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Python Category.objects方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中models.Category.objects方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Category.objects方法的具体用法?Python Category.objects怎么用?Python Category.objects使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在models.Category的用法示例。


示例1: all_list

# 需要导入模块: from models import Category [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Category import objects [as 别名]
def all_list(request):
    """.. :py:method::
    domains_list = []
    domain_list = Domain.objects().all()
    for do in domain_list:
    title = u'各主机文章数量'
    per_dict = {}
    domains = Domain.objects().all()
    article_all = Article.objects().count()
    for domain in domains:
        categories = Category.objects(belong_Domain=domain).all()
        domain_count = 0
        for cate in categories:
            article_num = Article.objects(belong_cate=cate).count()
            domain_count = domain_count + article_num
        per_dict[domain.name] = float(u"%.2f" % (float(domain_count)/article_all))
    per_dict = OrderedDict(sorted(per_dict.items(), key=lambda t: t[1]))
    return render_to_response('webanan_list.html',{
        'title': title,

示例2: sec_list

# 需要导入模块: from models import Category [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Category import objects [as 别名]
def sec_list(request,domain=None):
    """.. :py:method::
    domains_list = []
    domain_list = Domain.objects().all()
    for do in domain_list:
    title = u'{}分类文章数量'.format(domain)
    per_dict = {}
    domain_obj = Domain.objects(name=domain).first()
    if domain_obj:
        categories = Category.objects(belong_Domain=domain_obj).all()
        article_all = 0
        for cate in categories:
            article_all = article_all + Article.objects(belong_cate=cate).count()
        for cate in categories:
            article_num = Article.objects(belong_cate=cate).count()
            per_dict[cate.name] = float(u"%.2f" % (float(article_num)/article_all))
        per_dict = OrderedDict(sorted(per_dict.items(), key=lambda t: t[1]))
        raise Http404
    return render_to_response('webanan_list.html',{
                'title': title,

示例3: category

# 需要导入模块: from models import Category [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Category import objects [as 别名]
def category(slug):
    """ Category page controller """
    category = Category.objects().filter_by(slug=slug).first()
    if not post:
    paginator = paginate(request, Post.objects().filter_by(is_published=True, 

    return {'category': category, 'paginator': paginator}

示例4: post

# 需要导入模块: from models import Category [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Category import objects [as 别名]
	def post(self):
		content = self.get_argument('content')
		category = Category.objects(name=self.get_argument('category')).first()
		print category
			TodoItem(content=content, category=category).save()
		except Exception, e:
			return self.write(json.dumps({'stat':'error'}))

示例5: crawl_category

# 需要导入模块: from models import Category [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Category import objects [as 别名]
    def crawl_category(self, ctx='', **kwargs):
        res = requests.get(HOST)
        tree = lxml.html.fromstring(res.content)
        dept_nodes = tree.cssselect('div#top-navigation ul.navigation li.menu-item a')
        for dept_node in dept_nodes:
            key = dept_node.text.strip()
            if 'brand' in key.lower():

            combine_url = dept_node.get('href')
            match = re.search(r'https?://.+', combine_url)
            if not match:
                combine_url = '%s%s' % (HOST, combine_url)

            r = requests.get(combine_url)
            t = lxml.html.fromstring(r.content)
            pagesize_node = None
            link_nodes = t.cssselect('div.atg_store_filter ul.atg_store_pager li')
            for link_node in link_nodes:
                if link_node.get('class') and 'nextLink' in link_node.get('class'):
                pagesize_node = link_node

            pagesize = int(pagesize_node.cssselect('a')[0].text.strip()) if pagesize_node else 1

            is_new = False; is_updated = False
            category = Category.objects(key=key).first()

            if not category:
                is_new = True
                category = Category(key=key)
                category.is_leaf = True

            if combine_url and combine_url != category.combine_url:
                category.combine_url = combine_url
                is_updated = True

            if pagesize and pagesize != category.pagesize:
                category.pagesize = pagesize
                is_updated = True

            category.hit_time = datetime.utcnow()
            print category.key; print category.cats; print category.pagesize; print category.combine_url; print is_new; print is_updated; print;

            common_saved.send(sender=ctx, obj_type='Category', key=category.key, url=category.combine_url, \
                is_new=is_new, is_updated=((not is_new) and is_updated) )

