本文整理汇总了Python中maya.cmds.xform函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python xform函数的具体用法?Python xform怎么用?Python xform使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: rotateToOrient
def rotateToOrient (joint):
Transfer the euler rotate values to the joint orientation
:param joint: Joint(s) you want to do the transfer for
:type joint: *str* or *list*
sArrJoints = [joint]#common.toList(joint)
for j in sArrJoints:
if cmds.objectType(j)=='joint':
for attr in ['rx','ry','rz','jox','joy','joz','ro']:
#don't exists, lock,or connected
if cmds.getAttr(j+'.'+attr,l=True) or cmds.listConnections('%s.%s' % (j,attr), destination = False, plugs = True):
if doit:
roo = cmds.xform(j,q=True,roo=True)#get rotation order
cmds.xform(j, p=True, roo='xyz' )#set rotation order to default (joint orient only works with xyz rotation order)
orientToRotate(j)#transfer current joint orient to rotate
ori = cmds.getAttr(j+'.r')[0]
cmds.xform(j, p=True, roo=roo )#set back the initial rotation order
print ('//Warning: "' + j + '" is locked or connected, unable to set rotation')
示例2: main
def main():
sel = mc.ls(sl=1, fl=1)
grpname = (sel[0].split('.'))
grpname = grpname[0]+"_grp"
grp = mc.group(em=1, n=grpname)
for i in sel:
iname = i.replace('[', '')
iname = iname.replace(']','')
iname = iname.replace('.','_')
locname = iname+"_loc"
clusname = iname+"_clus"
mc.select(i, r=1)
print "here"
cluster = mc.cluster(n=clusname)
location = mc.xform(cluster, q=1, ws=1, sp=1)
print location
locator = mc.spaceLocator(n=locname, p=(location[0], location[1], location[2]))
mc.xform(locator, cp=1)
set_vis = clusname+"Handle.visibility"
mc.setAttr(set_vis, 0)
mc.parent(cluster, locator)
mc.parent(locator, grp)
shape = mc.listRelatives(locator)
示例3: unparent
def unparent(shape):
Unparent shape nodes from a source parent
@param shape: Shape or transform to unparent shapes from
@type shape: str
# Checks
if not mc.objExists(shape):
raise Exception('Object "'+shape+'" does not exist!!')
# Get shapes
if mc.ls(shape,type='transform'):
transform = shape
shapes = mc.listRelatives(shape,s=True,pa=True)
transform = mc.listRelatives(shape,p=True,pa=True)[0]
shapes = [shape]
# Create shape holder
shapeHolder = transform+'Shapes'
if not mc.objExists(shapeHolder): shapeHolder = mc.createNode('transform',n=shapeHolder)
targetXform = mc.xform(transform,q=True,ws=True,m=True)
# Unparent shapes
for shape in shapes:
# Return Result
return shapeHolder
示例4: makeGem
def makeGem(size):
#import gem
if not cmds.objExists('gem'):
cmds.file("gem.ma", i=True)
示例5: _mirror_setFollowValues
def _mirror_setFollowValues(self):
for target in self.__followTargets:
if target.find( 'Collar' ) != -1:
otherTarget = target.replace( 'Collar_L', 'Arm_L_PoleV' ).replace( 'Collar_R', 'Arm_R_PoleV' )
mtxList = cmds.getAttr( otherTarget+'.wm' )
elif target.find( 'Leg' ) != -1:
poleVTarget = target.replace( 'Switch_CTL', 'PoleV_CTL' )
poleVMtxList = cmds.getAttr( poleVTarget+'.wm' )
mtxList = cmds.getAttr( target.replace( 'Switch', 'IK' )+'.wm' )
mtxList = cmds.getAttr( target.replace( 'Switch', 'IK' )+'.wm' )
index = self.__followTargets.index( target )
udAttrs = cmds.listAttr( target, ud=1 )
for attr in udAttrs:
if attr.find( 'Follow' ) != -1:
cmds.setAttr( target+'.'+attr, self.__followValues[index].pop(0) )
if target.find( 'Switch' ) != -1: target = target.replace( 'Switch', 'IK' )
elif target.find( 'Collar' ) != -1:
target = target.replace( 'Collar_L', 'Arm_L_PoleV' ).replace( 'Collar_R', 'Arm_R_PoleV' )
cmds.xform( target, ws=1, matrix = mtxList )
if cmds.nodeType( target ) == 'joint':
rigbase.setRotate_keepJointOrient( mtxList, target )
if target.find( 'Leg' ) != -1:
cmds.xform( poleVTarget, ws=1, matrix = poleVMtxList )
示例6: surfaceFromNodes
def surfaceFromNodes(nodes, name='jntsSrf', upAxis=0, doubleEndPoints=False):
Create a 2-degree nurbs surface from the position of a list of
node (generally, the IK controls)
@param nodes: controls that will dictate the CV positions
@type nodes: list of strings
@param name: the name of the surface
@type name: str
@param upAxis: the direction of the width of the surface
@type upAxis: int representing x(0), y(1) or z(2)
inPos = [0,0,0]
outPos = [0,0,0]
inPos[upAxis] = -1
outPos[upAxis] = 1
crv1 = curveFromNodes(nodes, doubleEndPoints=doubleEndPoints)
crv2 = curveFromNodes(nodes, doubleEndPoints=doubleEndPoints)
