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Python ExtMap.get方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中misc.ExtMap.ExtMap.get方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ExtMap.get方法的具体用法?Python ExtMap.get怎么用?Python ExtMap.get使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在misc.ExtMap.ExtMap的用法示例。


示例1: runFix

# 需要导入模块: from misc.ExtMap import ExtMap [as 别名]
# 或者: from misc.ExtMap.ExtMap import get [as 别名]
def runFix(jobconf, classesObj):

    def fixPng():

    def removeBOM(fpath):
        content = open(fpath, "rb").read()
        if content.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF8):
            console.debug("removing BOM: %s" % filePath)
            open(fpath, "wb").write(content[len(codecs.BOM_UTF8):])

    # - Main ---------------------------------------------------------------

    if not isinstance(jobconf.get("fix-files", False), types.DictType):

    console = Context.console
    classes = classesObj.keys()
    fixsettings = ExtMap(jobconf.get("fix-files"))

    # Fixing JS source files
    console.info("Fixing whitespace in source files...")

    console.info("Fixing files: ", False)
    numClasses = len(classes)
    eolStyle = fixsettings.get("eol-style", "LF")
    tabWidth = fixsettings.get("tab-width", 2)
    for pos, classId in enumerate(classes):
        console.progress(pos+1, numClasses)
        classEntry   = classesObj[classId]
        filePath     = classEntry.path
        fileEncoding = classEntry.encoding
        fileContent  = filetool.read(filePath, fileEncoding)
        # Caveat: as filetool.read already calls any2Unix, converting to LF will
        # not work as the file content appears unchanged to this function
        if eolStyle == "CR":
            fixedContent = textutil.any2Mac(fileContent)
        elif eolStyle == "CRLF":
            fixedContent = textutil.any2Dos(fileContent)
            fixedContent = textutil.any2Unix(fileContent)
        fixedContent = textutil.normalizeWhiteSpace(textutil.removeTrailingSpaces(textutil.tab2Space(fixedContent, tabWidth)))
        if fixedContent != fileContent:
            console.debug("modifying file: %s" % filePath)
            filetool.save(filePath, fixedContent, fileEncoding)
        # this has to go separate, as it requires binary operation


    # Fixing PNG files -- currently just a stub!
    if fixsettings.get("fix-png", False):
        console.info("Fixing PNGs...")


示例2: runPrettyPrinting

# 需要导入模块: from misc.ExtMap import ExtMap [as 别名]
# 或者: from misc.ExtMap.ExtMap import get [as 别名]
    def runPrettyPrinting(self, classesObj):
        if not isinstance(self._job.get("pretty-print", False), types.DictType):

        self._console.info("Pretty-printing code...")
        ppsettings = ExtMap(self._job.get("pretty-print"))  # get the pretty-print config settings

        # init options
        def options(): pass

        # modify according to config
        if 'general/indent-string' in ppsettings:
            options.prettypIndentString = ppsettings.get('general/indent-string')
        if 'comments/block/add' in ppsettings:
            options.prettypCommentsBlockAdd = ppsettings.get('comments/trailing/keep-column')
        if 'comments/trailing/keep-column' in ppsettings:
            options.prettypCommentsTrailingKeepColumn = ppsettings.get('comments/trailing/keep-column')
        if 'comments/trailing/comment-cols' in ppsettings:
            options.prettypCommentsTrailingCommentCols = ppsettings.get('comments/trailing/comment-cols')
        if 'comments/trailing/padding' in ppsettings:
            options.prettypCommentsInlinePadding = ppsettings.get('comments/trailing/padding')
        if 'code/align-with-curlies' in ppsettings:
            options.prettypAlignBlockWithCurlies = ppsettings.get('code/align-with-curlies')
        if 'code/open-curly/newline-before' in ppsettings:
            options.prettypOpenCurlyNewlineBefore = ppsettings.get('code/open-curly/newline-before')
        if 'code/open-curly/indent-before' in ppsettings:
            options.prettypOpenCurlyIndentBefore = ppsettings.get('code/open-curly/indent-before')

        self._console.info("Pretty-printing files: ", False)
        numClasses = len(classesObj)
        for pos, classId in enumerate(classesObj):
            self._console.progress(pos+1, numClasses)
            tree = classesObj[classId].tree()
            result = [u'']
            result = pretty.prettyNode(tree, options, result)
            compiled = u''.join(result)
            filetool.save(self._classes[classId].path, compiled)



示例3: runLogDependencies

# 需要导入模块: from misc.ExtMap import ExtMap [as 别名]
# 或者: from misc.ExtMap.ExtMap import get [as 别名]
def runLogDependencies(jobconf, script):

    # A generator to yield all using dependencies of classes in packages;
    def lookupUsingDeps(packages, includeTransitives, forceFreshDeps=False):

        # has classId been yielded?
        def hasVisibleDeps(classId):
            # judged from the contents of its deps arrays
            load_names = [x.name for x in classDeps["load"]]
            run_names  = [x.name for x in classDeps["run"]]
            return set(load_names).union(run_names).difference(ignored_names)

        for packageId, package in enumerate(packages):
            for classObj in package.classes:
                classId = classObj.id
                classDeps, _ = classObj.getCombinedDeps(script.classesAll, variants, script.jobconfig, projectClassNames=False, force=forceFreshDeps, tree=classObj._tmp_tree)
                ignored_names = [x.name for x in classDeps["ignore"]]
                loads = classDeps["load"]
                runs = classDeps["run"]

                # strip transitive dependencies
                if not includeTransitives:
                    loads1, loads = loads[:], []
                    for dep in loads1:
                        # if the .requestor is different from classId, it must have been
                        # included through a transitive analysis
                        if dep.requestor == classId:

