本文整理汇总了Python中midvatten_utils.returnunicode函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python returnunicode函数的具体用法?Python returnunicode怎么用?Python returnunicode使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_stratigraphy
def test_stratigraphy(self, mock_skippopup, mock_messagebar):
:param mock_skippopup:
:param mock_messagebar:
db_utils.sql_alter_db('''INSERT INTO obs_points (obsid, h_gs, geometry) VALUES ('1', 5, ST_GeomFromText('POINT(633466 711659)', 3006))''')
db_utils.sql_alter_db('''INSERT INTO obs_points (obsid, h_gs, geometry) VALUES ('2', 10, ST_GeomFromText('POINT(6720727 016568)', 3006))''')
db_utils.sql_alter_db('''INSERT INTO obs_points (obsid, h_gs, geometry) VALUES ('3', 20, ST_GeomFromText('POINT(6720728 016569)', 3006))''')
db_utils.sql_alter_db('''INSERT INTO stratigraphy (obsid, stratid, depthtop, depthbot, geology, geoshort, capacity, development) VALUES ('1', 1, 0, 1, 'sand', 'sand', '3', 'j')''')
db_utils.sql_alter_db('''INSERT INTO stratigraphy (obsid, stratid, depthtop, depthbot, geology, geoshort, capacity, development) VALUES ('1', 2, 1, 4.5, 'morän', 'morän', '3', 'j')''')
#print(str(db_utils.sql_load_fr_db('select * from obs_points')))
#print(str(db_utils.sql_load_fr_db('select * from stratigraphy')))
dlg = Stratigraphy(self.iface, self.vlayer, self.ms.settingsdict)
test = utils.anything_to_string_representation(dlg.data)
test_survey = utils.anything_to_string_representation(repr(dlg.data['1']))
test_strata = utils.anything_to_string_representation(utils.returnunicode(dlg.data['1'].strata, keep_containers=True))
assert len(mock_skippopup.mock_calls) == 0
assert len(mock_messagebar.mock_calls) == 0
assert test == """{"1": SURVEY('1', 5.000000, '<QgsPointXY: POINT(633466 711659)>')}"""
assert test_survey == '''"SURVEY('1', 5.000000, '<QgsPointXY: POINT(633466 711659)>')"'''
print("test_strata: " + test_strata)
assert test_strata == '''["strata(1, '3', 'sand', 'sand', 0.000000-1.000000)", "strata(2, '3', 'morän', 'moran', 1.000000-4.500000)"]'''
示例2: get_last_used_quality_instruments
def get_last_used_quality_instruments():
Returns quality instrumentids
:return: A tuple with instrument ids from w_qual_field
sql = "select parameter, unit, instrument, staff, max(date_time) from w_qual_field group by parameter, unit, instrument, staff"
connection_ok, result_dict = utils.get_sql_result_as_dict(sql)
return returnunicode(result_dict, True)
示例3: rpt_lower_left
def rpt_lower_left(self, GeneralData):
rpt = r"""<p style="font-family:'arial'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">"""
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][24]) not in ['','NULL'] and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][25]) not in ['','NULL']:
rpt += utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][24])
rpt += utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][25])
elif utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][24]) not in ['','NULL']:
rpt += utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][24])
elif utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][25]) not in ['','NULL']:
rpt += utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][25])
rpt += r"""</p>"""
return rpt
示例4: rpt_lower_right
def rpt_lower_right(self, statistics,meas_or_level_masl):
if meas_or_level_masl == 'meas':
unit = u' m below toc<br>'
unit = u' m above sea level<br>'
rpt = r"""<p style="font-family:'arial'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">"""
if utils.returnunicode(statistics[2]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(statistics[2]) != '0':
rpt += u'Number of water level measurements: ' + utils.returnunicode(statistics[2]) + u'<br>'
if utils.returnunicode(statistics[0]) != '':
rpt += u'Highest measured water level: ' + utils.returnunicode(statistics[0]) + unit
if utils.returnunicode(statistics[1]) != '':
rpt += u'Median water level: ' + utils.returnunicode(statistics[1]) + unit
if utils.returnunicode(statistics[3]) != '':
rpt += u'Lowest measured water level: ' + utils.returnunicode(statistics[3]) + unit
rpt += r"""</p>"""
return rpt