MC.xform(crv1, t=outPos)
MC.xform(crv2, t=inPos)
srf = MC.loft(crv1, crv2, u=1, c=0, ch=0, ar=1, d=1, ss=1, rn=0, po=0, rsn=True)[0]
srf = MC.rename(srf, name)
MC.delete(crv1, crv2)
return srf
示例7: _createAimLocator
def _createAimLocator(self, position = [0,0,0], color = None):
#create aim locator and move into position
aimLocator = \
cmds.spaceLocator(n = '%s_aim_%s' % (self.name(), common.LOCATOR))[0]
aimZero = \
n = aimLocator.replace(common.LOCATOR, common.ZERO))
cmds.parent(aimLocator, aimZero)
cmds.xform(aimZero, ws = True, t = position)
#create display line between aim locator and start joint
displayLine = control.displayLine(self.startJoint, aimLocator)
cmds.parent(displayLine, self.guidesGrp)
#set color on aim control
common.setColor(aimLocator, color)
#parent locator to zero group
cmds.parent(aimZero, self.masterGuide)
return aimLocator
示例8: setRestCurve
def setRestCurve( startCurves ):
restCurves = []
index = 0
for startCurve in startCurves:
follicle = cmds.listConnections( startCurve+'.wm', type='follicle', shapes=1 )[0]
if cmds.listConnections( follicle+'.restPosition', s=1, d=0 ): continue
startShape = cmds.listConnections( follicle+'.startPosition', s=1, d=0, shapes=1 )[0]
rebuildCurve= cmds.listConnections( startShape+'.create', type='rebuildCurve' )[0]
crvShape = cmds.createNode( 'nurbsCurve' )
cmds.connectAttr( rebuildCurve+'.outputCurve', crvShape+'.create' )
cmds.connectAttr( crvShape+'.worldSpace', follicle+'.restPosition' )
cmds.setAttr( crvShape+'.io', 1 )
crv = cmds.listRelatives( crvShape, p=1 )[0]
crv = cmds.rename( crv, 'restCurve_%03d' % index )
startMtx = cmds.getAttr( crv+'.wm' )
cmds.xform( crv, ws=1, matrix= startMtx )
restCurves.append( crv )
index += 1
cmds.group( restCurves, n='restCurveGrps' )
示例9: buildGuideSpline
def buildGuideSpline(self):
cPoints = []
for marker in self.totalMarkerList:
markerPos = cmds.xform(marker.getName(), t=True, q=True, ws=True)
nameStart = nameBase(self.totalMarkerList[0].getName(), self.searchString, "loc", "cv")
guideSplineName = nameStart + "ribbonGuideSpline"
self.guideSpline = cmds.curve(editPoint = cPoints, degree=3, name=guideSplineName) #Need to add Naming Convention here
for i, marker in enumerate(self.totalMarkerList):
locPos = cmds.xform(marker.getName(), t=True, q=True, ws=True)
newPara = cmds.closestPointOnCurve(self.guideSpline, ip=locPos, paramU=True)
newParaVal = cmds.getAttr(newPara + ".paramU")
# print "new ParaVal : ", newParaVal
##Now Create a new Locator and add it to the precise parameter position
nameStart = nameRebuild(marker.getName(), self.searchString, "loc", "loc",nameAddition = "tempRibbonGuide")
newAlignedLoc = cmds.spaceLocator(name = nameStart)
# guideSplineName = nameStart + "ribbonGuideSpline" #Need naming convention
mPath = cmds.pathAnimation(newAlignedLoc, follow=True, c=self.guideSpline)
uAnimNode = cmds.listConnections(mPath + ".uValue", source=True)
cmds.setAttr(mPath + ".uValue", newParaVal)
示例10: apply
def apply( self, nodes=None, applySettings=None, worldSpace=False ):
if nodes is None:
nodes = self._nodeAttrDict.iterkeys()
for node in nodes:
if node in self._nodeAttrDict:
for attr, value in self._nodeAttrDict[ node ].iteritems():
attrpath = '%s.%s' % (node, attr)
if objExists( attrpath ):
setAttr( attrpath, value )
if worldSpace:
if node in self._nodeWorldDict:
if cmd.objectType( node, isAType='transform' ):
pos, rot, rotateOrder = self._nodeWorldDict[node]
move( pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], node, ws=True, a=True, rpr=True )
roAttrpath = '%s.ro' % node
initialRotateOrder = getAttr( roAttrpath )
rotateOrderMatches = initialRotateOrder == rotateOrder
if rotateOrderMatches:
rotate( rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], node, ws=True, a=True )
setAttr( roAttrpath, rotateOrder )
rotate( rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], node, ws=True, a=True )
xform( node, ro=constants.ROTATE_ORDER_STRS[ initialRotateOrder ], p=True )
示例11: bakeManualRotateDelta
def bakeManualRotateDelta( src, ctrl, presetStr ):
When you need to apply motion from a skeleton that is completely different from a skeleton driven
by the rig you're working with (transferring motion from old assets to newer assets for example)
you can manually align the control to the joint and then use this function to generate offset
rotations and bake a post trace cmd.