                # project class names
                loads1, loads = loads[:], []
                for dep in loads1:
                    if dep.name not in (x.name for x in loads):
                runs1, runs = runs[:], []
                for dep in runs1:
                    if dep.name not in (x.name for x in runs):

                # yield dependencies
                for dep in loads:
                    if dep.name not in ignored_names:
                        yield (packageId, classId, dep.name, 'load')

                load_names = [x.name for x in loads]
                for dep in runs:
                    if dep.name not in ignored_names and dep.name not in load_names:
                        yield (packageId, classId, dep.name, 'run')

                if not hasVisibleDeps(classId):
                    # yield two empty relations, so that classId is at least visible to consumer
                    yield (packageId, classId, None, 'load')
                    yield (packageId, classId, None, 'run')


    # A generator to yield all used-by dependencies of classes in packages;
    # will report used-by relations of a specific class in sequence
    def lookupUsedByDeps(packages, includeTransitives, forceFreshDeps=False):

        depsMap = {}

        # build up depsMap {"classId" : ("packageId", [<load_deps>,...], [<run_deps>, ...]) }
        for packageId, package in enumerate(packages):
            for classObj in package.classes:
                classId = classObj.id
                if classId not in depsMap:
                    depsMap[classId] = (packageId, [], [])
                classDeps, _ = classObj.getCombinedDeps(script.classesAll, variants, script.jobconfig, projectClassNames=False, force=forceFreshDeps)
                ignored_names = [x.name for x in classDeps["ignore"]]
                loads = classDeps["load"]
                runs  = classDeps["run"]

                # strip transitive dependencies
                if not includeTransitives:
                    loads1, loads = loads[:], []
                    for dep in loads1:
                        # if the .requestor is different from classId, it must be included
                        # through a transitive analysis
                        if dep.requestor == classId:

                # project class names
                loads1, loads = loads[:], []
                for dep in loads1:
                    if dep.name not in (x.name for x in loads):
                runs1, runs = runs[:], []
                for dep in runs1:
                    if dep.name not in (x.name for x in runs):

                # collect dependencies
                for dep in loads:
                    if dep.name not in ignored_names:
                        if dep.name not in depsMap:

示例4: getFeature

# 需要导入模块: from misc.ExtMap import ExtMap [as 别名]
# 或者: from misc.ExtMap.ExtMap import get [as 别名]
 def getFeature(self, feature, default=None):
     dataMap = ExtMap(self._data)
     return dataMap.get(feature, default)

示例5: runCompiled

# 需要导入模块: from misc.ExtMap import ExtMap [as 别名]
# 或者: from misc.ExtMap.ExtMap import get [as 别名]
    def runCompiled(self, script, treeCompiler):

        def getAppName(memo={}):
            if not 'appname' in memo:
                appname = self._job.get("let/APPLICATION")
                if not appname:
                    raise RuntimeError, "Need an application name in config (key let/APPLICATION)"
                    memo['appname'] = appname
            return memo['appname']

        def getOutputFile():
            filePath = compConf.get("paths/file")
            if not filePath:
                filePath = os.path.join("build", "script", getAppName() + ".js")
            return filePath

        def getFileUri(scriptUri):
            appfile = os.path.basename(fileRelPath)
            fileUri = os.path.join(scriptUri, appfile)  # make complete with file name
            fileUri = Path.posifyPath(fileUri)
            return fileUri

        def generateBootScript(bootPackage=""):

            def packagesOfFiles(fileUri, packages):
                # returns list of lists, each containing destination file name of the corresp. part
                # npackages = [['script/gui-0.js'], ['script/gui-1.js'],...]
                npackages = []
                file = os.path.basename(fileUri)
                for packageId in range(len(packages)):
                    packageFileName = self._resolveFileName(file, variants, settings, packageId)
                return npackages

            self._console.info("Generating boot script...")
            bootBlocks = []

            # For resource list
            resourceUri = compConf.get('uris/resource', 'resource')
            resourceUri = Path.posifyPath(resourceUri)

            globalCodes = self.generateGlobalCodes(libs, translationMaps, settings, variants, format, resourceUri, scriptUri)

            filesPackages = packagesOfFiles(fileUri, packages)
            bootBlocks.append(self.generateBootCode(parts, filesPackages, boot, variants, settings, bootPackage, globalCodes, "build", format))

            if format:
                bootContent = "\n\n".join(bootBlocks)
                bootContent = "".join(bootBlocks)

            return bootContent

        def writePackages(compiledPackages, startId=0):
            for packageId, content in enumerate(compiledPackages):
                writePackage(content, startId + packageId)

        def writePackage(content, packageId=""):
            # Construct file name
            resolvedFilePath = self._resolveFileName(filePath, variants, settings, packageId)

            # Save result file
            filetool.save(resolvedFilePath, content)

            if compConf.get("paths/gzip"):
                filetool.gzip(resolvedFilePath, content)

            self._console.debug("Done: %s" % self._computeContentSize(content))


        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------

        if not self._job.get("compile-dist", False):

        packages   = script.packages
        parts      = script.parts
        boot       = script.boot
        variants   = script.variants
        classList  = script.classes

        self._treeCompiler = treeCompiler
        self._classList    = classList

        compConf = ExtMap(self._job.get("compile-dist"))

        # Read in base file name
        fileRelPath = getOutputFile()
        filePath    = self._config.absPath(fileRelPath)

        # Read in uri prefixes
        scriptUri = compConf.get('uris/script', 'script')
        scriptUri = Path.posifyPath(scriptUri)
        fileUri = getFileUri(scriptUri)

        # Read in compiler options
