本文整理汇总了Python中models.Course.put方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Course.put方法的具体用法?Python Course.put怎么用?Python Course.put使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类models.Course
示例1: get
# 需要导入模块: from models import Course [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Course import put [as 别名]
def get(self):
from models import *
from google.appengine.ext import db
import re
rx_department = re.compile(r'[A-Z]+')
import csv
reader = csv.DictReader(open('resources/dump.csv'))
for course in reader:
name = course['name']
number = course['number']
description = course['description'][:500]
match = rx_department.match(number)
department = number
if match:
department = match.group(0)
entry = Course(name=name, number=number, description=description, department=department)
for item in ['winter', 'spring', 'fall', 'summer']:
if 1 < len(course[item]):
offering = Offerings(course=entry, offered=item)
except KeyError, e:
示例2: insert_course
# 需要导入模块: from models import Course [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Course import put [as 别名]
def insert_course(dept, num, text):
""" Regexes for extracting class properties; results go into capture group 1 """
# Course Title
m = re.search("[\d\w]{5} - ([\w ]*)", text)
title = m.group(1) if m else "nomatch"
# Course Description
m = re.search("\.\s(.*)\sTypically",text)
des = m.group(1) if m else "nomatch"
# Credit hours aren't fixed for every course
# Credit Hours: 2.00
# Credit Hours: 2.00 or 3.00.
# Credit Hours: 1.00 to 18.00.
m = re.search("Credit Hours: (\d+\.\d+)",text, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
m = re.search("(\d+\.\d+)(.*?)Credit hours",text, flags=re.IGNORECASE) if not m else m
cr = m.group(1) if m else "-1"
# Semesters Offered
m = re.search("Typically offered (.*?)\.", text)
sem = m.group(1).split() if m else ["nomatch"]
# Course Type: Lecture, Recitation, Lab, Seminar, etc.
m = re.search("Schedule Types:\s((?:[\w ]+)(?:,[\w ]+)*) \s+", text)
form = m.group(1).split(", ") if m else ["nomatch"]
# Learning objectives will not necessarily follow campuses
m = re.search("campuses:(\s+([\w\s])+\n)", text)
campus = m.group(1).strip().split("\n\n") if m else ["nomatch"]
campus = [camp.strip() for camp in campus]
# prereq regex and decomosition of prereqs into lists of AND conditions (works for most classes, not 477 and similar)
# re.DOTALL matches all characters, including "\n"
idx = text.find("campuses:")
m = re.search("Prerequisites:(.*)",text[idx:],flags=re.DOTALL)
if m:
allReqs = []
prereqText = m.group(1).strip()
prereqText = prereqText.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
for i in PrereqParser.parseprereq(prereqText):
reqArr = []
for j in i.split():
if j.find("-C") != -1:
j = j.replace("-C","")
allReqs = []
# create course entity
course = Course(number=num, title=title, department=dept, form=form,
description=des, credits=float(cr), semesters=sem,
campuses=campus,requisites=allReqs, id=dept + num)
# store course
示例3: get
# 需要导入模块: from models import Course [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Course import put [as 别名]
def get(self):
#add initial universities
inst = Inst.all().fetch(50)
if len(inst)==0:
new_inst = Inst()
new_inst.name = 'Other'
#add also introductory course
courses = ['Electrical Engineering','Mechanical Engineering','Civil Engineering','Software Engineering','Geospatial Engineering','Business Courses','Accounts','Commerce',
'Economics','Pure Mathematics','Statistics','Info Tech Courses','Computer Science','Computer Technology','Informatics','Computer Security & Forensics','Nursing',
'Medical Laboratory','Biochemestry','Biotechnology','Microbiology','Applied Physics','Industrial Chemistry','Analytical Chemistry','Astronomy & Astrophysics',
'Applied Chemistry','Sociology','Journalism','Counselling Psychology','Forestry','Physical Education']
for c in courses:
course = Course()
course.course = c