, 0))
inner = LinearRing((40, 40), (40, 60), (60, 60), (60, 40), (40, 40))
# Creating a State object using a built Polygon
ply = Polygon(shell, inner)
nullstate = State(name='NullState', poly=ply)
self.assertEqual(4326, nullstate.poly.srid) # SRID auto-set from None
ns = State.objects.get(name='NullState')
self.assertEqual(ply, ns.poly)
# Testing the `ogr` and `srs` lazy-geometry properties.
if gdal.HAS_GDAL:
self.assertEqual(True, isinstance(ns.poly.ogr, gdal.OGRGeometry))
self.assertEqual(ns.poly.wkb, ns.poly.ogr.wkb)
self.assertEqual(True, isinstance(ns.poly.srs, gdal.SpatialReference))
self.assertEqual('WGS 84', ns.poly.srs.name)
# Changing the interior ring on the poly attribute.
new_inner = LinearRing((30, 30), (30, 70), (70, 70), (70, 30), (30, 30))
ns.poly[1] = new_inner
ply[1] = new_inner
self.assertEqual(4326, ns.poly.srid)
self.assertEqual(ply, State.objects.get(name='NullState').poly)