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Python utils.get_url_path函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中mkdocs.utils.get_url_path函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python get_url_path函数的具体用法?Python get_url_path怎么用?Python get_url_path使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: __call__

    def __call__(self, match):
        url = match.groups()[0]
        scheme, netloc, path, query, query, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(url)

        if (scheme or netloc or not utils.is_markdown_file(path)):
            # Ignore URLs unless they are a relative link to a markdown file.
            return 'a href="%s"' % url

        if self.nav:
            # If the site navigation has been provided, then validate
            # the internal hyperlink, making sure the target actually exists.
            target_file = self.nav.file_context.make_absolute(path)
            if target_file not in self.nav.source_files:
                source_file = self.nav.file_context.current_file
                msg = (
                    'The page "%s" contained a hyperlink to "%s" which '
                    'is not listed in the "pages" configuration.'
                assert False, msg % (source_file, target_file)
            path = utils.get_url_path(target_file, self.url_format)
            path = self.nav.url_context.make_relative(path)
            path = utils.get_url_path(path, self.url_format).lstrip('/')

        # Convert the .md hyperlink to a relative hyperlink to the HTML page.
        url = urlparse.urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path, query, query, fragment))
        return 'a href="%s"' % url

示例2: path_to_url

def path_to_url(url, nav):
    scheme, netloc, path, query, query, fragment = urlparse(url)

    if scheme or netloc or not path:
        # Ignore URLs unless they are a relative link to a markdown file.
        return url

    if nav and not utils.is_markdown_file(path):
        path = utils.create_media_urls(nav, [path])[0]
    elif nav:
        # If the site navigation has been provided, then validate
        # the internal hyperlink, making sure the target actually exists.
        target_file = nav.file_context.make_absolute(path)
        if target_file not in nav.source_files:
            source_file = nav.file_context.current_file
            msg = (
                'The page "%s" contained a hyperlink to "%s" which '
                'is not listed in the "pages" configuration.'
            assert False, msg % (source_file, target_file)
        path = utils.get_url_path(target_file, nav.use_directory_urls)
        path = nav.url_context.make_relative(path)
        path = utils.get_url_path(path).lstrip('/')

    # Convert the .md hyperlink to a relative hyperlink to the HTML page.
    url = urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path, query, query, fragment))
    return url

示例3: test_url_path

    def test_url_path(self):
        expected_results = {
            'index.md': '/',
            'api-guide.md': '/api-guide/',
            'api-guide/index.md': '/api-guide/',
            'api-guide/testing.md': '/api-guide/testing/',
        for file_path, expected_url_path in expected_results.items():
            url_path = utils.get_url_path(file_path, 'directory')
            self.assertEqual(url_path, expected_url_path)

        expected_results = {
            'index.md': '/index.html',
            'api-guide.md': '/api-guide/index.html',
            'api-guide/index.md': '/api-guide/index.html',
            'api-guide/testing.md': '/api-guide/testing/index.html',
        for file_path, expected_url_path in expected_results.items():
            url_path = utils.get_url_path(file_path, 'index')
            self.assertEqual(url_path, expected_url_path)

        expected_results = {
            'index.md': '/index.html',
            'api-guide.md': '/api-guide.html',
            'api-guide/index.md': '/api-guide/index.html',
            'api-guide/testing.md': '/api-guide/testing.html',
        for file_path, expected_url_path in expected_results.items():
            url_path = utils.get_url_path(file_path, 'file')
            self.assertEqual(url_path, expected_url_path)

示例4: path_to_url

def path_to_url(url, nav, strict):
    scheme, netloc, path, query, query, fragment = urlparse(url)

    if scheme or netloc or not path:
        # Ignore URLs unless they are a relative link to a markdown file.
        return url

    if nav and not utils.is_markdown_file(path):
        path = utils.create_relative_media_url(nav, path)
    elif nav:
        # If the site navigation has been provided, then validate
        # the internal hyperlink, making sure the target actually exists.
        target_file = nav.file_context.make_absolute(path)
        if target_file not in nav.source_files:
            source_file = nav.file_context.current_file
            msg = (
                'The page "%s" contained a hyperlink to "%s" which '
                'is not listed in the "pages" configuration.'
            ) % (source_file, target_file)

            # In strict mode raise an error at this point.
            if strict:
                raise MarkdownNotFound(msg)
            # Otherwise, when strict mode isn't enabled, print out a warning
            # to the user and leave the URL as it is.
            #return url
        path = utils.get_url_path(target_file, nav.use_directory_urls)
        path = nav.url_context.make_relative(path)
        path = utils.get_url_path(path).lstrip('/')

    # Convert the .md hyperlink to a relative hyperlink to the HTML page.
    url = urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path, query, query, fragment))
    return url

