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Python utils.import_函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中mdtraj.utils.import_函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python import_函数的具体用法?Python import_怎么用?Python import_使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: __init__

    def __init__(self, filename, mode='r', force_overwrite=True):
        self._closed = True   # is the file currently closed?
        self._mode = mode      # what mode were we opened in
        if StrictVersion(import_('scipy.version').short_version) < StrictVersion('0.12.0'):
            raise ImportError('MDTraj NetCDF support requires scipy>=0.12.0. '
                              'You have %s' % import_('scipy.version').short_version)
        netcdf = import_('scipy.io').netcdf_file

        if mode not in ['r', 'w']:
            raise ValueError("mode must be one of ['r', 'w']")

        if mode == 'w' and not force_overwrite and os.path.exists(filename):
            raise IOError('"%s" already exists' % filename)

        # AMBER uses the NetCDF3 format, with 64 bit encodings, which
        # for scipy.io.netcdf_file is "version=2"
        self._handle = netcdf(filename, mode=mode, version=2)
        self._closed = False

        # self._frame_index is the current frame that we're at in the
        #     file
        # self._needs_initialization indicates whether we need to set the
        #     global properties of the file. This is required before the first
        #     write operation on a new file

        if mode == 'w':
            self._frame_index = 0
            self._needs_initialization = True
        elif mode == 'r':
            self._frame_index = 0
            self._needs_initialization = False
            raise RuntimeError()

示例2: __init__

    def __init__(self, filename, mode='r', force_overwrite=True):
        self._open = False
        self.filename = filename
        self.mode = mode
        if mode == 'w' and not force_overwrite and os.path.exists(filename):
            raise IOError('"%s" already exists' % filename)
        # import tables
        self.tables = import_('tables')

        if mode == 'w':
            print("Warning: The LH5 trajectory format is deprecated.", file=sys.stderr)
            # what frame are we currently reading or writing at?
            self._frame_index = 0
            # do we need to write the header information?
            self._needs_initialization = True
            if not filename.endswith('.lh5'):
                warnings.warn('The .lh5 extension is recommended.')
        elif mode == 'r':
            self._frame_index = 0
            self._needs_initialization = False
            raise ValueError("mode must be one of ['r', 'w']")

        # Compression style of legacy MSMBuilder2 lh5 trajectory format
        compression = self.tables.Filters(
            complib='blosc', shuffle=True, complevel=1)
        self._handle = self._open_file(
            filename, mode=mode, filters=compression)
        self._open = True

示例3: in_units_of

def in_units_of(quantity, units_out, units_in=None):
    """Convert a quantity between unit systems

    quantity : number, np.ndarray, or simtk.unit.Quantity
        quantity can either be a unitted quantity -- i.e. instance of
        simtk.unit.Quantity, or just a bare number or numpy array
    units_out : str
        A string description of the units you want out. This should look
        like "nanometers/picosecondsecond" or "nanometers**3" or whatever
    units_in : str
        If you supply a quantity that's not a simtk.unit.Quantity, you should
        tell me what units it is in. If you don't, i'm just going to echo you
        back your quantity without doing any unit checking.

    >>> in_units_of(1*units.meter**2/units.second, 'nanometers**2/picosecond')  # doctest: +SKIP
    units = import_('simtk.unit')

    if quantity is None:
        return quantity

    if isinstance(quantity, units.Quantity):
        return quantity.value_in_unit(_str_to_unit(units_out))
        if units_in is None:
            return quantity
        united_quantity = units.Quantity(quantity, _str_to_unit(units_in))
        return united_quantity.value_in_unit(_str_to_unit(units_out))

示例4: _find_chains

def _find_chains(bond_list):
    """Given a set of bonds, find unique molecules, with the assumption that
    there are no bonds between separate chains (i.e., only INTRAmolecular
    bonds), which also implies that each atom can be in exactly one chain.
    bond_list : list of (int, int)
        The list of bonds

    chains : list of list of int
        List of atoms in each chain

    This function requires the NetworkX python package.
    nx = import_('networkx')
    chains = []
    bond_list = np.asarray(bond_list)
    molecules = nx.Graph()
    return list(nx.connected_components(molecules))