示例5: rpt_lower_right_sv
def rpt_lower_right_sv(self, statistics,meas_or_level_masl):
if meas_or_level_masl == 'meas':
unit = u' m u rök<br>'
unit = u' m ö h<br>'
rpt = r"""<p style="font-family:'arial'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">"""
if utils.returnunicode(statistics[2]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(statistics[2]) != '0':
rpt += u'Antal nivåmätningar: ' + utils.returnunicode(statistics[2]) + u'<br>'
if utils.returnunicode(statistics[0]) != '':
rpt += u'Högsta uppmätta nivå: ' + utils.returnunicode(statistics[0]) + unit
if utils.returnunicode(statistics[1]) != '':
rpt += u'Medianvärde för nivå: ' + utils.returnunicode(statistics[1]) + unit
if utils.returnunicode(statistics[3]) != '':
rpt += u'Lägsta uppmätta nivå: ' + utils.returnunicode(statistics[3]) + unit
rpt += r"""</p>"""
return rpt
示例6: rpt_upper_right_sv
def rpt_upper_right_sv(self, StratData):
rpt = r"""<p style="font-family:'arial'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">"""
if len(StratData) > 0:
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=17%><P><u>""" + u'nivå (mumy)</P></u></TD>'
rpt += r"""<TD WIDTH=27%><P><u>""" + u'jordart, fullst beskrivn' + '</P></u></TD>'
rpt += r"""<TD WIDTH=17%><P><u>""" + u'huvudfraktion' + '</P></u></TD>'
rpt += r"""<TD WIDTH=5%><P><u>""" + u'vg' + '</P></u></TD>'
rpt += r"""<TD WIDTH=9%><P><u>""" + u'stänger?' + '</P></u></TD>'
rpt += r"""<TD WIDTH=27%><P><u>""" + u'kommentar' + '</P></u></TD></TR>'
for row in StratData:
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=17%><P>"""
rpt += utils.returnunicode(row[2]) + ' - ' + utils.returnunicode(row[3]) + '</P></TD>'
rpt += r"""<TD WIDTH=27%><P>""" + utils.returnunicode(row[4]) + '</P></TD>'
rpt += r"""<TD WIDTH=17%><P>""" + utils.returnunicode(row[5]) + '</P></TD>'
rpt += r"""<TD WIDTH=5%><P>""" + utils.returnunicode(row[6]) + '</P></TD>'
rpt += r"""<TD WIDTH=9%><P>""" + utils.returnunicode(row[7]) + '</P></TD>'
rpt += r"""<TD WIDTH=27%><P>""" + utils.returnunicode(row[8]) + '</P></TD></TR>'
rpt += r"""</p>"""
return rpt
示例7: rpt_upper_right
def rpt_upper_right(self, StratData):
rpt = r"""<p style="font-family:'arial'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">"""
if len(StratData) > 0:
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=15%><P><u>""" + u'level (m b gs)</P></u></TD>'
rpt += r"""<TD WIDTH=27%><P><u>""" + u'geology, full text' + '</P></u></TD>'
rpt += r"""<TD WIDTH=17%><P><u>""" + u'geology, short' + '</P></u></TD>'
rpt += r"""<TD WIDTH=9%><P><u>""" + u'capacity' + '</P></u></TD>'
rpt += r"""<TD WIDTH=13%><P><u>""" + u'development' + '</P></u></TD>'
rpt += r"""<TD WIDTH=21%><P><u>""" + u'comment' + '</P></u></TD></TR>'
for row in StratData:
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=15%><P>"""
rpt += utils.returnunicode(row[2]) + ' - ' + utils.returnunicode(row[3]) + '</P></TD>'
rpt += r"""<TD WIDTH=27%><P>""" + utils.returnunicode(row[4]) + '</P></TD>'
rpt += r"""<TD WIDTH=17%><P>""" + utils.returnunicode(row[5]) + '</P></TD>'
rpt += r"""<TD WIDTH=9%><P>""" + utils.returnunicode(row[6]) + '</P></TD>'
rpt += r"""<TD WIDTH=13%><P>""" + utils.returnunicode(row[7]) + '</P></TD>'
rpt += r"""<TD WIDTH=21%><P>""" + utils.returnunicode(row[8]) + '</P></TD></TR>'
rpt += r"""</p>"""
return rpt
示例8: __init__
def __init__(self,msettings,activelayer):
self.ms = msettings
self.activelayer = activelayer
if self.ms.settingsdict['piper_markers']=='type':
self.get_selected_obstypes()#gets unique plt.plottypes and a plt.plot type dictionary
elif self.ms.settingsdict['piper_markers']=='obsid' or self.ms.settingsdict['piper_markers']=='obsid but no legend':
elif self.ms.settingsdict['piper_markers']=='date_time':
#here is a simple printout (to python console) to let the user see the piper plt.plot data
print """obsid, date_time, type, Cl_meqPl, HCO3_meqPl, SO4_meqPl, Na+K_meqPl, Ca_meqPl, Mg_meqPl"""
for row in self.obsrecarray:
#print ','.join([unicode(col).encode('utf-8') for col in row])
print ','.join([utils.returnunicode(col) for col in row])
print "failed printing piper data..."