示例5: _generate_site_navigation

def _generate_site_navigation(pages_config, url_context, use_directory_urls=True):
    Returns a list of Page and Header instances that represent the
    top level site navigation.
    nav_items = []
    pages = []
    previous = None

    for config_line in pages_config:
        if isinstance(config_line, str):
            path = config_line
            title, child_title = None, None
        elif len(config_line) in (1, 2, 3):
            # Pad any items that don't exist with 'None'
            padded_config = (list(config_line) + [None, None])[:3]
            path, title, child_title = padded_config
            msg = (
                "Line in 'page' config contained %d items.  "
                "Expected 1, 2 or 3 strings." % len(config_line)
            assert False, msg

        if title is None:
            filename = path.split('/')[0]
            title = filename_to_title(filename)
        if child_title is None and '/' in path:
            filename = path.split('/')[1]
            child_title = filename_to_title(filename)

        url = utils.get_url_path(path, use_directory_urls)

        if not child_title:
            # New top level page.
            page = Page(title=title, url=url, path=path, url_context=url_context)
            if not utils.is_homepage(path):
        elif not nav_items or (nav_items[-1].title != title):
            # New second level page.
            page = Page(title=child_title, url=url, path=path, url_context=url_context)
            header = Header(title=title, children=[page])
            page.ancestors = [header]
            # Additional second level page.
            page = Page(title=child_title, url=url, path=path, url_context=url_context)
            header = nav_items[-1]
            page.ancestors = [header]

        # Add in previous and next information.
        if previous:
            page.previous_page = previous
            previous.next_page = page
        previous = page


    return (nav_items, pages)

示例6: _generate_site_navigation

def _generate_site_navigation(pages_config, url_context, use_directory_urls=True):
    Returns a list of Page and Header instances that represent the
    top level site navigation.
    nav_items = []
    pages = []
    previous = None

    for config_line in pages_config:
        if isinstance(config_line, str):
            path = config_line
            title, child_title = None, None
        elif len(config_line) in (1, 2, 3):
            # Pad any items that don't exist with 'None'
            padded_config = (list(config_line) + [None, None])[:3]
            path, title, child_title = padded_config
            msg = (
                "Line in 'page' config contained %d items.  "
                "Expected 1, 2 or 3 strings." % len(config_line)
            assert False, msg

        url = utils.get_url_path(path, use_directory_urls)

        if not child_title:
            # New top level page.
            page = Page(title=title, url=url, path=path, url_context=url_context)
            if page.title is not None:
                # Page config lines that do not include a title, such as:
                #    - ['index.md']
                # Will not be added to the nav items heiarchy, although they
                # are included in the full list of pages, and have the
                # appropriate 'next'/'prev' links generated.
        elif not nav_items or (nav_items[-1].title != title):
            # New second level page.
            page = Page(title=child_title, url=url, path=path, url_context=url_context)
            header = Header(title=title, children=[page])
            page.ancestors = [header]
            # Additional second level page.
            page = Page(title=child_title, url=url, path=path, url_context=url_context)
            header = nav_items[-1]
            page.ancestors = [header]

        # Add in previous and next information.
        if previous:
            page.previous_page = previous
            previous.next_page = page
        previous = page


    return (nav_items, pages)

示例7: path_to_url

def path_to_url(url, nav, strict):

    scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = (

    if scheme or netloc or not path or AMP_SUBSTITUTE in url:
        # Ignore URLs unless they are a relative link to a markdown file.
        # AMP_SUBSTITUTE is used internally by Markdown only for email,which is
        # not a relative link. As urlparse errors on them, skip explicitly
        return url

    if nav and not utils.is_markdown_file(path):
        path = utils.create_relative_media_url(nav, path)
    elif nav:
        # If the site navigation has been provided, then validate
        # the internal hyperlink, making sure the target actually exists.
        target_file = nav.file_context.make_absolute(path)

        if target_file.startswith(os.path.sep):
            target_file = target_file[1:]

        if target_file not in nav.source_files:
            source_file = nav.file_context.current_file
            msg = (
                'The page "%s" contained a hyperlink to "%s" which '
                'is not listed in the "pages" configuration.'
            ) % (source_file, target_file)

            # In strict mode raise an error at this point.
            if strict:
                raise MarkdownNotFound(msg)
            # Otherwise, when strict mode isn't enabled, log a warning
            # to the user and leave the URL as it is.
            return url
        path = utils.get_url_path(target_file, nav.use_directory_urls)
        path = nav.url_context.make_relative(path)
        path = utils.get_url_path(path).lstrip('/')

    # Convert the .md hyperlink to a relative hyperlink to the HTML page.
    fragments = (scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment)
    url = utils.urlunparse(fragments)
    return url

