本文整理汇总了Python中models.Feed.get方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Feed.get方法的具体用法?Python Feed.get怎么用?Python Feed.get使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类models.Feed
示例1: feed_update
# 需要导入模块: from models import Feed [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Feed import get [as 别名]
def feed_update(id=None):
# Manual update of one or all feeds now
if request.json['action'] == 'refresh':
# Call refresh routine
# TODO: RSS worker functions in separate package
# TODO: Need to capture return status
if id is None:
rss_spawn() # Update all feeds
feed = Feed.get(Feed.id == id)
except Feed.DoesNotExist:
return jsonify(**FEED_NOT_FOUND)
rss_worker(feed) # Update single feed
# return JSON status OK
return jsonify(**STATUS_OK)
# Mark one or all feeds read
elif request.json['action'] == 'markread':
if id is None:
# Mark all posts read
query = Post.update(is_read=True)
# Mark posts in current feed read
query = Post.update(is_read=True).where(Feed.id == id)
# return JSON status OK
return jsonify(**STATUS_OK)
示例2: feed
# 需要导入模块: from models import Feed [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Feed import get [as 别名]
def feed(id=None):
# Get feed number <id>
feed = Feed.get(Feed.id == id)
except Feed.DoesNotExist:
return jsonify(**FEED_NOT_FOUND)
# populate Category tree
(categories, feeds) = loadTree()
# Get posts in decreasing date order
posts = Post.select().join(Feed).where(Feed.id == id).order_by(Post.published.desc()).paginate(1, 50)
# Create human-readable datestamps for posts
datestamps = loadDates(posts)
# Select return format on requested content-type?
if request.json is None:
# Render feed page template
return render_template("feed.html",
# Return JSON here for client-side formatting?
return jsonify(response=[dict(feed=feed, posts=posts)])
示例3: getFavicon
# 需要导入模块: from models import Feed [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Feed import get [as 别名]
def getFavicon(feed_id):
# Favicon HTTP content types
favicon_types = ["image/vnd.microsoft.icon", "image/x-icon"]
feed = Feed.get(Feed.id == feed_id)
url = feed.url
u = urlparse(url)
favicon_url = 'http://' + u.netloc + '/favicon.ico'
log.info("getFavicon: Looking for favicon at %s", favicon_url)
r = requests.get(favicon_url, stream=True, timeout=5)
content_type = r.headers.get('content-type')
if r.status_code == requests.codes.ok and content_type in favicon_types: # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
log.info("getFavicon: returned from urllib, content-type %s", content_type)
return None
except Exception:
return None
log.info("Favicon %s status: %s", str(feed_id), str(r.status_code))
favicon_path = '{0}favicon_{1}.ico'.format(ICONS_PATH, str(feed_id)) # Full file path to favicon
favicon_file = 'favicon_{0}.ico'.format(str(feed_id)) # favicon filename
with open(favicon_path, 'wb') as fav:
shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, fav)
del r
# Return filename of favicon
return favicon_file
示例4: add_feed
# 需要导入模块: from models import Feed [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Feed import get [as 别名]
def add_feed(self, url, site_url = None, title = None, group = None):
"""Add a feed to the database"""
# existing feed?
f = Feed.get(Feed.url == url)
except Feed.DoesNotExist:
f = Feed.create(url = url, title=title, site_url=site_url)
return f
示例5: fetch_feeds
# 需要导入模块: from models import Feed [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Feed import get [as 别名]
def fetch_feeds(request):
feed_key = request.POST.get('feed_key', None)
if feed_key is None:
logging.error('missing parameter')
raise TypeError('missing parameter')
feed = Feed.get(feed_key)
if feed is None:
logging.error('Feed object not found: %s', feed_key)
raise TypeError('Feed object not found')
parser = feedparser.parse(feed.url)
# check if feed exists
if hasattr(feed, 'bozo_exception'):
feed.is_valid = False
logging.warn('Invalid feed: %s;;%s', feed.id, feed.url)
# setup feed title if does not exist
if not feed.title:
feed.title = parser.feed.title
rd = ReadyData.gql("WHERE data_type = :1 AND owner = :2 LIMIT 1",
'feed', feed.owner).get()
if rd is None:
rd = ReadyData(owner=feed.owner, data_type='feed')
rd.content = ''
for e in parser['entries']:
# TODO - check the date
article = '<h1>%(title)s</h1>' % e
for content in e['content']:
article += content['value']
rd.content += article
rd.merged += 1
params = {'ready_data_key': rd.key()}
taskqueue.add(url=reverse('fetcher-send'), params=params)
return True