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Python Messager.info方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中message.Messager.info方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Messager.info方法的具体用法?Python Messager.info怎么用?Python Messager.info使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在message.Messager的用法示例。


示例1: login

# 需要导入模块: from message import Messager [as 别名]
# 或者: from message.Messager import info [as 别名]
def login(user, password):
    if not _is_authenticated(user, password):
        raise InvalidAuthError

    get_session()['user'] = user
    return {}

示例2: _report_timings

# 需要导入模块: from message import Messager [as 别名]
# 或者: from message.Messager import info [as 别名]
def _report_timings(dbname, start, msg=None):
    delta = datetime.now() - start
    strdelta = str(delta).replace('0:00:0', '')  # take out zero min & hour
    queries = normdb.get_query_count(dbname)
    Messager.info("Processed " + str(queries) + " queries in " + strdelta +
                  (msg if msg is not None else ""))

示例3: json_response

# 需要导入模块: from message import Messager [as 别名]
# 或者: from message.Messager import info [as 别名]
    def json_response(self, response=None):
        if response is None:
            response = {}

        # debugging
        if DEBUG:
            msg_str = ''
            if self.__added:
                msg_str += ('Added the following line(s):\n'
                        + '\n'.join([unicode(a).rstrip() for a in self.__added]))
            if self.__changed:
                changed_strs = []
                for before, after in self.__changed:
                    changed_strs.append('\t%s\n\tInto:\n\t%s' % (unicode(before).rstrip(), unicode(after).rstrip()))
                msg_str += ('Changed the following line(s):\n'
                        + '\n'.join([unicode(a).rstrip() for a in changed_strs]))
            if self.__deleted:
                msg_str += ('Deleted the following line(s):\n'
                        + '\n'.join([unicode(a).rstrip() for a in self.__deleted]))
            if msg_str:
                Messager.info(msg_str, duration=3*len(self))
                Messager.info('No changes made')

        # highlighting
        response['edited'] = []
        # TODO: implement cleanly, e.g. add a highlightid() method to Annotation classes
        for a in self.__added:
            except AttributeError:
                pass # not all implement reference_id()
        for b,a in self.__changed:
            # can't mark "before" since it's stopped existing
            except AttributeError:
                pass # not all implement reference_id()

        # unique, preserve order
        seen = set()
        uniqued = []
        for i in response['edited']:
            s = str(i)
            if s not in seen:
        response['edited'] = uniqued

        #added deleted  by sander naert
        response['deleted'] = []
        for a in self.__deleted:
            except AttributeError:

        return response

示例4: logout

# 需要导入模块: from message import Messager [as 别名]
# 或者: from message.Messager import info [as 别名]
def logout():
        del get_session()['user']
    except KeyError:
        # Already deleted, let it slide
    # TODO: Really send this message?
    return {}

示例5: change_password

# 需要导入模块: from message import Messager [as 别名]
# 或者: from message.Messager import info [as 别名]
def change_password(user, oldpassword, newpassword):
    if isfile('users/' + user):
        with open('users/' + user) as infile:
            encrypter_password = infile.read()
        if encrypter_password == _password_hash(oldpassword):
            with open('users/' + user, 'w') as outfile:
            Messager.info("Password changed!")
            Messager.error('Wrong password!')
        Messager.error("You have to login first!")
    return {}

示例6: register

# 需要导入模块: from message import Messager [as 别名]
# 或者: from message.Messager import info [as 别名]
def register(user, password):
#     import json
#     with open('users.txt') as infile:
#         USER_PASSWORD = json.loads(infile.read())
#     if user in USER_PASSWORD:
#         Messager.info("Registration Failed! The username \"%s\" already exists!!" % user)
#     else:
#         USER_PASSWORD[user] = password
#         with open('users.txt', 'w') as outfile:
#             outfile.write(json.dumps(USER_PASSWORD))
#         ######################
#         if user != 'admin':
#             import os
#             mydatadir = path_join(DATA_DIR, user)
#             if not os.path.isdir(mydatadir):
#                 os.makedirs(mydatadir)
#                 myrobots = path_join(mydatadir, 'acl.conf')
#                 if not os.path.isfile(myrobots):
#                     with open(myrobots, 'w') as myrr:
#                         myrr.write("User-agent: " + user + "\nDisallow:\n\nUser-agent: admin\nDisallow:\n\nUser-agent: *\nDisallow:/\n")
#         ######################
#         Messager.info("Registration Complete! The username is \"%s\"" % user)
#     return {}