示例9: test_stratigraphy_missing_h_gs
def test_stratigraphy_missing_h_gs(self, mock_skippopup, mock_messagebar):
:param mock_skippopup:
:param mock_messagebar:
db_utils.sql_alter_db('''INSERT INTO obs_points (obsid, h_gs, geometry) VALUES ('1', 5, ST_GeomFromText('POINT(633466 711659)', 3006))''')
db_utils.sql_alter_db('''INSERT INTO obs_points (obsid, h_gs, h_toc, geometry) VALUES ('2', NULL, 10, ST_GeomFromText('POINT(6720727 016568)', 3006))''')
db_utils.sql_alter_db('''INSERT INTO obs_points (obsid, geometry) VALUES ('3', ST_GeomFromText('POINT(6720728 016569)', 3006))''')
db_utils.sql_alter_db('''INSERT INTO stratigraphy (obsid, stratid, depthtop, depthbot, geology, geoshort, capacity, development) VALUES ('1', 1, 0, 1, 'sand', 'sand', '3', 'j')''')
db_utils.sql_alter_db('''INSERT INTO stratigraphy (obsid, stratid, depthtop, depthbot, geology, geoshort, capacity, development) VALUES ('1', 2, 1, 4.5, 'morän', 'morän', '3', 'j')''')
db_utils.sql_alter_db('''INSERT INTO stratigraphy (obsid, stratid, depthtop, depthbot, geology, geoshort, capacity, development) VALUES ('2', 1, 0, 1, 'sand', 'sand', '3', 'j')''')
db_utils.sql_alter_db('''INSERT INTO stratigraphy (obsid, stratid, depthtop, depthbot, geology, geoshort, capacity, development) VALUES ('2', 2, 1, 4.5, 'morän', 'morän', '3', 'j')''')
db_utils.sql_alter_db('''INSERT INTO stratigraphy (obsid, stratid, depthtop, depthbot, geology, geoshort, capacity, development) VALUES ('3', 1, 0, 2, 'sand', 'sand', '3', 'j')''')
db_utils.sql_alter_db('''INSERT INTO stratigraphy (obsid, stratid, depthtop, depthbot, geology, geoshort, capacity, development) VALUES ('3', 2, 2, 6, 'morän', 'morän', '3', 'j')''')
dlg = Stratigraphy(self.iface, self.vlayer, self.ms.settingsdict)
test = utils.anything_to_string_representation(dlg.data)
test_survey = utils.anything_to_string_representation(repr(dlg.data['1']))
test_strata = utils.anything_to_string_representation(utils.returnunicode(dlg.data['1'].strata, keep_containers=True))
assert len(mock_skippopup.mock_calls) == 1
assert mock_skippopup.mock_calls == [mock.call('Warning, h_gs is missing. See messagebar.')]
