本文整理汇总了Python中model.connect函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python connect函数的具体用法?Python connect怎么用?Python connect使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: show_user
def show_user():
user_id = request.args.get("id")
user = model.get_user_by_id(user_id)
# user_profile = model.user_name.get_posts()
return render_template("user_profile.html", user= user)
示例2: write_all_user_predictions_to_sql
def write_all_user_predictions_to_sql():
# user_index_to_id, movie_id_to_index = load_json_indexes()
# user_id_to_index = load_user_id_to_index_index()
session = model.connect()
existing_ratings = get_existing_ratings_from_file()
for user_index in xrange(70000): #fixme
write_one_user_prediction_to_sql(user_index, session, existing_ratings)
示例3: start
def start():
u = Updater( model.connect() )
示例4: load_demographics
def load_demographics():
with open('seed_data/SlimmerData_Consolidated.csv', 'rU') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect='excel')
for row in reader:
print "row:", row
# row = troubleshooting. If issue, see where.
demo_obj = model.Demographic()
demo_obj.zipcode = row[0]
demo_obj.popdensity = float(row[1])
demo_obj.pctemployed = float(row[2])
demo_obj.pctmnf = float(row[3])
demo_obj.pctlogistics = float(row[4])
demo_obj.pctit = float(row[5])
demo_obj.pctprof = float(row[6])
demo_obj.hhincq10 = int(row[7])
demo_obj.hhincq30 = int(row[8])
demo_obj.hhincq50 = int(row[9])
demo_obj.hhincq70 = int(row[10])
demo_obj.hhincq90 = int(row[11])
demo_obj.hhincq95 = int(row[12])
demo_obj.pctheatelec = float(row[13])
print "Error for row data:", row
f = open('log_file.txt','a')
f.write("\nError. Failure for row:"+str(row))
示例5: load_geographics
def load_geographics():
with open('seed_data/zip_code_database.csv', 'rb') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect='excel')
for row in reader:
print ("row:", row)
# row = troubleshooting. If issue, see where.
geo_obj = model.Geographic()
geo_obj.zipcode = row[0]
geo_obj.type_addy = row[1]
geo_obj.primary_city = row[2]
geo_obj.acceptable_cities = row[3]
geo_obj.unacceptable_cities = row[4]
geo_obj.state = row[5]
geo_obj.county = row[6]
geo_obj.timezone = row[7]
geo_obj.area_codes = row[8]
geo_obj.latitude = float(row[9])
geo_obj.longitude = float(row[10])
geo_obj.world_region = row[11]
geo_obj.country = row[12]
geo_obj.decommissioned = row[13]
geo_obj.estimated_population = int(row[14])
geo_obj.notes = row[15]
print "Error for row data:", row
f = open('log_file.txt','a')
f.write("\nError. failure for row:"+str(row))
示例6: query_CAISODemand_hrly_Series
def query_CAISODemand_hrly_Series():
"""specifically gets demand data"""
import os
parentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
import model
s = model.connect()
demand_obj = s.execute('SELECT time_start, mw_demand FROM "HistoricCAISODemands" WHERE caiso_tac=\'CA ISO-TAC\' and time_start between \'2014-01-01 07:00:00.000000\' and \'2015-01-01 00:00:00.000000\' ')
demand_entry = demand_obj.fetchall()
demand_df = DataFrame(demand_entry)
demand_df.columns = ['time_start','mw_demand']
dict_with_datetime_keys = { }
for idx,row in enumerate(demand_df.values):
time_start = row[0]
# check date, since logs show we're missing a few
if check_if_bad_date(time_start)!=True:
# turn dict into a series. will auto-index on dict keys
mw_demand = row[1]
dict_with_datetime_keys[time_start] = mw_demand
return Series(dict_with_datetime_keys)
示例7: query_CAISOProdByFuel_Series
def query_CAISOProdByFuel_Series(ea_fuel):
import os
parentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
import model
s = model.connect()
ea_fuel_obj = s.execute('SELECT time_start, fuel_type, mw_gen FROM "HistoricCAISOProdByFuels" WHERE fuel_type=\'%s\' and time_start between \'2014-01-01 07:00:00.000000\' and \'2015-01-01 00:00:00.000000\' ' % ea_fuel)
ea_fuel_entry = ea_fuel_obj.fetchall()
ea_fuel_df = DataFrame(ea_fuel_entry)
ea_fuel_df.columns = ['time_start', 'fuel_type', 'mw_gen']
dict_with_datetime_keys = { }
for idx,row in enumerate(ea_fuel_df.values):
time_start = row[0]
# check date, since logs show we're missing a few
if check_if_bad_date(time_start)!=True:
mw_gen = row[2]
dict_with_datetime_keys[time_start] = mw_gen
# turn dict into a series. will auto-index on dict keys
return Series(dict_with_datetime_keys)
示例8: query_CAISONetImports_hrly_Series
def query_CAISONetImports_hrly_Series():
"""specifically gets import data"""
import os
parentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
import model
s = model.connect()
imports_obj = s.execute('SELECT time_start, sum(mw_imports) FROM "HistoricCAISONetImports" where time_start between \'2014-01-01 07:00:00.000000\' and \'2015-01-01 00:00:00.000000\' GROUP BY time_start ')
imports_entry = imports_obj.fetchall()
imports_df = DataFrame(imports_entry)
imports_df.columns = ['time_start','mw_demand']
dict_with_datetime_keys = { }
for idx,row in enumerate(imports_df.values):
time_start = row[0]
# check date, since logs show we're missing a few
if check_if_bad_date(time_start)!=True:
# turn dict into a series. will auto-index on dict keys
mw_imports = row[1]
dict_with_datetime_keys[time_start] = mw_imports
return Series(dict_with_datetime_keys)
示例9: insert_row_db
def insert_row_db(date, hr, adict):
"""imports model, and inserts web scraped data into the db"""
# add parent directory to the path, so can import model.py
# need model in order to update the database when this task is activated by cron
import os
parentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
import model
session = model.connect()
for k,v in adict.items():
fuel_obj = model.HistoricCAISOProdByFuel()
fuel_obj.date = datetime.strptime(date,'%Y%m%d')
fuel_obj.time_start = hr
fuel_obj.fuel_type = k
fuel_obj.mw_gen = v
print fuel_obj
示例10: retrieve_from_db_usa
def retrieve_from_db_usa():
"""imports model, pulls mwh production data from db, and places into pandas df.