示例8: test_url_path

 def test_url_path(self):
     expected_results = {
         'index.md': '/',
         'api-guide.md': '/api-guide/',
         'api-guide/index.md': '/api-guide/',
         'api-guide/testing.md': '/api-guide/testing/',
     for file_path, expected_html_path in expected_results.items():
         html_path = utils.get_url_path(file_path)
         self.assertEqual(html_path, expected_html_path)

示例9: _generate_site_navigation

def _generate_site_navigation(pages_config, url_context, use_directory_urls=True):
    Returns a list of Page and Header instances that represent the
    top level site navigation.
    nav_items = []
    pages = []
    previous = None

    for config_line in pages_config:
        if len(config_line) == 2:
            path, title = config_line
            child_title = None
        elif len(config_line) == 3:
            path, title, child_title = config_line
            msg = (
                "Line in 'page' config contained %d items.  "
                "Expected 2 or 3." % len(config_line)
            assert False, msg

        url = utils.get_url_path(path, use_directory_urls)

        if not child_title:
            # New top level page.
            page = Page(title=title, url=url, path=path, url_context=url_context)
        elif not nav_items or (nav_items[-1].title != title):
            # New second level page.
            page = Page(title=child_title, url=url, path=path, url_context=url_context)
            header = Header(title=title, children=[page])
            page.ancestors = [header]
            # Additional second level page.
            page = Page(title=child_title, url=url, path=path, url_context=url_context)
            header = nav_items[-1]
            page.ancestors = [header]

        # Add in previous and next information.
        if previous:
            page.previous_page = previous
            previous.next_page = page
        previous = page


    return (nav_items, pages)

示例10: create_tree

def create_tree(event):
    Processes all the auto-generated API pages for the documentation.

    ### Parameters
        event | <mkdocs.events.PreBuild>

    ### Returns
    # generate a set of autodoc pages
    match = re.match('^tree:(.*)$', event.path)
    if match:
        root = match.group(1)
        path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(config.docs_dir, root))
        base = path[:-(len(root) + 1)]
        pages = []
        for base_path, folder, files in os.walk(path):
            if 'index.md' in files:
                files.insert(0, 'index.md')

            for file in files:
                filepath = os.path.join(base_path, file)
                filepath = filepath.replace('\\', '/')
                if file == 'index.md':
                    title = nav.filename_to_title(os.path.basename(base_path))
                    title = nav.filename_to_title(file)

                base_file_path = filepath[len(base) + 1:].replace('\\', '/')
                url = utils.get_url_path(base_file_path, True)
                page = nav.Page(title=title,

                page.base_path = base_path

                # Add in previous and next information.
                if pages:
                    pages[-1].next_page = page
                    page.previous_page = pages[-1]

        event.pages = pages
        event.consumed = True

示例11: __init__

    def __init__(self, title, path, url_context, config):

        self._title = title
        self.abs_url = utils.get_url_path(path, config['use_directory_urls'])
        self.active = False
        self.url_context = url_context

        # Support SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable for "reproducible" builds.
        # See https://reproducible-builds.org/specs/source-date-epoch/
        if 'SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH' in os.environ:
            self.update_date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
            self.update_date = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

        # Relative and absolute paths to the input markdown file and output html file.
        self.input_path = path
        self.output_path = utils.get_html_path(path)
        self.abs_input_path = os.path.join(config['docs_dir'], self.input_path)
        self.abs_output_path = os.path.join(config['site_dir'], self.output_path)

        self.canonical_url = None
        if config['site_url']:

        self.edit_url = None
        if config['repo_url'] and config['edit_uri']:
            self._set_edit_url(config['repo_url'], config['edit_uri'])

        # Placeholders to be filled in later in the build
        # process when we have access to the config.
        self.markdown = ''
        self.meta = {}
        self.content = None
        self.toc = None

        self.previous_page = None
        self.next_page = None
        self.ancestors = []

示例12: _generate_site_navigation

def _generate_site_navigation(pages_config, url_context, use_directory_urls=True):
    Returns a list of Page and Header instances that represent the
    top level site navigation.
    nav_items = []
    pages = []
    previous = None

    for config_line in pages_config:
        if isinstance(config_line, str):
            path = os.path.normpath(config_line)
            title, child_title = None, None
        elif len(config_line) in (1, 2, 3):
            # Pad any items that don't exist with 'None'
            padded_config = (list(config_line) + [None, None])[:3]
            path, title, child_title = padded_config
            path = os.path.normpath(path)
            msg = (
                "Line in 'page' config contained %d items.  "
                "Expected 1, 2 or 3 strings." % len(config_line)
            raise exceptions.ConfigurationError(msg)

