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Python cmds.timeControl函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中maya.cmds.timeControl函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python timeControl函数的具体用法?Python timeControl怎么用?Python timeControl使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: _getStartAndEnd

def _getStartAndEnd():
    gPlayBackSlider = mm.eval('$temp=$gPlayBackSlider')
    if mc.timeControl(gPlayBackSlider, query=True, rangeVisible=True):
        start, end = mc.timeControl(gPlayBackSlider, query=True, rangeArray=True)
        return start, end-1
    return None, None

示例2: plot

def plot():
	curves = mc.keyframe(q=1, sl=1, name=1)
	if type(curves).__name__ != 'NoneType':
		for curve in curves:
			indexes = mc.keyframe(curve, q=1, sl=1, iv=1)
			if len(indexes) != 1:
				startTime = int(mc.keyframe(curve, q=1, tc=1, index=tuple([indexes[0]]))[0])
				endTime = int(mc.keyframe(curve, q=1, tc=1, index=tuple([indexes[1]]))[0])
				for point in range(startTime, endTime):
					mc.setKeyframe(curve, insert=1, time=point)
					mc.selectKey(curve, time=( (startTime+0.01), (endTime-0.01) ), add=1, k=1)
				mc.warning('Only one keyframe is selected for the curve ' + curve + '.')
		sels = mc.ls(sl=1)
		if sels:
			timeSlider = mm.eval('$tmp = $gPlayBackSlider')
			if mc.timeControl(timeSlider, q=1, rv=1) == 1:
				startTime = int(mc.timeControl(timeSlider, q=1, ra=1)[0])
				endTime = int(mc.timeControl(timeSlider, q=1, ra=1)[1])
				startTime = int(mc.playbackOptions(q=1, min=1))
				endTime = int(mc.playbackOptions(q=1, max=1))

			curves = mc.keyframe(q=1, name=1)
			for curve in curves:
				for point in range(startTime, endTime):
					mc.setKeyframe(curve, insert=1, time=point)
					mc.selectKey(curve, time=( (startTime+0.01), (endTime-0.01) ), add=1, k=1)
			mc.warning('Nothing is selected.')

示例3: load

def load():
    '''loads animation environment'''
    print "loading animation environment presets..."
    #set autoKey
    cmds.autoKeyframe( state=True )
    #set 24fps and playback on all viewports
    cmds.playbackOptions(ps=1.0, v='all')
    #set unlimited undo's
    cmds.undoInfo( state=True, infinity=True )
    #set manipulator sizes
    if lib.checkAboveVersion(2014):
        cmds.manipOptions( r=False, hs=55, ls=4, sph=1 )
        cmds.manipOptions( r=False, hs=55, ls=4 )
    #set framerate visibility
    #gimbal rotation
    cmds.manipRotateContext('Rotate', e=True, mode=2)
    #world translation
    cmds.manipMoveContext('Move', e=True, mode=2)
    #time slider height
    aPlayBackSliderPython = mel.eval('$tmpVar=$gPlayBackSlider')
    cmds.timeControl(aPlayBackSliderPython, h=45, e=True);
    #special tick color
    cmds.displayRGBColor("timeSliderTickDrawSpecial", 1,0.5,0)

    #check if hotkeys have been set
    if (cmds.hotkey( 't', ctl=True, query=True, name = True)== 'CharacterAnimationEditorNameCommand'):
        print "Hotkeys have been previously loaded"

    print "ENVIRONMENT SET\n", #the comma forces output on the status line

示例4: setActive

 def setActive(self):
     Set sound node as active on the timeSlider
     if self.isLoaded:
         gPlayBackSlider = mel.eval("string $temp=$gPlayBackSlider")
         cmds.timeControl(gPlayBackSlider, e=True, ds=1, sound=self.audioNode)

示例5: doPlayblast

    def doPlayblast(self, camera):
        G.TU_movie              = None
        G.TU_audioFile          = None
        G.TU_audioOffsetSec     = None        
        winName                 = 'playblastWindow'
        overscan                = cmds.getAttr("%s.overscan"%camera)   
        audioTrack              = cmds.timeControl(G.playBackSliderPython, query=True, sound=True)
        rangeVisible            = cmds.timeControl(G.playBackSliderPython, query=True, rangeVisible=True )  
        widthHeight             = utilMod.getRenderResolution()  
        if cmds.window(winName, query=True, exists=True): cmds.deleteUI(winName)
        window                  = cmds.window(winName, widthHeight=widthHeight)
        form                    = cmds.formLayout()
        editor                  = cmds.modelEditor()
        column                  = cmds.columnLayout('true')
        cmds.formLayout( form, edit=True, attachForm=[(column, 'top', 0), (column, 'left', 0), (editor, 'top', 0), (editor, 'bottom', 0), (editor, 'right', 0)], attachNone=[(column, 'bottom'), (column, 'right')], attachControl=(editor, 'left', 0, column))
        cmds.modelEditor(editor, edit=True, camera=camera, activeView=True)
        cmds.showWindow( window )
        cmds.window( winName, edit=True, topLeftCorner=(0, 0), widthHeight=[200,200])        
        cmds.setAttr("%s.overscan"%camera, 1)
        if rangeVisible:
            range = animMod.getTimelineRange(float=False)
            rFrom   = range[0]
            rTo     = range[1]-1
            rFrom = cmds.playbackOptions(query=True, minTime=True)
            rTo   = cmds.playbackOptions(query=True, maxTime=True)

        if G.currentStudio == None:
            G.TU_movie = cmds.playblast(format="qt", sound=audioTrack, startTime=rFrom ,endTime=rTo , viewer=1, showOrnaments=0, offScreen=True, fp=4, percent=50, compression="png", quality=70, widthHeight=widthHeight, clearCache=True)
            fps             = mel.eval("currentTimeUnitToFPS") 
            if audioTrack:
                G.TU_audioFile      = cmds.sound(audioTrack, query=True, file=True)
                audioOffset         = cmds.sound(audioTrack, query=True, offset=True)
                G.TU_audioOffsetSec = str((rFrom - audioOffset)/-fps)
            movieName       = cmds.playblast(format="image", startTime=rFrom ,endTime=rTo , viewer=0, showOrnaments=0, offScreen=True, fp=4, percent=50, compression="jpg", quality=70, widthHeight=widthHeight, clearCache=True)
            if movieName: 
                G.TU_movie           = "%s.%s-%s#.jpg"%(movieName.split(".")[0], int(rFrom), int(rTo))
                if audioTrack:  G.TU_audioOffsetSec = audioOffset
                self.playMovie(G.TU_movie, G.TU_audioFile, G.TU_audioOffsetSec)
        if cmds.window(winName, query=True, exists=True): cmds.deleteUI(winName)
        cmds.setAttr("%s.overscan"%camera, overscan)
        if not G.TU_movie: return
        save = aToolsMod.getUserPref("saveAfterPlayblasting", default=True)
        if save and not rangeVisible: cmds.file(save=True)

示例6: restoreSettings

    def restoreSettings(self):
        restore all UI settings

        # timeline management

        # unit management
        if not cmds.upAxis(axis=True, q=True) == self.dataStore['upAxis']:

        log.debug('Restored PlayBack / Timeline setup')

        # viewport colors

        # objects colors
        cmds.displayColor("curve", self.dataStore['curvecolor'], dormant=True)

        # panel management
        for panel, data in self.dataStore['panelStore'].items():
                cmdString = data['settings'].replace('$editorName', panel)
                log.debug("Restored Panel Settings Data >> %s" % panel)
                mel.eval('lookThroughModelPanel("%s","%s")' % (data['activeCam'], panel))
                log.debug("Restored Panel Active Camera Data >> %s >> cam : %s" % (panel, data['activeCam']))
                log.debug("Failed to fully Restore ActiveCamera Data >> %s >> cam : %s" % (panel, data['activeCam']))

        # camera management
        for cam, settings in self.dataStore['cameraTransforms'].items():
                cmds.setAttr('%s.translate' % cam, settings[0][0][0], settings[0][0][1], settings[0][0][2])
                cmds.setAttr('%s.rotate' % cam, settings[1][0][0], settings[1][0][1], settings[1][0][2])
                cmds.setAttr('%s.scale' % cam, settings[2][0][0], settings[2][0][1], settings[2][0][2])
                log.debug('Restored Default Camera Transform Data : % s' % cam)
                log.debug("Failed to fully Restore Default Camera Transform Data : % s" % cam)

        # sound management
        if self.dataStore['displaySound']:
            cmds.timeControl(self.gPlayBackSlider, e=True, ds=1, sound=self.dataStore['activeSound'])
            log.debug('Restored Audio setup')
            cmds.timeControl(self.gPlayBackSlider, e=True, ds=0)
        log.debug('Scene Restored fully')
        return True

示例7: getPlaybackRange

def getPlaybackRange():
	returns a 2-tuple of startTime, endTime.  The values are taken from the visible playback unless there is a time selection.
	If there is a time selection, then its range is returned instead
	if cmd.timeControl( 'timeControl1', q=True, rv=True ):  #NOTE: timeControl1 is the name of maya's default, global timeControl widget...
		return cmd.timeControl( 'timeControl1', q=True, range=True )

	return int( cmd.playbackOptions( q=True, min=True ) ), int( cmd.playbackOptions( q=True, max=True ) )

示例8: _getStartAndEnd

def _getStartAndEnd():
    Only return start and end if frame range is highlighted. Otherwise use all available animation.

    gPlayBackSlider = mm.eval('$temp=$gPlayBackSlider')
    if mc.timeControl(gPlayBackSlider, query=True, rangeVisible=True):
        start, end = mc.timeControl(gPlayBackSlider, query=True, rangeArray=True)
        return start, end-1
    return None, None

示例9: pin_control

def pin_control():
    # Rigging Dojo: 2016 v.2
    aPlayBackSliderPython = mel.eval('$tmpVar=$gPlayBackSlider')
    selection = cmds.ls(sl=True)
    selectionActive = cmds.timeControl(aPlayBackSliderPython, query=True, rangeVisible=True)
    selectedRange = cmds.timeControl(aPlayBackSliderPython, query=True, rangeArray=True)
    frameRange = range(*map(int, selectedRange))
    zeroStartKey = cmds.setKeyframe(selection, time=(selectedRange[0] - 1), id=True)  # zero the frames to base layer adjust as needed
    startTime = cmds.currentTime(selectedRange[0])  # makesure pose is from the start of the selection
    keyRange = cmds.setKeyframe(selection, time=frameRange)  # Set all the keys at the same time
    zeroEndKey = cmds.setKeyframe(selection, time=(selectedRange[1] + 1), id=True)  # zero the frames to base layer adjust as needed

示例10: storeSettings

    def storeSettings(self):
        main work function, store all UI settings
        self.dataStore['autoKey'] = cmds.autoKeyframe(query=True, state=True)

        # timeline management
        self.dataStore['currentTime'] = cmds.currentTime(q=True)
        self.dataStore['minTime'] = cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, min=True)
        self.dataStore['maxTime'] = cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, max=True)
        self.dataStore['startTime'] = cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, ast=True)
        self.dataStore['endTime'] = cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, aet=True)
        self.dataStore['playSpeed'] = cmds.playbackOptions(query=True, playbackSpeed=True)
        self.dataStore['playLoop'] = cmds.playbackOptions(query=True, loop=True)

        # unit management
        self.dataStore['timeUnit'] = cmds.currentUnit(q=True, fullName=True, time=True)
        self.dataStore['sceneUnits'] = cmds.currentUnit(q=True, fullName=True, linear=True)
        self.dataStore['upAxis'] = cmds.upAxis(q=True, axis=True)

        # viewport colors
        self.dataStore['displayGradient'] = cmds.displayPref(q=True, displayGradient=True)

        # objects colors
        self.dataStore['curvecolor'] = cmds.displayColor("curve", q=True, dormant=True)

        # panel management
        self.dataStore['panelStore'] = {}
        for panel in ['modelPanel1', 'modelPanel2', 'modelPanel3', 'modelPanel4']:
            if not cmds.modelPanel(panel, q=True, exists=True):
            self.dataStore['panelStore'][panel] = {}
            self.dataStore['panelStore'][panel]['settings'] = cmds.modelEditor(panel, q=True, sts=True)
            activeCam = cmds.modelPanel(panel, q=True, camera=True)
            if not cmds.nodeType(activeCam) == 'camera':
                activeCam = cmds.listRelatives(activeCam, f=True)[0]
            self.dataStore['panelStore'][panel]['activeCam'] = activeCam

        # camera management
        # TODO : store the camera field of view etc also
        self.dataStore['cameraTransforms'] = {}
        for cam in ['persp', 'top', 'side', 'front']:
                self.dataStore['cameraTransforms'][cam] = [cmds.getAttr('%s.translate' % cam),
                                                     cmds.getAttr('%s.rotate' % cam),
                                                     cmds.getAttr('%s.scale' % cam)]
                log.debug("Camera doesn't exists : %s" % cam)

        # sound management
        self.dataStore['activeSound'] = cmds.timeControl(self.gPlayBackSlider, q=True, s=1)
        self.dataStore['displaySound'] = cmds.timeControl(self.gPlayBackSlider, q=True, ds=1)

示例11: _getTime

def _getTime(type):
	timeSlider = mm.eval('$tmp = $gPlayBackSlider')

	if type == 'playbackMin':
		return mc.playbackOptions(q=1, min=1)
	elif type == 'playbackMax':
		return mc.playbackOptions(q=1, max=1)
	elif type == 'rangeSelected':
		return mc.timeControl(timeSlider, q=1, rv=1)
	elif type == 'rangeMin':
		return mc.timeControl(timeSlider, q=1, ra=1)[0]
	elif type == 'rangeMax':
		return mc.timeControl(timeSlider, q=1, ra=1)[1]

示例12: scrubbingUndo

def scrubbingUndo(onOff):

    G.playBackSliderPython = G.playBackSliderPython or mel.eval('$aTools_playBackSliderPython=$gPlayBackSlider')
    pc = "from maya import cmds;"
    rc = "from maya import cmds;"
    if not onOff:
        pc += "cmds.undoInfo(stateWithoutFlush=False); "
        rc += "cmds.undoInfo(stateWithoutFlush=True); "
    pc += "cmds.timeControl('%s',edit=True,beginScrub=True)"%G.playBackSliderPython
    rc += "cmds.timeControl('%s',edit=True,endScrub=True)"%G.playBackSliderPython
    cmds.timeControl( G.playBackSliderPython, edit=True, pressCommand=pc, releaseCommand=rc)    

示例13: openFile

def openFile():
   Function to open a new wav file into the scene. 
   Creates a new Maya sound node and changes the timeslider to use the audio for playback while scrubbing.
   Prepares the wav file for reading audio data.
   Adjusts the UI to display the current audio parameters and progress bar for the new track.
   global wavFile, params, frames
   #open file dialog
   fileNameList = cmds.fileDialog2(cap="Choose Audio File...", ff="*.wav", fm=4, ds=2, okc="Open")
   #convert result from dialog box to a useable string
   fileName = str(fileNameList[0])   
   #load the file name into the info text area in the UI
   cmds.text('currentAudioPath', edit=True, label="Currently Loaded: "+fileName)
   #delete any existing audio nodes
   #create a new sound node
   cmds.sound(f=fileName, n="audio")
   #set the 'audio' node to be the audio for the timeline.
   #--------- code from documentation starts here ------------#
   gPlayBackSlider = mel.eval( '$tmpVar=$gPlayBackSlider' )
   cmds.timeControl( gPlayBackSlider, edit=True, sound='audio', displaySound=True)
   #--------- code from documentation ends here -------------#
   #set the playback range to the range of the audio
   cmds.playbackOptions(min=0, aet=(cmds.getAttr('audio.duration')), max=(cmds.getAttr('audio.duration')))
   #------- set up the stream -------#
   wavFile = wave.open(fileName)   
   params = wavFile.getparams()   
   frames = wavFile.readframes(params[3])
   #update the info text with the audio parameters.
   cmds.text('currentParams', edit=True, label=str(params))
   #set the max of the progress bar to the number of audio frames in the selected track
   cmds.progressBar('progress', edit=True, maxValue = params[3])
   print "Result: ",fileName, "has been loaded."

示例14: updateFrameRange

 def updateFrameRange(self, all=False):
     rangeVisible            = cmds.timeControl(G.playBackSliderPython, query=True, rangeVisible=True )
     if not rangeVisible or all:
         range = [cmds.playbackOptions(query=True, minTime=True), cmds.playbackOptions(query=True, maxTime=True)+1]
         range = cmds.timeControl(G.playBackSliderPython, query=True, rangeArray=True)
         #range[1] -= 1            
     self.firstFrame         = range[0]
     self.lastFrame          = range[1]-1

示例15: parse_active_scene

def parse_active_scene():
    """Parse active scene for arguments for capture()

    *Resolution taken from render settings.


    time_control = mel.eval("$gPlayBackSlider = $gPlayBackSlider")

    return {
        "start_frame": cmds.playbackOptions(minTime=True, query=True),
        "end_frame": cmds.playbackOptions(maxTime=True, query=True),
        "width": cmds.getAttr("defaultResolution.width"),
        "height": cmds.getAttr("defaultResolution.height"),
        "compression": cmds.optionVar(query="playblastCompression"),
        "filename": (cmds.optionVar(query="playblastFile")
                     if cmds.optionVar(query="playblastSaveToFile") else None),
        "format": cmds.optionVar(query="playblastFormat"),
        "off_screen": (True if cmds.optionVar(query="playblastOffscreen")
                       else False),
        "show_ornaments": (True if cmds.optionVar(query="playblastShowOrnaments")
                       else False),
        "quality": cmds.optionVar(query="playblastQuality"),
        "sound": cmds.timeControl(time_control, q=True, sound=True) or None