    usernames = listdir('users/')
    if user in usernames:
        Messager.info("Registration Failed! The username \"%s\" already exists!!" % user)
        with open('users/' + user, 'w') as outfile:
        if user != 'admin':
            mydatadir = path_join(DATA_DIR, user)
            if not isdir(mydatadir):
                myrobots = path_join(mydatadir, 'acl.conf')
                if not isfile(myrobots):
                    with open(myrobots, 'w') as myrr:
                        myrr.write("User-agent: " + user + "\nDisallow:\n\nUser-agent: admin\nDisallow:\n\nUser-agent: *\nDisallow:/\n")
        Messager.info("Registration Complete! The username is \"%s\"" % user)
    return {}

示例7: get_configs

# 需要导入模块: from message import Messager [as 别名]
# 或者: from message.Messager import info [as 别名]
def get_configs(directory, filename, defaultstr, minconf, sections):
    if (directory, filename) not in get_configs.__cache:
        configstr, source =  __read_first_in_directory_tree(directory, filename)

        if configstr is None:
            # didn't get one; try default dir and fall back to the default
            configstr = __read_or_default(filename, defaultstr)
            if configstr == defaultstr:                
                Messager.info("Project configuration: no configuration file (%s) found, using default." % filename, 5)
                source = "[default]"
                source = filename

        # try to parse what was found, fall back to minimal config
            configs = __parse_configs(configstr, source, sections)        
            Messager.warning("Project configuration: Falling back to minimal default. Configuration is likely wrong.", 5)
            configs = minconf

        get_configs.__cache[(directory, filename)] = configs

    return get_configs.__cache[(directory, filename)]

示例8: json_response

# 需要导入模块: from message import Messager [as 别名]
# 或者: from message.Messager import info [as 别名]
    def json_response(self, response=None):
        if response is None:
            response = {}

        # debugging
        msg_str = ""
        if self.__added:
            msg_str += "Added the following line(s):\n" + "\n".join([unicode(a).rstrip() for a in self.__added])
        if self.__changed:
            changed_strs = []
            for before, after in self.__changed:
                changed_strs.append("\t%s\n\tInto:\n\t%s" % (unicode(before).rstrip(), unicode(after).rstrip()))
            msg_str += "Changed the following line(s):\n" + "\n".join([unicode(a).rstrip() for a in changed_strs])
        if self.__deleted:
            msg_str += "Deleted the following line(s):\n" + "\n".join([unicode(a).rstrip() for a in self.__deleted])
        if msg_str:
            Messager.info(msg_str, duration=3 * len(self))
            Messager.info("No changes made")

        # highlighting
        response["edited"] = []
        # TODO: implement cleanly, e.g. add a highlightid() method to Annotation classes
        for a in self.__added:
            except AttributeError:
                pass  # not all implement reference_id()
        for b, a in self.__changed:
            # can't mark "before" since it's stopped existing
            except AttributeError:
                pass  # not all implement reference_id()

        return response

示例9: _norm_search_name_attr

# 需要导入模块: from message import Messager [as 别名]
# 或者: from message.Messager import info [as 别名]
def _norm_search_name_attr(database, name, attr,
                           matched, score_by_id, score_by_str,
                           best_score=0, exactmatch=False,
    # helper for norm_search, searches for matches where given name
    # appears either in full or as an approximate substring of a full
    # name (if exactmatch is False) in given DB. If attr is not None,
    # requires its value to appear as an attribute of the entry with
    # the matched name. Updates matched, score_by_id, and
    # score_by_str, returns best_score.