        # If both the title and child_title are None, then we
        # have just been given a path. If that path contains a /
        # then lets automatically nest it.
        if title is None and child_title is None and os.path.sep in path:
            filename = path.split(os.path.sep)[-1]
            child_title = file_to_tile(filename)

        if title is None:
            filename = path.split(os.path.sep)[0]
            title = file_to_tile(filename)

        # If we don't have a child title but the other title is the same, we
        # should be within a section and the child title needs to be inferred
        # from the filename.
        if len(nav_items) and title == nav_items[-1].title == title and child_title is None:
            filename = path.split(os.path.sep)[-1]
            child_title = file_to_tile(filename)

        url = utils.get_url_path(path, use_directory_urls)

        if not child_title:
            # New top level page.
            page = Page(title=title, url=url, path=path, url_context=url_context)
        elif not nav_items or (nav_items[-1].title != title):
            # New second level page.
            page = Page(title=child_title, url=url, path=path, url_context=url_context)
            header = Header(title=title, children=[page])
            page.ancestors = [header]
            # Additional second level page.
            page = Page(title=child_title, url=url, path=path, url_context=url_context)
            header = nav_items[-1]
            page.ancestors = [header]

        # Add in previous and next information.
        if previous:
            page.previous_page = previous
            previous.next_page = page
        previous = page


    return (nav_items, pages)

示例13: __call__

 def __call__(self, match):
     path = match.groups()[0]
     return 'a href="%s"' % utils.get_url_path(path)

示例14: _path_to_page

def _path_to_page(path, title, url_context, use_directory_urls):
    if title is None:
        title = filename_to_title(path.split(os.path.sep)[-1])
    url = utils.get_url_path(path, use_directory_urls)
    return Page(title=title, url=url, path=path,

示例15: build_pages

def build_pages(config, dump_json=False):
    Builds all the pages and writes them into the build directory.
    site_navigation = nav.SiteNavigation(config['pages'], config['use_directory_urls'])
    loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(config['theme_dir'])
    env = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader)
    search_index = search.SearchIndex()

    build_template('404.html', env, config, site_navigation)
    build_template('search.html', env, config, site_navigation)

    nav_pages = []
    for page in site_navigation.walk_pages():
        # Read the input file
        input_path = os.path.join(config['docs_dir'], page.input_path)
        input_content = open(input_path, 'r').read()
        if PY2:
            input_content = input_content.decode('utf-8')

        # Process the markdown text
        html_content, table_of_contents, meta = convert_markdown(
            input_content, site_navigation,
            extensions=config['markdown_extensions'], strict=config['strict']

        context = get_global_context(site_navigation, config)
            page, html_content, site_navigation,
            table_of_contents, meta, config

        # Allow 'template:' override in md source files.
        if 'template' in meta:
            template = env.get_template(meta['template'][0])
            template = env.get_template('base.html')

        if not utils.is_markdown_file(page.input_path):
            template = env.get_template('base_without_toc.html')

        # Render the template.
        output_content = template.render(context)

        # Write the output file.
        output_path = os.path.join(config['site_dir'], page.output_path)
        if dump_json:
            json_context = {
                'content': context['content'],
                'title': context['current_page'].title,
                'url': context['current_page'].abs_url,
                'language': 'en',
            utils.write_file(json.dumps(json_context, indent=4).encode('utf-8'), output_path.replace('.html', '.json'))
            utils.write_file(output_content.encode('utf-8'), output_path)

        search_index.add_entry_from_context(page, html_content, table_of_contents)

    # generate html for other md files
    files = ListFilesByTxt(os.path.join(config['docs_dir']),'.md')
    for mdf in files:
        title = os.path.basename(mdf)
        title = os.path.splitext(title)[0]
        path = os.path.relpath(mdf,config['docs_dir'])
        url = utils.get_url_path(path,config['use_directory_urls'])
        output_path = utils.get_html_path(path)
        if(path in nav_pages):continue
        input_content = open(mdf, 'r').read()
        if PY2:
            input_content = input_content.decode('utf-8')

        # Process the markdown text
        html_content, table_of_contents, meta = convert_markdown(
            input_content, site_navigation,

        context = get_global_context(site_navigation, config)
        page = nav.Page(title=title, url=url,path=path,url_context=site_navigation.url_context)
                    page, html_content, site_navigation,
                    table_of_contents, meta, config

        if 'template' in meta:
            template = env.get_template(meta['template'][0])
            template = env.get_template('base.html')

        if not utils.is_markdown_file(mdf):
            template = env.get_template('base_without_toc.html')

        # Render the template.
        output_content = template.render(context)

        # Write the output file.
        output_path = os.path.join(config['site_dir'], output_path)