示例6: crawl_listing

# 需要导入模块: from models import Category [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Category import objects [as 别名]
    def crawl_listing(self, url, ctx='', **kwargs):
        res = requests.get(url)
        tree = lxml.html.fromstring(res.content)

        category = Category.objects(key=kwargs.get('key')).first()
        if not category:
            common_failed.send(sender=ctx, url=url, reason='category %s not found in db' % kwargs.get('key'))

        product_nodes = tree.cssselect('div#searchResults a')
        for product_node in product_nodes:
            price = None; listprice = None
            price = product_node.cssselect('.price-6pm')[0].text
            listprice_node = product_node.cssselect('.discount')
            listprice = ''.join(listprice_node[0].xpath('text()')) if listprice_node else None

            # eliminate products of no discountIndexError:
            if price is None or listprice is None:
                # common_failed.send(sender=ctx, url=url, \
                #     reason='listing product %s.%s cannot crawl price info -> %s / %s' % (key, title, price, listprice))

            key = product_node.get('data-product-id')
            if not key:
                common_failed.send(sender=ctx, url=url, reason='listing product has no key')

            combine_url = product_node.get('href')
            key = '%s_%s' % (key, combine_url.split('/')[-1])
            match = re.search(r'https?://.+', combine_url)
            if not match:
                combine_url = '%s%s' % (HOST, combine_url)

            brand = product_node.cssselect('.brandName')[0].text.strip()
            title = product_node.cssselect('.productName')[0].text.strip()

            is_new = False; is_updated = False
            product = Product.objects(key=key).first()
            if not product:
                is_new = True
                product = Product(key=key)
                product.updated = False
                product.event_type = False

            if title and title != product.title:
                product.title = title
                is_updated = True

            if brand and brand != product.brand:
                product.brand = brand
                is_updated = True

            if combine_url and combine_url != product.combine_url:
                product.combine_url = combine_url
                is_updated = True

            if price and price != product.price:
                product.price = price
                is_updated = True

            if listprice and listprice != product.listprice:
                product.listprice = listprice
                is_updated = True

            if category.cats and set(category.cats).difference(product.dept):
                product.dept = list(set(category.cats) | set(product.dept or []))
                is_updated = True

            if category.key not in product.category_key:
                is_updated = True

            if is_updated:
                product.list_update_time = datetime.utcnow()
            # To pick the product which fit our needs, such as a certain discount, brand, dept etc.
            selected = Picker(site='6pm').pick(product)
            if not selected:

            product.hit_time = datetime.utcnow()

            common_saved.send(sender=ctx, obj_type='Product', key=product.key, url=product.combine_url, \
                is_new=is_new, is_updated=((not is_new) and is_updated) )

            print product.key; print product.brand; print product.title; \
            print product.price, ' / ', product.listprice; print product.combine_url; \
            print product.dept; print

        # Go to the next page to keep on crawling.
        next_page = None
        page_node = tree.cssselect('div.pagination')
        if not page_node:

        last_node =page_node[0].cssselect('.last')
        if last_node:

示例7: Server

# 需要导入模块: from models import Category [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Category import objects [as 别名]
        print product.updated

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # import zerorpc
    # from settings import CRAWLER_PORT
    # server = zerorpc.Server(Server())
    # server.bind('tcp://{0}'.format(CRAWLER_PORT))
    # server.run()

    s = Server()
    # s.crawl_category()

    counter = 0
    categories = Category.objects()
    for category in categories:
        counter += 1
        print '~~~~~~~~~~', counter
        print category.cats
        print category.combine_url; print
        s.crawl_listing(category.combine_url, **{'key': category.key})

    # for product in Product.objects(updated=False):
    #     print product.combine_url
    #     try:
    #         s.crawl_product(product.combine_url, **{'key': product.key})
    #     except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
    #         continue
    #     except:
    #         print traceback.format_exc()

示例8: wrapper

# 需要导入模块: from models import Category [as 别名]
# 或者: from models.Category import objects [as 别名]
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
     output = func(*args, **kwargs)
     if not isinstance(output, dict):
         return output
     output.update({'categories': Category.objects().all()})
     return output