示例5: to_openmm

    def to_openmm(self):
        """Convert this topology into OpenMM topology

        topology : simtk.openmm.app.Topology
           This topology, as an OpenMM topology
        app = import_('simtk.openmm.app')

        out = app.Topology()
        atom_mapping = {}

        for chain in self.chains:
            c = out.addChain()
            for residue in chain.residues:
                r = out.addResidue(residue.name, c)
                for atom in residue.atoms:
                    a = out.addAtom(atom.name, app.Element.getBySymbol(atom.element.symbol), r)
                    atom_mapping[atom] = a

        for a1, a2 in self.bonds:
            out.addBond(atom_mapping[a1], atom_mapping[a2])

        return out

示例6: from_openmm

    def from_openmm(cls, value):
        """Create a mdtraj topology from an OpenMM topology

        value : simtk.openmm.app.Topology
            An OpenMM topology that you wish to convert to a
            mdtraj topology.
        app = import_('simtk.openmm.app')

        if not isinstance(value, app.Topology):
            raise TypeError('value must be an OpenMM Topology. '
                            'You supplied a %s' % type(value))

        out = cls()
        atom_mapping = {}

        for chain in value.chains():
            c = out.add_chain()
            for residue in chain.residues():
                r = out.add_residue(residue.name, c)
                for atom in residue.atoms():
                    if atom.element is None:
                        element = elem.virtual
                        element = elem.get_by_symbol(atom.element.symbol)
                    a = out.add_atom(atom.name, element, r)
                    atom_mapping[atom] = a

        for a1, a2 in value.bonds():
            out.add_bond(atom_mapping[a1], atom_mapping[a2])

        return out

示例7: entry_point

def entry_point():
    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="subparser_name")
    scriptfiles = {}
    argv = sys.argv[:]
    if len(argv) == 1:

    for scriptname in scripts.__all__:
        # get the name and first sentence of the description from each of the
        # msmbuilder commands
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            script = import_('msmbuilder.scripts.%s' % scriptname)
            scriptparser = getattr(script, 'parser', None)
        scriptfiles[scriptname] = script.__file__

            description = scriptparser.description
            description = scriptparser.parser.description

        # http://stackoverflow.com/a/17124446/1079728
        first_sentence = ' '.join(' '.join(re.split(r'(?<=[.:;])\s', description)[:1]).split())
        subparsers.add_parser(scriptname, help=first_sentence)

    args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:2])        
    sys.argv = argv[1:]
    getattr(scripts, args.subparser_name).entry_point()

示例8: to_dataframe

    def to_dataframe(self):
        """Convert this topology into a pandas dataframe

        atoms : pandas.DataFrame
            The atoms in the topology, represented as a data frame.
        bonds : np.ndarray
            The bonds in this topology, represented as an n_bonds x 2 array
            of the indices of the atoms involved in each bond.
        pd = import_('pandas')
        data = []
        for atom in self.atoms:
            if atom.element is None:
                element_symbol = ""
                element_symbol = atom.element.symbol
            data.append((atom.serial, atom.name, element_symbol,
                         atom.residue.resSeq, atom.residue.name,

        atoms = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["serial", "name", "element",
                                            "resSeq", "resName", "chainID"])

        bonds = np.array([(a.index, b.index) for (a, b) in self.bonds])
        return atoms, bonds

示例9: get_dihedral_connectivity

def get_dihedral_connectivity(ibonds):
    """Given the bonds, get the indices of the atoms defining all the dihedral

    ibonds : np.ndarray, shape=[n_bonds, 2], dtype=int
        n_bonds x 2 array of indices, where each row is the index of two
        atom who participate in a bond.

    idihedrals : np.ndarray, shape[n_dihedrals, 4], dtype=int
        All sets of 4 atoms A,B,C,D such that A is bonded to B, B is bonded
        to C, and C is bonded to D
    nx = import_('networkx')
    graph = nx.from_edgelist(ibonds)
    n_atoms = graph.number_of_nodes()
    idihedrals = []

    # conf : msmbuilder.Trajectory
    #    An msmbuilder trajectory, only the first frame will be used. This
    #    is used purely to make the check for angle(ABC) != 180.

    for a in xrange(n_atoms):
        for b in graph.neighbors(a):
            for c in filter(lambda c: c not in [a, b], graph.neighbors(b)):
                for d in filter(lambda d: d not in [a, b, c], graph.neighbors(c)):
                    idihedrals.append((a, b, c, d))

    return np.array(idihedrals)

示例10: get_angle_connectivity

def get_angle_connectivity(ibonds):
    """Given the bonds, get the indices of the atoms defining all the bond

    ibonds : np.ndarray, shape=[n_bonds, 2], dtype=int
        n_bonds x 2 array of indices, where each row is the index of two
        atom who participate in a bond.