Also pulls state for each plant_name, and places into dict."""
# add parent directory to the path, so can import model.py
# need model in order to update the database when this task is activated by cron
import os
parentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
import model
s = model.connect()
# retrive DECEMBER production data, for all turbines at all power plants in California
USA_gen_dec13_obj = s.execute('SELECT plant_name, state, fuel_type, dec_mwh_gen FROM "ProdGensDec2013" ')
USA_gen_dec13_data = USA_gen_dec13_obj.fetchall()
df_dec2013 = DataFrame(USA_gen_dec13_data)
df_dec2013.columns = ['plant_name', 'state', 'fuel_type', 'dec_mwh_gen']
# retrive JAN-NOV 2014 production data, for all turbines at all power plants in USA
USA_gen_2014_obj = s.execute('SELECT plant_name, state, fuel_type, jan_mwh_gen, feb_mwh_gen, mar_mwh_gen, apr_mwh_gen, may_mwh_gen, jun_mwh_gen, jul_mwh_gen, aug_mwh_gen, sep_mwh_gen, oct_mwh_gen, nov_mwh_gen FROM "ProdGens" ')
USA_gen_2014_data = USA_gen_2014_obj.fetchall()
df_2014 = DataFrame(USA_gen_2014_data)
df_2014.columns = ['plant_name', 'state', 'fuel_type', 'jan_mwh_gen', 'feb_mwh_gen', 'mar_mwh_gen', 'apr_mwh_gen', 'may_mwh_gen', 'jun_mwh_gen', 'jul_mwh_gen', 'aug_mwh_gen', 'sep_mwh_gen', 'oct_mwh_gen', 'nov_mwh_gen']
return df_dec2013, df_2014
示例11: insert_row_imports_db
def insert_row_imports_db(date, list_of_dicts):
"""Takes in a list of dicts, with each list item equal to a timepoint. inserts into HistoricCAISODemand"""
# add parent directory to the path, so can import model.py
# need model in order to update the database when this task is activated by cron
import os
parentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
import model
session = model.connect()
from datetime import datetime
for timept_dict in list_of_dicts:
imports_obj = model.HistoricCAISONetImport()
opr_date = timept_dict['opr_date']
imports_obj.date = datetime.strptime(opr_date,'%Y-%m-%d')
imports_obj.time_start = timept_dict['time_start']
imports_obj.time_end = timept_dict['time_end']
imports_obj.resource = (timept_dict['resource']).strip()
imports_obj.mw_imports = float(timept_dict['mw_imports'])
示例12: setServiceParent
def setServiceParent(self, parent):
log.msg("Starting DB Status handler")
self.orig_parent = parent
base.StatusReceiverMultiService.setServiceParent(self, parent)
# Skip doing anything if we're just doing a checkconfig. We don't want to
# potentially change the state of the database on a checkconfig.
if isinstance(parent, checkconfig.ConfigLoader):
# Keep a local reference to the session maker On a buildbot reconfig,
# model.Session will be reset to None, and we might get
# stepStarted/stepFinished notifications while the reconfig is
# happening.
self.Session = model.connect(self.dburl, pool_recycle=60)
# Let our subscribers know about the database connection
# This gives them the opportunity to set up their own tables, etc.
for sub in self.subscribers:
if hasattr(sub, 'databaseConnected'):
log.msg("DBERROR: Couldn't notify subscriber %s of database connection" % sub)
if sys.exc_info()[0] is not sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError:
log.msg("DBERROR: Couldn't connect to database")
示例13: main
def main(session):
# You'll call each of the load_* functions with the session as an argument
# load_users(session) # comment this out when seed users have been loaded
# load_movies(session) # comment this out when seed movies have been loaded
# load_ratings(session) # comment this out when seed ratings have been loaded
if __name__ == "__main__":
s = model.connect()
示例14: __init__
def __init__(self, src_path, output, ext_pool='.pdf', ignore_hidden=True):
self.db = model.connect()
if not os.path.exists(media_path):
self.ext_pool = ext_pool
self.ignore_hidden = ignore_hidden
self.src_path = src_path
self.output = output
self.flag = True
示例15: main
def main():
# You'll call each of the load_* functions with the session as an argument
session = model.connect()
print "user loaded"
print "movies loaded"
print "ratings loaded"