本文整理汇总了Python中mdp.utils.mult函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python mult函数的具体用法?Python mult怎么用?Python mult使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: _inverse
def _inverse(self, y, n=None):
"""Project data from the output to the input space using the
first 'n' components.
If 'n' is not set, use all available components.
:param y: Data to be projected to the input space.
:type y: numpy.ndarray
:param n: Number of first principle components.
:type n: int
:return: The projected data
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
if n is None:
n = y.shape[1]
if n > self.output_dim:
error_str = ("y has dimension %d,"
" should be at most %d" % (n, self.output_dim))
raise mdp.NodeException(error_str)
v = self.get_recmatrix()
if n is not None:
return mult(y, v[:n, :]) + self.avg
return mult(y, v) + self.avg
示例2: _energy
def _energy(self, v, h):
if self._gaussian:
return ((((v - self.bv) ** 2).sum() / 2) - mult(h, self.bh) -
(mult(v, self.w) * h).sum(axis=1))
return (-mult(v, self.bv) - mult(h, self.bh) -
(mult(v, self.w) * h).sum(axis=1))
示例3: _train
def _train(self, x):
"""Update the principal components.
:param x: Data vectors.
:type x: numpy.ndarray
[w1, w2] = self._amnesic(self.get_current_train_iteration() + 1)
red_j = self.output_dim
red_j_flag = False
explained_var = 0.0
r = x
for j in range(self.output_dim):
v = self._v[:, j:j + 1]
d = self.d[j]
v = w1 * v + w2 * mult(r, v) / d * r.T
d = mdp.numx_linalg.norm(v)
vn = old_div(v, d)
r = r - mult(r, vn) * vn.T
explained_var += d
if not red_j_flag:
ratio = explained_var / self._var_tot
if ratio > self.var_rel:
red_j = j
red_j_flag = True
self._v[:, j:j + 1] = v
self.v[:, j:j + 1] = vn
self.d[j] = d
self._var_tot = explained_var
self._reduced_dims = red_j
示例4: matmult_n_MDP_benchmark
def matmult_n_MDP_benchmark(dim):
""" This benchmark multiplies two non-contiguous matrices using the
MDP internal matrix multiplication routine.
First argument matrix dimensionality"""
a = numx_rand.random((dim,dim)).T
b = numx_rand.random((dim,dim)).T
示例5: _inverse
def _inverse(self, y, n=None):
"""Project 'y' to the input space using the first 'n' components.
:param y: Vectors from the output space.
:type y: numpy.ndarray
:param n: The number of components to use for projection to the
input space. If 'n' is not set, use all available components.
:type n: int
:return: The projected vectors.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
:raises mdp.NodeException: If the valid dimension is exceeded.
if n is None:
n = y.shape[1]
if n > self.output_dim:
error_str = ("y has dimension %d,"
" should be at most %d" % (n, self.output_dim))
raise mdp.NodeException(error_str)
v = self.get_recmatrix()
if n is not None:
return mult(y, v[:n, :])
return mult(y, v)
示例6: _train
def _train(self, x, y):
:param x: Array of different input observations.
:type x: numpy.ndarray
:param y: Array of size (x.shape[0], output_dim) that contains the
observed output to the input x's.
:type y: numpy.ndarray
# initialize internal vars if necessary
if self._xTx is None:
if self.with_bias:
x_size = self._input_dim + 1
x_size = self._input_dim
self._xTx = numx.zeros((x_size, x_size), self._dtype)
self._xTy = numx.zeros((x_size, self._output_dim), self._dtype)
if self.with_bias:
x = self._add_constant(x)
# update internal variables
self._xTx += mult(x.T, x)
self._xTy += mult(x.T, y)
self._tlen += x.shape[0]
示例7: _calculate_gradient
def _calculate_gradient(self, y):
x = self._last_x
dy = Oger.utils.LogisticFunction.df(x, self._last_y) * y
dw = mult(x.T, dy)
self._gradient_vector = numx.concatenate((dw.ravel(), dy.sum(axis=0)))
dx = mult(self.w, dy.T).T
return dx
示例8: _sample_v
def _sample_v(self, h, x):
# returns P(v=1|h,W,b) and a sample from it
dynamic_b = mult(x, self.a)
v_in = self.bv + mult(h, self.w.T) + dynamic_b
if self._gaussian:
return v_in, v_in
probs = Oger.utils.LogisticFunction.f(v_in)
v = (probs > random(probs.shape)).astype(self.dtype)
return probs, v
示例9: test_mult_diag
def test_mult_diag():
dim = 20
d = numx_rand.random(size=(dim,))
dd = numx.diag(d)
mtx = numx_rand.random(size=(dim, dim))
res1 = utils.mult(dd, mtx)
res2 = utils.mult_diag(d, mtx, left=True)
assert_array_almost_equal(res1, res2, 10)
res1 = utils.mult(mtx, dd)
res2 = utils.mult_diag(d, mtx, left=False)
assert_array_almost_equal(res1, res2, 10)
示例10: _inverse
def _inverse(self, y, n=None):
"""Project 'y' to the input space using the first 'n' components.