assert mock_messagebar.mock_calls == [mock.call.warning(bar_msg="Obsid 2: using h_gs '' failed, using 'h_toc' instead.", duration=90, log_msg='False'),
mock.call.warning(bar_msg="Obsid 3: using h_gs '' failed, using '-1' instead.", duration=90, log_msg='False')]
print("test: " + test)
assert test == """{"1": SURVEY('1', 5.000000, '<QgsPointXY: POINT(633466 711659)>'), "2": SURVEY('2', 10.000000, '<QgsPointXY: POINT(6720727 16568)>'), "3": SURVEY('3', -1.000000, '<QgsPointXY: POINT(6720728 16569)>')}"""
print("test_survey " + test_survey)
assert test_survey == '''"SURVEY('1', 5.000000, '<QgsPointXY: POINT(633466 711659)>')"'''
print("Test strata " + test_strata)
assert test_strata == '''["strata(1, '3', 'sand', 'sand', 0.000000-1.000000)", "strata(2, '3', 'morän', 'moran', 1.000000-4.500000)"]'''
示例10: rpt_upper_left
def rpt_upper_left(self, GeneralData, CRS='', CRSname=''):
rpt = r"""<p style="font-family:'arial'; font-size:8pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">"""
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][1]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][1]) != 'NULL' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][1]) != utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][0]):
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'original name' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=67%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][1]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][3]) not in ['','NULL']:
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'obs type' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][3]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][4]) not in ['','NULL']:
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'depth (m fr gs to bottom)' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][4]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][17]) not in ['','NULL']:
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'top of casing, toc (masl)' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][17])
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][21]) != '':
rpt += u' (' + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][21]) + ')'
rpt += '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][18]) not in ['','NULL'] and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][18]) != '0' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][18]) != '0.0':
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'distance toc-gs, tocags (mags)' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][18]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][19]) not in ['','NULL']:
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'ground surface level, gs (masl)' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][19])
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][21]) != '':
rpt += u' (' + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][21]) + ')'
rpt += '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][20]) not in ['','NULL']:
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'elevation accuracy (m)' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][20]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][13]) not in ['','NULL']:
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'eastern coordinate' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][13]) + ' (' + CRSname + ', EPSG:' + CRS + ')</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][14]) not in ['','NULL']:
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'northern coordinate' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][14]) + ' (' + CRSname + ', EPSG:' + CRS + ')</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][13]) not in ['','NULL'] and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][14]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][15]) != '':
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'position accuracy' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][15]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][7]) not in ['','NULL']:
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'material' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][7]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][6]) not in ['','NULL']:
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'inner diameter (mm)' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][6]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][5]) not in ['','NULL']:
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'drill stop' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][5]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][8]) not in ['','NULL']:
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'screen type' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][8]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][10]) not in ['','NULL']:
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'drill date' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][10]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][9]) not in ['','NULL']:
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'capacity' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][9]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][2]) not in ['','NULL']:
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'place' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][2]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][23]) not in ['','NULL']:
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'reference' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][23]) + '</TD></TR>'
rpt += r"""</p>"""
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][16]) not in ['','NULL']:
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'source for position' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][16]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][22]) not in ['','NULL']:
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'source for elevation' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][22]) + '</TD></TR>'
return rpt
示例11: rpt_upper_left_sv
def rpt_upper_left_sv(self, GeneralData, CRS='', CRSname=''):
rpt = r"""<p style="font-family:'arial'; font-size:8pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">"""
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][1]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][1]) != 'NULL' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][1]) != utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][0]):
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'originalbenämning' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=67%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][1]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][3]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][3]) != 'NULL':
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'obstyp' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][3]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][4]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][4]) != 'NULL':
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'djup (m fr my t botten)' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][4]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][17]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][17]) != 'NULL':
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'röröverkant (möh)' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][17])
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][21]) != '':
rpt += u' (' + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][21]) + ')'
rpt += '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][18]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][18]) != 'NULL' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][18]) != '0' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][18]) != '0.0':
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'rörövermått (m ö my)' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][18]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][19]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][19]) != 'NULL':
