本文整理汇总了Python中mdtraj.load_frame函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python load_frame函数的具体用法?Python load_frame怎么用?Python load_frame使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: sample_clusters
def sample_clusters(clusterer_dir, features_dir, traj_dir, save_dir, n_samples):
clusters_map = dist_to_means(clusterer_dir, features_dir)
if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir)
#non_palm = get_traj_no_palm(traj_dir)
trajectories = get_trajectory_files(traj_dir)
for cluster in range(0, len(clusters_map.keys())):
for s in range(0, n_samples):
sample = clusters_map[cluster][s]
traj_id = sample[0]
frame = sample[1]
traj = trajectories[traj_id]
top = md.load_frame(traj, index=frame).topology
indices = [a.index for a in top.atoms if str(a.residue)[0:3] != "SOD" and str(a.residue)[0:3] != "CLA" and a.residue.resSeq < 341]
conformation = md.load_frame(traj, index=frame, atom_indices=indices)
conformation.save_pdb("%s/cluster%d_sample%d.pdb" %(save_dir, cluster, s))
new_dir = reimage(save_dir)
示例2: map_drawn_samples
def map_drawn_samples(selected_pairs_by_state, trajectories, top=None):
"""Lookup trajectory frames using pairs of (trajectory, frame) indices.
selected_pairs_by_state : np.ndarray, dtype=int, shape=(n_states, n_samples, 2)
selected_pairs_by_state[state, sample] gives the (trajectory, frame)
index associated with a particular sample from that state.
trajectories : list(md.Trajectory) or list(np.ndarray) or list(filenames)
The trajectories assocated with sequences,
which will be used to extract coordinates of the state centers
from the raw trajectory data. This can also be a list of np.ndarray
objects or filenames. If they are filenames, mdtraj will be used to load
top : md.Topology, optional, default=None
Use this topology object to help mdtraj load filenames
frames_by_state : mdtraj.Trajectory
Output will be a list of trajectories such that frames_by_state[state]
is a trajectory drawn from `state` of length `n_samples`. If trajectories
are numpy arrays, the output will be numpy arrays instead of md.Trajectories
>>> selected_pairs_by_state = hmm.draw_samples(sequences, 3)
>>> samples = map_drawn_samples(selected_pairs_by_state, trajectories)
YOU are responsible for ensuring that selected_pairs_by_state and
trajectories correspond to the same dataset!
See Also
utils.map_drawn_samples : Extract conformations from MD trajectories by index.
ghmm.GaussianFusionHMM.draw_samples : Draw samples from GHMM
ghmm.GaussianFusionHMM.draw_centroids : Draw centroids from GHMM
frames_by_state = []
for state, pairs in enumerate(selected_pairs_by_state):
if isinstance(trajectories[0], str):
import mdtraj as md
if top:
process = lambda x, frame: md.load_frame(x, frame, top=top)
process = lambda x, frame: md.load_frame(x, frame)
process = lambda x, frame: x[frame]
frames = [process(trajectories[trj], frame) for trj, frame in pairs]
try: # If frames are mdtraj Trajectories
state_trj = frames[0][0:0].join(frames) # Get an empty trajectory with correct shape and call the join method on it to merge trajectories
except AttributeError:
state_trj = np.array(frames) # Just a bunch of np arrays
return frames_by_state
示例3: test_load_frame
def test_load_frame():
files = [
if not (on_win and on_py3):
trajectories = [md.load(get_fn(f), top=get_fn("native.pdb")) for f in files]
rand = [np.random.randint(len(t)) for t in trajectories]
frames = [md.load_frame(get_fn(f), index=r, top=get_fn("native.pdb")) for f, r in zip(files, rand)]
for traj, frame, r, f in zip(trajectories, frames, rand, files):
def test():
eq(traj[r].xyz, frame.xyz)
eq(traj[r].unitcell_vectors, frame.unitcell_vectors)
eq(traj[r].time, frame.time, err_msg="%d, %d: %s" % (traj[r].time[0], frame.time[0], f))
test.description = "test_load_frame: %s" % f
yield test
t1 = md.load(get_fn("2EQQ.pdb"))
r = np.random.randint(len(t1))
t2 = md.load_frame(get_fn("2EQQ.pdb"), r)
eq(t1[r].xyz, t2.xyz)
示例4: test_residues_map_num_atoms
def test_residues_map_num_atoms(traj_file_1, traj_file_2, residues, residues_map):
traj_1 = md.load_frame(traj_file_1, index = 0)
traj_2 = md.load_frame(traj_file_2, index = 0)
top1 = traj_1.topology
top2 = traj_2.topology
for residue in residues:
new_residue = residues_map[residue]
atoms = [a.index for a in top1.atoms if a.residue.resSeq == residue and a.residue.is_protein]
len1 = len(atoms)
atoms = [a.index for a in top2.atoms if a.residue.resSeq == new_residue and a.residue.is_protein]
len2 = len(atoms)
if (len1 != len2) or (len1 == len2):
print("Atom number %d %d doesn't match for residue %d" %(len1, len2, residue))
示例5: test_residues_map
def test_residues_map(traj_file_1, traj_file_2, residues, residues_map):
traj_1 = md.load_frame(traj_file_1, index = 0)
traj_2 = md.load_frame(traj_file_2, index = 0)
top1 = traj_1.topology
top2 = traj_2.topology
for residue in residues:
new_residue = residues_map[residue]
print("Original residues:")
residues = [r for r in top1.residues if r.resSeq == residue and r.is_protein]
print("New residues:")
residues = [r for r in top2.residues if r.resSeq == new_residue and r.is_protein]
示例6: read_and_featurize
def read_and_featurize(filename, dihedrals=['chi2'], stride=10):
#print("reading and featurizing %s" %(filename))
top = md.load_frame(filename, 0).topology
#print("got top")
atom_indices = [a.index for a in top.atoms if a.residue.resSeq == 93 and a.residue != "POPC" and str(a.residue)[0] == "H"]
#atom_indices = [a.index for a in top.atoms if a.residue.chain.index == 0 and a.residue.resSeq != 93 and a.residue != "POPC" and a.residue.resSeq != 130 and a.residue.resSeq != 172 and a.residue.resSeq != 79 and a.residue.resSeq != 341]
#print("got indices")
traj = md.load(filename, stride=1000, atom_indices=atom_indices)
#print("got traj")
featurizer = DihedralFeaturizer(types = dihedrals)
features = featurizer.transform(traj_list = traj)
#print("finished featurizing")
directory = filename.split("/")
condition = directory[len(directory)-2]
dcd_file = directory[len(directory)-1]
new_file = "%s_features_stride%d.h5" %(dcd_file.rsplit( ".", 1 )[ 0 ] , stride)
new_root_dir = "/scratch/users/enf/b2ar_analysis/subsampled_features"
new_condition_dir = "%s/%s" %(new_root_dir, condition)
new_file_full = "%s/%s/%s" %(new_root_dir, condition, new_file)
#print("saving features as %s" %new_file_full)
verbosedump(features, new_file_full)
return features
示例7: loadFrames
def loadFrames(confs_by_state):
input is array of arrays
frames = []
for elem in confs_by_state:
trajFrames = []
for trajFrame in elem:
file = os.path.basename(trajFrame[0])
frame = trajFrame[1]
regex = "(.*)_traj.*_(\d*).xtc"
m = re.match(regex,file)
projectName = m.group(1)
trajNum = m.group(2)
#now find the actual trajectory
#TODO also get the regular traj
originalTraj = "../%s/analysis/full/traj_full_%s.xtc"%(projectName,trajNum)
#load the ref
ref = "../%s/analysis/full/ref.pdb"%projectName
print ("loading %s frame %s"%(originalTraj,frame))
loadedFrame = md.load_frame(originalTraj,frame,top=ref)
return frames
示例8: reproject_oldata
def reproject_oldata():
r1 = redis.StrictRedis(port=6390, decode_responses=True)
cache = redis.StrictRedis(host='bigmem0006', port=6380, decode_responses=True)
execlist = r1.hgetall('anl_sequence')
keyorder = ['jc_'+i[0] for i in sorted(execlist.items(), key=lambda x:x[1])]
# skip first 100 (non-sampled)
pts = []
bad_ref = 0
miss = 0
for key in keyorder:
conf = r1.hgetall(key)
src = int(conf['src_index'])
ref = r1.lindex('xid:reference', src)
if ref is not None:
fileno, frame = eval(ref)
ckey = 'sim:%s' % conf['name']
xyz = cache.lindex(ckey, frame)
if xyz is not None:
tr = md.load_frame(conf['dcd'], frame, top=conf['pdb'])
if len(tr.xyz) == 0:
miss += 1
bad_ref += 1
traj = md.Trajectory(pts, deshaw.topo_prot.top)
alpha = datareduce.filter_alpha(traj)
return alpha
示例9: save_pdb
def save_pdb(traj_dir, clusterer, i):
location = clusterer.cluster_ids_[i,:]
traj = get_trajectory_files(traj_dir)[location[0]]
print("traj = %s, frame = %d" %(traj, location[1]))
conformation = md.load_frame(traj, location[1])
conformation.save_pdb("/scratch/users/enf/b2ar_analysis/clusters_1000_allprot/%d.pdb" %i)
return None
示例10: save_features_to_residues_map
def save_features_to_residues_map(traj_file, contact_residues, feature_residues_csv, cutoff, residues_map = None, exacycle = False):
if residues_map is not None:
contact_residues = [r for r in contact_residues if r in residues_map.keys()]
if exacycle: contact_residues = [residues_map[key] for key in contact_residues]
traj = md.load_frame(traj_file, 0)
#traj = fix_traj(traj)
top = traj.topology
residue_pairs, residue_infos = compute_contacts_below_cutoff([traj_file, [0]], cutoff = cutoff, contact_residues = contact_residues, anton = False)
if exacycle:
reverse_residues_map = {v: k for k, v in residues_map.items()}
new_residue_pairs = []
for residue_pair in residue_pairs:
new_residue_pair = [reverse_residues_map[residue_pair[0]], reverse_residues_map[residue_pair[1]]]
residue_pairs = new_residue_pairs
new_reisdue_infos = []
for residue_info in residue_infos:
new_residue_info = [(reverse_residues_map[residue_info[0][0]], residue_info[0][1], residue_info[0][2]), (reverse_residues_map[residue_info[1][0]], residue_info[1][1], residue_info[1][2])]
residue_infos = new_reisdue_infos
print("There are: %d residue pairs" %len(residue_pairs))
f = open(feature_residues_csv, "wb")
f.write("feature, residue.1.resSeq, residue.1.res, residue.1.chain, residue.2.resSeq, residue.2.res, residue.2.chain,\n")
for i in range(0, len(residue_infos)):
f.write("%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d,\n" %(i, residue_infos[i][0][0], residue_infos[i][0][1], residue_infos[i][0][2], residue_infos[i][1][0], residue_infos[i][1][1], residue_infos[i][1][2]))
示例11: find_most_important_residues_in_tIC
def find_most_important_residues_in_tIC(traj_file, tica_object, tic_features_csv, contact_residues,tic_residue_csv, feature_coefs_csv, duplicated_feature_coefs_csv, cutoff):
tica = verboseload(tica_object)
tica = load_dataset(tica_object)
print traj_file
traj = md.load_frame(traj_file, 0)
#traj = fix_traj(traj)
top = traj.topology
#residue_pairs = compute_contacts_below_cutoff([traj_file, [0]], cutoff = cutoff, contact_residues = contact_residues, anton = True)
residue_pairs = generate_features(tic_features_csv)
new_residue_pairs = []
for pair in residue_pairs:
new_residue_pairs.append(("%s%d.%d" %(pair[0][2], pair[0][1], pair[0][0])), ("%s%d.%d" %(pair[1][2], pair[1][1], pair[1][0])))
residue_pairs = new_residue_pairs
#print traj_file
top_indices_per_tIC = {}
feature_coefs_per_tIC = {}
duplicated_feature_coefs_per_tIC = {}
#for each tIC:
#for each feature, get the absolute component value
#add to feature_coefs_per_tIC dictionary the absolute coefficient for that tIC
#duplicate them for the analysis where we look at residues individually
#sort by absolute coefficient value
#for each tIC:
for i in range(0, np.shape(tica.components_)[0]):
print i
index_components = [(j,abs(tica.components_[i][j])) for j in range(0,np.shape(tica.components_)[1])]
feature_coefs_per_tIC[i] = [component[1] for component in index_components]
duplicated_feature_coefs_per_tIC[i] = [j for k in feature_coefs_per_tIC[i] for j in (k, k)]
index_components = sorted(index_components, key= lambda x: x[1],reverse=True)
list_i = [index_components[j][0] for j in range(0,len(index_components))]
top_indices_per_tIC[i] = list_i
top_residues_per_tIC = {}
for i in range(0, np.shape(tica.components_)[0]):
top_residues_per_tIC[i] = []
for index in top_indices_per_tIC[i]:
residues = residue_pairs[index]
top_residues_per_tIC[i] = [item for sublist in top_residues_per_tIC[i] for item in sublist]
residue_list = residue_pairs
feature_coefs_per_tIC["residues_0"] = [pair[0] for pair in residue_list]
feature_coefs_per_tIC["residues_1"] = [pair[1] for pair in residue_list]
duplicated_feature_coefs_per_tIC["residues"] = [residue for residue_pair in residue_list for residue in residue_pair]
write_map_to_csv(tic_residue_csv, top_residues_per_tIC, [])
write_map_to_csv(feature_coefs_csv, feature_coefs_per_tIC, [])
write_map_to_csv(duplicated_feature_coefs_csv, duplicated_feature_coefs_per_tIC, [])
示例12: compute_contacts_below_cutoff
def compute_contacts_below_cutoff(traj_file_frame, cutoff = 100000.0, contact_residues = [], anton = False):
traj_file = traj_file_frame[0]
frame = md.load_frame(traj_file, index = 0)
#frame = fix_traj(frame)
top = frame.topology
distance_residues = []
res_indices = []
resSeq_to_resIndex = {}
residue_full_infos = []
for i in range(0, len(contact_residues)):
residue = contact_residues[i]
indices = [r.index for r in top.residues if r.resSeq == residue[1] and r.chainid == residue[0] and not r.is_water]
if len(indices) == 0:
print("No residues in trajectory for residue %d" %residue)
ind = indices[0]
for j in indices:
if j != ind:
#print("Warning: multiple res objects for residue %d " %residue)
if "CB" in [str(a) for a in r.atoms for r in top.residues if r.index == ind]:
ind = j
resSeq_to_resIndex[residue] = ind
resSeq_combinations = itertools.combinations(distance_residues, 2)
res_index_combinations = []
resSeq_pairs = [c for c in resSeq_combinations]
for combination in resSeq_pairs:
res0 = combination[0]
res1 = combination[1]
res_index0 = resSeq_to_resIndex[res0]
res_index1 = resSeq_to_resIndex[res1]
res_index_combinations.append((res_index0, res_index1))
final_resSeq_pairs = []
final_resIndex_pairs = []
distances = md.compute_contacts(frame, contacts = res_index_combinations, scheme = 'closest-heavy', ignore_nonprotein=False)[0]
for i in range(0, len(distances[0])):
distance = distances[0][i]
if distance < cutoff:
for pair in final_resIndex_pairs:
info0 = [(r.resSeq, r.name, r.chain.index) for r in top.residues if r.index == pair[0]]
info1 = [(r.resSeq, r.name, r.chain.index) for r in top.residues if r.index == pair[1]]
residue_full_infos.append((info0, info1))
return((final_resSeq_pairs, residue_full_infos))
示例13: rmsd_to_structure
def rmsd_to_structure(clusters_dir, ref_dir, text):
pdbs = get_trajectory_files(clusters_dir)
ref = md.load_frame(ref_dir, index=0)
rmsds = np.zeros(shape=(len(pdbs),2))
for i in range(0,len(pdbs)):
print i
pdb_file = pdbs[i]
pdb = md.load_frame(pdb_file, index=0)
rmsd = md.rmsd(pdb, ref, 0)
rmsds[i,0] = i
rmsds[i,1] = rmsd[0]
rmsd_file = "%s/%s_rmsds.csv" %(clusters_dir, text)
np.savetxt(rmsd_file, rmsds, delimiter=",")
示例14: read_and_featurize_divided
def read_and_featurize_divided(filename, dihedrals=['phi', 'psi', 'chi2'], stride=10):
#print("reading and featurizing %s" %(filename))
traj_top = md.load_frame(filename,0).topology
atom_indices = [a.index for a in traj_top.atoms if a.residue.name[0:2] != "HI"]
traj = md.load(filename,atom_indices=atom_indices)
#print("got traj")
featurizer = DihedralFeaturizer(types = dihedrals)
features = featurizer.transform(traj_list = traj)
#print("finished featurizing")
directory = filename.split("/")
condition = directory[len(directory)-2]
dcd_file = directory[len(directory)-1]
new_file = "%s_features_stride%d.h5" %(dcd_file.rsplit( ".", 1 )[ 0 ] , stride)
new_root_dir = "/scratch/users/enf/b2ar_analysis/subsampled_features"
new_condition_dir = "%s/%s" %(new_root_dir, condition)
new_file_full = "%s/%s/%s" %(new_root_dir, condition, new_file)
#print("saving features as %s" %new_file_full)
verbosedump(features, new_file_full)
return features
示例15: timefld
def timefld(n):
start = dt.datetime.now()
tr = md.load_frame("bpti-all-1%03d.dcd" % n, 23, top=pdb)
tr.atom_slice(tr.top.select("protein"), inplace=True)
end = dt.datetime.now()
print("Time: ", (end - start).total_seconds())
return tr