If 'n' is not set, use all available components."""
if n is None:
n = y.shape[1]
if n > self.output_dim:
error_str = "y has dimension %d," " should be at most %d" % (n, self.output_dim)
raise mdp.NodeException(error_str)
v = self.get_recmatrix()
if n is not None:
return mult(y, v[:n, :]) + self.avg
return mult(y, v) + self.avg
示例11: get_CD_gradient
def get_CD_gradient(self, x, n_updates=1):
"""Use Gibbs sampling to estimate the contrastive divergence gradient.
- x: a binary matrix having different variables on different columns and observations on the rows (concatenation of visibles and context)
- n_updates: number of CD iterations. Default value: 1
Returns a tuple (dw, dbv, dbh, da, db) that contains the gradients of the
weights and the biases of the visibles and the hidden respectively and
the autoregressive gradients da and db.
# useful quantities
n = x.shape[0]
v, x = self._split_data(x)
w, a, b, bv, bh = self.w, self.a, self.b, self.bv, self.bh
# first update of the hidden units for the data term
ph_data, h_data = self._sample_h(v, x)
# n updates of both v and h for the model term
h_model = h_data.copy()
for i in range(n_updates):
pv_model, v_model = self._sample_v(h_model, x)
ph_model, h_model = self._sample_h(v_model, x)
# find dw
data_term = mult(v.T, ph_data)
model_term = mult(v_model.T, ph_model)
dw = (data_term - model_term) / n
# find da
data_term = v
model_term = v_model
# Should I include the weight decay here as well?
da = mult(x.T, data_term - model_term) / n
# find db
data_term = ph_data
model_term = ph_model
db = mult(x.T, data_term - model_term) / n
# find dbv
data_term = v.sum(axis=0)
model_term = v_model.sum(axis=0)
dbv = (data_term - model_term) / n
# find dbh
data_term = ph_data.sum(axis=0)
model_term = ph_model.sum(axis=0)
dbh = (data_term - model_term) / n
return (dw, dbv, dbh, da, db)
示例12: _inverse
def _inverse(self, y):
# counter-rotate input
x = mult(y, self.RP.T)
# invert whitening node if needed
if not self.whitened:
x = self.white.inverse(x)
return x
示例13: _down_pass
def _down_pass(self, h, top_updates=0, epsilon=0.1, decay=0.0, momentum=0.0):
top_updates -- set >0 for top node, so that it ends up sampling
from the prior
# TODO: check input
pv, v = self._sample_v(h)
for _ in range(top_updates):
ph, h = self._sample_h(v)
pv, v = self._sample_v(h)
# reconstruct hidden state
ph1, h1 = self._sample_h(v)
# adapt generative weights
delta = mult(v.T, (h - ph1)) / v.shape[0]
self.dw_sleep = momentum * self.dw_sleep + epsilon * (delta - decay * self.w_rec)
self.w_rec += self.dw_sleep
# adapt biases
delta = (h - ph1).mean(axis=0)
self.dbh = momentum * self.dbh + epsilon * delta
self.bh += self.dbh
return v, pv, mdp.utils.norm2(self.dbh)
示例14: guess
def guess(input, reservoir, dirname):
#print input.shape
beta = np.loadtxt(dirname + os.sep + 'beta.mat')
return 0 #19
x = reservoir.execute(input)
#m = readout._execute(x)
#m = mult(x, readout.beta)
m = mult(x, beta)
# find maximum place of m
mcs = np.zeros(m.shape[1])
for i in range(m.shape[1]):
mc = sum(m[:,i]) / m.shape[1]
mcs[i] = mc
return mcs.argmax()
示例15: _sample_v
def _sample_v(self, h, sample_l=False, concatenate=True):
# returns P(v=1|h,W,b), a sample from it, P(l=1|h,W,b),
# and a sample from it
ldim, vdim = self._labels_dim, self._visible_dim
# activation
a = self.bv + mult(h, self.w.T)
av, al = a[:, :vdim], a[:, vdim:]
# ## visible units: logistic activation
probs_v = old_div(1.,(1. + exp(-av)))
v = (probs_v > random(probs_v.shape)).astype('d')
# ## label units: softmax activation
# subtract maximum to regularize exponent
exponent = al - rrep(al.max(axis=1), ldim)
probs_l = exp(exponent)
probs_l /= rrep(probs_l.sum(axis=1), ldim)
if sample_l:
# ?? todo: I'm sure this can be optimized
l = numx.zeros((h.shape[0], ldim))
for t in range(h.shape[0]):
l[t, :] = mdp.numx_rand.multinomial(1, probs_l[t, :])
l = probs_l.copy()
if concatenate:
probs = numx.concatenate((probs_v, probs_l), axis=1)
x = numx.concatenate((v, l), axis=1)
return probs, x
return probs_v, probs_l, v, l