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Python Job.site方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中models.Job.site方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Job.site方法的具体用法?Python Job.site怎么用?Python Job.site使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在models.Job的用法示例。


示例1: new_job

# 需要导入模块: from models import Job [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Job import site [as 别名]
def new_job():
    if not g.site.domain == g.user:

    j = Job()
    if request.method == "POST":
        portfolio = Portfolio.objects.get(site=g.site.domain)
        job_name = request.form.get("name")
        slugs = [__j.slug for __j in Job.objects.filter(site=g.site.domain)]
        counter = 1
        slug = slugify(job_name)
        __slug = slug
        while __slug in slugs:
            counter += 1
            __slug = "%s_%d" % (slug, counter)
        j.slug = __slug
        j.name = job_name
        j.site = g.site.domain
        j.categories = [ c.strip() for c in request.form.get("categories").split(",") ]
        j.intro = request.form.get("intro")
        j.description = request.form.get("description")
        j.slides = []
        texts = request.form.getlist("text")
        image_urls = request.form.getlist("image_url")
        captions = request.form.getlist("caption")
        caption_links = request.form.getlist("caption_link")
        for text, image_url, caption, caption_link in zip(texts, image_urls, captions, caption_links):
            if text or image_url:
                j.slides.append(Slide(text=text, image_url=image_url, caption=caption, caption_link=caption_link))
        return redirect(url_for(".job", slug=j.slug))
    return render_template("edit_job.html", job=j)

示例2: post

# 需要导入模块: from models import Job [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Job import site [as 别名]
    def post(self):
        # Clear database of previous results

        job = cgi.escape(self.request.get("job"))
        location = cgi.escape(self.request.get("location"))

        #example query, defaults to searching for a Software Engineer in San Jose
        if len(location) < 1:
            location = "San Jose, CA"
        if len(job) < 1:
            job = "Software Engineer"

        #variables using user's query that are used to search indeed & dice

        indeed_job = job.replace(" ", "+")
        indeed_loc = location.replace(" ", "+")
        indeed_loc = indeed_loc.replace(",", "%2C")

        dice_job = job.replace(" ", "+")
        dice_loc = location.replace(" ", "+")
        dice_loc = dice_loc.replace(",", "%2C")

        #base indeed & dice url where user inputs are added
        indeed_url = "http://www.indeed.com/jobs?q=%s&l=%s" % (indeed_job, indeed_loc)
        dice_url = "https://www.dice.com/jobs?q=%s&l=%s" % (dice_job, dice_loc)

        #initialize beautiful soup object for indeed and dice
        indeed = urlopen(indeed_url)
        indeed_soup = BeautifulSoup(indeed, "html.parser")

        dice = urlopen(dice_url)
        dice_soup = BeautifulSoup(dice, "html.parser")

        # INDEED Parsing
        #check for errors in indeed query
        bad_query = indeed_soup.find_all("div", {"class": "bad_query"})
        invalid_location = indeed_soup.find_all("div", {"class": "invalid_location"})

        #if there are no errors parse info from Indeed
        #Title of job, title of company, location of job, description of job, link for job
        if len(bad_query) == 0 and len(invalid_location) == 0:
            titles = indeed_soup.find_all("a", {"data-tn-element": "jobTitle"})
            companies = indeed_soup.findAll("span", {"class", "company"})
            loc = indeed_soup.find_all("span", {"class": "location"})
            desc = indeed_soup.find_all("span", {"class": "summary"})
            # jobURLS = indeed_soup.find_all("a", {"class": "jobtitle"})
            jobURLS = indeed_soup.find_all("a", {"class": "turnstileLink"})

            #add all job info to i_job
            for t, c, l, d, h in zip(titles, companies, loc, desc, jobURLS):
                print t
                if t:
                    i_job = Job()
                    i_job.title = t.get_text().strip()
                    i_job.company = c.get_text().strip()
                    i_job.location = l.get_text().strip()
                    i_job.description = d.get_text().encode("utf8").strip()
                    i_job.href = h.get("href")
                    i_job.site = "indeed"

            # DICE Parsing
            # parse info into dice_jobs and locations
            dice_jobs = dice_soup.findAll('div', {'class': 'serp-result-content'})

            locations = dice_soup.find_all("li", {"class": "location"})
            # diceJobURLS = dice_soup.find_all("a", {"class": "dice-btn-link"})
            for job, loc in zip(dice_jobs, locations):
                d_job = Job()
                exists = job.find("a", {"class": "dice-btn-link"}).get("title")
                if exists: #if everything exists.. add job info from Dice into d_job
                    d_job = Job()
                    d_job.title = job.find("a", {"class": "dice-btn-link"}).get("title").strip()
                    d_job.company = job.find("li", {"class": "employer"}).get_text().strip()
                    desc = job.find("div", {"class": "shortdesc"}).get_text().encode("utf8")
                    d_job.description = str(desc).strip()
                    d_job.location = loc.get_text()
                    d_job.href = job.find("a", {"class": "dice-btn-link"}).get('href')
                    d_job.site = "dice"
                    # Store to database

            print("Bad search query. Please check your spelling") #error handling.  If theres a bad query for either indeed or dice print an error

        # Query database for new jobs
        d_jobs = Job.query(Job.site == "dice").fetch()
        i_jobs = Job.query(Job.site == "indeed").fetch()
        self.response.out.write(template.render('views/index.html', {'d_jobs': d_jobs, 'i_jobs': i_jobs}))