    # If there are no strict substring matches for a given attribute
    # in the simstring DB, we can be sure that no query can succeed,
    # and can fail early.
    # TODO: this would be more effective (as would some other things)
    # if the attributes were in a separate simstring DB from the
    # names.
    if attr is not None:
        utfattr = attr.encode('UTF-8')
        normattr = string_norm_form(utfattr)
        if not simstringdb.ssdb_supstring_exists(normattr, database, 1.0):
            # debugging
            #Messager.info('Early norm search fail on "%s"' % attr)
            return best_score

    if exactmatch:
        # only candidate string is given name
        strs = [name]
        ss_norm_score = {string_norm_form(name): 1.0}
        # expand to substrings using simstring
        # simstring requires UTF-8
        utfname = name.encode('UTF-8')
        normname = string_norm_form(utfname)
        str_scores = simstringdb.ssdb_supstring_lookup(normname, database,
                                                       threshold, True)
        strs = [s[0] for s in str_scores]
        ss_norm_score = dict(str_scores)

        # TODO: recreate this older filter; watch out for which name to use!
#         # filter to strings not already considered
#         strs = [s for s in strs if (normname, s) not in score_by_str]

    # look up IDs
    if attr is None:
        id_names = normdb.ids_by_names(database, strs, False, True)
        id_names = normdb.ids_by_names_attr(database, strs, attr, False, True)

    # sort by simstring (n-gram overlap) score to prioritize likely
    # good hits.
    # TODO: this doesn't seem to be having a very significant effect.
    # consider removing as unnecessary complication (ss_norm_score also).
    id_name_scores = [(i, n, ss_norm_score[string_norm_form(n)])
                      for i, n in id_names]
    id_name_scores.sort(key=lambda a: a[2], reverse=True)
    id_names = [(i, n) for i, n, s in id_name_scores]

    # update matches and scores
    for i, n in id_names:
        if n not in matched:
            matched[n] = set()

        max_cost = MAX_SCORE - best_score + MAX_DIFF_TO_BEST_SCORE + 1
        if (name, n) not in score_by_str:
            # TODO: decide whether to use normalized or unnormalized strings
            # for scoring here.
            #score_by_str[(name, n)] = _norm_score(name, n, max_cost)
            score_by_str[(name, n)] = _norm_score(
                string_norm_form(name), string_norm_form(n), max_cost)
        score = score_by_str[(name, n)]
        best_score = max(score, best_score)

        score_by_id[i] = max(score_by_id.get(i, -1),
                             score_by_str[(name, n)])

        # stop if max count reached
        if len(score_by_id) > MAX_SEARCH_RESULT_NUMBER:
                'Note: more than %d search results, only retrieving top matches' %

    return best_score

示例10: logout

# 需要导入模块: from message import Messager [as 别名]
# 或者: from message.Messager import info [as 别名]
def logout():
    # TODO: Really send this message?
    return {}

示例11: delete_document

# 需要导入模块: from message import Messager [as 别名]
# 或者: from message.Messager import info [as 别名]
def delete_document(collection, document):
    #Messager.info(collection + ' ' + document)

    directory = collection

    if directory is None:
        dir_path = DATA_DIR
        #XXX: These "security" measures can surely be fooled
        if (directory.count('../') or directory == '..'):
            raise InvalidDirError(directory)

        dir_path = real_directory(directory)
    #Messager.info('dir_path: ' + dir_path)

    # Is the directory a directory and are we allowed to write?
    if not isdir(dir_path):
        raise InvalidDirError(dir_path)
    if not access(dir_path, W_OK):
        raise NoWritePermissionError(dir_path)

    from session import get_session
        username = get_session()['user']
    except KeyError:
        username = None
    if username != 'admin':
        if (not username) or username + '/' not in dir_path:
            raise NoWritePermissionError(dir_path)

    base_path = join_path(dir_path, document)
    txt_path = base_path + '.' + TEXT_FILE_SUFFIX
    ann_path = base_path + '.' + JOINED_ANN_FILE_SUFF
    #Messager.info('txt_path: ' + txt_path)
    #Messager.info('ann_path: ' + ann_path)

    if isdir(base_path):
        import shutil
        except Exception as e:
            Messager.error(e, -1)

    # Delete the file
    for path in (txt_path, ann_path):
        #Messager.error("Removing " + path, -1)
        path = abspath(path)
        #Messager.error("Removing " + path, -1)
        if isfile(path):
            except Exception as e:
                Messager.error(e, -1)

    #Messager.error("Document deletion not supported in this version.")
    Messager.info("Document removed!")
    return {}