    iangles : np.ndarray, shape[n_angles, 3], dtype=int
        n_angles x 3 array of indices, where each row is the index of three
        atoms m,n,o such that n is bonded to both m and o.
    nx = import_('networkx')
    graph = nx.from_edgelist(ibonds)
    n_atoms = graph.number_of_nodes()
    iangles = []

    for i in xrange(n_atoms):
        for (m, n) in combinations(graph.neighbors(i), 2):
            # so now the there is a bond angle m-i-n
            iangles.append((m, i, n))

    return np.array(iangles)

示例11: _str_to_unit

def _str_to_unit(unit_string):
    """eval() based transformer that extracts a simtk.unit object
    from a string description.

    unit_string : str
        string description of a unit. this may contain expressions with
        multiplication, division, powers, etc.

    >>> type(_str_to_unit('nanometers**2/meters*gigajoules'))
    <class 'simtk.unit.unit.Unit'>
    >>> str(_str_to_unit('nanometers**2/meters*gigajoules'))

    units = import_('simtk.unit')
    # parse the string with the ast, and then run out unit context
    # visitor on it, which will basically change bare names like
    # "nanometers" into "unit.nanometers" and simulataniously check that
    # there's no nefarious stuff in the expression.

    node = _unit_context.visit(ast.parse(unit_string, mode='eval'))
    fixed_node = ast.fix_missing_locations(node)
    output = eval(compile(fixed_node, '<string>', mode='eval'))

    return output

示例12: to_openmm

    def to_openmm(self, traj=None):
        """Convert this topology into OpenMM topology

        traj : MDTraj.Trajectory, optional, default=None
            If specified, use the first frame from this trajectory to
            set the unitcell information in the openmm topology.

        topology : simtk.openmm.app.Topology
           This topology, as an OpenMM topology
        app = import_('simtk.openmm.app')
        mm = import_('simtk.openmm')
        u = import_('simtk.unit')

        out = app.Topology()
        atom_mapping = {}

        for chain in self.chains:
            c = out.addChain()
            for residue in chain.residues:
                r = out.addResidue(residue.name, c)
                for atom in residue.atoms:
                    if atom.element is elem.virtual:
                        element = None
                        element = app.Element.getBySymbol(atom.element.symbol)
                    a = out.addAtom(atom.name, element, r)
                    atom_mapping[atom] = a

        for a1, a2 in self.bonds:
            out.addBond(atom_mapping[a1], atom_mapping[a2])

        if traj is not None:
            angles = traj.unitcell_angles[0]

            if np.linalg.norm(angles - 90.0) > 1E-4:
                raise(ValueError("Unitcell angles must be 90.0 to use "
                                 "in OpenMM topology."))

            box_vectors = mm.Vec3(*traj.unitcell_lengths[0]) * u.nanometer

        return out

示例13: chemical_shifts_shiftx2

def chemical_shifts_shiftx2(trj, pH=5.0, temperature=298.00):
    """Predict chemical shifts of a trajectory using ShiftX2.

    trj : Trajectory
        Trajectory to predict shifts for.
    pH : float, optional, default=5.0
        pH value which gets passed to the ShiftX2 predictor.
    temperature : float, optional, default=298.00
        Temperature which gets passed to the ShiftX2 predictor.

    results : pandas DataFrame
        Dataframe containing results, with index consisting of
        (resSeq, atom_name) pairs and columns for each frame in trj.

    You must have ShiftX2 available on your path; see (http://www.shiftx2.ca/).

    Chemical shift prediction is for PROTEIN atoms; trajectory objects
    with ligands, solvent, ions, or other non-protein components may give

    Please cite the appropriate reference below.

    .. [1] Beomsoo Han, Yifeng Liu, Simon Ginzinger, and David Wishart.
       "SHIFTX2: significantly improved protein chemical shift
       prediction." J. Biomol. NMR, 50, 1 43-57 (2011)
    pd = import_('pandas')
    binary = find_executable(SHIFTX2)
    if binary is None:
        raise OSError('External command not found. Looked for %s in PATH. `chemical_shifts_shiftx2` requires the external program SHIFTX2, available at http://www.shiftx2.ca/' % ', '.join(SHIFTX2))

    results = []
    with enter_temp_directory():
        for i in range(trj.n_frames):
            trj[i].save("./trj%d.pdb" % i)
        cmd = "%s -b 'trj*.pdb' -p %.1f -t %.2f" % (binary, pH, temperature)

        return_flag = os.system(cmd)

        if return_flag != 0:
            raise(IOError("Could not successfully execute command '%s', check your ShiftX2 installation or your input trajectory." % cmd))

        for i in range(trj.n_frames):
            d = pd.read_csv("./trj%d.pdb.cs" % i)
            d.rename(columns={"NUM": "resSeq", "RES": "resName", "ATOMNAME": "name"}, inplace=True)
            d["frame"] = i

    results = pd.concat(results)
    results = results.pivot_table(rows=["resSeq", "name"], cols="frame", values="SHIFT")
    return results

