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Python Person.descendence方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中models.Person.descendence方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Person.descendence方法的具体用法?Python Person.descendence怎么用?Python Person.descendence使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在models.Person的用法示例。


示例1: PersonTest

# 需要导入模块: from models import Person [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Person import descendence [as 别名]

        self.other_son.born_in = self.d
        self.other_son.family = self.ff

    def test_family_leader_patriarchal(self):
        Must return the correct family leader based patriarchal configured
        self.son.family = self.ff
        self.assertEqual(self.son.family_leader(), self.father)

    def test_family_leader_matriarchal(self):
        Must return the correct family leader based matriarchal configured
        self.son.family = self.mf
        self.assertEqual(self.son.family_leader(), self.mother)

    def test_family_leader_not_defined(self):
        Must return a None object when the leadership is not defined.
        self.son.family = self.mf
        self.son.family.leadership = None

    def test_is_alive_not_defined(self):
        Tests the return value when a Person hasn't defined a born date nor a
        deceased date.
        self.son.born_in = None

    def test_is_alive_not_alive(self):
        Tests the return value when a Person is dead, based on the object
        self.son.born_in = self.d
        self.son.deceased_in = self.d

    def test_is_alive_alive(self):
        Tests the return value when a Person is dead, based on the object
        self.son.born_in = self.d

    def test_brothers(self):
        Tests the ``brothers()`` method to validate that returns other
        :model:`family.Person` instances related by parents, but not the
        current object.
        self.assertTrue(self not in self.son.brothers())

    def test_parents(self):
        Tests the ``parents()`` method to validate that returns other
        :model:`family.Person` instances related to the current one as parents.
        parents = self.son.parents()
        self.assertEqual(2, len(parents))
        self.assertTrue(self.son.father in parents)
        self.assertTrue(self.son.mother in parents)

    def test_descendence_invalid(self):
        Tests the ``descendence()`` method to validate that raises an exception
        if current instance has not sex value defined.
        self.father.sex = None
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.father.descendence)

    def test_father_descendence(self):
        Tests the ``descendence()`` method to validate that returns other
        :model:`family.Person` instances related to the current one as
        father's descendence.
        d = self.father.descendence()
        self.assertEqual(2, len(d))
        self.assertTrue(self.son in d)
        self.assertTrue(self.other_son in d)

    def test_mother_descendence(self):
        Tests the ``descendence()`` method to validate that returns other
        :model:`family.Person` instances related to the current one as
        mother's descendence.
        d = self.mother.descendence()
        self.assertEqual(2, len(d))
        self.assertTrue(self.son in d)
        self.assertTrue(self.other_son in d)