srcInvMat = Matrix( getAttr( '%s.worldInverseMatrix' % src ) )
ctrlMat = Matrix( getAttr( '%s.worldMatrix' % ctrl ) )
#generate the offset matrix as
mat_o = ctrlMat * srcInvMat
#now figure out the euler rotations for the offset
ro = getAttr( '%s.ro' % ctrl )
rotDelta = constants.MATRIX_ROTATION_ORDER_CONVERSIONS_TO[ ro ]( mat_o, True )
#now get the positional delta
posDelta = Vector( xform( src, q=True, ws=True, rp=True ) ) - Vector( xform( ctrl, q=True, ws=True, rp=True ) )
posDelta *= -1
ctrlParentInvMat = Matrix( getAttr( '%s.parentInverseMatrix' % ctrl ) )
posDelta = posDelta * ctrlParentInvMat
#construct a list to use for the format str
formatArgs = tuple( rotDelta ) + tuple( posDelta )
#build the post trace cmd str
PostTraceNode( ctrl ).setCmd( presetStr % formatArgs )
return rotDelta
示例12: mmInsertJoint
def mmInsertJoint( *args ):
def normalize(vector_value):
length = math.sqrt(vector_value[0]**2 + vector_value[1]**2 + vector_value[2]**2)
x = vector_value[0]/length
y = vector_value[1]/length
z = vector_value[2]/length
result = [x, y, z]
return result
num_joints =input(10)
num_joints = num_joints+1
joint_list = cmds.ls(sl=True)
for r in joint_list:
first_joint_trans = cmds.xform(r, q=True, ws=True, t=True)
first_joint_ori = cmds.xform(r, q=True, ws=True, ro=True)
end_joint = cmds.listRelatives(r, f=True, c=True)
end_joint_rename=cmds.rename(end_joint[0], "end_to_delete______yeah")
end_joint_trans = cmds.xform(end_joint_rename, q=True, ws=True, t=True)
end_joint_ori = cmds.xform(end_joint_rename, q=True, ws=True, ro=True)
between_vector = [-(first_joint_trans[0]-end_joint_trans[0]),-(first_joint_trans[1]-end_joint_trans[1]),-(first_joint_trans[2]-end_joint_trans[2])]
vector_length = mel.eval(("mag(<<"+str(between_vector[0])+","+str(between_vector[1])+","+str(between_vector[2])+">>)"))
vector_normalize = normalize(between_vector)
for i in range(num_joints):
vector_to_add = [(vector_normalize[0]*((vector_length/num_joints)*((num_joints-float(i))))),(vector_normalize[1]*((vector_length/num_joints)*((num_joints-float(i))))),(vector_normalize[2]*((vector_length/num_joints)*((num_joints-float(i)))))]
inset_joint = cmds.insertJoint(r)
cmds.joint(inset_joint, e=True, co=True, o=(0,0,0), p=((first_joint_trans[0]+vector_to_add[0]), (first_joint_trans[1]+vector_to_add[1]), (first_joint_trans[2]+vector_to_add[2])))
示例13: mmMirrorJoint
def mmMirrorJoint( *args ):
sels= cmds.ls( sl=1 )
for sel in sels:
srcStr = ''
trgStr = ''
if sel.find( '_L_' ) != -1:
other = sel.replace( '_L_', '_R_' )
srcStr = '_L_'
trgStr = '_R_'
elif sel.find( '_R_' ) != -1:
other = sel.replace( '_R_', '_L_' )
srcStr = '_R_'
trgStr = '_L_'
if not cmds.objExists( other ):
cmds.mirrorJoint( sel, mirrorYZ=1, mirrorBehavior=1, searchReplace=["_L_", "_R_"] )
mtxTop = cmds.getAttr( sel+'.wm' )
mtxTop[1] *= -1; mtxTop[ 2] *= -1
mtxTop[5] *= -1; mtxTop[ 6] *= -1
mtxTop[9] *= -1; mtxTop[10] *= -1
mtxTop[12] *= -1
cmds.xform( other, ws=1, matrix=mtxTop )
children = cmds.listRelatives( sel, c=1, ad=1 )
for child in children:
mtx = cmds.getAttr( child+'.m' )
mtx[12] *= -1; mtx[13] *= -1; mtx[14] *= -1
otherChild = child.replace( srcStr, trgStr )
cmds.xform( otherChild, matrix=mtx )
示例14: ui_on_BTN_create_clicked
def ui_on_BTN_create_clicked(self, *args):
cube = m.polyCube(ch=False)[0]
xPosUI = self.ui_FLTFLDGRP_xPos.getValue()[0]
xNegUI = self.ui_FLTFLDGRP_xNeg.getValue()[0]
yPosUI = self.ui_FLTFLDGRP_yPos.getValue()[0]
yNegUI = self.ui_FLTFLDGRP_yNeg.getValue()[0]
zPosUI = self.ui_FLTFLDGRP_zPos.getValue()[0]
zNegUI = self.ui_FLTFLDGRP_zNeg.getValue()[0]
xPos = max(xPosUI, xNegUI)
xNeg = min(xPosUI, xNegUI)
yPos = max(yPosUI, yNegUI)
yNeg = min(yPosUI, yNegUI)
zPos = max(zPosUI, zNegUI)
zNeg = min(zPosUI, zNegUI)
m.move(xPos, cube + faceMapping['xPos'], worldSpaceDistance=True, x=True)
m.move(xNeg, cube + faceMapping['xNeg'], worldSpaceDistance=True, x=True)
m.move(yPos, cube + faceMapping['yPos'], worldSpaceDistance=True, y=True)
m.move(yNeg, cube + faceMapping['yNeg'], worldSpaceDistance=True, y=True)
m.move(zPos, cube + faceMapping['zPos'], worldSpaceDistance=True, z=True)
m.move(zNeg, cube + faceMapping['zNeg'], worldSpaceDistance=True, z=True)
m.xform(cube, cp=True)
m.rename(cube, BBOX_NAME)
示例15: _createParentMaster
def _createParentMaster(obj, translation=True, rotation=True):
'''Crea i gruppi necessari per utilizzare il parent master.'''
# creo il parent handle e lo snap group dell'oggetto (aventi stesso pivot)
# un file referenziato genera eccezione
if cmds.referenceQuery(obj, inr=True) and (not ALLOW_REFERENCE_ROOT or cmds.listRelatives(obj, p=True)):
sys.stdout.write('Read-only hierarchy detected\n')
msg = 'Are you working with referenced files?\n\nZVPM can\'t group "%s" because it\'s in a read-only hierarchy.\n\n\nDo the following:\n\n- Open the referenced file.\n- Select this object, right-click on "Attach objects" button and "Create parent groups".\n- Save the file.' % obj
cmds.confirmDialog(title='Referenced file - ZV Parent Master', message=msg)
return False
piv = cmds.xform(obj, q=True, rp=True, ws=True)
cmds.group(obj, n=_getSnapGroup(obj))
cmds.xform(_getSnapGroup(obj), piv=piv, ws=True)
ph = cmds.group(_getSnapGroup(obj), n=_getParentHandle(obj))
cmds.xform(_getParentHandle(obj), piv=piv, ws=True)
# locca gli attributi non diponibili e quelli non richiesti
ts = set(['tx', 'ty', 'tz'])
rs = set(['rx', 'ry', 'rz'])
availAttrs = set(cmds.listAttr(obj, k=True, u=True, sn=True) or [])
attrsToLock = (ts | rs) - availAttrs
if not translation:
attrsToLock |= ts
if not rotation:
attrsToLock |= rs
for attr in attrsToLock:
cmds.setAttr('%s.%s' % (ph, attr), lock=True)
return True