示例14: chemical_shifts_ppm

def chemical_shifts_ppm(trj):
    """Predict chemical shifts of a trajectory using ppm.

    trj : Trajectory
        Trajectory to predict shifts for.

    results : pandas.DataFrame
        Dataframe containing results, with index consisting of
        (resSeq, atom_name) pairs and columns for each frame in trj.

    You must have ppm available on your path; see

    Chemical shift prediction is for PROTEIN atoms; trajectory objects
    with ligands, solvent, ions, or other non-protein components may give

    Please cite the appropriate reference below.

    .. [1] Li, DW, and Bruschweiler, R. "PPM: a side-chain and backbone chemical
       shift predictor for the assessment of protein conformational ensembles."
       J Biomol NMR. 2012 Nov;54(3):257-65.
    pd = import_('pandas')
    binary = find_executable(PPM)

    first_resSeq = trj.top.residue(0).resSeq

    if binary is None:
        raise OSError('External command not found. Looked for %s in PATH. `chemical_shifts_ppm` requires the external program PPM, available at http://spin.ccic.ohio-state.edu/index.php/download/index' % ', '.join(PPM))

    with enter_temp_directory():
        cmd = "%s -pdb trj.pdb -mode detail" % binary

        return_flag = os.system(cmd)

        if return_flag != 0:
            raise(IOError("Could not successfully execute command '%s', check your PPM installation or your input trajectory." % cmd))

        d = pd.read_table("./bb_details.dat", index_col=False, header=None, sep="\s*").drop([3], axis=1)

        d = d.rename(columns={0: "resSeq", 1: "resName", 2: "name"})
        d["resSeq"] += first_resSeq - 1  # Fix bug in PPM that reindexes to 1
        d = d.drop("resName", axis=1)
        d = d.set_index(["resSeq", "name"])
        d.columns = np.arange(trj.n_frames)
        d.columns.name = "frame"

    return d

示例15: mol2_to_dataframes

def mol2_to_dataframes(filename):
    """Convert a GAFF (or sybyl) mol2 file to a pair of pandas dataframes.

    filename : str
        Name of mol2 filename

    atoms_frame : pd.DataFrame
        DataFrame containing atom information
    bonds_frame : pd.DataFrame
        DataFrame containing bond information

    These dataframes may contain force field information as well as the
    information necessary for constructing the coordinates and molecular
    topology.  This function has been tested for GAFF and sybyl-style
    mol2 files but has been primarily tested on GAFF mol2 files.
    This function does NOT accept multi-structure MOL2 files!!!

    See Also
    If you just need the coordinates and bonds, use load_mol2(filename)
    to get a Trajectory object.
    pd = import_('pandas')
    with open(filename) as f:
        data = dict((key, list(grp)) for key, grp in itertools.groupby(f, _parse_mol2_sections))

    # Mol2 can have "status bits" at the end of the bond lines. We don't care
    # about these, but they interfere with using pd_read_table because it looks
    # like one line has too many columns. So we just regex out the offending
    # text.
    status_bit_regex = "BACKBONE|DICT|INTERRES|\|"
    data["@<TRIPOS>BOND\n"] = [re.sub(status_bit_regex, lambda _: "", s)
                               for s in data["@<TRIPOS>BOND\n"]]

    if len(data["@<TRIPOS>BOND\n"]) > 1:
        csv = StringIO()
        bonds_frame = pd.read_table(csv, names=["bond_id", "id0", "id1", "bond_type"],
            index_col=0, header=None, sep="\s*", engine='python')
        bonds_frame = None

    csv = StringIO()
    atoms_frame = pd.read_csv(csv, sep="\s*", engine='python',  header=None)
    ncols = atoms_frame.shape[1]
    names=["serial", "name", "x", "y", "z", "atype", "code", "resName", "charge", "status"]
    atoms_frame.columns = names[:ncols]
    return atoms_frame, bonds_frame