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'markytans nivå, my (möh)' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][19])
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][21]) != '':
rpt += u' (' + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][21]) + ')'
rpt += '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][20]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][20]) != 'NULL':
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'onoggrannhet i höjd, avser rök (m)' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][20]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][13]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][13]) != 'NULL':
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'östlig koordinat' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][13]) + ' (' + CRSname + ', EPSG:' + CRS + ')</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][14]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][14]) != 'NULL':
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'nordlig koordinat' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][14]) + ' (' + CRSname + ', EPSG:' + CRS + ')</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][13]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][13]) != 'NULL' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][14]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][15]) != '':
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'lägesonoggrannhet' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][15]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][7]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][7]) != 'NULL':
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'material' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][7]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][6]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][6]) != 'NULL':
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'innerdiameter (mm)' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][6]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][5]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][5]) != 'NULL':
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'borrningens avslut' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][5]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][8]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][8]) != 'NULL':
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'filter/spets' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][8]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][10]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][10]) != 'NULL':
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'borrningen avslutades' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][10]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][9]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][9]) != 'NULL':
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'kapacitet/vg på spetsnivå' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][9]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][2]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][2]) != 'NULL':
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'fastighet/plats' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][2]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][23]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][23]) != 'NULL':
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'referens' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][23]) + '</TD></TR>'
rpt += r"""</p>"""
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][16]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][16]) != 'NULL':
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'lägesangivelsens ursprung' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][16]) + '</TD></TR>'
if utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][22]) != '' and utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][22]) != 'NULL':
rpt += r"""<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=33%>""" + u'höjdangivelsens ursprung' + r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%>""" + utils.returnunicode(GeneralData[0][22]) + '</TD></TR>'
return rpt
示例12: connection
def connection(self, value):
index = self._connection.findText(utils.returnunicode(value))
if index != -1:
示例13: __init__
def __init__(self, obsid='', settingsdict = {}):
#open connection to report file
reportfolder = os.path.join(QDir.tempPath(), 'midvatten_reports')
if not os.path.exists(reportfolder):
reportpath = os.path.join(reportfolder, "drill_report.html")
logopath = os.path.join(os.sep,os.path.dirname(__file__),"..","about","midvatten_logga.png")
imgpath = os.path.join(os.sep,os.path.dirname(__file__),"..","reports")
f = codecs.open(reportpath, "wb", "utf-8")
#write some initiating html, header and also
rpt = r"""<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />"""
rpt += r"""<head><title>%s General report from Midvatten plugin for QGIS</title></head>"""%obsid
rpt += r"""<html><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=1><TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=15%><h3 style="font-family:'arial';font-size:18pt; font-weight:600">"""
rpt += obsid
if utils.getcurrentlocale() == 'sv_SE':
rpt += ''.join([r'''</h3><img src="''', os.path.join(imgpath, 'for_general_report_sv.png'), r'''" /><br><img src=''', r"""'"""])
#rpt += r"""</h3><img src="for_general_report_sv.png" /><br><img src='"""
rpt += ''.join([r'''</h3><img src="''', os.path.join(imgpath, 'for_general_report.png'), r'''" /><br><img src=''', r"""'"""])
#rpt += r"""</h3><img src="for_general_report.png" /><br><img src='"""
rpt += logopath
if utils.getcurrentlocale() == 'sv_SE':
rpt += u'Allmän information'
rpt += u'General information'
rpt += r"""</B></U></P><TABLE style="font-family:'arial'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;" WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=1><COL WIDTH=43*><COL WIDTH=43*>"""
ConnectionOK, GeneralData = self.GetData(obsid, 'obs_points', 'n')#MacOSX fix1
if ConnectionOK==True:
result2 = (utils.sql_load_fr_db(r"""SELECT srid FROM geometry_columns where f_table_name = 'obs_points'""")[1])[0][0]
CRS = utils.returnunicode(result2) #1st we need crs
result3 = (utils.sql_load_fr_db(r"""SELECT ref_sys_name FROM spatial_ref_sys where srid =""" + CRS)[1])[0][0]
CRSname = utils.returnunicode(result3) # and crs name
if utils.getcurrentlocale() == 'sv_SE':
reportdata_1 = self.rpt_upper_left_sv(GeneralData, CRS, CRSname)
reportdata_1 = self.rpt_upper_left(GeneralData, CRS, CRSname)
rpt = r"""</TABLE></TD><TD WIDTH=50%><P><U><B>"""
if utils.getcurrentlocale() == 'sv_SE':
rpt += u'Lagerföljd'
rpt += u'Stratigraphy'
rpt += r"""</B></U></P><TABLE style="font-family:'arial'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;" WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=1><COL WIDTH=43*><COL WIDTH=43*><COL WIDTH=43*><COL WIDTH=43*><COL WIDTH=43*><COL WIDTH=43*>"""
StratData = self.GetData(obsid, 'stratigraphy', 'n')[1] #MacOSX fix1
if utils.getcurrentlocale() == 'sv_SE':
reportdata_2 = self.rpt_upper_right_sv(StratData)
reportdata_2 = self.rpt_upper_right(StratData)
rpt = r"""</TABLE></TD></TR><TR VALIGN=TOP><TD WIDTH=50%><P><U><B>"""
if utils.getcurrentlocale() == 'sv_SE':
rpt += u'Kommentarer'
rpt += u'Comments'
rpt += r"""</B></U></P>"""
reportdata_3 = self.rpt_lower_left(GeneralData)
rpt = r"""</TD><TD WIDTH=50%><P><U><B>"""
if utils.getcurrentlocale() == 'sv_SE':
rpt += u'Vattennivåer'
rpt += u'Water levels'
rpt += r"""</B></U></P>"""
meas_or_level_masl, statistics = GetStatistics(obsid)#MacOSX fix1
if utils.getcurrentlocale() == 'sv_SE':
reportdata_4 = self.rpt_lower_right_sv(statistics,meas_or_level_masl)
reportdata_4 = self.rpt_lower_right(statistics,meas_or_level_masl)
#print reportpath#debug
示例14: dbpath
def dbpath(self):
return utils.returnunicode(self._dbpath.text())
示例15: dbtype_combobox
def dbtype_combobox(self, value):
index = self._dbtype_combobox.findText(utils.returnunicode(value))
if index != -1: