本文整理汇总了Python中mdtraj.load函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python load函数的具体用法?Python load怎么用?Python load使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_load
def test_load():
filenames = [
num_block = 3
for filename in filenames:
t0 = md.load(get_fn(filename), top=nat, discard_overlapping_frames=True)
t1 = md.load(get_fn(filename), top=nat, discard_overlapping_frames=False)
t2 = md.load([get_fn(filename) for i in xrange(num_block)], top=nat, discard_overlapping_frames=False)
t3 = md.load([get_fn(filename) for i in xrange(num_block)], top=nat, discard_overlapping_frames=True)
# these don't actually overlap, so discard_overlapping_frames should
# have no effect. the overlap is between the last frame of one and the
# first frame of the next.
yield lambda: eq(t0.n_frames, t1.n_frames)
yield lambda: eq(t0.n_frames * num_block, t2.n_frames)
yield lambda: eq(t3.n_frames, t2.n_frames)
示例2: check
def check():
out1 = md.load(os.path.join(output_dir, fn2), **load_kwargs_check1)
out2 = md.load(os.path.join(output_dir, 'subset.' + fn2), **load_kwargs_check2)
out3 = md.load(os.path.join(output_dir, 'stride.' + fn2), **load_kwargs_check1)
if ext1 in ['.lh5'] or ext2 in ['.lh5']:
decimal = 3
decimal = 6
eq(out1.xyz, TRAJ.xyz, decimal=decimal)
eq(out2.xyz, TRAJ.xyz[:, atom_indices], decimal=decimal)
eq(out3.xyz, TRAJ.xyz[::3], decimal=decimal)
if ext1 not in ['.binpos', '.lh5'] and ext2 not in ['.binpos', '.lh5']:
# binpos doesn't save unitcell information
eq(out1.unitcell_vectors, TRAJ.unitcell_vectors, decimal=2)
eq(out2.unitcell_vectors, TRAJ.unitcell_vectors, decimal=2)
eq(out3.unitcell_vectors, TRAJ.unitcell_vectors[::3], decimal=2)
if all(e in ['.xtc', '.trr', '.nc', '.h5'] for e in [ext1, ext2]):
# these formats contain time information
eq(out1.time, TRAJ.time)
eq(out2.time, TRAJ.time)
eq(out3.time, TRAJ.time[::3])
if ext2 in ['.pdb', '.h5', '.lh5']:
# these formats contain a topology in the file that was
# read from disk
eq(out1.topology, TRAJ.topology)
eq(out2.topology, TRAJ.topology.subset(atom_indices))
eq(out3.topology, TRAJ.topology)
示例3: calc_obs
def calc_obs(traj):
arg_cz_id = 2442
glu_cd_id = 862
lys_nz_id = 634
tyr_oh_id = 2019
inactive = mdt.load("./topologies/inactive.pdb")
active = mdt.load("./topologies/active.pdb")
aloop_atoms_list = [i.index for residue in np.arange(147, 168) for i in inactive.topology.residue(residue).atoms]
all_heavy = [i.index for i in inactive.topology.atoms if i.residue.is_protein and i.element.name != "hydrogen"]
print("Processing %s" % traj)
# load the trajectory
trj = mdt.load(traj, atom_indices=np.arange(inactive.n_atoms))
inactive_rms = mdt.rmsd(trj, inactive, atom_indices=all_heavy)
active_rms = mdt.rmsd(trj, active, atom_indices=all_heavy)
aloop_rms = mdt.rmsd(trj, inactive, frame=0, atom_indices=aloop_atoms_list)
distances = mdt.compute_distances(trj, np.vstack(([arg_cz_id, glu_cd_id], [lys_nz_id, glu_cd_id])))
return dict(
glu_arg=distances[:, 0],
gly_lys=distances[:, 1],
示例4: calculate_rmsd
def calculate_rmsd(trajectory, topology, reference):
import mdtraj
traj = mdtraj.load(trajectory, top=topology)
ref = mdtraj.load(reference)
rmsd = mdtraj.rmsd(traj, ref)
data = {"step": str(traj.n_frames), "rmsd": str(rmsd[-1])}
return data
示例5: get_J3_HN_HA
def get_J3_HN_HA(traj, top, frame=None, model="Habeck", outname = None):
'''Compute J3_HN_HA for frames in a trajectories.
traj: trajectory file
top: topology file
frame: specific frame for computing
model: Karplus coefficient models ["Ruterjans1999","Bax2007","Bax1997","Habeck" ,"Vuister","Pardi"]
outname: if not None, the output will be saved and a file name (in the format of string) is required.
if frame is None:
t = md.load(traj,top=top)
J = compute_J3_HN_HA(t, model = model)
if frame is not None:
for i in range(len(frame)):
t = md.load(traj,top=top)[frame[i]]
d = compute_J3_HN_HA(t, model = model)
if i == 0:
if outname is not None:
print('saving output file...')
np.save(outname, J)
return J
示例6: fetch_fs_peptide
def fetch_fs_peptide(data_home=None, download_if_missing=True):
"""Loader for the Fs peptide dataset
data_home : optional, default: None
Specify another download and cache folder for the datasets. By default
all mixtape data is stored in '~/mixtape_data' subfolders.
download_if_missing: optional, True by default
If False, raise a IOError if the data is not locally available
instead of trying to download the data from the source site.
data_home = get_data_home(data_home=data_home)
if not exists(data_home):
data_dir = join(data_home, TARGET_DIRECTORY)
if not exists(data_dir):
print('downloading fs peptide from %s to %s' % (DATA_URL, data_home))
fhandle = urlopen(DATA_URL)
buf = BytesIO(fhandle.read())
zip_file = ZipFile(buf)
for name in zip_file.namelist():
zip_file.extract(name, path=data_dir)
top = md.load(join(data_dir, 'fs_peptide.pdb'))
trajectories = []
for fn in sorted(glob(join(data_dir, 'trajectory*.xtc'))):
print('loading %s...' % basename(fn))
trajectories.append(md.load(fn, top=top))
return Bunch(trajectories=trajectories, DESCR=__doc__)
示例7: test_vsite_elements
def test_vsite_elements(get_fn):
# Test case for issue #265
pdb_filename = get_fn('GG-tip4pew.pdb')
trj = md.load(pdb_filename)
trj2 = md.load(temp, top=pdb_filename)
示例8: MDTRAJwrite
def MDTRAJwrite(mol, filename):
import mdtraj as md
from htmd.util import tempname
ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:]
if ext == 'gz':
pieces = filename.split('.')
ext = '{}.{}'.format(pieces[-2], pieces[-1])
tmppdb = tempname(suffix='.pdb')
traj = md.load(tmppdb)
tmppdb = tempname(suffix='.pdb')
tmpxtc = tempname(suffix='.xtc')
traj = md.load(tmpxtc, top=tmppdb)
raise ValueError('Unknown file type for file {}'.format(filename))
# traj.xyz = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(self.coords, 1, 2), 0, 1) / 10
# traj.time = self.time
# traj.unitcell_lengths = self.box.T / 10
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError('MDtraj reader failed for file {} with error "{}"'.format(filename, e))
示例9: main
def main():
p = args.pro
ppref = p.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
l = args.lig
lpref = l.split('.')[0]
if args.clean_lig:
mdtraj.load(l).save_pdb('tidy_' + l)
comb = sr + 'clc/dock/analysis/comb_pl.py ' + p + ' ' + l
# keep remarks w binding info
fn = ppref + '_' + lpref + '.pdb'
get_remarks = 'grep REMARK ' + l + '>> ' + fn
ref = args.ref
if ref != None:
import numpy as np
# read in combined pdb
lp = mdtraj.load(fn)
# find distance between reference residue and ligand
pi = lp.topology.select('resid ' + ref + ' and name C')
li = lp.topology.select('not protein and name S')
lq = lp.atom_slice(li).xyz[0][0]
pq = lp.atom_slice(pi).xyz[0][0]
dist = np.linalg.norm(pq-lq)
# log results
with open('dists.dat', 'a') as f:
f.write(lpref + ': ' + str(dist) + '\n')
# remove comb pdb if beyond cutoff distance
if dist > args.cut:
示例10: main
def main(opts):
print 'Loading atom indices file for trajectories', opts.ndx
ndx = np.loadtxt(opts.ndx, dtype=np.int)
print 'Loading cells from', opts.cells
cells = mdtraj.load(opts.topol, atom_indices=ndx)
cells.xyz = load_cells_gps(opts.cells)
print 'Loading trajectories', ' '.join(opts.trajs)
traj = mdtraj.load(opts.trajs, top=opts.topol, atom_indices=ndx)
print 'Assigning to {} cells'.format(len(cells))
rmsds = -np.ones((len(cells), len(traj)))
for i in xrange(len(cells)):
rmsds[i] = mdtraj.rmsd(traj, cells, frame=i)
rmsds = rmsds.T
A = -np.ones((len(traj),), dtype=np.int)
for f in xrange(len(traj)):
A[f] = rmsds[f].argmin()
np.savetxt(opts.assignments, A, fmt='%d')
print 'Computing populations'
P = np.bincount(A)
np.savetxt(opts.populations, P, fmt='%d')
示例11: test_load_combination
def test_load_combination(ref_traj, get_fn):
# Test that the load function's stride and atom_indices work across
# all trajectory formats
topology = md.load(get_fn('native.pdb')).topology
ainds = np.array([a.index for a in topology.atoms if a.element.symbol == 'C'])
no_kwargs = md.load(get_fn(ref_traj.fn), top=topology)
strided3 = md.load(get_fn(ref_traj.fn), top=topology, stride=3)
subset = md.load(get_fn(ref_traj.fn), top=topology, atom_indices=ainds)
# test 1
t1 = no_kwargs
t2 = strided3
assert eq(t1.xyz[::3], t2.xyz)
assert eq(t1.time[::3], t2.time)
if t1.unitcell_vectors is not None:
assert eq(t1.unitcell_vectors[::3], t2.unitcell_vectors)
assert eq(t1.topology, t2.topology)
# test 2
t1 = no_kwargs
t2 = subset
assert eq(t1.xyz[:, ainds, :], t2.xyz)
assert eq(t1.time, t2.time)
if t1.unitcell_vectors is not None:
assert eq(t1.unitcell_vectors, t2.unitcell_vectors)
assert eq(t1.topology.subset(ainds), t2.topology)
示例12: test_pdbwrite
def test_pdbwrite(get_fn):
pdb = get_fn('native.pdb')
p = load(pdb)
r = load(temp)
eq(p.xyz, r.xyz)
示例13: deprecated_test_fah_core17_1
def deprecated_test_fah_core17_1():
from mdtraj.utils import six
from mdtraj.testing import get_fn, eq
filename = get_fn('frame0.xtc')
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
tar_filename = os.path.join(tempdir, "results-000.tar.bz2")
archive = tarfile.open(tar_filename, mode='w:bz2')
tar = tarfile.open(tar_filename, "w:bz2")
tar.add(filename, arcname="positions.xtc")
shutil.copy(tar_filename, os.path.join(tempdir, "results-001.tar.bz2"))
trj0 = md.load(get_fn("frame0.xtc"), top=get_fn("frame0.h5"))
output_filename = os.path.join(tempdir, "traj.h5")
fah.concatenate_core17(tempdir, trj0, output_filename)
trj = md.load(output_filename)
eq(trj.n_atoms, trj0.n_atoms)
eq(trj.n_frames, trj0.n_frames * 2)
shutil.copy(tar_filename, os.path.join(tempdir, "results-002.tar.bz2"))
fah.concatenate_core17(tempdir, trj0, output_filename)
# Should notice the new file and append it to the HDF file.
trj = md.load(output_filename)
eq(trj.n_atoms, trj0.n_atoms)
eq(trj.n_frames, trj0.n_frames * 3)
示例14: test_load_frame
def test_load_frame():
files = [
if not (on_win and on_py3):
trajectories = [md.load(get_fn(f), top=get_fn("native.pdb")) for f in files]
rand = [np.random.randint(len(t)) for t in trajectories]
frames = [md.load_frame(get_fn(f), index=r, top=get_fn("native.pdb")) for f, r in zip(files, rand)]
for traj, frame, r, f in zip(trajectories, frames, rand, files):
def test():
eq(traj[r].xyz, frame.xyz)
eq(traj[r].unitcell_vectors, frame.unitcell_vectors)
eq(traj[r].time, frame.time, err_msg="%d, %d: %s" % (traj[r].time[0], frame.time[0], f))
test.description = "test_load_frame: %s" % f
yield test
t1 = md.load(get_fn("2EQQ.pdb"))
r = np.random.randint(len(t1))
t2 = md.load_frame(get_fn("2EQQ.pdb"), r)
eq(t1[r].xyz, t2.xyz)
示例15: _trj_load
def _trj_load(file, top):
if os.path.isdir(file):
return mdt.load(os.path.join(file,"positions.xtc"),top=top)
os.system("tar -xvjf %s"%file)
return mdt.load("positions.xtc", top=top)