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Python Report.filter方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中models.Report.filter方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Report.filter方法的具体用法?Python Report.filter怎么用?Python Report.filter使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在models.Report的用法示例。


示例1: set_data_for

# 需要导入模块: from models import Report [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Report import filter [as 别名]
    def set_data_for(self, on, end):
        reports = []
        if end:
            # self.parent.current_period.setText(self.parent.format_period(on,
            # end))
            reports = Report.filter(date__gte=date_on_or_end(on),
                                    date__lte=date_on_or_end(end, on=False)).order_by(Report.date.desc())

        self.data = [(rap.product, rap.remaining, rap.selling_price,
                      rap.remaining * rap.selling_price,
                      rap.qty * (rap.selling_price - rap.selling_price))
                     for rap in reports]

示例2: write_invoice_xls

# 需要导入模块: from models import Report [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Report import filter [as 别名]
def write_invoice_xls(file_name, invoice):

    book = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='ascii')
    sheet = book.add_sheet(u"Commande %s" % Config.NAME_ORGA)
    sheet.col(1).width = 0x0d00 * 3
    # sheet.col(4).width = 0x0d00 * 1.5
    rowx = 0
    sheet.write_merge(rowx, rowx + 1, 0, 3,
                      u"Facture de %s" % Config.NAME_ORGA, style_title)

    rowx += 3
    date = "Bko le %s" % invoice.date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
    sheet.write_merge(rowx, rowx, 2, 3, date)

    hheaders = [u"Quantité", u"Désignation", u"Prix Unitaire",
    rowx += 2
    for colx, val_center in enumerate(hheaders):
        sheet.write(rowx, colx, val_center, style_t_table)
    rowx += 1

    data = [(item.qty, item.product.name, item.selling_price,
             item.qty * item.selling_price) for item in Report.filter(invoice=invoice)]

    for prod in data:
        col = 0
        for val_center in prod:
            if isinstance(val_center, str):
                style_ = style
                style_ = int_style
            sheet.write_merge(rowx, rowx, col, col, val_center, style_)
            col += 1
        rowx += 1

示例3: pdf_view

# 需要导入模块: from models import Report [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Report import filter [as 别名]
def pdf_view(filename, order):
        cette views est cree pour la generation du PDF

    if not filename:
        filename = get_temp_filename('pdf')
    # on recupere la facture a afficher
    invoice = order
    # on recupere les items de la facture
    items_invoice = Report.filter(invoice=invoice)

    # Static source pdf to be overlayed
    PDF_SOURCE = 'tools/fact_source.pdf'
    TMP_FILE = 'tools/tmp.pdf'
    DATE_FORMAT = u"%d/%m/%Y"

    FONT = 'Courier-Bold'
    # A simple function to return a leading 0 on any single digit int.

    def double_zero(value):
            return '%02d' % value
        except TypeError:
            return value

    # setup the empty canvas

    from pyPdf import PdfFileWriter, PdfFileReader
    # PDF en entrée
    input1 = PdfFileReader(file(PDF_SOURCE, "rb"))
    # PDF en sortie
    output = PdfFileWriter()
    # Récupération du nombre de pages
    n_pages = input1.getNumPages()
    # Pour chaque page
    for i in range(n_pages):
        # Récupération de la page du doc initial (input1)
        page = input1.getPage(i)

        # p = canvas.Canvas(buffer, pagesize=A4)
        p = canvas.Canvas(TMP_FILE, pagesize=A4)
        p.setFont(FONT, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE)

        # Création de l'objet PDF, en utilisant l'objet de réponse comme "fichier"
        # on afffiche l'image de l'orgamisation
            p.drawImage(u'%s' % Config.APP_LOGO, 60, 740)
            print(u"logo non disponible!")

        p.drawString(370, 735, unicode(Config.NAME_ORGA))
        # On trace Une ligne horizontale
        p.line(60, 730, 535, 730)

        p.drawString(59, 25, Config.NAME_ORGA + " - tel : " +
                     str(Config.TEL_ORGA) + " - " + unicode(Config.ADRESS_ORGA))

        legal_infos, legal_infos1 = controle_caratere(Config.BP, 55, 55)

        p.drawString(90, 14, legal_infos)
        p.drawString(90, 6, legal_infos1)
            60, 706, str(invoice.type_) + " N°: " + str(invoice.number))
        p.drawString(370, 706, "Date: " + str(invoice.date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT)) +
                     " à " + str(invoice.location))
        p.drawString(60, 690, "Doit: " + (invoice.client))

        if invoice.subject:
            p.drawString(60, 664, "Objet: " + str(invoice.subject))

        # On ecrit les invoiceitem
        x, y = 40, 600
        for i in items_invoice:
            p.drawString(x, y, str(i.qty).rjust(10, ' '))
            p.drawString(x + 75, y, (i.product.__str__()))
            p.drawString(x + 340, y, str(i.selling_price).rjust(10, ' '))
                x + 435, y, str(i.selling_price * i.qty).rjust(10, ' '))
            y -= 20
        # on teste le type
        if invoice.type_ == "Facture":
            p.drawString(59, 95, "Pour acquit: ")
            p.drawString(59, 95, "Pour acceptation: ")

        p.drawString(435, 95, "Le Providers: ")
        # On calcul le montant total hors taxe et sa conversion en lettre
        ht = 0
        for i in items_invoice:
            montant = i.selling_price * i.qty
            ht += montant
        p.drawString(476, 204, str(ht).rjust(10, ' '))
        ht_en_lettre = cel(ht)
        # Calcul du TTC avec le TVA s'il existe
        if invoice.tax:
            TVA = (invoice.tax_rate * ht) / 100
            p.drawString(476, 183.5, str(TVA).rjust(10, ' '))

示例4: pdf_view

# 需要导入模块: from models import Report [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Report import filter [as 别名]
def pdf_view(filename, invoice):
        cette views est cree pour la generation du PDF

    if not filename:
        filename = get_temp_filename('pdf')
        # print(filename)
    # on recupere les items de la facture
    items_invoice = Report.filter(invoice=invoice)
    # Static source pdf to be overlayed
    TMP_FILE = os.path.join(Config.ROOT_DIR, 'tmp.pdf')
    DATE_FORMAT = u"%d/%m/%Y"
    FONT = 'Times-Roman'

    # PDF en entrée
    input1 = PdfFileReader(file(PDFSOURCE, "rb"))
    # PDF en sortie
    output = PdfFileWriter()
    # Récupération du nombre de pages
    n_pages = input1.getNumPages()
    # Pour chaque page

    for i in range(n_pages):
        # Récupération de la page du doc initial (input1)
        page = input1.getPage(i)
        p = canvas.Canvas(TMP_FILE, pagesize=A4)
        p.setFont(FONT, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE)
        p.drawString(115, 639, str(invoice.number))
        p.drawString(82, 625, (invoice.client.name))
        p.drawString(445, 625, str(invoice.date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT)))
        # On ecrit les invoiceitem
        x, y = 122, 574
        x_qty = x
        x_description = x + 10
        x_price = x + 340
        x_amount = x + 433

        for i in items_invoice:
            p.drawRightString(x_qty, y, str(i.qty))
            p.drawString(x_description, y, str(i.product.name))
            p.drawRightString(x_price, y, str(
            p.drawRightString(x_amount, y, str(formatted_number(
                i.selling_price * i.qty)))
            y -= 17
        # On calcul le montant total hors taxe et sa conversion en lettre
        ht = sum([(val.selling_price * val.qty) for val in items_invoice])
        tax_rate = invoice.tax_rate if invoice.tax else 0
        mt_tax = int((ht * tax_rate) / 100)
        htt = mt_tax + ht
        ht_en_lettre = num2words(ht, lang="fr")
        ht_en_lettre1, ht_en_lettre2 = controle_caratere(
            ht_en_lettre + " francs CFA", 50, 50)
        p.drawString(260, 191, (ht_en_lettre1))
        p.drawString(50, 175, (ht_en_lettre2))
        p.setFont('Times-Bold', 11)
        p.drawString(52, 639, "Facture N° :")
        p.drawString(x_price - 20, 248, str(tax_rate) + "%")
        # TVA
        p.drawRightString(x_amount, 248, device_amount(mt_tax))
        # Hors Taxe
        p.drawRightString(x_amount, 265, str(device_amount(ht)))
        # Tout Taxe
        p.drawRightString(x_amount, 232, str(device_amount(htt)))
        x_foot = 145
        p.drawString(50, x_foot, "Acceptation" if invoice.type_ ==
                     "Proforma" else "Acquit")
        p.drawString(490, x_foot, "Fournisseur")
        # Sauvegarde de la page
        # Création du watermark
        watermark = PdfFileReader(file(TMP_FILE, "rb"))
        # Création page_initiale+watermark
        # Création de la nouvelle page
    # Nouveau pdf
    file_dest = filename + ".pdf"
        outputStream = file(file_dest, u"wb")
        return file_dest
    except OSError as e:
        from Common.ui.util import raise_error
        raise_error(u"Impossible de lancer le PDF", """
                    Car un autre en cours d'utilistation. Kill le \n{}""".format(e))
